Queen Victoria with Russian RoyaltyQueen Victoria and her son, Prince Edward VII (r), with Russian Emperor Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra, and their newborn daughter, Olga
Baby Eating with Overturned Bowl(Original Caption) This photo shows 10 month old Bruce Milton Nadel in high chair making a "mess" with his food
Child (12-23 months) in baby carriage sledge and mother in fur coat(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Girl (2-3 years ) sitting on lounge chair with drink and fanGirl sitting on lounge chair with drink and fan
Cute dog licking baby girl (6-11 moths) sitting in basket
Mother and daughter (8-9 years) looking at view(Original Caption) 04/14/1954- Newark N.J.: A Mother with her daughter admire the springtime in Newark N.J
Italian Family at Ellis IslandItalian immigrant woman and her children arriving at Ellis Island in New York City
Toddlers (2-3 years) on beach. Narragansett, Rhode Island, USA. July 22, 1914
Coal Strike in West VirginiaRed Jacket, West Virginia, Coal miners wives holding children
Two sisters (5-11 years) walking along stream. Hot Springs, Virginia, USA. April 05, 1922
Two girl (8-12 years) posib by column. Hot Springs, Virginia, USA. April 05, 1922
Children (3-12 years) running dirt road. 1925
Little Girl (2-3 years) Playing Bagpipes, football players in background. Boston, Massachusetts, USA. August 04, 1925
Girl and boy (6-7 years) kissing on bridge. August 05, 1925(Original Caption) 08/05/1925:Their First Kiss. Image shows kissing boy and girl on bridge
Jazz band playing to babies (6-11 months)Jack Pettis, Harold Rehring, Donald Bryan and Leonard Kavash, the Bernie Jazz artist, tried to entertain Mary Mahoney, Patricia McGahan, Florence Mahoney and Charles Douglas
Children Attempting To Bite ApplesChildren (10-12 years) participating in apple competition during National Apple Week, New York City, New York State, USA. October 30, 1925
Boy and girl (8-9 years) riding bicycle, smiling. Phipps Garden apartment, Sunnyside, New York State, USA. September 08, 1938
Mother waving to son (6-7 years) in kindergarten. November 14. 1940(Original Caption) 11/14/1940-Off to work she goes: Heading for a job this mother leaves her son at a day school on the way, thus adding to a U.S
A Sure Sign of VictoryBobby Smith is not quite five months old, yet he knows that the United Nations are going to lick the Axis powers
Rita Hayworth Reading to DaughterProminent American film star Rita Hayworth is shown here spending time with her daughter, Rebecca Welles
Toddler (2-3 years) and children (10-12 years) eating icecream at booth table(Original Caption) 07/02/1948-Hollywood, CA- ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Three youthful amatures watch Kristian Helmer, 3 reach for the cherry atop her sundae
Crying Newborn Baby(Original Caption) 12/6/1948-Hollywood, CA: Letting the world know that a big package of joy has arrived in Inglewood (at 12 pounds) is Linda Nell Harris, who was born by Caesarean section
Nanny CatBaby girl in toy pram with cat in costume
Children playing outside with toy cars and bicycles(Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Girl (4-5 years) pushing friend on wheelchair(Original Caption) 01/30/1950-New York, NY: There were many beautiful models showing off many beautiful gowns at the March of Dimes fashion show in the Waldorf Astoria today
The Biggest Show on VideoMrs. harry Leder of Flushing, N.Y. seems fascinated by the Senate Crime Committee testimony of U.S. Ambassador to Mexico William O'Dwyer, ex-Mayor of New York. Like millions of others, Mrs
Children (6-11 years) Drinking From Gigantic Ice Cream Soda(Original Caption) 07/02/1951-New York, NY-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Since the first day of summer vacation and the 100th anniversary of the invention of ice cream fall on the same day, July 2
Writer L. Ron Hubbard Holding His Infant Daughter(Original Caption) London: The Man With Scientology, Red-haired Mr Lafayette Ronald Hubbard, who used to be in the American Navy, holds his three-month-old daughter, Diana
Mother with two children (3-4 years) paying milkman in doorway(Original Caption) 1955- ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Little Laura, 4, (left) with her mother, Mrs
Baby Girl Wearing a Cowboy Hat(Original Caption) Wearing a cowboy hat and a look of indignation at being grabbed 10 month old Amy Sue Wolpert is dressed enough for the weather prevailing in Miami Beach
Robert and Ethel Kennedy with Their Children on Steps
Pat Boone on Tarmac with FamilyCountry gospel singer Pat Boone stands with his wife and three daughters before boarding a plane in New York City. The family is (l-r): Shirley, Deborah Ann, Linda Lee, Pat, and Cheryl Lynn
Cary Grant with Dyan Cannon and Their Daughter Jennifer(Original Caption) Jennifer Grant, 3 1/2-months-old, wears a big smile for the cameraman as she makes her debut with her famous parents
Military Nurse Susan Struck Holding Her BabyAir Force nurse Captain Susan Struck holds her two day old baby, Tanya Marie, during a press conference at Madigan General Hospital, in Tacoma, Washington
Joe, Nealia and Amy BidenThe wife and infant daughter of Senator-elect Joe Biden (D-Del), were killed on December 18, 1972 in a traffic accident in nearby Hockessin, Delaware
25-30 years, 60-64 years, adult, archival, baby, baby girl, black & white, black + white25-30 years, 60-64 years, adult, archival, baby, baby girl, black & wh, Vintage Black & White, 86498314