Crying baby boy (15-18 months) in baby seat, (B&W), close-up
Woman balancing in swimsuitarchival, retro, vintage, 1940s, arms outstretched, balancing, balanced, balance, brunette, caucasian, day, eye contact, full-length, fun, leisure, one person only, outdoor, playful, posing, smiling
Shoshoni Dancers at Fort WashakieA group Shoshoni dance at the Fort Washakie reservation in Wyoming. Standing at far left, with his arm outstretched, is Chief Washakie
Woodcut Depicting a Yankee Peddler Selling His Goods(Original Caption) The yankee peddlar [sic] driving with wagon right into the barn
Young women standing on coastline
Woman Posed To Dive(Original Caption) Woman posing in a taffeta bathing suit. Ca. 1900s-1910s
Creation of Adam by Michelangelo BuonarrotiCreation date: 1510|Located in: Sistine Chapel, Vatican Palace, Vatican City
Printed Advertisement for Coca-Cola
Napoleon at the Revolt of Pavia by Paul Emile BoutignyNapoleon I (1769-1821) French general and emperor
Landing Of Roger Williams after Alonzo ChappelLanding of Roger Williams, depictig him coming off of his boat and greeting a Native American, who offers him a peace pipe. Undated Engraving
Akhenaton and Nefertiti with Their Three Children(Original Caption) King Amenophis and his family under sun's rays. Analter piece from a temple in El-Armarna
18th Century Engraving Of A Drunken Man(Original Caption) 1797-A drunken man engraving, 1797
Los Caprichos No. 72: You Will Not Escape by Francisco Goya(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
The Flying Trunk by Carl OffterdingerA scene from the fairy tale "The Flying Trunk" by Hans Christian Andersen
Los Disparates No. 5: Flying Folly by Francisco de GoyaDisparate Volante, from the series Los Disparates (Follies)
Los Caprichos No. 80: It is Time by Francisco Goya(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Los Caprichos No. 72: You Will Not Escape by Francisco GoyaA graceful young woman is pursued by a group of winged creatures. As she seems not to mind their attentions, perhaps she intends to be caught. | Part of: Los Caprichos by Francisco de Goya
Los Caprichos No. 48: Squealers by Francisco GoyaBesieged by squealing witches, terrified monks cover their ears in vain, trying to quiet the evil sounds. A winged warlock rides on a cat while blowing vile information at the clergy
Painting of Couples Dancing the Minuet(Original Caption) Picture shows the minuet, a painting in the Royal Academy of 1875, By Val. C. Princep. Undated engraving
Bernini'S Sculpture Of Apollo & Daphne(Original Caption) Picture shows a detail of the sculpture of Apollo and Daphne by Bernini. Undated photo
Woodcut of a Midwife Assisting a ChildbirthAnother version of the midwife assisting woman in childbirth, shown in spinated position. Woodcut
Girl Dancing the "Charleston"Harriet Fowler wins the "Charleston Contest" in the 1920's
Jack O'Brien Fights Bob Fitzsimmons(Original Caption) 12/20/1904--"Philadelphia Jack" O'Brien, won the light heavyweight championship from Bob Fitzsimmons in 13 rounds at San Francisco in 1904
Harry Houdini Hanging Upside DownHarry Houdini hangs upside down from a crane after freeing himself from a straitjacket
Champion boxers Les Darcy and Jess WillardThis photo illustrates the tremendous size difference between the champion boxers Les Darcy and Jess Willard. Willard stands a trifle over 6 feet 6 inches and Darcy is exactly a foot shorter
John Barrymore on Stage as HamletHamlet by William Shakespeare
Ernie Nevers Kicking in Football Gear(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Mata Hari(Original Caption) Mata Hari, spy for Germany who was shot during the world war. Photo ca. 1926
Woman in Swimsuit(Original Caption) "The Spirit of the South." Model: Miss Deede Hoenig. Ca. 1930s-1940s
Marjorie Gestring in Position for Reverse DiveMarjorie Gestring prepares for a reverse dive
Boris Karloff in Frankenstein(Original Caption) Movie Still from Frankenstein, Boris Karloff is shown in character as Frankenstein's monster in this photo placed in files in 1967
Senator Huey Long Speaking at Campaign EventSenator Huey P. Long speaks to a crowd at a campaign event for fellow Senator Hattie Caraway
Katharine Hepburn in Metallic Moth Costume(Original Caption) Startling and unique is this moth costume, worn by Katharine Hepburn, RKO star, in her latest picture
Men Buying Alcohol in Another StateDuring Prohibition, residents of Washington, DC, had to travel outside the district to purchase alcohol. Silver Spring is just across the Maryland border and an easy journey for many DC residents
Claudette Colbert as Cleopatra(Original Caption) 1934-Publicity handout of a movie still of Claudette Colbert in the 1934 movie, "Cleopatra." Colbert stands on a pedestal in the middle of a large, lush
Al Jolson in Blackface Performing with Band(Original Caption) USA: Al Jolson in blackface in the 1935 film, Go Into Your Dance
Skydiver Wearing Homemade Skydiving Suit with Wings(Original Caption) Modern Icarus. He flew threw the air with the greatest of ease, and without the aid of mechanical motivation
Elsie De Wolfe Exercising with BallAmerican actress Elsie de Wolfe is the wife of Sir Charles Mendl, attache at the British Embassy in Paris
Mussolini Reviewing Blackshirt Militia(Original Caption) 11/5/36-Rome, Italy: A big review of blackshirt militia by Signor Mussolini, on the Viale Romania in Rome
Lucille Ball Ice Skating(Original Caption) 2/19/1937-New York, NY-Lucille Ball, screen actress, is noted for the grace with which she wears stately evening gowns in the cinemas
Ballet Dancers Standing in Line(Original Caption) These spiritedly dancers, members of George Balanchine's American ballet, are poised for appearance in motion pictures
Soldiers in Training Exercises(Original Caption) 2/25/38: Japanese soldiers are pictured doing exercises to keep themselves physically fit - the better to fight the Chinese
Carole Lombard and Clark Gable with Their HorsesCarole Lombard and Clark Gable with their horse Bon Pepper and her colt
Exercise at Rubinstein SpaLawson demonstrates to the class the correct arm movements for the Olympic crawl
Young Woman Posing on the Beach(Original Caption) Bathing Girl Series: Photo shows a young woman posed on the beach, hands outstretched, in this 3/4 length picture. Model: Clair Taylor. Ca. 1940s-1950s
Wendell Willkie on Campaign Trail(Original Caption) 9/14/1940-Chicago, IL- With arms outstretched in an all-embracing gesture, Wendell Willkie, G.O.P
Wendell Willkie, Presidental Candidate(Original Caption) 9/20/1940-Chicago, IL- Wendell Willkie's expansive informality, epitomized in this picture
Human Pyramid(Original Caption) Weaker Sex
Robin Morgan in a Fashion Show for U.N. ChildrenChildren of United Nations personnel enjoy their ice cream as Robin Morgan, 5, models a dress designed to be worn when a child sits for her first portrait. Fashion show was held by Jack Borgenicht
Conductor Bruno Walter(Original Caption) Bruno Walter, Opera and Symphony conductor, who was named musical adviser of the Philharmonic symphony Society for 1947-48 is shown
Charles De Gaulle(Original Caption) 10/16/1947-Algiers, North Africa- General Charles de Gaulle, with arms outstretched, is pictured walking with the Bachaga of Algiers (L) and General Deschamps (R)
Emil Zapotek Winning 10, 000 Meter Race(Original Caption) 7/31/1948London, England- 10, 00-meter winner crosses the finish line in Wembley, England...representing Czechoslovakia, Emil Zapotek, highly favored competitor in the 10
George Reiff of Belgium Winning Olympic Race(Original Caption) 8/3/1948-London, England- Arms outstretched, and his face mirroring the sence of excitement he must feel, G
Desi Arnaz Sings in Flamenco Outfit(Original Caption) 1949- Desi Arnaz in a scene from the Columbia production, "Holday in Havana." Arnaz stands and sings while wearing a flamenco outfit
The Trial of George Jacobs, August 5, 1692 by Tompkins H. Matteson(Original Caption) Trial of George Jacobs for witchcraft in 1692
Ronald Reagan Acknowledging Applause(Original Caption) Atlanta: Pres. Ronald Reagan acknowledges applause he received upon his arrival to address a "Spirit of America" rally sponsored by the U.S
Robert Kennedy Children with Randall Robinson, Gary Hart, and Protesters Against ApartheidRory Kennedy, Randall Robinson, Douglas Kennedy and Senator Gary Hart link arms, as they demonstrate against South African government's apartheid policies at the South African Embassy
Isiah Thomas Gestures to Magic Johnson on the Court(Original Caption) Best of friends both on and off the court
Miss DuPont and Woman on the Set of Foolish Wives(Original Caption) Universal City, California: In movie land. Foolish Wives set at Universal City. Miss Dupont with Stearns-Knight car
Print of an Encounter Between a Swell and a Bowery Boy in the Five Points Neighborhood(Original Caption) An encounter between a Swell and a "Bowery Boy". Five Points in 1827
Evangelist Billy Sunday(Original Caption) Evangelist and temperance advocate Billy Sunday (1863-1935), striking a typical, jovial pose. Undated photograph
Dean Martin Singing(Original Caption) Dean Martin in a tuxedo singing on stage
Crossing Guard Assisting Students(Original Caption) School traffic patrol, Myer Schol, Cheltenham, Pennsylvania. Undated photograph. BPA 2 # 1301
Detail of a Drawing of the Proportions of the Human Body by Leonardo da VinciLeonardo Da Vinci: "Comparative Study in Anatomical Proportion." Undated illustration
Illustration Depicting Lysander and Hermia from A Midsummer Night's DreamA fairy scene showing a cherub picking up a donkey's head, from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act IV, Scene I
Illustration Depicting Lysander, Hermia and Fairies from A Midsummer Night's DreamScene from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
Illustration of Aladdin Flying Away with Two People from the Arabian NightsARABIAN NIGHTS: ALADIN: FLYING GENIE CARRIES TWO PEOPLE.UNDATED.SCREENED IMAGE
Illustration Depicting Five Points in Lower Manhattan
Which is the Worst, Deliver or Die! Deliver and Die! Illustration from Police Gazette(Original Caption) Which is the Worst, Deliver or Die! Deliver and Die! Man, dying, killed by holdup man, man dying from overindulgence in drink
Illustration Depicting Prostitutes Cavorting with SwellsPrositutes cavorting with swells. 1879 woodcut
Print Depicting "Pork Lively" - A Sketch from Nature at the Corner of Broadway and Fourth Street(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Illustration Depicting Wall Street and Broadway - Ways of Getting and Spending Money(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Illustration of Impoverished Children Receiving Food(Original Caption) Distributing food at the Five Points Mission
Illustration Depicting a Barkeeper Shooting Isaac E. Smith(Original Caption) Ex-alderman Isaac E. Smith, mortally wounded by the barkeeper of the drinking saloon, 388 Canal Street, on Sunday evening, while accompanying his wife to church
Print Depicting "Pork Lively" - A Sketch from Nature at the Corner of Broadway and Fourth Street(Original Caption) Pedestrians encountering herd of pigs in New York City, 1858
Illustration Depicting a Farmer Sowing a Field by HandLate 19th Century pencil and watercolor illustration depicting a farmer sowing a field by hand
Illustration Depicting the Prince Discovering Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty(Original Caption) Sleeping Beauty. - The Prince Arrives. Illustration from 19th century children's book
Illustration of Elderly Woman Being Led Away During the Salem Witch Trials(Original Caption) "The Arrest." Illustration shows an officer of the law leading away an elderly woman, who has her hands out in a gesture of innocence. Undated
Engraving of a Zodiac Circle and Its Relation to the Human BodyAn illustration from Utriusque Cosmi Historia by Robert Fludd
Engraving of a Man Exploring the Meeting of the Earth and the SkyIllustration for "L'atmosphere : meteorologie populaire" by Nicolas Camille Flammarion, Paris, 1888
Taking of the Bastille by Pierre Gabriel Berthault after Jean-Louis Prieur(Original Caption) The people taking possession of the Bastille, July 14, 1789. Engraving after Prieur. BPA2# 4149
Full Length Muscular Bob Fitzsimmons(Original Caption) Full length pose by Bob Fitzsimmons (1862-1917), British pugilist who fought 350 battles. Shown in profile view, diplaying his muscular chest and arms. Undated illustration