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Barrel Collection

Background imageBarrel Collection: Farrier shoeing horse drinking water from trough near open stable doors, rear view

Farrier shoeing horse drinking water from trough near open stable doors, rear view

Background imageBarrel Collection: Beer Barrel

Beer Barrel
A giant barrel of beer, part of a demonstration against prohibition in America. (Photo by Henry Guttmann Collection/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageBarrel Collection: Albert Docks

Albert Docks
circa 1885: Dockers load up The Arawa in the Royal Albert Docks, London. (Photo by London Stereoscopic Company/Getty Images)

Background imageBarrel Collection: Barrels At The Beringer Brothers Winery

Barrels At The Beringer Brothers Winery
View of barrels of wine in a tunnel at the Beringer Brothers Winery, St. Helena, California, 1900s. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageBarrel Collection: Sherry Cask

Sherry Cask
27th February 1954: A glass of sherry and a candle next to cobwebbed barrels in a wine cellar at Jerez in Spain. Original Publication: Picture Post - 6734 - Sherry Comes From Spain - pub

Background imageBarrel Collection: Businessman over a barrel, holding briefcase

Businessman over a barrel, holding briefcase
UNITED STATES - CIRCA 1960s: Businessman over a barrel, holding briefcase

Background imageBarrel Collection: Color Print of Wharf Workers Measuring Whale Oil Content in Barrels

Color Print of Wharf Workers Measuring Whale Oil Content in Barrels
(Original Caption) Whale Fishing in New England. Scene shows wharf workers measuring the quantity of whale oil contained in each barrel

Background imageBarrel Collection: African American Soldier Shooting Corner

African American Soldier Shooting Corner
(Original Caption) Civil War: African American pickets on duty at Dutch Gap. Stereographic photo circa 1861-1865

Background imageBarrel Collection: Woman Using Home Washing Machine

Woman Using Home Washing Machine
Woman using home washing machine and wringer. Lithograph, 1870

Background imageBarrel Collection: Homeless Man Sleeping On Makeshift Bed

Homeless Man Sleeping On Makeshift Bed
A homeless man in a Manhattan slum sleeps in the corner of a cellar, ca. 1886. His makeshift bed is an old mattress balanced on top of two barrels

Background imageBarrel Collection: Laundress and Fortune Teller

Laundress and Fortune Teller
(Original Caption) 1898-Nome, AK: Klondike Gold Rush Dawson Laundry. BPA2# 2215

Background imageBarrel Collection: Girl In A Barrel

Girl In A Barrel
(Original Caption) "Nothing to wear". Girl in a barrel. SEE NOTE

Background imageBarrel Collection: Whiskey Ring Corruption

Whiskey Ring Corruption
(Original Caption) Whiskey Ring Corruption. U.S. Secretary of War, William W. Belknap, dives into the Barrel of corruption. (He was impeached for malfeasancein office). Nast cartoon, 1876

Background imageBarrel Collection: Tontine Coffee House, N.Y.C. by Francis Guy

Tontine Coffee House, N.Y.C. by Francis Guy
(Original Caption) Tontine Coffee House, famed trading center, northwest corner of Wall and Water Streets, New York City

Background imageBarrel Collection: Exterior Of Gr Dollar & Sons Vegetable

Exterior Of Gr Dollar & Sons Vegetable
(Original Caption) Exterior of G. R. Dollar & Sons vegetable store. Photograph, ca. 1900

Background imageBarrel Collection: Federal Agents Pour Whiskey Into Sewer

Federal Agents Pour Whiskey Into Sewer
(Original Caption) Prohibition. Federal agents pouring whiskey into sewer. Photograph

Background imageBarrel Collection: Oxen Transporting Gasonline Drums

Oxen Transporting Gasonline Drums
(Original Caption) View of oxcart transpotation of gasoline drums in San Jose, Costa Rica. Costa Rica imports oil, cotton, iron, steel, flour, motor vehicles, and many less important commodities

Background imageBarrel Collection: Old-Time Paper Maker; Barrel

Old-Time Paper Maker; Barrel
(Original Caption) Paper maker by Jost Amman. Woodcut

Background imageBarrel Collection: Diving Bell; Spalding, With Air Barrel

Diving Bell; Spalding, With Air Barrel
(Original Caption) Spalding's improved diving-bell, with the air-barrels. Undated engraving. BPA2# 1081

Background imageBarrel Collection: Bottling Lager In A Beer Factory

Bottling Lager In A Beer Factory
(Original Caption) "Bottling the Lager" in a beer factory. Undated engraving

Background imageBarrel Collection: Frank Hayes As Hillbilly Smoking Pipe

Frank Hayes As Hillbilly Smoking Pipe
(Original Caption) Portrait of actor Frank Hayes as a bearded hillbilly smoking a corncob pipe. Undated publicity handout

Background imageBarrel Collection: Uncle Sam Supplying the World With Home Light Oil Lithograph

Uncle Sam Supplying the World With Home Light Oil Lithograph
Trade card for Home Light oil. Uncle Sam supplying the world with Home Light oil. Lithograph, 19th Century

Background imageBarrel Collection: Medieval Peasant Emptying Small Barrel

Medieval Peasant Emptying Small Barrel
(Original Caption) Medieval peasant emptying small barrel. Undated engraving. BPA2# 3956

Background imageBarrel Collection: Whiskey Ring Political Cartoon by Thomas Nast

Whiskey Ring Political Cartoon by Thomas Nast
A political cartoon on the Whiskey Ring scandal that occured during President Grant's second term

Background imageBarrel Collection: Old Time American Grocery Store

Old Time American Grocery Store
(Original Caption) Grocery Store: Old time American grocery store. Merchant is seen packing up merchandise. At left: Crackerbarrel philosophers. Woodcut by Alexander Anderson, ca. 1835. BPA2# 3659

Background imageBarrel Collection: Colored Advertising Poster For Washer

Colored Advertising Poster For Washer
(Original Caption) Laundry: Colored advertising poster for home washer and wringer, 1870s

Background imageBarrel Collection: Early Standard Oil Horsedrawn Truck

Early Standard Oil Horsedrawn Truck
(Original Caption) One of the earliest horsedrawn trucks used to supply gas stations with gasoline. This kind of vehicle was used by the Standard Oil Company of California in 1908. Undated photograph

Background imageBarrel Collection: Police Destroying Barrels Of Beer

Police Destroying Barrels Of Beer
Children watch as a prohibitionist destroys a barrel of beer with an ax during Prohibition in the United States

Background imageBarrel Collection: Man Destroying Barrels Of Beer

Man Destroying Barrels Of Beer
(Original Caption) Prohibition. A crowd watches a man use an ax to destroy barrels of illicit beer. Undated photograph

Background imageBarrel Collection: Sailors Posing in Gun Barrels

Sailors Posing in Gun Barrels
Aboard the USS Arizona battleship

Background imageBarrel Collection: Police and Crowd Watching Men Remove Wine Barrel

Police and Crowd Watching Men Remove Wine Barrel
(Original Caption) 4/27/1921-New York, NY- Seizure of wine on a court warrant at 38 Cherry Street. Shows officials taking barrels from the cellar

Background imageBarrel Collection: Moe Smith and and Izzy Einstein at Still

Moe Smith and and Izzy Einstein at Still
4/17/1923-New Hampton, IA-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Moe Smith, Izzy Einstein and Jake Gosnell at scene of raided still at New Hampton

Background imageBarrel Collection: Hut Built to Resemble Ice Cream Maker

Hut Built to Resemble Ice Cream Maker
(Original Caption) 4/1/29-Hollywood, California: Merchants in Hollywood, California seek self expression in constructing their store to resemble the commodity they sell

Background imageBarrel Collection: William Red Hill on Steel Barrel

William Red Hill on Steel Barrel
(Original Caption) Anything for a Thrill. Navigates Niagara

Background imageBarrel Collection: Amos And Andy Playing Cards

Amos And Andy Playing Cards
(Original Caption) 2/15/30: "Amos and Andy, " famous characters of the radio, playing cards

Background imageBarrel Collection: Queen Of Hops With Bale Of Hops

Queen Of Hops With Bale Of Hops
(Original Caption) 1933: Following an old Bavarian custom, each year, the hop pickets elect a queen to rule during the season

Background imageBarrel Collection: Jack Pearl Toasting the End of Prohibition

Jack Pearl Toasting the End of Prohibition
Popular radio performers Jack Pearl and Cliff Hall perform in front of the Michel brewery in Brooklyn

Background imageBarrel Collection: Native American Farm Workers

Native American Farm Workers
Chief Little John, here 110 years old, and his great, great, great grandson Little Eagle on a farm

Background imageBarrel Collection: Woman in 'Tax Payer' Barrel

Woman in "Tax Payer" Barrel
Mary Parrish of Marblehead, Massachusetts, stole the show at the annual Artists Ball, appearing in a barrel to represent the present-day tax payer

Background imageBarrel Collection: Women in a Barrel

Women in a Barrel
Contestants in the upcoming beauty pageant at the National Tobacco Festival stand naked in a large hickory barrel. South Boston City, Virginia. 1938. | Location: South Boston City, Virginia, USA

Background imageBarrel Collection: Seminole Indian Children Playing Beneath Tree

Seminole Indian Children Playing Beneath Tree
(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageBarrel Collection: Supermarine Type 300 Prototype Spitfire

Supermarine Type 300 Prototype Spitfire
The R.J. Mitchell designed (Vickers)

Background imageBarrel Collection: Man Wearing Barrel During Demonstration

Man Wearing Barrel During Demonstration
Sheriff Kirk S. King pickets in a wooden barrel outside the Winnebago Price and Rationing Board

Background imageBarrel Collection: Soldier Wears Barrel while Woman Sews Pants

Soldier Wears Barrel while Woman Sews Pants
(Original Caption) 8/16/1945-Paris, France- Paris does not have a wardrobe permitting two pairs of pants so here at the American Red Cross Club, "Rainbow Corners

Background imageBarrel Collection: Clown and Kids in Rolling Barrel

Clown and Kids in Rolling Barrel
(Original Caption) 5/24/1947-New York, NY- The men who guide the destinies of their respective nations may not always agree with each other, but these two youngsters

Background imageBarrel Collection: Movie Still of Nude Woman in Flour Barrel

Movie Still of Nude Woman in Flour Barrel
(Original Caption) 8/1/1947- This coy maiden was probably out swimming and someone stole her clothes, forcing her to come home in a barrel

Background imageBarrel Collection: Cesar Chavez Speaking at Conference

Cesar Chavez Speaking at Conference
Labor leader Cesar Chavez, president of the United Farm Workers union, speaks at a press conference in Washington, DC concerning a UFW boycott of "contaminated" grapes

Background imageBarrel Collection: Print Depicting Courtlandt St. New-York

Print Depicting Courtlandt St. New-York
(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageBarrel Collection: Print of an Encounter Between a Swell and a Bowery Boy in the Five Points Neighborhood

Print of an Encounter Between a Swell and a Bowery Boy in the Five Points Neighborhood
(Original Caption) An encounter between a Swell and a "Bowery Boy". Five Points in 1827

Background imageBarrel Collection: Postcard Of Women Packing Fish

Postcard Of Women Packing Fish
(Original Caption) Scotland- Undated postcard showing Scottish women packing herring for export. They are shown in a row, wearing aprons and standing over barrels of fish

Background imageBarrel Collection: Barrels Being Lifted On To Ocean Liner

Barrels Being Lifted On To Ocean Liner
(Original Caption) Loading barrels on an ocean liner at a New York City Pier. In this photograph the barrels are lifted onto the boat as the workers watch. Undated photograph

Background imageBarrel Collection: Six Horses Pulling Brewery Truck

Six Horses Pulling Brewery Truck
(Original Caption) Portrait of a James Hanley Brewing Company truck, pulled by six horses. Undated photograph

Background imageBarrel Collection: Men In Smocks Play Horn

Men In Smocks Play Horn
(Original Caption) Two men in smocks seated upon chairs perched on barrels play music. Man on left plays a horn, man on right plays bagpipes. Undated

Background imageBarrel Collection: Cartoon: A Smuggler During the Embargo Act 1807-1809

Cartoon: A Smuggler During the Embargo Act 1807-1809
A merchant trying to smuggle goods out of the country during the Embargo Act (1807-1809). He is snapped by federal authorities in the form of a turtle

Background imageBarrel Collection: Illustration Depicting Five Points in Lower Manhattan

Illustration Depicting Five Points in Lower Manhattan

Background imageBarrel Collection: Ludlow Street, near Houston

Ludlow Street, near Houston
(Original Caption) New York, New York: Unhygienic street conditions in Ludlow Street near Houston, New York City

Background imageBarrel Collection: Illustration of People Getting Water from the Neva River in St. Petersburg

Illustration of People Getting Water from the Neva River in St. Petersburg
(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageBarrel Collection: Along the Docks, New York City, View From West Street

Along the Docks, New York City, View From West Street
Illustration of the docks in New York City, from West Street. Illustration circa 1870

Background imageBarrel Collection: Mugging and Murder on a New York City Street Illustration in Police Gazette

Mugging and Murder on a New York City Street Illustration in Police Gazette
(Original Caption) Mugging and murder on a New York City street

Background imageBarrel Collection: Confederate Soldiers Smuggling Medicine

Confederate Soldiers Smuggling Medicine
(Original Caption) "Smuggling medicines into the South to alleviate drug shortage

Background imageBarrel Collection: Seventeenth Century Woodcut of Vineyard With Grape Harvesting

Seventeenth Century Woodcut of Vineyard With Grape Harvesting
(Original Caption) Vineyard and grape harvesting, Germany, 1687. Woodcut

Background imageBarrel Collection: Illustration of Pacific Railroad Production

Illustration of Pacific Railroad Production
(Original Caption) Building the Pacific Railroad: encampment at Black Butte, California showing supplies being readied for the work crew

Background imageBarrel Collection: Boy Seated In Front Of Furnace Illustrat

Boy Seated In Front Of Furnace Illustrat
(Original Caption) - Master James Crow, undated illustration of a boy seated on a barrell in front of a furnace

Background imageBarrel Collection: Illus. Of Oil Manufacturing Plant

Illus. Of Oil Manufacturing Plant
(Original Caption) Illustration depicting the manufacture of lubricating oil. Woodcut, 1879

Background imageBarrel Collection: Engraving Depicting an Eviction in the Tenement District by Charles Mente

Engraving Depicting an Eviction in the Tenement District by Charles Mente
(Original Caption) Illustration depicting an eviction in the tenement district of New York City. Engraving dated 1890, drawn by Charles Mente

Background imageBarrel Collection: Lithograph of the Embarkation and Departure of Columbus from the Port of Palos after a painting by Ricardo Balaca

Lithograph of the Embarkation and Departure of Columbus from the Port of Palos after a painting by Ricardo Balaca
(Original Caption) Illustration titled "Embarkation and Departure of Columbus from the Port of Palos", On His First Voyage of Discovery, On The 3rd of August, 1492

Background imageBarrel Collection: Worker Rolling Barrell Of Oil

Worker Rolling Barrell Of Oil
(Original Caption) Illustration depicting a worker rolling a barrel at an oil manufacturing facility. Undated color lithograph

Background imageBarrel Collection: Two Men Give 'Cheers' with Beer, Barrels

Two Men Give "Cheers" with Beer, Barrels
(Original Caption) 12/12/1949-Berlin, Germany: These two Berlin brewery teamsters get their first taste of "Bock" beer in ten years and seem to like it

Background imageBarrel Collection: Scotch Whiskey Is Poured Into Casks

Scotch Whiskey Is Poured Into Casks
(Original Caption) 1950: The distilled Scotch whiskey is poured into wooden casks and stored in a warehouse, where it matures for a period of years

Background imageBarrel Collection: Blended Whiskey Piped From Blending Vat

Blended Whiskey Piped From Blending Vat
(Original Caption) 2/17/50: The blended whiskey is piped from the giant blending vat into small wooden barrels. It is then allowed to "settle down and marry" until it is ready for bottling

Background imageBarrel Collection: Futuristic Airplane

Futuristic Airplane
(Original Caption) 5/17/1955-Washington, DC-: A "flying barrel, " that will outperform vertical take-off aircraft and helicopters, is described in the June issue of Aero Digest

Background imageBarrel Collection: Rioting Transport Workers Throw Barrel

Rioting Transport Workers Throw Barrel
(Original Caption) 4/19/1957-Paris, France- Paris transportation workers, who are on strike and rioting in Paris streets

Background imageBarrel Collection: Agent Lifts Mash From Barrel W/Shovel

Agent Lifts Mash From Barrel W/Shovel
(Original Caption) 4/8/1958-Berlin, NJ: A revenue agent uses a long handled shovel to reach into barrels containing sour mash for use in the moonshine still at left in background

Background imageBarrel Collection: Winchell Examines Double-Barreled Zip-Gu

Winchell Examines Double-Barreled Zip-Gu
(Original Caption) 9/24/1959-New York, NY- GANG WAR AVERTED: Walter Winchell examines double-barrelled zip-gun, unique in police history

Background imageBarrel Collection: Champion Beer Barrel Lifter

Champion Beer Barrel Lifter
Willi Heinz, wearing lederhosen, lifts a 60 quart barrel of beer during a contest at the Augustinerkeller in Munich. Heinz won the contest for the third time in 1962

Background imageBarrel Collection: Distiller Plugging Whiskey Barrel

Distiller Plugging Whiskey Barrel
Distiller Joseph Wathen plugs a bourbon whiskey barrel in the warehouse of a Louisville, Kentucky, distillery. September 14, 1962

Background imageBarrel Collection: Dairy Show Practice

Dairy Show Practice
Dairy workers practise their butter-making before a dairy show at the Agricultural Hall, London, circa 1930. (Photo by Keystone/FPG/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageBarrel Collection: Cup Final Beer

Cup Final Beer
A delivery of beer from Simonds brewers of Reading, arrives at Wembley Stadium, London, before the FA Cup Final between Cardiff City FC and Sheffield United, April 1925

Background imageBarrel Collection: Overturned Barrels Of Waste @ Dump Site

Overturned Barrels Of Waste @ Dump Site
(Original Caption) 5/15/1980-Sacco, ME- Scene at the Sacco landfill, allegedly the site of massive chemical waste dumping over the past several years

Background imageBarrel Collection: Barrels Of Toxic Waste

Barrels Of Toxic Waste
Barrels of toxic waste wait for cleanup through the Federal Auperfund at a New Jersey industrial dump

Background imageBarrel Collection: Mobile Filtration Unit at Old Chemical Plant

Mobile Filtration Unit at Old Chemical Plant
Heavy rains bring the Environmental Protection Agency begins cleanup of about 1.5 million gallons of contaminated water with a mobile filteration unit at the previous site of the Enviro-Chem Plant

Background imageBarrel Collection: Watch The Birdie

Watch The Birdie
30th November 1934: Joey the raven, the mascot of a London brewery perches on a barrel in the yard

Background imageBarrel Collection: Barrel Bath

Barrel Bath
July 1929: Scouts pouring water over the head of another member sitting in a barrel at the World Jamboree Camp at Birkenhead. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)

Background imageBarrel Collection: Measuring Barrels

Measuring Barrels
circa 1929: An official of the Port Of London Authourity Commission measuring cargo at St Catherines Dock, London. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)

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