Buddha Head in Tree Roots, Wat Mahathat
Sunset old Temple wat Chaiwatthanaram of Ayutthaya Province Thailand
World heritage Kamphaeng Phet historical park in ThailandPhra Borom That Temple, Nakhon Chum, Kamphaeng Phet, Thailand
Head of sandstone buddha in tree root at wat mahathat temple, Ayutthaya, Thailand
Buddha Head in Tree, Ayutthaya, ThailandBuddha head in tree at the temple of Wat Mahatat in Ayutthaya near Bangkok, Thailand
Head of Buddha statue in the tree roots at Wat Mahathat temple, Ayutthaya Province, Thailand
Ayutthaya ProvinceOld Temple wat Chaiwatthanaram of Ayutthaya Province( Ayutthaya Historical Park )Asia Thailand
The ruin pagoda in Ayutthaya ancient cityThree of ruin pagadas is located in Wat Phra Srisanpetch in Ayutthaya ancient City
Buddha statu at Wat Mahatat AyutthayaBuddha statue, Wat Mahatat, Ayutthaya Historical Park, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ayutthaya, Thailand, Southeast Asia, Asia
Ancient Capitals in AyutthayaWat Mahathat Temple
Wat Chaiwatthanaram, AyutthayaWat Chaiwatthanaram is one of Ayutthayas most beautiful temples and a major tourist attraction
Wat LokkayasutharamA family praying to the reclining Buddha or Thai Phra Bhuddhasaiyart, a 37 meters long and 8 meters high Buddha at Wat Lokkayasutharam, Ayutthaya
Ancient temple in Ayutthaya ThailandPagodas in Wat Yai Chai Mongkol (Wat Yai Chai Mongkhon), Ayutthaya province, Thailand at dusk
Ancient temple in ThailandA shot of pagodas in Wat Yai Chai Mongkol (Wat Yai Chai Mongkhon), Ayutthaya province, Thailand at night
Reclining Buddha Ayuthaya Historic ParkLarge reclining Buddha in historic collapsed temple
Head of Buddha statue in tree root, AyuthayaThe stone head of Buddha at Wat Mahathat, Ayutthaya historical park, Ayutthaya Thailand. This park has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1981
Ayutthaya Historical Park, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya, Ayutthaya, THAILAND
Buddha, Ayutthaya, Thailand
Ayutthaya Historical Park, Ayutthaya, THAILAND
Wat Phukhao Thong temple Ayutthaya ThailandWat Phukhao Thong temple (Unesco World Heritage Site), Ayutthaya, Thailand, Asia
Standing Buddha statue Wat Phukhao Thong temple Ayutthaya ThailandGolden standing Buddha statue ahead a Bodhi tree in Wat Phukhao Thong temple (Unesco World Heritage Site) area near the monastery, Ayutthaya, Thailand, Asia
Wat Phu Khao Thong temple Ayutthaya ThailandWat Phu Khao Thong temple (Unesco World Heritage Site) in tree area, Ayutthaya, Thailand, Asia
Wat Phukhao Thong temple Unesco World Heritage Ayutthaya ThailandWat Phukhao Thong temple translated Golden Mount (Unesco World Heritage Site), Ayutthaya, Thailand, Asia
Fighting cocks statues Wat Phukhao Thong temple Ayutthaya ThailandFighting cocks statues at Wat Phukhao Thong temple (Unesco World Heritage Site), Ayutthaya, Thailand, Asia
Incense of prayer Wat Phukhao Thong temple Ayutthaya ThailandOffering of incense at Wat Phukhao Thong temple (Unesco World Heritage Site), Ayutthaya, Thailand, Asia
Wat Jao Prab temple Ayutthaya ThailandWat Jao Prab buddhist temple Ayutthaya Thailand, Ayutthaya province in Thailand
Wat Phra Si Samphet temple Ayutthaya Thailand, Ayutthaya province in Thailand
Wat phra ram temple Ayutthaya ThailandSunset on Wat phra ram buddhist temple Ayutthaya, Ayutthaya province in Thailand
Sunset Wat phra ram temple Ayutthaya ThailandSunset on Wat phra ram buddhist temple Ayutthaya, Ayutthaya province in Thailand
Wat Maha That temple Ayutthaya Thailand, Ayutthaya province in Thailand
Sunset with reflection temple at Ayutthaya ThailandSunset with reflection on Wat phra ram buddhist temple Ayutthaya, Ayutthaya province in Thailand
Gold buddha Wat Phra Mongkhon Bophit UNESCO Ayutthaya ThailandGold buddha inside Wat Phra Mongkhon Bophit buddhist temple, UNESCO site. Ayutthaya, Thailand, Asia
Knocker of Wat Mae Nang Pleum temple Ayutthaya ThailandKnocker of the door of Wat Mae Nang Pleum temple at Ayutthaya (Unesco World Heritage Site), Thailand, Asia
Asian religious architecture. Ancient Buddhist pagoda ruins at Wat Phra Sri Sanphet temple. Ayutthaya, Thailand travel landscape and destinations
Wat Phrasisanpetch in the Ayutthaya Historical Park, Ayutthaya, Thailand
Old stupa with candlelight and milky way galaxy in the Kamphaeng Phet Historical Park
Ancient buddha statue. Sukhothai Historical ParkSilhouetteat of Buddha and pagada on sunset time at Sukhothai History park. History park is famous landmark in Sukhothai province, Thailand.Thailand tourism concept, Asia traveling concept
Wat Khun Intha Pramun temple, ThailandWat Khun Intha Pramun temple at at Angthong Province, Historical Park, Thailand
Wat Khun Intha Pramun temple at at Angthong Province, Historical Park, Thailand
Wat Khun Intha Pramun templeaerial shoot of Wat Khun Intha Pramun temple at at Angthong Province, Historical Park, Thailand
Wat Khun Intha Pramun temple at at Angthong Province, Historical Park, Thailandaerial shoot of Wat Khun Intha Pramun temple at at Angthong Province, Historical Park, Thailand
Old Temple Wat Chaiwatthanaram in Ayutthaya, Thailand n
Wat Phrasisanpetch at sunset in Ayutthaya Historical Park, Thailand
Wat Phra Si Sanphet in Ayutthaya Historical Park, Ayutthaya province, Thailand
Ancient buddha statue in old temple, Ayutthaya Historical national park, Thailand
Wat Choeng Tha temple Ayutthaya ThailandPrang area with sattelites of Wat Choeng Tha temple, Ayutthaya, Thailand, Asia
Old Temple wat Chaiwatthanaram of Ayutthaya Province( Ayutthaya Historical Park )Asia Thailand
Wat Chaiwatthanaram AyuthayaThe world heritage Ayutthaya site, Thailand, Landscape of Pagoda at Wat Chaiwatthanaram Ayuthaya during Twilight Time
Statue of Buddhas headWat Mahathat, Ayutthaya Historical Park, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Thailand
Buddha Head in Tree Roots, Wat Mahathat, Ayutthaya, Thailand
Buddha Head in Tree Roots, Wat Mahathat, Ayutthaya
Buddha Images, Wat Mahathat, Ayutthaya
Big buddha image and pagoda in Ma Ha That temple, Ayutthaya, Thailand
Buddhaa at Ma Ha That temple, Ayutthaya
Buddha statueThailand, Ayuthaya, Wat Yai Chai Monghon Bodhisattva Statues
Ruined Prang and Stupas, Wat Phra Ram, AyutthayaWat Phra Ram Buddhist Temple, in the ruined ancient city of Ayutthaya, former capital of the kingdom of Siam. Part of the Ayutthaya Historical Park and a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Chedi Stupas of Ayutthaya Historical ParkThree giant chedi stupas of Wat Phra Sri Sanphet Buddhist Temple, with pillars and ruins in foreground.Part of the Ayutthaya Historical Park and a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Chedi Stupas of Ayutthaya Historical ParkThree giant chedi stupas of Wat Phra Sri Sanphet Buddhist Temple.Part of the Ayutthaya Historical Park and a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Goats Grazing in the Ruins of Ayutthaya, ThailandLocation: Wat Phra Sri Sanphet Buddhist Temple, located within the old Royal Palace grounds of Ayutthaya
Reclining Buddha at AyutthayaThe Reclining Buddha at Wat Lokaya Suttharam on the west side of the inner island portion of the ancient city, and former Thai capital, Ayutthaya
Buddha head in Ayutthaya
Wat Phra Si Sanphet.Buddhas Temple in Ayuthaya, Thailand.Historic City of Ayuthaya is UNESCO Wold Heritage site
Wat Phra Si Sanphet.Buddhas Temple in Ayuthaya, Thailand
Tourist of Wat Phra Si SanphetWat Phra Si Sanphet.Buddhas Temple in Ayuthaya, Thailand
Wat LokayasutharamA 37 meters long and 8 meters high reclining Buddha in Wat Lokayasutharam in Ayuthaya, Thailand