Elephant Carrying Giant Log Under Trunk(Original Caption) Sri Lanka: View of an elephant being used to carry logs. Undated photograph
Maharajah's Elephant(Original Caption) A Maharaja's elephant. Undated photograph. BPA2 #1473
Ruth the Elephant Celebrating Her Birthday(Original Caption) 4/8/26-Los Angeles, California: Ruth, the 4-ton elephant, at the Al G. Barnes circus celebrating her 30th birthday
Holi Procession in BharatpurA procession for Holi, complete with elephant and howdah, passes the fort in Bharatpur
Gov. George Deukmejian and Tarra the ElephantGov. George Deukmejian and his wife Gloria meet Tarra the elephant at the LA Police Labor Day picnic. At right is trainer Carol Buckley
Elephant Signing Movie ContractElephant signs a contract with Universal Pictures to have an important supporting role in the circus movie Spangles
Turbaned Boy Seated on an Elephant(Original Caption) Photo shows a turbaned boy atop an Asian elephant. Undated photograph. BPA2# 1487
Ancient artwork(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Marilyn Monroe Rides a Pink Elephant(Original Caption) 3/30/1955-New York, NY: Glamour girl Marilyn Monroe takes the turns in the Grand March at Madison Square Garden astride "Kinardy"- an Indian elephant
Marilyn Monroe Riding ElephantMarilyn Monroe, dressed in circus finery, is shown aloft "Kinardy", an Indian Jumbo, who was painted pink for the grand march as the Circus bowed at Madison Square Garden tonight
Circus Elephants Performing for Sick Children(Original Caption) Jumbos Shine for Bellevue Children. New York, New York: Putting their best feet (or is it paws) forward are some of the Ringling Bros
Jacqueline Kennedy and Sister Princess Lee Radziwill Riding Atop Elephant(Original Caption) Howdah Do? Jaipur, India: Mrs
Monk Sits Before Brass Bell Tower(Original Caption) 1983-Lhasa, Tibet-: A monk sits in front of a huge, ornately decorated copper bell at the Jokhang Temple, the most holy site in Tibet
Indian elephant fighting tiger 1888Illustrated Natural History of the Three Kingdoms
Asian elephants -Elephas maximus- from the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage mating in the Maha Oya river, Pinnawala, Sri Lanka
King Porus (?-317 BC) mustering his elephants before the battleIllustration of a King Porus (?-317 BC) mustering his elephants before the battle
Herd of Asian elephants -Elephas maximus- from the Pinnawela Elephants Orphanage bathe in the Maha Oya river, Pinnawela, Sri Lanka
Asian, Asiatic or Indian elephants -Elephas maximus-, Rajiv Gandhi National Park, Nagarhole National Park, Karnataka, South India, India, South Asia, Asia
Asian Elephants, Mother and Baby
Asian Elephants (Elephas Maximus), Mother and Baby
African ElephantIllustration engraving of a African Elephant
Oriental fauna Chromolithograph 1896Oriental fauna Chromolithograph
Indian elephant illustration 1803The Museum of Natural History - the Animal Kingdom (Mammalia) Published by William Mackenzie, 1803 - London
Indian ElephantIllustration engraving of a Indian Elephant
Three African Elephants, Loxodonta african, playing in water, one squirting water out of trunk, front view
Two Asian Elephants, Elephas maximus, side view
Elephas maximus, Indian Elephant
Black and white illustration of Asian Elephant (Elephas colbertis)
Illustration of trunks of Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) and African elephant (Loxodonta africana), and cross section through an elephants foot
Asian Elephant -Elephas maximus-, Kerala, India
Asian elephants -Elephas maximus- with calf, Nagarhole National Park, Karnataka, India
Asian elephant or Indian elephant -Elephas maximus-, male, Kabini Reservoir, Nagarhole National Park, Karnataka, India
Group of Asian Elephants -Elephas maximus- by the river, Pinnawala, Sabaragamuwa province, Sri Lanka
Asian elephants -Elephas maximus- feeding in the Pinnawela Elephants Orphanage, Pinnawela, Sri Lanka
Asian elephants -Elephas maximus- from the Pinnawela Elephants Orphanage mating in the Maha Oya river, Pinnawela, Sri Lanka
Asian, Asiatic or Indian elephant -Elephas maximus-, male, Kabini Reservoir, Rajiv Gandhi National Park, Nagarhole National Park, Karnataka, South India, India, South Asia, Asia
Elephants in the forest, Asian or Asiatic elephant -Elephas maximus-, Mudumalai National Park, Tamil Nadu, Tamilnadu, South India, India, South Asia, Asia
Elephant in the forest, Asian or Asiatic elephant -Elephas maximus-, Mudumalai National Park, Tamil Nadu, Tamilnadu, South India, India, South Asia, Asia
Asian Elephant -Elephas maximus-, young, resting, captive
Asian Elephant -Elephas maximus-
Asian Elephants (Elephas Maximus), Mother and Baby, Seattle, USA