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Audience Collection

Background imageAudience Collection: Miles Davis Performing in Nightclub

Miles Davis Performing in Nightclub
Miles Davis performing at Shelley's Manne Hole nightclub in 1968

Background imageAudience Collection: Muhammad Ali Boxing with Floyd Patterson

Muhammad Ali Boxing with Floyd Patterson
(Original Caption) 9/20/1972-New York, NY-: Muhammad Ali (R) lands a punch right on the button during the sixth round of his bout with Floyd Patterson at Madison Square Garden

Background imageAudience Collection: Hippy Bus at the Woodstock Music Festival 1969

Hippy Bus at the Woodstock Music Festival 1969
Fans sitting on top of a painted bus at the Woodstock Music Festival, Bethel, New York, 15th-17th August 1969

Background imageAudience Collection: Willie Nelson in Concert

Willie Nelson in Concert
Country-Rock singer Willie Nelson thrills a young crowd 40, 000 strong as he opens his July 4th Picnic in College Station, Texas

Background imageAudience Collection: Audience Of One

Audience Of One
circa 1926: A solitary member of the public seated in front of a band stand, listening to the brass band. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)

Background imageAudience Collection: FDR Speaks at World's Fair

FDR Speaks at World's Fair
Pres Roosevelt at New York world fair

Background imageAudience Collection: Beatles Fans Sobbing at Concert

Beatles Fans Sobbing at Concert
(Original Caption) 8/20/1965-Chicago, IL- While thousands screamed

Background imageAudience Collection: Marilyn Monroe Sings for Troops

Marilyn Monroe Sings for Troops
(Original Caption) 2/18/1954- Korea: The power of a woman. Over 10, 000 GI's turn out to hear and see Marilyn Monroe as the bosomy blonde makes an appearance in Korea, February 16th

Background imageAudience Collection: Jack Johnson & Jim Jeffries Boxing

Jack Johnson & Jim Jeffries Boxing
(Original Caption) Action shot of Jack Johnson fighting Jim Jeffries at Reno in 1910. Jeffries was beaten over 15 rounds

Background imageAudience Collection: Pete Rose Colliding with Catcher Ray Fosse

Pete Rose Colliding with Catcher Ray Fosse
(Original Caption) 7/14/1970-Cincinnati, OH- On a single to center hit by Chicago Cubs Jim Hickman, Cincinnati Reds Pete Rose scores the winning run in the 12th inning

Background imageAudience Collection: Illustration of Elizabethan theatre

Illustration of Elizabethan theatre

Background imageAudience Collection: Five people watching home movies, seated around projector, looking toward screen

Five people watching home movies, seated around projector, looking toward screen
UNITED STATES - CIRCA 1940s: Five people watching home movies, seated around projector, looking toward screen

Background imageAudience Collection: Woodcut Audience Listens To Speaker

Woodcut Audience Listens To Speaker
(Original Caption) 1878-Woodcut of businessmen reading the company's annual report at a meeting

Background imageAudience Collection: Donald Smith Drives RR Strike for Crowd

Donald Smith Drives RR Strike for Crowd
(Original Caption) 11/7/1885-Craigellachie, British Columbia, Canada- Without a doubt one of the most famous historical photographs in Canada, the Driving of the Last Spike

Background imageAudience Collection: Bob Fitzsimmons Bending Lion Cage

Bob Fitzsimmons Bending Lion Cage
(Original Caption) 1896-Engraving of Bob Fitzsimmon's attempting to take a lion out of its cage at Langtry, TX, after the fighter won a heavyweight championship against Peter Maher

Background imageAudience Collection: An Early Operative Surgical Procedure

An Early Operative Surgical Procedure
Photograph of an early operative surgical procedure at Bellevue Medical Center intended as a teaching exercise

Background imageAudience Collection: An Audience At The Opera

An Audience At The Opera
(Original Caption) An audience at the opera. Drawing, 1899

Background imageAudience Collection: Clarence Darrow Defending Loeb and Leopold

Clarence Darrow Defending Loeb and Leopold
Defence attorney Clarence Darrow argues to have psychiatrists take the stand and tell of the mitigating circumstances surrounding the murder

Background imageAudience Collection: Ty Cobb Swinging a Baseball Bat

Ty Cobb Swinging a Baseball Bat
(Original Caption) Ty Cobb up at bat (Detroit American team). Photograph

Background imageAudience Collection: Radio City Music Hall

Radio City Music Hall
(Original Caption) New York, NY: Interior of Radio City Music Hall looking toward stage area during the Chirstmas season

Background imageAudience Collection: Armenian Genocide

Armenian Genocide
Members of the American relief attending a celebration at an Armenian orphanage

Background imageAudience Collection: People Gathering for Camp Meeting

People Gathering for Camp Meeting
(Original Caption) Camp meeting in Willimantic, Conn

Background imageAudience Collection: Interior of the Theatre Italien (Ovation of an Actor) by Eugene Lami

Interior of the Theatre Italien (Ovation of an Actor) by Eugene Lami
(Original Caption) Italian Opera House, Paris. Le Theatre Italien. Italianisches Opernhaus, Paris

Background imageAudience Collection: Delegates Listen To Speech

Delegates Listen To Speech
(Original Caption) The Triple Alliance Conference was opened this morning at the Caxton Hall

Background imageAudience Collection: A Tremendous Success by Honore Victorin Daumier

A Tremendous Success by Honore Victorin Daumier
(Original Caption) Applause: "A Tremendous Success." Lithograph by Honore Daumier

Background imageAudience Collection: Engraving After A Sunday Service in St. Louis by Charles Upham

Engraving After A Sunday Service in St. Louis by Charles Upham
A Sunday service in St. Louis, Missouri--A revivalist preaching on the levee. From a sketch by Charles Upham. Undated engraving

Background imageAudience Collection: Engraving Depicting Torchlight Meeting of the Know-Nothings

Engraving Depicting Torchlight Meeting of the Know-Nothings
The Know-Nothing movement was organized in opposition to the great wave of immigrants, predominately Irish and Roman Catholics, who were entering the United States after 1846

Background imageAudience Collection: Engraving After Reading the Declaration of Independence Before Washington's Army by Howard Pyle

Engraving After Reading the Declaration of Independence Before Washington's Army by Howard Pyle
7/9/1776-New York, NY: Reading the Declaration OF Independence before Washington's Army, colored engraving after Howard Pyle

Background imageAudience Collection: Engraving After Reading the Declaration of Independence Before Washington's Army by Howard Pyle

Engraving After Reading the Declaration of Independence Before Washington's Army by Howard Pyle
Reading the Declaration of Independence before Washington's Army, New York, July 9, 1776

Background imageAudience Collection: Mr. W. O'Brien, M.P. Addressing the Midnight Meeting at Woodford Engraving

Mr. W. O'Brien, M.P. Addressing the Midnight Meeting at Woodford Engraving
Fenians: Mr. W. O'Brien, M.P. addressing the midnight meeting at Woodford: Burning the government proclamation. Engraving, 1887

Background imageAudience Collection: Demosthenes Delivering His Oration Against Philip of Macedonia

Demosthenes Delivering His Oration Against Philip of Macedonia

Background imageAudience Collection: The Boxing Match Between Richard Humphreys and Daniel Mendoza at Odiham

The Boxing Match Between Richard Humphreys and Daniel Mendoza at Odiham
1788-The boxing match between Humphreys and Mendoze at Odiham, 1788. Engraving by F. Grozar after S. Ernsle

Background imageAudience Collection: Jim Thorpe At Bat

Jim Thorpe At Bat
(Original Caption) Jim Thorpe of the New York Giants up at bat. Undated photograph

Background imageAudience Collection: Suffragette Speaking to Crowd of Men

Suffragette Speaking to Crowd of Men
A suffragette speaks to a crowd of men on the streets of an American city in the early years of the 20th Century

Background imageAudience Collection: Metropolitan Opera

Metropolitan Opera
(Original Caption) New York, NY: Interior of the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, showing orchestra in foreground and audience in back. Undated photograph. BPA2# 3482

Background imageAudience Collection: Franklin Roosevelt Speaking at Library Dedication Ceremony

Franklin Roosevelt Speaking at Library Dedication Ceremony
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt speaks at the dedication of the library bearing his name in Hyde Park, New York. | Location: Hyde Park, New York, USA

Background imageAudience Collection: FDR Campaigning for New York State Senate

FDR Campaigning for New York State Senate
Franklin Delano Roosevelt stands on a podium and addresses his supporters as he runs for New York Senate in 1910

Background imageAudience Collection: President Roosevelt Campaigning from Car

President Roosevelt Campaigning from Car
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt tells a crowd that "Prosperity measured in dollars is coming back" during his motor tour campaign through New England

Background imageAudience Collection: Moviegoers Laughing

Moviegoers Laughing
Ca. 1950's-Rolling in the aisle", models Dick Campion and Gloria Knight. They are laughing and literally rolling down the aisle

Background imageAudience Collection: Early Movie Theater

Early Movie Theater
Movie goers stand in front of large cloth banners which mark the entrance to an early movie theater housed in a large tent

Background imageAudience Collection: Woman On Horse Jumps Into Water Basin

Woman On Horse Jumps Into Water Basin
(Original Caption) 7/4/1905-Pueblo, CO: Amateur horsewoman, Unice Winkless, jumps from a high scaffold, clinging to mane of a horse, into a water basin at Pueblo, Calorado

Background imageAudience Collection: William Randolph Hearst Campaigning For Mayor

William Randolph Hearst Campaigning For Mayor
(Original Caption) 1909-New York, NY-: William Randolph Hearst (1863-1951) during his campaign for Mayor of New York City

Background imageAudience Collection: FDR Campaigning for New York State Senate

FDR Campaigning for New York State Senate
Franklin Delano Roosevelt stands on a podium and addresses his supporters as he runs for New York Senate in 1910

Background imageAudience Collection: Douglas Fairbanks Selling War Loans

Douglas Fairbanks Selling War Loans
(Original Caption) Douglas Fairbanks selling Liberty Loans during the third loan drive at the Sub-Treasury Building. Ca. 1914

Background imageAudience Collection: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Addressing Crowd

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Addressing Crowd
(Original Caption) Elizabeth Gurley Flynn addressing crowd. I.W.W. memorial services to bomb victims, Union Square, New York City

Background imageAudience Collection: Alexander Berkman Speaking

Alexander Berkman Speaking
(Original Caption) Night of July 11, 1914...Following negatives made at I.W.W. memorial services to bomb explosion victims, Union Square. Alexander Berkman speaking

Background imageAudience Collection: Labor Protest in Union Square in New York

Labor Protest in Union Square in New York
(Original Caption) An I.W.W. (Industrial Workers of the World) meeting at Union Square, New York, July 11-14th. To pay tribute to the three I.W.W

Background imageAudience Collection: Jeanette Rankin Addressing Crowd

Jeanette Rankin Addressing Crowd
(Original Caption) New York, NY: Jeanette Rankin (1880-1973), suffragist and congresswoman addressing mass meeting in Union Square, New York City. Photograph

Background imageAudience Collection: Booker T. Washington Addressing Crowd

Booker T. Washington Addressing Crowd
Booker T. Washington (1856-1915), American educator, gives an address at the Tuskegee Institute

Background imageAudience Collection: W.L. Colt Speaks on Suffrage

W.L. Colt Speaks on Suffrage
(Original Caption) Mrs. W.L

Background imageAudience Collection: Emma Goldman Addressing Crowd

Emma Goldman Addressing Crowd
(Original Caption) Emma Goldman, American anarchist, standing on a car speaks about birth control at Union Square

Background imageAudience Collection: Sinn Fein Leader Eamon de Valera Speaking

Sinn Fein Leader Eamon de Valera Speaking
1917-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Picture shows Eammon de Valera, Sinn Fein leader

Background imageAudience Collection: Communist Mass Meeting in Moscow

Communist Mass Meeting in Moscow
(Original Caption) -Moscow, Russia: Communist mass meeting in Moscow. Photograph

Background imageAudience Collection: Lenin Addresses Crowd in Petrograd

Lenin Addresses Crowd in Petrograd
(Original Caption) 1917-Petrograd, Russia-: Lenin addresses crowd in Petrograd, during the early days of the revolution

Background imageAudience Collection: Charlie Chaplin Addressing Crowd

Charlie Chaplin Addressing Crowd
Charlie Chaplin addressing crowds via magaphone on the steps of the Sub-Treasury Building New York during the World War I Third Liberty Loan Rally in 1917

Background imageAudience Collection: Charlie Chaplin Speaking at War Rally

Charlie Chaplin Speaking at War Rally
(Original Caption) 1917-New York, NY: Charlie Chaplin addressing crowds via megaphone on the steps of Sub-treasury Building in New York during World War I third Liberty Loan Rally

Background imageAudience Collection: Speaker Standing in Front of Crowd and Inciting Berlin Riots

Speaker Standing in Front of Crowd and Inciting Berlin Riots
(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageAudience Collection: Dempsey Pummeling Jess Willard In Ring

Dempsey Pummeling Jess Willard In Ring
Jack Dempsey fights Jess Willard to eventually win the heavyweight title

Background imageAudience Collection: Strike Agitator Addressing Crowd

Strike Agitator Addressing Crowd
(Original Caption) 9/24/1919-Gary, Indiana- A strike agitator addressing the strikers at a mass meeting at East End Park

Background imageAudience Collection: Eamon de Valera Speaking to Crowd

Eamon de Valera Speaking to Crowd
Irish revolutionary leader Eamon de Valera, reading from notes, addresses a huge crowd of Dubliners during his years as Prime Minister of Ireland

Background imageAudience Collection: Circus Acts

Circus Acts
(Original Caption) A general view of circus acts performing. In the ring are clowns, the ringmaster and an acrobat atop a horse. Ca. 1920-1940

Background imageAudience Collection: Ethelda Bleibtrey

Ethelda Bleibtrey
(Original Caption) 9/18/1920-Antwerp, Belgium- Picture shows Miss. Ethelda Bleibtrey, US swimmer, at the Antwerp Olympic games

Background imageAudience Collection: Sinn Feiner Leader Makes A Speech

Sinn Feiner Leader Makes A Speech
Michael Collins, Sinn Finn leader, addresses an audience in Armagh

Background imageAudience Collection: Eamonu De Valera Speaking

Eamonu De Valera Speaking
(Original Caption) Irish Republican Demonstration. Mr. De Valera addressed a mass meeting in O'Connell St. Dublin on Sunday against the Irish treaty

Background imageAudience Collection: View of Crowd at Bonus Rally

View of Crowd at Bonus Rally
(Original Caption) Scenes at Mammoth bonus rally - Photo shows small section of the great throng

Background imageAudience Collection: Performing on Brighton Beach

Performing on Brighton Beach
(Original Caption) 7/18/1922-Brooklyn, NY: Miss Dorothy Jardon was the featured member of musical favorites who appeared at the Brighton Beach Pavillion recently

Background imageAudience Collection: Listening to President Coolidge's Acceptance Speech

Listening to President Coolidge's Acceptance Speech
John Coolidge, the father of President Calvin Coolidge, listens to his son's acceptance speech over the radio. With Mr. Coolidge are (from left to right): Mrs

Background imageAudience Collection: People Listening to Mobile Radio

People Listening to Mobile Radio
A crowd of Londoners listens to a mobile radio disguised as a thatched cottage. The mobile radio travels around the country broadcasting concerts to interested locals

Background imageAudience Collection: FDR Making the Nomination Speech for Al Smith

FDR Making the Nomination Speech for Al Smith
Political Conventions: FDR making the nomination speech for Al Smith, 1924. In background banner of Woodrow Wilson

Background imageAudience Collection: Clarence Darrow with William Jennings Bryan

Clarence Darrow with William Jennings Bryan
(Original Caption) Clarence Seward Darrow (1857-1938), prominent American lawyer (L)

Background imageAudience Collection: Rhinelander v. Rhinelander Trial of 1925

Rhinelander v. Rhinelander Trial of 1925
Alice Jones Rhinelander's sisters and brother-in-laws sit behind her, her mother and her father (bottom right) during the annulment trail of her marriage to Leonard "Kip" Rhinelander

Background imageAudience Collection: Clarence Darrow During the Scopes Trial

Clarence Darrow During the Scopes Trial
Attorney for the defence Clarence Darrow emphatically makes a point during the trial of John Scopes, the so-called "Monkey Trial", for teaching evolution

Background imageAudience Collection: Courtroom During the Scopes Trial

Courtroom During the Scopes Trial
Defence attorney Clarence Darrow leans against a table during the Scopes "Monkey" Trial in which biology teacher John T. Scopes was prosecuted for teaching evolution to his class

Background imageAudience Collection: Lawyer Lee Parson Davis During the Rhinelander v. Rhinelander Trial of 1925

Lawyer Lee Parson Davis During the Rhinelander v. Rhinelander Trial of 1925
Lawyer Lee Parson Davis defends Alice Jones Rhinelander during the annulment trail of her marriage to Leonard "Kip" Rhinelander

Background imageAudience Collection: Charleston Dance Marathon

Charleston Dance Marathon
(Original Caption) Here is shown a view of the Charleston Endurance Contest held at the Parody Club shortly after the dancers had started on their way to new endurance records

Background imageAudience Collection: John Logie Baird Demonstrating Television

John Logie Baird Demonstrating Television
John Logie Baird demonstrates his "televisor", a receiver for a mechanical system of television transmission involving a spinning disk

Background imageAudience Collection: Eamon De Valera Speaking

Eamon De Valera Speaking
Irish political activist Eamon De Valera denounces Irish boundary agreement

Background imageAudience Collection: Crowd of People at Entrance to Circus

Crowd of People at Entrance to Circus
(Original Caption) Photo shows a crowd of people at the entrance to a circus tent. On the right, sideshow attractions can be seen. Ca. late 1920s-early 1903s

Background imageAudience Collection: Lou Gerhrig and Babe Ruth Selecting Bats

Lou Gerhrig and Babe Ruth Selecting Bats
Lou Gehrig and Babe Ruth select bats before the first game of the 1927 World Series against the Pittsburgh Pirates

Background imageAudience Collection: Jack Dempsey vs. Gene Tunney

Jack Dempsey vs. Gene Tunney
Jack Dempsey leaves his corner while the referee counts on Gene Tunney. Tunney later won the match and kept his heavyweight title

Background imageAudience Collection: Vassar College Class Day

Vassar College Class Day
(Original Caption) Vassar College Class Day. Seniors passing up aisles of daisy chains

Background imageAudience Collection: Herbert Hoover Speaking

Herbert Hoover Speaking
(Original Caption) Hoover Invades South. Bristol, Tennessee: Photo shows Mr. Herbert Hoover, G.O.P

Background imageAudience Collection: Father Coughlin Giving Speech

Father Coughlin Giving Speech
Over 26, 000 people tuned in to hear the speech given by Reverend Charles E. Coughlin in Cleveland

Background imageAudience Collection: Army Nurses Graduating at Walter Reed Hospital

Army Nurses Graduating at Walter Reed Hospital
(Original Caption) Army Graduates 42 student nurses. Washington DC. General James M. Kennedy of the U.S. Army shownpresenting to Miss Elva McCalmon of Portland, Maine

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