U.S. Soldier During Winter Fighting In Korea(Original Caption) Pfc. Preston L. McKnight, New Cumberland, W. Va. uses his poncho as his protection from the biting wind and cold, during a break in fighting, somewhere in Korea
Greek Soldiers on Mount Grammos(Original Caption) 12/17/47-Athens, Greece: A striking action photo made during an encounter between Greek government forces and guerrilla fighters on the heights of Mount Grammos
African American Students Enter High School with Military EscortAfrican American students who had previously been banned from Little Rock Central High School were provided with portal-to-portal protection to enter the school in September of 1957 during
Black Students With Soldiers Escorting(Original Caption) 10/11/1957-Little Rock, AR: The grim face of the soldier who guards her forms a strange contrast to the smiling face of this Negro girl
American Marines Wading Ashore(Original Caption) 7/7/1965-Da Nang, South Vietnam: United States Marines of the First Battalion, Ninth Regiment, storm ashore from landing craft during reinforcement of the key Da Nang airbase
Soldier Setting Hut on Fire(Original Caption) November 15, 1965 - Lai Khe, South Vietnam: Lt
Argentine Soldiers Lying with Rifles in PlazaArgentine troops lay with rifles ready in the Plaza de Mayo across from the Presidential Palace, awaiting developments as a military coup ousts the government of President Arturo Illia
Soldier Smoking Two Cigarettes(Original Caption) 4/2/1967-Quan Loi, South Viet Nam: With a lot on his mind, and two cigarettes in his mouth
Black Panthers at California State CapitolTwo members of the Black Panther Party are met on the steps of the State Capitol in Sacramento, May 2, 1967, by Police Lt
Natl Guardsmen With Bayonets, Detroit(Original Caption) 7/26/1967-Detroit :Tough-looking Michigan National Guardsmen push rioting Negroes back from a burning building with fixed bayonets on Detroit's riot-torn west side
Soldier Shooting on Ground for Cover(Original Caption) 5/11/1968-Saigon, Vietnam: A soldier lies on the ground for cover, holding his machine gun, in Saigon
Paratroopers Running Beneath Helicopter(Original Caption) 6/4/1968-Dak To, South Vietnam: Troops of the 101st Airborne Division rush to take positions after jumping off a helicopter in a landing zone northwest of Dak To
Wounded Soldier in South VietnamAn anonymous soldier with a head injury stands on a hill near Highway 8 waiting for medical helicopters to pick up wounded
U.S Paratroopers Heading For Combat Zone(Original Caption) Ashau Valley -3/24-69-: Paratroopers of the U.S
Israeli Soldiers Looking Across Suez Canal(Original Caption) Cairo: Israeli soldiers look across Suez canal after Israeli armored columns raced through the Sinai Peninsula to the canal banks during the 1967 Six Day War
Montagnard Soldier Carrying Baby(Original Caption) Tieu Atar, South Vietnam: Experiencing a baby-sitting problem, a Montagnard tribesman heads for his guard post with his child strapped to his back
Viet Cong Questioned At Gunpoint(Original Caption) DA NANG, SOUTH VIETNAM: With a cocked.45 caliber pistol and an M16 rifle aimed at his head, a suspected Viet Cong is questioned near here, August 5th, during a U.S
Young Passenger of Hijacked Jet Holding RifleSporting a guerrilla cap, six-year-old Yaron Raab from Trenton, New Jersey, poses with an automatic rifle as passengers freed from hijacked jetliners arrive at the Intercontinental Hotel in Jordan
Army Helicopter Lowering Supplies at Vietnam Air Field(Original Caption) Khe Sanh, S. Vietnam: U.S. Chinook helicopter lowers supplies by cable sling onto field as GI's avoid airstream created by rotor blades
Helicopters Landing In Formation(Original Caption) 6/13/1972-Lai Khe, South Vietnam: Line of Helicopters of the U.S
Scene from Jesus Christ SuperstarJesus, played by Ted Neely, carries the Cross while flanked by anachronisticly clad Roman soldiers, in a scene from the 1973 motion picture Jesus Christ Superstar
People Being Held in National Stadium(Original Caption) Santiago, Chile: The outlook is not so pleasant for some of the people detained in Santiago's National Stadium
Sandinistas CelebrateJubilant Sandinista rebels ride a small tank in the main square of Managua as junta arrives June 20, 1979 to take control of the government