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Arab Collection

Background imageArab Collection: Saddam Hussein Greets Yasser Arafat

Saddam Hussein Greets Yasser Arafat
(Original Caption) 9/25/80-Baghdad: Iraqi President Saddam Hussein receives Palestine Liberation Organization Chairman Yasser Arafat 9/24

Background imageArab Collection: In the oasis of Ghadames, UNESCO world heritage, Libya

In the oasis of Ghadames, UNESCO world heritage, Libya

Background imageArab Collection: Old Town of Doha, Qatar, Qatar

Old Town of Doha, Qatar, Qatar
1 person, arab, arabian, arabic, asian, asiatic, capital, capital city, capitals, carpet, carpets, cities, companies, company, economies, emirate of qatar, firm, historic, historic center

Background imageArab Collection: Arab Wedding Procession

Arab Wedding Procession
Members of an Arab wedding procession

Background imageArab Collection: Group of Middle-Eastern Men Study in North Africa

Group of Middle-Eastern Men Study in North Africa
Group of North African men studying

Background imageArab Collection: Young Woman in Traditional Middle Eastern Dress

Young Woman in Traditional Middle Eastern Dress
Portrait of young woman from the city of Nablus in traditional Middle Eastern dress

Background imageArab Collection: Jewelry Sellers of Bethlehem

Jewelry Sellers of Bethlehem
Studio portrait of jewelry sellers of Bethlehem

Background imageArab Collection: Palestinian Man On Donkey

Palestinian Man On Donkey
A Palestinian man rides a donkey through a mountainous region

Background imageArab Collection: Sphinx and Great Pyramid

Sphinx and Great Pyramid
Egyptian men gather near the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid, in the Valley Temple

Background imageArab Collection: Egyptian Men with Camel at Sphinx

Egyptian Men with Camel at Sphinx
Egyptian men with camel pose on Sphinx

Background imageArab Collection: Muslim Sheik

Muslim Sheik
A late 19th Century studio portrait of Muslim sheik

Background imageArab Collection: Palestinian Man Looks Out Over Plains

Palestinian Man Looks Out Over Plains
A Palestinian man looks out over planted fields

Background imageArab Collection: Arabi Pasha and His Harem In Egypt

Arabi Pasha and His Harem In Egypt
(Original Caption) The Pasha and his Harem. Egypt, ca. 1880

Background imageArab Collection: Arabian Physician Cauterizing a Patient's Wound

Arabian Physician Cauterizing a Patient's Wound
An Arabian physician cauterizes a wound on a patient's neck

Background imageArab Collection: Print Depicting Mohammed Exiting Earth into the Heavens

Print Depicting Mohammed Exiting Earth into the Heavens
(Original Caption) Mohammed's transition to heaven. From a Persian manuscript representing the Prophet's ascent to heaven, his face being masked with a veil to hide his glory

Background imageArab Collection: Algerian Falconer Holding Falcon on his Head

Algerian Falconer Holding Falcon on his Head
(Original Caption) Portrait of an Algerian falconer with a falcon on his head. Undated photograph

Background imageArab Collection: Miniature Painting of Prophet Mohammed

Miniature Painting of Prophet Mohammed
Mohammed, born A.D. 570-632, son of Abdullah. Arabian prophet and founder of Mohammedan religion

Background imageArab Collection: Hall Of Repose In The Alhambra Palace

Hall Of Repose In The Alhambra Palace
(Original Caption) Hall of Repose. Alhambra, Granada, Spain. Interior view of ornately tiled chamber with Arabic text inscribed in wall

Background imageArab Collection: Woodcut of Doctor Cauterizing Wounded Soldier

Woodcut of Doctor Cauterizing Wounded Soldier
(Original Caption) 1573-Arab field surgeon cauterizing wounded soldier, 1573

Background imageArab Collection: Engraving Of Coffe Arabica

Engraving Of Coffe Arabica
(Original Caption) Coffee Arabica, engraving ca. 1820. BPA2# 742

Background imageArab Collection: King Faisal I of Iraq

King Faisal I of Iraq
(Original Caption) Faisal I (1885-1933), installed as King of Iraq by the British and became a leader of Arab Nationalism. Full-length portrait of Faisal I in typical garb common of the wealthy

Background imageArab Collection: Performers in the Ziegfield Follies

Performers in the Ziegfield Follies
Performers in act I, scene I of An Arabian Night of the Ziegfeld Follies of 1917. Costumes were designed by famous fashion designer of the time Lucile (Lady Duff-Gordon)

Background imageArab Collection: Faisal and Delegation

Faisal and Delegation
Faisal, son of Hussain of Mecca, with his delegates and advisors at the Versailles peace conference, 22nd January 1919. Faisal was briefly king of Syria, and later Iraq

Background imageArab Collection: Arabian King Emir Feisul Living In Exile

Arabian King Emir Feisul Living In Exile
(Original Caption) 10/11/1920-Lake Como, Italy: Emir Feisul, ex-king of Arabia at Lake Como where he is living in exile

Background imageArab Collection: Rudolph Valentino in The Sheik

Rudolph Valentino in The Sheik
(Original Caption) 1921-Rudolph Valentino holds Agnes Ayres in a movie still, publicity scene from the film "The Sheik"

Background imageArab Collection: Egyptian Suffragists Displaying Flag

Egyptian Suffragists Displaying Flag
A group of women asking for the right to vote in any new Egyptian government display a flag, in Cairo, 1922

Background imageArab Collection: The King of Iraq and His Brothers

The King of Iraq and His Brothers
Three sons of the Sharif of Mecca, Hussein, seated left to right: Faisal I, King of Iraq, Abdullah, Emir of Transjordania (later King of Jordan), and Ali, who was briefly the king of the Hejaz

Background imageArab Collection: King Hussein Caliph of Turkey Leaving Royal Palace

King Hussein Caliph of Turkey Leaving Royal Palace
Hashimite King Hussein ibn Ali, Caliph al-Islam, King of the Hijaz, Commander of the Faithful, Grand Sharif and Amir of Mecca leaving his palace in Amman in the Hijaz Kingdom

Background imageArab Collection: Rudolph Valentino and Vilma Banky

Rudolph Valentino and Vilma Banky
Rudolph Valentino starred with Vilma Banky in his last film The Son of the Sheik

Background imageArab Collection: Arabian Soldiers March Through Mountains

Arabian Soldiers March Through Mountains
(Original Caption

Background imageArab Collection: T.E. Lawrence in Arabian Garb

T.E. Lawrence in Arabian Garb
(Original Caption) 10/5/1928- T.E. Lawrence, as Lawrence Of Arabia. Full length, seated postion wearing his Arab costume and dagger

Background imageArab Collection: Arabs Questioned by British Police in Palestine

Arabs Questioned by British Police in Palestine
(Original Caption) 9/23/29-Palestine: A group of Arabs being questioned at police headquarters in Palestine, following their arrest for looting and violence

Background imageArab Collection: British Troops Clear Streets

British Troops Clear Streets
(Original Caption) 7/5/1938-Tel Aviv, Palestine-: Two Jews and two Arabs were killed and several others of both races were wounded in a clash on the border between Jaffa and Tel Aviv

Background imageArab Collection: Farmers in Palestine Protected by Guards

Farmers in Palestine Protected by Guards
(Original Caption) 9/10/1938- Palestine: While armed supernumerary police stand in background to guard against suprise by raiding Arabs

Background imageArab Collection: Eleanor Roosevelt Listening to Speaker

Eleanor Roosevelt Listening to Speaker
Eleanor Roosevelt sits with headphones during a speech at the United Nations

Background imageArab Collection: Neville Chamberlain at Palestine Conference

Neville Chamberlain at Palestine Conference
(Original Caption) 2/15/1939-London, England- Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain (head of table) is shown as he welcomed the Arab delegates to the Palestine Conference in St. James Palace

Background imageArab Collection: Sheik Mohammad bin Isa al Khalifah

Sheik Mohammad bin Isa al Khalifah
H.H. Sheik Mohammad bin Isa al Khalifah, a poet and the brother of the ruler of Bahrain, arrives in Manhattan aboard the SS Conte di Savoia, wearing traditional Arabic clothing

Background imageArab Collection: Crowded Cairo Streetcar

Crowded Cairo Streetcar
The Number 13 streetcar, packed with passengers, rolls down a street in downtown Cairo

Background imageArab Collection: Arab Desert Patrol Who'Ll Aid England

Arab Desert Patrol Who'Ll Aid England
(Original Caption) 8/31/1940-Transjordania: Composed almost entirely of Beduin Arabs is this desert patrol shown marching on the Transjordanian desert in readiness to aid England in the Near East

Background imageArab Collection: Cavalrymen On Horses Charge Into Distanc

Cavalrymen On Horses Charge Into Distanc
(Original Caption) 9/8/1940-British Somaliland-Arab cavalrymen of Italian forces charging on a position in British Somaliland, just before English forces were evacuated from the African colony

Background imageArab Collection: King Farouk and Franklin Delano Roosevelt

King Farouk and Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Egypt's King Farouk I meets with US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Background imageArab Collection: Opening of Palestine Conference

Opening of Palestine Conference
(Original Caption) 9/12/1946-London, England- Attended by Representatives of 7 countries of the Arab League, The Palestine Conference is opened by Prime Minister

Background imageArab Collection: Members of Arab Higher Committee

Members of Arab Higher Committee
(Original Caption) 6/1/1947-Lydda, Palesteine- His Royal Highness, Emir Faisal, son of the King of Saudi Arabia, and his Foreign Minister

Background imageArab Collection: Oswaldo Aranha Addressing United Nations

Oswaldo Aranha Addressing United Nations
(Original Caption) 11/29/1947-New York- Dr

Background imageArab Collection: Andrei Gromyko Addressing United Nations

Andrei Gromyko Addressing United Nations
(Original Caption) 11/29/1947-New York- Andrei Gromyko, Soviet representative to the United Nations

Background imageArab Collection: Arabs Pose Pointing Guns at Camera

Arabs Pose Pointing Guns at Camera
(Original Caption) 01/10/1948-Jerusalem, Palestine-: Right in sight of the Holy City of Jerusalem, which may be seen in background

Background imageArab Collection: Illegal Forces in Jerusalem

Illegal Forces in Jerusalem
(Original Caption) 1/16/1948-Jerusalem, IsraelWith pistol in hand, Two members of the illegal armed forces contest to be photographed in Jerusalem's main street

Background imageArab Collection: Mourners Attending Funeral of Abdul Kadir Husseini

Mourners Attending Funeral of Abdul Kadir Husseini
The coffin containing the body of Abdul Kadir Husseini, Jerusalem district commander of the Arab Liberation Army, is borne on shoulders of his bodyguards during the funeral attended by more than 20

Background imageArab Collection: Arab Villagers Evacuating Homes

Arab Villagers Evacuating Homes
(Original Caption) 4/18/1948-Colonia

Background imageArab Collection: King Abdullah Stands Before Tapestry

King Abdullah Stands Before Tapestry
(Original Caption) 4/26/1948-Amman, Trans-Jordan- King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan stands before an oriental tapestry in an office in his palace in Amman, capital of Trans-Jordan

Background imageArab Collection: Arab Liberation Army Troops Guarding Post

Arab Liberation Army Troops Guarding Post
(Original Caption) 5/7/1948-Jerusalem, Israel: Lying in front of the Jerusalem railway station abandoned by British troops

Background imageArab Collection: Arab Marksmen with Machine Guns

Arab Marksmen with Machine Guns
(Original Caption) 5/10/1948-Amman, Trnasjordan- Equipped with modern machine guns and rifles, Arab marksmen, members of the Arab Legion

Background imageArab Collection: David Ben-Gurion Declaring New Jewish State

David Ben-Gurion Declaring New Jewish State
New Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion reads the proclamation declaring the existence of the New Jewish State

Background imageArab Collection: Haganah Troops and Ruined Buildings

Haganah Troops and Ruined Buildings
(Original Caption) 5/18/1948-Haifa, Israel: Troops of the Haganah file past a ruined building in the northern port city

Background imageArab Collection: Arabs Of Military Men Before Truce

Arabs Of Military Men Before Truce
(Original Caption) 7/25/48-Tel Aviv, Palestine: The last few hours before the second truce in Palestine, were hours spent by both Jews and Arabs in feverishly consolidating their positions

Background imageArab Collection: Young Arabs Share A Sack For Protection

Young Arabs Share A Sack For Protection
(Original Caption) 11/3/48-Amman, Trans-Jordan: These young Arabs share a sack in an effort to protect themselves from the elements

Background imageArab Collection: Arabs Establish Open Air Dwellings

Arabs Establish Open Air Dwellings
(Original Caption) 11/3/48-Amman, Trans-Jordan: The plight of Arab refugees from the war zones of Palestine is portrayed in this scene at Amman

Background imageArab Collection: Young Arabs Share Sack For Protection

Young Arabs Share Sack For Protection
(Original Caption) 11/3/48-Amman, Trans-Jordan: These young Arabs share a sack in an effort to protect themselves from the elements

Background imageArab Collection: Anwar Sadat Gesturing While Speaking

Anwar Sadat Gesturing While Speaking
(Original Caption) President Anwar Sadat of Egypt, is shown answering newsmen during a press conference given at Hotel Narigny

Background imageArab Collection: New American Citizens

New American Citizens
(Original Caption) Hassan Mahmoud, of Egypt, sings patriotic songs to his son, Karim, 2, being played by the 13th U.S. Army Band during the largest citizenship ceremony ever in the U.S

Background imageArab Collection: Dick Cheney Answering Questions Regarding Persian Gulf

Dick Cheney Answering Questions Regarding Persian Gulf
Defense Secretary Dick Cheney responds to questions at a press briefing regarding President Bush's announcement to send more U.S. forces to the Persian Gulf

Background imageArab Collection: The Grand White Eunuch by Jean-Leon Gerome

The Grand White Eunuch by Jean-Leon Gerome
The grand White Eunnuch guarding the harem's bath. Painting by G. L. Gerome. BPA2# 2354

Background imageArab Collection: Arabs Chat With Us Soldier, Seated

Arabs Chat With Us Soldier, Seated
(Original Caption) Get together in Africa

Background imageArab Collection: Algerian Barber Shaving Head of Customer

Algerian Barber Shaving Head of Customer
(Original Caption) Algerian barber. Undated photograph. BPA2# 2316

Background imageArab Collection: Aftermath Of Arab Bomb In Jerusalem

Aftermath Of Arab Bomb In Jerusalem
(Original Caption) Jerusalem: Picture made a few moments after an Arab bomb wrecked the building in which Jewish Agency maintains headquarters in Jerusalem. Undated photograph

Background imageArab Collection: British Soldier Frisking Arab Suspect

British Soldier Frisking Arab Suspect
(Original Caption) Israel: Arabs being intercepted in their attempt to cross into Israel. British soldier frisking suspect. Undated photograph

Background imageArab Collection: Northern African Soldier on Horse

Northern African Soldier on Horse
(Original Caption) Photo shows a soldier from Northern Africa, seated on a horse. Undated photograph

Background imageArab Collection: Arab Children

Arab Children
(Original Caption) Africa. Bou Saada, Algeria: Arab children

Background imageArab Collection: Arabian Astronomers @ Work; Illustration

Arabian Astronomers @ Work; Illustration
(Original Caption) Astronomy: Arabian astronomers at work. Miniature from a manuscript in the University of Istanbul. Undated

Background imageArab Collection: Liebig Extract of Meat Company Trade Card with Prince Ahmed on a Flying Carpet

Liebig Extract of Meat Company Trade Card with Prince Ahmed on a Flying Carpet
(Original Caption) Scene from 1001 Arabian Nights showing Prince Ahmed riding on the flying carpet. Undated lithograph on publicity card for a German food product

Background imageArab Collection: Portrait Of Ibn Rushd (Averroes)

Portrait Of Ibn Rushd (Averroes)
(Original Caption) Ibn Rushd (1126-1198) Western name--Averroes; Arabian physician and Islamic philosopher, pupil of Avicenna. After a Raffael Fresco in the Vatican. Undated illustration

Background imageArab Collection: Arabs Doing Business with Medieval Merchants

Arabs Doing Business with Medieval Merchants
(Original Caption) Commerce: Arabs doing business with Medieval merchants

Background imageArab Collection: Arabic Horse With Human Face And Wings

Arabic Horse With Human Face And Wings
(Original Caption) Arabic wonder horse. Undated. BPA2# 2443 (Photo by AS400 DB/Bettmann Archive)

Background imageArab Collection: Crippled Civilian Seated on Stone Heap

Crippled Civilian Seated on Stone Heap
A disabled Arab civilian with his improvised crutches waits with other Arabs in the Al Fajula area, for the arrival of the trucks that will take them to Gaya

Background imageArab Collection: Royal Family by Coffin of King Abdullah I

Royal Family by Coffin of King Abdullah I
(Original Caption) 7/29/1951-Amman, Jordan- Members of the royal family are shown standing behind the flag-draped coffin of assassinated King Abdullah of Jordan, as prayers are offered before burial

Background imageArab Collection: King Farouk of Egypt

King Farouk of Egypt
Former King Farouk makes his home in Italy after abdicating his throne in 1952 during a coup d'etat

Background imageArab Collection: Demonstrators Supporting Exiled Sultan Mohamed V

Demonstrators Supporting Exiled Sultan Mohamed V
(Original Caption

Background imageArab Collection: Sudan Prime Minister al-Azhari Visits Egyptian Premier Nasser

Sudan Prime Minister al-Azhari Visits Egyptian Premier Nasser
(Original Caption) Their hands clasped above their heads as a symbol of brotherhood, Egyptian Premier Nasser, (R), and the Prime Minister of the Sudan, Al Azhari

Background imageArab Collection: Gamal Abdel Nasser Receiving Kiss from Citizen

Gamal Abdel Nasser Receiving Kiss from Citizen
(Original Caption) Egypt's Premier Lt. Col

Background imageArab Collection: Sadat Scanning Map, Listening To Colonel

Sadat Scanning Map, Listening To Colonel
(Original Caption) 8/8/1954-Ismailia, Egypt: Colonel Anwar El-Sadat, a member of the Revolution Council

Background imageArab Collection: Prime Minister Nasser Arrives in Mecca

Prime Minister Nasser Arrives in Mecca
Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser (L), Prime Minister of Egypt

Background imageArab Collection: Queen Dina of Transjordan

Queen Dina of Transjordan, first wife of King Hussein, during a visit to Cairo

Background imageArab Collection: Insurgents Wave Weapons

Insurgents Wave Weapons
(Original Caption) Khenifra, French Morocco: Uprising In Morocco

Background imageArab Collection: Gamal Abdel Nasser Speaking in Front of Microphones

Gamal Abdel Nasser Speaking in Front of Microphones
(Original Caption) Nasser on Arms Pact with Czechs

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