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Banking Collection

Background imageBanking Collection: Amadeo Peter Giannini Cutting Anniversary Cake

Amadeo Peter Giannini Cutting Anniversary Cake
(Original Caption) A.P. Giannini, president of the Transamerica Corporation, a billion dollar bank holding organization of the bank's 25th anniversary

Background imageBanking Collection: Franklin Roosevelt Signing the Emergency Banking Act

Franklin Roosevelt Signing the Emergency Banking Act

Background imageBanking Collection: German Reichsbank in Berlin, Germany

German Reichsbank in Berlin, Germany
Antique illustration of a German Reichsbank in Berlin, Germany

Background imageBanking Collection: Man talking to teller in bank, vault in background

Man talking to teller in bank, vault in background
UNITED STATES - CIRCA 1950s: Man talking to teller in bank, vault in background

Background imageBanking Collection: 'Wall Street, Half Past Two O'Clock

"Wall Street, Half Past Two O'Clock
(Original Caption) This painting of "Wall Street, half Past Two O'Clock, October 13, 1857

Background imageBanking Collection: Bank Employee Distributing Bags of Money to Wealthy Client

Bank Employee Distributing Bags of Money to Wealthy Client
(Original Caption) New York: Paying out a ton of gold in the old Clearing House on Broadway. Banking Scene In The 1860's

Background imageBanking Collection: Landgrave William IX and Anselm Rothschild

Landgrave William IX and Anselm Rothschild
(Original Caption) Landgrave William IX (1743-1821) and Anselm Rothschild. Woodcut, from Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 1873

Background imageBanking Collection: Bank Employees and Messengers at Clearing House

Bank Employees and Messengers at Clearing House
(Original Caption) New York City: The New York Clearing House - 10 O'Clock, A.M. Bank Clerks And Messengers Effecting Clearances And Exchanges

Background imageBanking Collection: Interior of Early Bank with Customers

Interior of Early Bank with Customers
(Original Caption) USA: A Paying Teller's Desk At The Bank, ca. 1880

Background imageBanking Collection: Interior of Early Bank with Customers

Interior of Early Bank with Customers
(Original Caption) USA: The Clearing House in an American Bank, 1881

Background imageBanking Collection: Scene Inside Frontier Bank

Scene Inside Frontier Bank
(Original Caption) Frontier bank with clients and sheriff standing in front of teller's window at the Caldwell, Kansas Stock Exchange

Background imageBanking Collection: Photographer Observing Check

Photographer Observing Check
(Original Caption) For "Queer" Charadters. The Chemical Bank, New York employs a special photographer to "spot" doubtful presenters of checks to bearer

Background imageBanking Collection: Bankers Counting Money

Bankers Counting Money
(Original Caption) Safe deposits: Counting the cash in the subtreasury vaults in New York City, 1888

Background imageBanking Collection: Wedding Picture of Amadeo Peter Giannini and Clorinda Cuneo

Wedding Picture of Amadeo Peter Giannini and Clorinda Cuneo
(Original Caption) This is the wedding picture showing Miss Clorinda Cuneo and her groom, Amadeo P. Giannini

Background imageBanking Collection: Medieval Banking Operations

Medieval Banking Operations
(Original Caption) Medieval miniature of the 15th century shows banking operations. Man at left is shown depositing a bag of gold. Banker's wife on the right is accepting a payment

Background imageBanking Collection: Farmer Getting Mortgage From Uncle Sam

Farmer Getting Mortgage From Uncle Sam
(Original Caption) The New Uncle Sam. How the Farmers Alliance propose to have the Government run when they get the power

Background imageBanking Collection: Currency Being Exchanged by Hand

Currency Being Exchanged by Hand
(Original Caption) Germany: Germany Want Coins--Not Paper

Background imageBanking Collection: New York Banking House

New York Banking House
(Original Caption) The Banking House of T. Brigham Bishop, 14th Street, New York

Background imageBanking Collection: J. P. Morgan Sr. Entering House

J. P. Morgan Sr. Entering House

Background imageBanking Collection: J. P. Morgan Sr. Talking to a Friend

J. P. Morgan Sr. Talking to a Friend
(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageBanking Collection: Portrait of Baron Rothschild

Portrait of Baron Rothschild

Background imageBanking Collection: J. P. Morgan Walking in Harvard Procession

J. P. Morgan Walking in Harvard Procession
Photograph of J.P. Morgan, Sr. in Harvard Commencement Parade with Dean Briggs. Undated photograph

Background imageBanking Collection: Portrait of Amadeo Peter Giannini

Portrait of Amadeo Peter Giannini
(Original Caption) A.P.Giannini, founder of the Bank of Italy, the third largest financial institution in these United States

Background imageBanking Collection: Charles Ponzi Eating Spaghetti

Charles Ponzi Eating Spaghetti
Charles Ponzi, Italian-American financial wizard whose name became synonymous with the investment swindle he created, is shown here enjoying a plate of spaghetti

Background imageBanking Collection: Chase National Bank Building

Chase National Bank Building
(Original Caption) Little Acorns...Tall Oaks...Head Foresters

Background imageBanking Collection: New York Savings Bank on Bleeker Street 1858

New York Savings Bank on Bleeker Street 1858
(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageBanking Collection: Wall Street, Half Past Two O'Clock

Wall Street, Half Past Two O'Clock

Background imageBanking Collection: Sub Treasury Vault

Sub Treasury Vault
(Original Caption) The Sub Treasury vault.- Gold bricks and bags, woodcut, 1859

Background imageBanking Collection: Birthplace of Amadeo Peter Giannini

Birthplace of Amadeo Peter Giannini
(Original Caption) This is the San Jose, California, birthplace of Amadeo P

Background imageBanking Collection: The Moneylender and His Wife by Quentin Massys

The Moneylender and His Wife by Quentin Massys
(Original Caption) Painting entitled "The Banker and His Wife, " by Quentin Massys, Flemish painter of the Antwerp school. BPA2# 428

Background imageBanking Collection: Poster for US Government Loan During Civil War

Poster for US Government Loan During Civil War
(Original Caption) Poster announcing night office hours to enable the working man to subscribe to to the U.S. government loan during the Civil War

Background imageBanking Collection: Early Usurer With Interest Table

Early Usurer With Interest Table
(Original Caption) Early usurer with interest table, 1580. Engraving

Background imageBanking Collection: Banker Suspended

Banker Suspended
(Original Caption) Banker suspended. Financially irregularities not appreciated in Southwest Texas. depositors take summary satisfaction. Woodcut

Background imageBanking Collection: Citizens Standing at Bank for Transactions

Citizens Standing at Bank for Transactions
(Original Caption) Buying Government Bonds is shown here. The great popular demand for government securities is shown with investors purchasing the $10.00 refunding certificates in this early woodcut

Background imageBanking Collection: French Mint Workers

French Mint Workers
French mint workers posing with newly-printed francs, ca. 1910

Background imageBanking Collection: French Mint Workers

French Mint Workers
At the Hotel des Monnaies in Paris, France, French mint workers, surrounded by baskets of coins, count the discs before sending them to the stamping machines

Background imageBanking Collection: Mrs. Herbert Satterlee with J.P. Morgan and J.P. Morgan Jr

Mrs. Herbert Satterlee with J.P. Morgan and J.P. Morgan Jr
Circa 1912 - John Pierpont Morgan (center), with daughter, Mrs. Herbert Satterlee and son, John Pierpont Morgan, Jr

Background imageBanking Collection: Long Procession of J. P. Morgan Funeral Goers

Long Procession of J. P. Morgan Funeral Goers
(Original Caption) Carriages, taxicabs, and limousines are shown here at the funeral of J. P. Morgan

Background imageBanking Collection: Funeral Carriages Outside Church

Funeral Carriages Outside Church
(Original Caption) The funeral of American financier and banker, J. P. Morgan, in New York City is shown

Background imageBanking Collection: Members of Federal Reserve Board

Members of Federal Reserve Board
(Original Caption) The Federal Reserve Board, taken immediately after the members were sworn in. Seated from left to right: Charles S. Hamlin, Governor; W.G. McAdoo, Secretary of the Treasury; F.A

Background imageBanking Collection: Philanthrophist George F. Baker

Philanthrophist George F. Baker
(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageBanking Collection: Crowd Outside Closed Bank

Crowd Outside Closed Bank
(Original Caption) Crowd in front of closed private bank of Abraham L. Kass on Essex Street

Background imageBanking Collection: Bank Cashier with Stacks of Bills

Bank Cashier with Stacks of Bills
(Original Caption) Following negatives made during runs on private and public banks at Grand and Norfolk Streets...W.R

Background imageBanking Collection: Bank Cashier with Stacks of Bills

Bank Cashier with Stacks of Bills
(Original Caption) Following negatives made during runs on private and public banks at Grand and Norfolk Streets...L.P

Background imageBanking Collection: Depositors Waiting to Draw Savings

Depositors Waiting to Draw Savings
(Original Caption) Following negatives made during runs on private and public banks at Grand and Norfolk Streets...Typical depositors waiting in line to draw their savings

Background imageBanking Collection: Portrait of Benjamin Strong Jr

Portrait of Benjamin Strong Jr
Benjamin Strong, Jr. Governor of Federal reserve Bank of New York

Background imageBanking Collection: Outside of Bank of Spain in Madrid

Outside of Bank of Spain in Madrid
(Original Caption) The Bank of Spain in Madrid, Spain

Background imageBanking Collection: Bank Employees Holding Long Draft Tape

Bank Employees Holding Long Draft Tape
A German money draft received by the Americans Exchange National Bank on Liberty Street and Broadway, N.Y.C. is shown. It measured eleven feet

Background imageBanking Collection: Amadeo Peter Giannini and Family

Amadeo Peter Giannini and Family
(Original Caption) Family of Amadeo P. Giannini, whose gigantic Transamerica Corporation is under scrutiny of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Left to right: L.M. Giannini, a son; Mrs

Background imageBanking Collection: Felix M. Warburg

Felix M. Warburg
(Original Caption) International Banker Arrives on SS Deutschland. Felix M. Warburg, international banker of New York City, returns from a four-week trip in Berlin, Paris, and London

Background imageBanking Collection: Union Trust Company

Union Trust Company
The Union Trust Company in a modest two-story building on a city corner

Background imageBanking Collection: Portrait of Thomas W. Lamont

Portrait of Thomas W. Lamont
American banker and financier Thomas William Lamont who earned a reputation as a financial problem solver and created the firm, Lamont, Corlis and Company in 1898

Background imageBanking Collection: Thomas Lamont Speaking

Thomas Lamont Speaking
Thomas Lamont, representing the giant investment banking conglomerate known as J. P. Morgan Corporation, speaks to members of the Produce Exchange on Liberty Loan

Background imageBanking Collection: Interior of an Early American Bank

Interior of an Early American Bank
(Original Caption) Bank interior, ca. 1920

Background imageBanking Collection: View of Paper Currency in Austrian Bank

View of Paper Currency in Austrian Bank
(Original Caption) Austria Has Millions -- in Paper Money

Background imageBanking Collection: Men Carrying Baskets of Money

Men Carrying Baskets of Money
(Original Caption) Austria Has Millions--In Paper Money. Here is a photo of bank employees carrying 17 and a half million kronen, paper money, to the counters of the Vienna Bank

Background imageBanking Collection: Portraits of Joseph Lindsay

Portraits of Joseph Lindsay
(Original Caption) Pittsburgh Bandit in Woman's Garb Is Captured

Background imageBanking Collection: View of Large Buildings with Pedestrians

View of Large Buildings with Pedestrians
(Original Caption) Scenes In Johannesburg. The Standard Bank and Harrison Street in Johannesburg is shown

Background imageBanking Collection: Guards Posing with New Armored Car

Guards Posing with New Armored Car
(Original Caption) Armored motor truck -Adams Express Company. Picture shows guard and truck built specially for Adams Express Company. The body of the wagon has been patterned after an idea by W.M

Background imageBanking Collection: Portrait of J.P. Morgan

Portrait of J.P. Morgan
(Original Caption) An American Financier in London. Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan, head of the banking house that bears his name, on the platform at the Waterloo Station, conversing with a friend

Background imageBanking Collection: J.P. Morgan with French Bankers

J.P. Morgan with French Bankers
(Original Caption) Mr. J.P. Morgan Confers with French Bankers. J

Background imageBanking Collection: Amadeo Peter Giannini Lifting Jackie Coogan to Teller's Window

Amadeo Peter Giannini Lifting Jackie Coogan to Teller's Window

Background imageBanking Collection: A.P. Gianini President Of Bank Of Italy

A.P. Gianini President Of Bank Of Italy
(Original Caption) 4/19/24-Paris, France: Portrait of A.P. Gianini, president, Bank of Italy

Background imageBanking Collection: New York Bankers Posing Together

New York Bankers Posing Together
(Original Caption) Left to right: John McGee, John C. King, of New York and Mr. Barclay Warburton, prominent banker of Philadelphia and New York

Background imageBanking Collection: Bank Making Use of Radio

Bank Making Use of Radio
(Original Caption) Making Use of Radio in Business. New York: With the ever increasing development of radio, many uses have been found for the 20th century phenomenon

Background imageBanking Collection: Portrait of Banker Charles Edwin Mitchell

Portrait of Banker Charles Edwin Mitchell
(Original Caption) Charles Edwin Mitchell (10/6/1877, Chelsea, Massachusetts, 12/14/1955, New York, New York)

Background imageBanking Collection: Famous Banker's Wife and Daughter Wintering in Florida

Famous Banker's Wife and Daughter Wintering in Florida
(Original Caption) Mrs

Background imageBanking Collection: Dwight Morrow Shaking Hands with Plutarco Calles

Dwight Morrow Shaking Hands with Plutarco Calles
(Original Caption) Dwight Morrow (1873-1931), American diplomat and banker shaking hands with President Calles of Mexico

Background imageBanking Collection: Portrait of Amadeo Peter Giannini

Portrait of Amadeo Peter Giannini
Amadeo Peter Giannini, founder of the Bank of Italy, which was the first California-wide network of branch banks. The Bank of Italy was later re-named the Bank of America

Background imageBanking Collection: Amadeo Peter Giannini Sitting at Desk

Amadeo Peter Giannini Sitting at Desk
(Original Caption) A.P. Giannini, president of the Bank of Italy

Background imageBanking Collection: Amadeo Peter Giannini and Leo Belden

Amadeo Peter Giannini and Leo Belden
(Original Caption) Leo V. Belden, vice-president of the Bank of Italy, one of the largest financial institutions in the country, and Amadeo P

Background imageBanking Collection: Two Women Managing Bank

Two Women Managing Bank
(Original Caption) Photo shows the two women who manage and direct the activities of an Amsterdam bank which opened a branch in this city

Background imageBanking Collection: Clerks Working During Stock Market Panic

Clerks Working During Stock Market Panic
(Original Caption) Clerks work for 48 hours during the panic in 1929

Background imageBanking Collection: Woman at Teller's Cage in Bank

Woman at Teller's Cage in Bank
(Original Caption) 1929-: A woman stands at a teller's cage in a bank. The sign on the window above the teller reads "RECEIVING."

Background imageBanking Collection: Depositors Waiting for Bank to Open

Depositors Waiting for Bank to Open
(Original Caption) Depositors gather as N.Y. bank closes as bankrupt...Clarke Brothers, private bankers at 154 Nassau St

Background imageBanking Collection: Dorothy Schrouth Changing Currency at Bank

Dorothy Schrouth Changing Currency at Bank
(Original Caption

Background imageBanking Collection: Thomas W. Lamont, J.P. Morgan, and Owen D. Young

Thomas W. Lamont, J.P. Morgan, and Owen D. Young
(Original Caption) American Delegation to Experts Conference Arrive. Photo shows --left to right--Thomas W. Lamont, J.P. Morgan, and Owen D. Young who arrived in Paris aboard the Aquitania

Background imageBanking Collection: Amadeo Peter Giannini Talking with P.C. Hale

Amadeo Peter Giannini Talking with P.C. Hale
(Original Caption) A.P. Giannini at the left, banking genius of two continents, with P.C. Hale on their arrival in San Francisco from New York, where Mr

Background imageBanking Collection: People Outside Bank

People Outside Bank
(Original Caption) "Bring the Good Things of Life Within Reach." Passaic, New Jersey: The little sign above this old couple outside the Merchants Bank

Background imageBanking Collection: People Outside Bank

People Outside Bank
(Original Caption) "Bring the Good Things of Life Within Reach." Passaic, New Jersey: The little sign above this old couple outside the Merchants Bank

Background imageBanking Collection: Depositors Outside of Bank

Depositors Outside of Bank
(Original Caption) Next week

Background imageBanking Collection: Gold Bars on a Hand Tuck

Gold Bars on a Hand Tuck
(Original Caption) New York, NY: Gold bars on a hand truck. Photograph taken in Sub-Treasury, New York ca. 1930. BPA2# 3077

Background imageBanking Collection: Run on Bowery Savings Bank

Run on Bowery Savings Bank
(Original Caption) 1930-New York, NY- Run on Bowery Savings Bank. Photo shows depositors lining up to withdraw thier money

Background imageBanking Collection: Banker Writing with a Quill Pen

Banker Writing with a Quill Pen
(Original Caption) England-: The "Cerebrus" of the Golden Bottle is Colonel Bennett who has been in charge of the vaults at Hoare's Bank for 52 years

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