Cheshire Cat on tree illustration, (Alices Adventures in Wonderland)Page scanned from an original book dated 1866, this is a colour illustration by John Tenniel from Lewis Carrolls Alices Adventures in Wonderland
LapwingVintage lithograph from 1883 of a Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus), also known as the Peewit, Green Plover or (in the British Isles) just Lapwing, is a bird in the plover family
Blackbird - Turdus merulaVintage lithograph from 1883 of a Blackbird (Turdus merula), a species of true thrush. It is also called Eurasian Blackbird
Eurasian Teal - Anas creccaVintage lithograph from 1883 of a Eurasian Teal Common Teal (Anas crecca), a common and widespread duck which breeds in temperate Eurasia and migrates south in winter
Japanese Art - Picture of a CraneVintage colour lithograph from 1883 of a crane in a japanese style
Slithy Toves illustration, (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)"Characters from the Jabberwocky poem
Jabberwocky illustration, (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)"Page scanned from an original book dated 1870, this is a colour illustration by John Tenniel from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-glass'."
Alice and sheep rowing boat, illustration, (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)"Alice and sheep in a boat. Page scanned from an original book dated 1866, this is a colour illustration by John Tenniel from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'."
megatheriumMegatherium (" Great Beast")
hesperornisHesperornis was a large bird, reaching up to 1.5 meters (5 feet) in length. It had virtually no wings, and swam with its powerful hind legs
Shells old litho print form 1852" Antique shell lithographic print from plate 31 (Conchology), volume 2: A History Of The Earth And Animated Nature by Oliver Goldsmith, 1852."
Eagle and the magpie" The eagle and the magpie, a scene fram La Fontaine. Engraving from 1870. Engraving by Gustave Dore, Photo by D Walker."
Abraham journeys to Canaan[url=
The brothers bring Jacob to Egypt[url=
Lion and the RatThe Lion and the Rat, a scene from the Fables of La Fontaine. Engraving from 1870. Engraving by Gustave Dore, Photo by D Walker
Bubale Antelope in the Zoological Societys Gardens, Illustrated London NewsScanned directly from The Illustrated London News, Saturday August 13, 1853
Flamingos in the Zoological Societys Gardens, Illustrated London NewsScanned directly from The Illustrated London News, Saturday August 13, 1853
Elephant transportation - The Illustrated London News" Scanned directly from The Illustrated London News, Saturday May 27
ElephantIndian ElephantEngraved and published in the Pictorial Sunday Book in 1845.Digital restoration by Pictore.Black bird :
SparrowVintage lithograph from 1883 of a Sparrow
Alice with knight and horse illustration, (Alices Adventures in Wonderland)Page scanned from an original book dated 1870, this is a colour illustration by John Tenniel from Lewis Carrolls Through the Looking-glass
Wild Birds EggsVintage lithograph from 1883 of wild birds eggs. Nuthatch, Sea Gull, Woodpecker, Kingfisher, Moorhen, Nightingale, Lapwing, Barn Owl, Crossbill
Wild Birds EggsVintage lithograph from 1883 of wild birds eggs. Golden created Wren, Whitethroat, Siskin, Thrush, Greenfinch, Redstart, Great Tit, Teal and Blackbird
Alice and fern walking illustration, (Alices Adventures in Wonderland)Page scanned from an original book dated 1870, this is a colour illustration by John Tenniel from Lewis Carrolls Through the Looking-glass
Cuts of Veal
Common Kestrel - Falco tinnunculusVintage engraving from 1883 of a male Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), a bird of prey species belonging to the kestrel group of the falcon family Falconidae
Ring Dove - Streptopelia risoriaVintage lithograph from 1883 of a Ring Dove. The Ringneck Dove, Ring Dove, or Barbary Dove, Streptopelia risoria, is a domestic member of the dove family (Columbidae)
Finch old litho print from 1852Lithographic print of different birds taken from the 1852 book by Oliver Goldsmith A History Of The Earth And Animated Nature volume two.1. Lesser Redpole 2. 3. Goldfinch Male & Female 4. Siskin 5
RedpollVintage lithograph from 1883 of a pair of Redpolls, small passerine birds in the finch family Fringillidae which have characteristic red markings on their heads
Common Kingfisher - Alcedo atthisVintage lithograph from 1883 of a Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis), also known as Eurasian Kingfisher or River Kingfisher
Nightingale - Luscinia megarhynchosVintage lithograph from 1883 of a Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos), also known as Rufous Nightingale, is a small passerine bird that was formerly classed as a member of the thrush family Turdidae
MacawsVintage colour lithograph of Macaws
StarlingVintage colour lithograph from 1883 of a starling. Starlings are small to medium-sized passerine birds in the family Sturnidae
BullfinchVintage colour lithograph from 1883 of a Bullfinch. The Bullfinch, Common Bullfinch or Eurasian Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) is a small passerine bird in the finch family Fringillidae
Wading birds Antique Lithograph from 1852Plate 62. Lithographic print from volume 2: A History Of The Earth And Animated Nature by Oliver Goldsmith, 1852. Wading birds - 1. Leuropean Oyster Catcher, 2 Grey Phalarope, 3. Purre or Dunlin, 4
Western Jackdaw - Corvus monedulaVintage lithograph from 1883 of a Western Jackdaw (Corvus monedula) sometimes known as the Eurasian Jackdaw, European Jackdaw or simply Jackdaw, is a passerine bird in the crow family
Whitethroat - Sylvia communisVintage lithograph from 1883 of a Common Whitethroat (Sylvia communis), a common and widespread typical warbler which breeds throughout Europe and across much of temperate western Asia
ThrushVintage lithograph from 1883 of a Thrush. Thrushes are plump, soft-plumaged, small to medium-sized birds, inhabiting wooded areas, and often feed on the ground or eat small fruit
Eurasian Nuthatch - Sitta europaeaVintage lithograph from 1883 of a Eurasian Nuthatch (Sitta europaea), a small passerine found throughout temperate Europe and Asia. It belongs to the nuthatch family Sittidae
Crossbill - Loxia curvirostraVintage lithograph from 1883 of a Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra), a small passerine bird in the finch family Fringillidae
Eurasian Siskin - Carduelis spinusVintage lithograph from 1883 of a Eurasian Siskin (Carduelis spinus), a small passerine bird in the finch family Fringillidae. It is also called the European Siskin, Common Siskin or just Siskin
Desert Finch and LarkVintage colour lithograph of a Desert Finch (Carduelis obsoleta) and a Desert Lark (Ammomanes deserti)
Linnets - Carduelis cannabinaVintage lithograph from 1883 of a pair of Linnets (Carduelis cannabina) small passerine bird in the finch family Fringillidae
Barn Owl - Tyto albaVintage lithograph from 1883 of a Barn Owl (Tyto alba), the most widely distributed species of owl, and one of the most widespread of all birds
Chinese Female Fly CatcherOriginal hand painted, Chinese female fly catcher painted on speckled paper and is one of three such paintings in my personal collection
Chinese Small Garden Tree QuailOriginal hand painted, Chinese small Garden Tree quai painted on speckled paper and is one of three such paintings in my personal collection
Grey Junglefowl, maleThe Grey Junglefowl is a wild relative of domestic fowl that is endemic to India
snakeSection of snake head showing poison glands and fangs, vintage illustration
HeidschnuckeThe Heidschnucke is a group of three types of moorland sheep from northern Germany
Spectral BatEngraving From 1898 Of The Spectral Bat Or False Vampire Bat
Cigaja sheepIllustration of a Cigaja sheep
Snowy owl (Bubo scandiacus)Vintage engraving illustrates a young Snowy owl (Bubo scandiacus)
Leaf cutter antsEngraving of Leaf cutter ants