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Balloon Collection

Background imageBalloon Collection: Colorful Prayer Flags at Mount Everest base camp

Colorful Prayer Flags at Mount Everest base camp
Colorful Prayer Flags and balloons at Mount Everest base camp in Tibet, China

Background imageBalloon Collection: Early hot air balloon flight

Early hot air balloon flight

Background imageBalloon Collection: First Aerial Photo

First Aerial Photo
The first aerial photograph showing the Place de l Etoile, Paris, taken by Nadar in 1858 from an altitude of 520 meters in a tethered balloon. (Photo by Nadar/Getty Images)

Background imageBalloon Collection: Balloons flying over Cappadocia

Balloons flying over Cappadocia
Hot air balloon flying over rock landscape at Cappadocia Turkey

Background imageBalloon Collection: Barrage Balloon

Barrage Balloon
1st August 1918: A barrage balloon tethered at Queens Club, London, in the background the tents used for housing the balloons. (Photo by A. R. Coster/Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)

Background imageBalloon Collection: Captive balloon at the Tulleries engraving 1881

Captive balloon at the Tulleries engraving 1881
Le Monde Physique par Amedee Guillemin - Paris / Librairie Hachette et Cie 1881

Background imageBalloon Collection: Balloons in cappadocia

Balloons in cappadocia
Hot air balloon flying over cappadocia

Background imageBalloon Collection: Airship Balloon

Airship Balloon
circa 1920: An observation balloon in the War Museum at Crystal Palace. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)

Background imageBalloon Collection: Hot Air Balloon Transporting a Passenger

Hot Air Balloon Transporting a Passenger
Air Transport: Cartoon ridiculing Napoleon's attempt to transport an entire army across the Channel. The balloon carries men and equipment. Copper engraving by C. Echard, 1802

Background imageBalloon Collection: Portrait of F. Godard

Portrait of F. Godard
(Original Caption) F. Godard: Aeronaut

Background imageBalloon Collection: Suggestion for Aerial Warfare

Suggestion for Aerial Warfare
(Original Caption) Aerial warfare: A suggestion from a military correspondent who has seen Professor Baldwin's descent

Background imageBalloon Collection: Photographer Nadar in the Gondola of His Balloon

Photographer Nadar in the Gondola of His Balloon
(Original Caption) Nadar (1820-1910), Famed Paris photographer in gondola of his balloon. Undated photograph. BPA 2 #395

Background imageBalloon Collection: Girl (8-9) blowing balloon

Girl (8-9) blowing balloon. (Photo by UPI/Bettmann via Getty Images)

Background imageBalloon Collection: Advertising Poster With Balloon, Flying C

Advertising Poster With Balloon, Flying C
(Original Caption) 1883-Flying Cloud Balloon. Advertising poster for aerialist, 1883. BPA 2 #397

Background imageBalloon Collection: Large Group Of Young Girls With Balloons

Large Group Of Young Girls With Balloons
(Original Caption) 5/29/1919-New York, NY: Young girls enjoy the May Day Fete in Central Park

Background imageBalloon Collection: Addison Mizner Blowing Party Horn

Addison Mizner Blowing Party Horn
(Original Caption) Addison Mizner, well-known mansion architect, is shown here sitting in a wagon with balloons, at a Palm Beach birthday party

Background imageBalloon Collection: General View Of Balloon Grand Prix

General View Of Balloon Grand Prix
(Original Caption) 5/27/1922-Paris, France: COMPETING BALLONS IN PARIS GRAND PRIX. For the first time since the war the famous Paris Grand Prix for Balloons was held

Background imageBalloon Collection: Radio Operator Turning Radio Up

Radio Operator Turning Radio Up
(Original Caption) 8/18/1922-Radio operator turning up GE radio set in the seaplane, piloted by Lietenant Hinton, just before the hop off for Brazil from N.Y. recently

Background imageBalloon Collection: Mementoes of Balloon Expedition

Mementoes of Balloon Expedition
(Original Caption) 1930-Baldwin City, Kansas: Interesting and historically significant mementoes of the ill-fated August Andres balloon expedition to the North Pole are shown by Miss Beauchamp

Background imageBalloon Collection: British Airship Moored at Montreal

British Airship Moored at Montreal
The British airship R100 (designed by Barnes Wallis) moored at St. Hubert Airfield after her only Atlantic crossing

Background imageBalloon Collection: Macy's Thanksgiving Parade

Macy's Thanksgiving Parade
The Two-Headed Pirate and Indian character balloons in Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade at Times Square, 26th November 1936

Background imageBalloon Collection: Boy Blowing a Balloon

Boy Blowing a Balloon
(Original Caption) Photo shows a young boy blowing up a balloon. Model: Lee Houghton. Ca. 1940s-1950s

Background imageBalloon Collection: Girl Holding a Balloon

Girl Holding a Balloon
(Original Caption) Photo shows a young girl blowing up a balloon. Model: Rita Rogers. Ca. 1940s-1950s

Background imageBalloon Collection: Balloons To Measure Cosmic Rays

Balloons To Measure Cosmic Rays
(Original Caption) 12/19/1940-Chicago, IL: Lifting 41 pounds of scientific apparatus, 21 oxygen filled ballloons take to the air at the University of Chicago's Stagg Field, as part of Dr

Background imageBalloon Collection: Women Working Amongst Snake-Like Wires

Women Working Amongst Snake-Like Wires
(Original Caption) 4/26/1941-Akron, OH: Women working on construction of barrage balloons at the Firestone plant. Inez Robb Series BPA 2 #4226

Background imageBalloon Collection: Allied Forces at a Beach in Normandy

Allied Forces at a Beach in Normandy
(Original Caption) Norman Beach during Allied invasion, June, 1944: ships fill the channel, and balloons float overhead to protect them from enemy strafers

Background imageBalloon Collection: Man and Woman in amusement park

Man and Woman in amusement park
Laden with toys and hats and dolls and memories, this soldier and his companion are ready to call it a day. They're dog-tired but happy. They've been to Coney Island

Background imageBalloon Collection: Three Actress Resting at Amusement Park

Three Actress Resting at Amusement Park
Movie actress Patty Thomas, Sandra Spence, and Dorothy Abbot cool off on a bench in a Santa Monica amusement park

Background imageBalloon Collection: Cat Standing Among Balloon Animals

Cat Standing Among Balloon Animals
(Original Caption) 3/19/1948- Dogs may express their feelings as they model for balloon animals, but a dignified cat is above such nonsense

Background imageBalloon Collection: Man with Jet Pack Lands on the Floor of the Los Angeles Coliseum during Opening Ceremonies

Man with Jet Pack Lands on the Floor of the Los Angeles Coliseum during Opening Ceremonies
During the early part of the opening ceremonies for the 23rd Olympic Games, a man using a jet powered backpack flies into and lands on the floor of the Los Angeles Coliseum 7/28

Background imageBalloon Collection: Mondale Waving at a Rally

Mondale Waving at a Rally
Former Senator and Vice President Walter Mondale waves to supporters at a rally in San Francisco during his bid for the Presidency

Background imageBalloon Collection: Debbie and Roger Clemens Hug with Balloons

Debbie and Roger Clemens Hug with Balloons
(Original Caption) 11/18/1986-Houston, Texas- Boston Red Sox Pitcher Roger Clemes gets a hug from his wife Debbie after learning that he was selected as the Most Valuable Player of the 1986 season

Background imageBalloon Collection: Man In Balloon On Battleground

Man In Balloon On Battleground
(Original Caption) T. S. C. Lowe's Federal Balloon Intrepid ascending to reconsider the battlefield at Fair Oaks, VA. Photo

Background imageBalloon Collection: Actor Warren Beatty With Actress Joan Collins

Actor Warren Beatty With Actress Joan Collins
American actor Warren Beatty with English actress and fiancee Joan Collins at a Hollywood charity event

Background imageBalloon Collection: Gambetta Escaping

Gambetta Escaping
(Original Caption) Franco Prussian war: Gambetta escaping in a balloon from the beseiged city of Paris, 1870

Background imageBalloon Collection: Montgolfier Hot Air Balloon Ascending

Montgolfier Hot Air Balloon Ascending
(Original Caption) Montgolfier: The Voyage of Charles and Robert in their hydrogen balloon in Versailles

Background imageBalloon Collection: Man Releasing Weather Balloon

Man Releasing Weather Balloon
(Original Caption) Releasing a pilot weather balloon, which will determine wind direction and velocity. Undated photograph

Background imageBalloon Collection: View of The Interior of The Car

View of The Interior of The Car

Background imageBalloon Collection: Preparation For Balloon Ascension

Preparation For Balloon Ascension
(Original Caption) Balloon ascension. Sem the French caricaturist and the Duchess D'Uzes. Undated photograph. BPA2 #396

Background imageBalloon Collection: Fire Balloon On The Fourth Of July

Fire Balloon On The Fourth Of July
(Original Caption) Picture shows "The Glorious Fourth-Sending up the Fire Balloon." 1871 illustration

Background imageBalloon Collection: M. Dupuy De Lome'S Navigational Balloon

M. Dupuy De Lome'S Navigational Balloon
(Original Caption) M. Dupuy De Lome's new Navigating Balloon- the ascent at Fort Vincennes. Undated illustration

Background imageBalloon Collection: Balloon Poster

Balloon Poster
(Original Caption) A balloon poster. Undated. BPA 2 #399

Background imageBalloon Collection: Cartoon Ridiculing Montgolfiere; Balloon

Cartoon Ridiculing Montgolfiere; Balloon
(Original Caption) Montgolfier: Cartoon ridiculing his Montgolfiere and predicting facetiously, though rightly, use of a balloon aerial warfare and advent of space travel. BPA2# 392

Background imageBalloon Collection: Filling Hydrogen Balloon In Paris

Filling Hydrogen Balloon In Paris
(Original Caption) Filling a hydrogen balloon in Paris. Gas produced by pouring sulfuric acid upon filings of iron. Engraving, 18th cent. BPA2# 398

Background imageBalloon Collection: M. Garnerin In A Parachute, Illustration

M. Garnerin In A Parachute, Illustration
(Original Caption) M. A.J. Garnerin, losing his balloon in Park Monceau, let himself drop in a parachute 10/22/1797

Background imageBalloon Collection: R.J. Spalding Fluing Machine (Illus.)

R.J. Spalding Fluing Machine (Illus.)
(Original Caption) Illustration depicting the R.J. Spalding flying machine, patented March 5, 1889. Undated illustration

Background imageBalloon Collection: Girl Blowing a Balloon

Girl Blowing a Balloon
(Original Caption) Young Cathy Breen blowing up a balloon. Photo circa 1950

Background imageBalloon Collection: Boy Blowing a Balloon

Boy Blowing a Balloon
(Original Caption) Young Mike Breen uses both hands to hold onto a balloon that he is blowing up. Photo circa 1950

Background imageBalloon Collection: Man Blowing Into Balloon; Drunk

Man Blowing Into Balloon; Drunk
(Original Caption) 2/14/1951-Simulating a drunk, Walter Monroe takes the "Drunkometer" test

Background imageBalloon Collection: GI, Face Seared, Stumbles Toward Helicopter

GI, Face Seared, Stumbles Toward Helicopter
(Original Caption) 11/2/1951-Panmunjom, Korea: A GI, whose face and hands have been seared by the explosion of a hydrogen-filled balloon, stumbles toward a helicopter for evacuation from Panmunjom

Background imageBalloon Collection: Girl Blows Up Balloon With 'Ike' On It

Girl Blows Up Balloon With "Ike" On It
(Original Caption) 3/29/1952-New York: Pretty Barbara Singer, of Forest Hills, isnt old enough to vote, but leaves no doubt as to her choice in the forthcoming Presidential election

Background imageBalloon Collection: Balloon Being Led Down Street In Parade

Balloon Being Led Down Street In Parade
(Original Caption) 1956-New York, NY: Photo taken at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City shows a large balloon of a Thanksgiving turkey being led down the street

Background imageBalloon Collection: General View Of Crowd At Party

General View Of Crowd At Party
(Original Caption) 10/17/57-New York: This is a general view of the crowd that made up the "intimate" party given by producer by Mike Todd in Madison Square Garden here, October 17th

Background imageBalloon Collection: General View Of Mike Todd'S Party

General View Of Mike Todd'S Party
(Original Caption) 10/17/57-New York: This general view of the "intimate" party given by producer Mike Todd in Madison Square Garden here, October 17th

Background imageBalloon Collection: Child About To Pop A Baloon

Child About To Pop A Baloon
(Original Caption) 3/6/1960-Ballroom in the Hotel Sheraton Atlantic

Background imageBalloon Collection: Model Showing Variety of Campaign Buttons

Model Showing Variety of Campaign Buttons
Model Irene Simonaitis wears dozens of campaign buttons from the 1960 presidential election

Background imageBalloon Collection: The Echo 1 Satellite

The Echo 1 Satellite
One of two experimental communications satellites launched in the 1960s by NASA

Background imageBalloon Collection: Montmartre

Boys and girls everywhere enjoy playing with balloons and the youngsters of Paris are no exception. These balloons were for sale beneath the famed Sacre Coeur church in Montmartre

Background imageBalloon Collection: Youth Carries Balloon, Burn Draft Board

Youth Carries Balloon, Burn Draft Board
(Original Caption) 4/15/1967-New York, New York- A youth carries a balloon exhorting draft board burning as a crowd gathers in Central Park April 15 to stage an anti-Vietnam war demonstration

Background imageBalloon Collection: Demonstrators Protesting Vietnam War

Demonstrators Protesting Vietnam War
(Original Caption) A youth carries a balloon exhorting "draft board burning" as a crowd gathers in Central Park to stage an anti-Vietnam war demonstration

Background imageBalloon Collection: Balloons Fall From Convention Hall Floor

Balloons Fall From Convention Hall Floor
(Original Caption) 8/10/68-Miami Beach, FL- As streams of balloons fall from high above the Convention Hall floor

Background imageBalloon Collection: Woman in Office with Bra on Doorknob

Woman in Office with Bra on Doorknob
(Original Caption) 8/27/1970-Washington, D.C.- Joan Maguire worked, August 26th, despite a call for a strike of all women

Background imageBalloon Collection: James Buckley at Victory Celebration

James Buckley at Victory Celebration
(Original Caption) 11/4/1970-New York, NY-: The new senatorial representative of New York State, James L

Background imageBalloon Collection: Soldiers Watch Peddler W/Peace Balloons

Soldiers Watch Peddler W/Peace Balloons
(Original Caption) 10/25/1971-Boston, MA- Massachusetts soldiers, taking part in the Veterans Day parade through downstown Boston, all gaze intently at peddler selling "peace" balloons

Background imageBalloon Collection: Beverly Sills at Final Curtain Call

Beverly Sills at Final Curtain Call
(Original Caption) 10/27/1980- New York, NY- Beverly Sills stands in a sea of balloons, ticker tape and giant confetti 10/27 just before the curtain fell forever on her singing career

Background imageBalloon Collection: Digital illustration of image sequence showing how to make poodle out of a blue balloon

Digital illustration of image sequence showing how to make poodle out of a blue balloon

Background imageBalloon Collection: Balloon Jumping

Balloon Jumping
March 1927: Balloon jumping at Stag Lane Aerodrome. The participant is suspended in a harness under the balloon which appears to be sponsored by the Daily Express newspaper

Background imageBalloon Collection: Outcast

1928: American actress Corinne Griffith (1898-1979) dressed in silver lame and holding an enormous balloon in a scene from the film Outcast'

Background imageBalloon Collection: Henri Dupuy de Lome Navigable Balloon, First Design (October 1870) - 19th Century

Henri Dupuy de Lome Navigable Balloon, First Design (October 1870) - 19th Century
Henri Dupuy de Lome Navigable balloon first design date October 1870 from Magasin Pittoresque. Vintage etching circa mid 19th century

Background imageBalloon Collection: Losing Balloon

Losing Balloon
circa 1916: German soldiers loosening a giant air balloon. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)

Background imageBalloon Collection: Balloon Dance

Balloon Dance
circa 1930: Circus performers dance to saxophone music. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)

Background imageBalloon Collection: Barrage Balloons

Barrage Balloons
circa 1930: Barrage balloons lined outside their hangar at the RAF school in Cardington. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)

Background imageBalloon Collection: Smiling clown in overalls and bow tie holding a bunch of helium baloons, front view

Smiling clown in overalls and bow tie holding a bunch of helium baloons, front view

Background imageBalloon Collection: Funfair horse carousel, line drawing

Funfair horse carousel, line drawing

Background imageBalloon Collection: First manned hydrogen balloon flight

First manned hydrogen balloon flight

Background imageBalloon Collection: Hot air balloon flying over Cappadocia Turkey

Hot air balloon flying over Cappadocia Turkey
Hot air balloon flying over rock landscape at Cappadocia Turkey

Background imageBalloon Collection: Hot Air Balloon Vertical Landed On Grassy Hills

Hot Air Balloon Vertical Landed On Grassy Hills
A hot air balloon landed on lush green rolling hills. A beautiful cloudy blue sky provides a serene backdrop in this image expressing ideas and imagination

Background imageBalloon Collection: Currency Symbols Attached to Balloons, and a Dollar Symbol Rising

Currency Symbols Attached to Balloons, and a Dollar Symbol Rising
Mandy Pritty, dv1233024

Background imageBalloon Collection: Hot Air Balloon Over Lochan na h-Achlaise

Hot Air Balloon Over Lochan na h-Achlaise
A majestic hot air balloon soars over the spectacular moody atmosphere of the Mountains of Loch na h-Achlaise

Background imageBalloon Collection: Spiny puffer, Diodon holocanthus, in ordinary and blown up states, side view

Spiny puffer, Diodon holocanthus, in ordinary and blown up states, side view

Background imageBalloon Collection: Illustration, two men standing in basket of rising hot-air balloon

Illustration, two men standing in basket of rising hot-air balloon, one talking into radiophone, the other one looking down, low angle view

Background imageBalloon Collection: Cartoon, colourful selection of six balloons tied with blue bows and attached to pieces of string

Cartoon, colourful selection of six balloons tied with blue bows and attached to pieces of string

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