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Biblical Event Collection

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of four priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant and crossing the River Jordan

Illustration of four priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant and crossing the River Jordan

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, John 1, Jesus chooses 12 disciples

Illustration of a bible scene, John 1, Jesus chooses 12 disciples

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, 2 Kings 12

Illustration of a bible scene, 2 Kings 12, Temple of Solomon is repaired by King Josiahs men

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 35-36

Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 35-36, Tabernacle, God instructs Moses to build a house of prayer for the wandering Israelites

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 3

Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 3, Moses and the Burning Bush, God reveals himself to Moses and instructs him to lead the Israelites out of Israel

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Christian art in France. Stained Glass

Christian art in France. Stained Glass
Our Lady of Strasbourg Cathedral. Stained glass window 14th century. Palm Sunday, Entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of the twelve symbols of the tribes of Israel

Illustration of the twelve symbols of the tribes of Israel, The sun, pitcher with sword, lion, ship, donkey, snake, round tent, tree, fawn, bunch of black grapes, palm tree, and wolf

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Luke 8, Jesus raises a dead girl

Illustration of a bible scene, Luke 8, Jesus raises a dead girl
assistance, bed, biblical event, christianity, cure, cut out, daughter, dead person, death, elementary age, family with one child, father, getting up, girls, gospel of luke, helping, history

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of Thermuthis bathing in River Nile as Jochebed holds baby Moses in basket made of bulrushes on riverbank

Illustration of Thermuthis bathing in River Nile as Jochebed holds baby Moses in basket made of bulrushes on riverbank

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration Moses striking rock with rod as water flows

Illustration Moses striking rock with rod as water flows

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of wise King Solomon sitting on throne pointing at naked baby held upside down by man holding sword during

Illustration of wise King Solomon sitting on throne pointing at naked baby held upside down by man holding sword during argument between two prostitutes

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of Egyptian overseer whipping Hebrew man lying on ground

Illustration of Egyptian overseer whipping Hebrew man lying on ground

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of disciples Peter

Illustration of disciples Peter, James and John kneeling in awe below Jesus, Moses and Elijah standing on mountain of transfiguration above

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of Moses leading Hebrews Eastward on journey to Canaan

Illustration of Moses leading Hebrews Eastward on journey to Canaan

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of the Israelites tabernacle, high angle view

Illustration of the Israelites tabernacle, high angle view

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of Moses and Aaron talking to Pharaoh

Illustration of Moses and Aaron talking to Pharaoh, asking him to release the Isrealites, Book of Exodus

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of King Herod on throne watching Salome dance, Gospel of Matthew

Illustration of King Herod on throne watching Salome dance, Gospel of Matthew

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Judges 14-16

Illustration of a bible scene, Judges 14-16, Samson, God gives Samson extraordinary strength so that he can kill a lion and many Philistines, defeat a whole army and destroy a pagan temple

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 17

Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 17, Water from rock, Moses strikes the rock with his staff and water for the thirsty Israelites pours from it

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Nehemiah 3, 12, Gods people build a wall around Jerusalem

Illustration of a bible scene, Nehemiah 3, 12, Gods people build a wall around Jerusalem

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Daniel 3

Illustration of a bible scene, Daniel 3, The Fiery Furnace, Daniels friends Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego saved by Gods angel, Nebuchadnezzar looks on

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 16

Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 16, Manna and Quail, God provides meat and bread for the starving Israelites in the desert

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Numbers 13-14: The Twelve Spies

Illustration of a bible scene, Numbers 13-14: The Twelve Spies, Joshua and Caleb aren t afraid of the Promised Land Moses sends them to and enjoy what God provides

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, 1 Kings 6

Illustration of a bible scene, 1 Kings 6, 8, King Solomon builds the first Temple to God in Jerusalem

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene

Illustration of a bible scene, Jeremiah 38: Jeremiah is thrown into a cistern by the king for predicting Jerusalems defeat to Babylon and then rescued

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Sequence of illustrations showing Samson wrestling a lion

Sequence of illustrations showing Samson wrestling a lion, and eating honey from its carcass, Samson telling a riddle, and falling in love with a Philistine woman, and flames engulfing a sacrifice

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of Noah and his three sons Shem

Illustration of Noah and his three sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth constructing the Ark as his wife calls chosen animals using shofar

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of Paul standing on deck of sinking ship during voyage to Rome as lightening strikes in background

Illustration of Paul standing on deck of sinking ship during voyage to Rome as lightening strikes in background and people drown in Mediterranean Sea

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of shepherd finding his lost sheep, Gospel of Matthew

Illustration of shepherd finding his lost sheep, Gospel of Matthew

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Ezra 1-6

Illustration of a bible scene, Ezra 1-6, King Darius allows the Jews to rebuild the Holy Temple

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, 2 Kings 4

Illustration of a bible scene, 2 Kings 4, Jars of Oil, Elisha advises a poor family to pour olive oil from their jar into empty ones, God ensures the oil never runs out

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Esther 5-8: Queen Esther persuades King Ahasuerus to help the Jews

Illustration of a bible scene, Esther 5-8: Queen Esther persuades King Ahasuerus to help the Jews

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, 1 Kings 18

Illustration of a bible scene, 1 Kings 18, Elijah proves Gods existence by praying to him to set a damp pile of wood and stones on fire

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Daniel 6, Daniel in the lions den, protected by an angel

Illustration of a bible scene, Daniel 6, Daniel in the lions den, protected by an angel

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 12

Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 12, Passover, Moses instructs Gods people how to keep safe and the pharaoh agrees to let them leave Egypt

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Daniel 2

Illustration of a bible scene, Daniel 2, Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel interprets the kings dreams

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Genesis 33

Illustration of a bible scene, Genesis 33, Jacob and Esau, the twins are reunited years after they quarrelled and Jacob left

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Genesis 28

Illustration of a bible scene, Genesis 28, Jacobs ladder, Jacob dreams of angels descending and ascending steps to Heaven

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, 2 Samuel 11-12

Illustration of a bible scene, 2 Samuel 11-12, King David commits adultery with Bathsheba and ensures her husband is killed in battle so that they may marry

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of soldier holding Zedekiah as Nebuchadnezzar blinds him using knife as his sons lie dead

Illustration of soldier holding Zedekiah as Nebuchadnezzar blinds him using knife as his sons lie dead, and Jerusalem is destroyed by fire

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of Cain brandishing knife near body of his brother Abel lying dead on rocks

Illustration of Cain brandishing knife near body of his brother Abel lying dead on rocks

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of Mesopotamian King Nimrod standing near slaves constructing the Tower of Babel

Illustration of Mesopotamian King Nimrod standing near slaves constructing the Tower of Babel

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Black and white illustration of round symbol with three concentric circles and letters within

Black and white illustration of round symbol with three concentric circles and letters within

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of five ants mentioned in proverbs

Illustration of five ants mentioned in proverbs

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of angel looking on as red dragon with seven head disappears through hole in Earth

Illustration of angel looking on as red dragon with seven head disappears through hole in Earth

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of angel reveal holy city of Jerusalem to John in a vision as water of life flows below bridge

Illustration of angel reveal holy city of Jerusalem to John in a vision as water of life flows below bridge and tree of life grows on its banks

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of Cain on knees, having a mark put on his face, Book of Genesis

Illustration of Cain on knees, having a mark put on his face, Book of Genesis

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of Jesus healing people

Illustration of Jesus healing people

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of Queen of Sheba talking to Solomon

Illustration of Queen of Sheba talking to Solomon, surrounded by servants, gifts on the floor, Book of Kings

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, John 3, Nicodemus meets Jesus

Illustration of a bible scene, John 3, Nicodemus meets Jesus

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, 2 Kings 18, King Hezekiah of Judah destroys all idols

Illustration of a bible scene, 2 Kings 18, King Hezekiah of Judah destroys all idols

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, 2 Kings 22

Illustration of a bible scene, 2 Kings 22, King Josiah asks God for forgiveness after the Book Of The Law is found during the renovation of the Temple of Solomon

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Luke 3

Illustration of a bible scene, Luke 3, John the Baptist baptises Jesus in the River Jordan, God speaks to him and send down his Holy Spirit in the form of a dove

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Matthew 2

Illustration of a bible scene, Matthew 2, Three Kings visit newborn Jesus and bring gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Genesis 4

Illustration of a bible scene, Genesis 4, Cain and Abel, Cain kills Abel and is punished by God

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 5

Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 5, Gods people are slaves in Egypt and made to work harder for worshipping God

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, 2 Kings 5

Illustration of a bible scene, 2 Kings 5, Soldier Naaman has his sores cured when Elisha tells him to wash in the River Jordan

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Matthew 2, Luke 2, young Jesus growing up in Nazareth

Illustration of a bible scene, Matthew 2, Luke 2, young Jesus growing up in Nazareth

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Numbers 21

Illustration of a bible scene, Numbers 21, God punishes the Israelites for speaking against him by sending fiery serpents

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, 1 Samuel 16, David, a shepherd, looking after his flock

Illustration of a bible scene, 1 Samuel 16, David, a shepherd, looking after his flock

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 31-32

Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 31-32, Golden Calf, the Israelites worship an idol while Moses is absent on Mount Sinai

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, 2 Samuel 18

Illustration of a bible scene, 2 Samuel 18, Absaloms hair is caught in a tree fleeing from defeat at the Battle of Ephraim Wood

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Daniel 5, writing on the wall at King Belshazzars feast

Illustration of a bible scene, Daniel 5, writing on the wall at King Belshazzars feast

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 2

Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 2, Baby Moses, Moses is left in a basket on the banks of the Nile by his mother, the pharaohs daughter finds him and he becomes her son

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 20

Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 20, 24, Moses climbs to the summit of Mount Sinai and receives the Ten Commandments

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 17

Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 17, Moses holds his staff up to God, his brother Aaron and Hur help him hold the staff until sunset, Amalekite army in the background

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, 1 Kings 3

Illustration of a bible scene, 1 Kings 3, King Solomon solves a dispute between two women over who is mother of their child

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, 2 Kings 2, Elijah ascends to heaven on a chariot of fire

Illustration of a bible scene, 2 Kings 2, Elijah ascends to heaven on a chariot of fire

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, 1 Kings 17

Illustration of a bible scene, 1 Kings 17, God protects Elijah from King Ahab and hides him in a place with plenty of water where he is fed by ravens

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Mark 8, Jesus heals the blind

Illustration of a bible scene, Mark 8, Jesus heals the blind

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Matthew 5

Illustration of a bible scene, Matthew 5, Jesus gives a sermon from the summit of a mountain

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Matthew 8, Jesus heals a Roman soldiers servant

Illustration of a bible scene, Matthew 8, Jesus heals a Roman soldiers servant

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Luke 1

Illustration of a bible scene, Luke 1, Angel Gabriel visits Mary and tells her God wishes her to be mother of his child

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, 1 Samuel 8, Samuel presents Saul as the new King

Illustration of a bible scene, 1 Samuel 8, Samuel presents Saul as the new King

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, John 6, Jesus feeds the 5000

Illustration of a bible scene, John 6, Jesus feeds the 5000

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, 1 Kings 1

Illustration of a bible scene, 1 Kings 1, Solomon rides through the city on his fathers mule to show that David wishes him to be his successor and is anointed as king by a priest

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene

Illustration of a bible scene, 1 Samuel 16: Samuel uses oil to anoint David as king on Gods instruction after Saul disappoints him

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Jesus walking on water

Illustration of a bible scene, Jesus walking on water

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Luke 8, Jesus calms the storm and saves his disciples

Illustration of a bible scene, Luke 8, Jesus calms the storm and saves his disciples

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, 1 Kings 11

Illustration of a bible scene, 1 Kings 11, Solomon builds and worships statues instead of God

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Genesis 11, Tower of Babel

Illustration of a bible scene, Genesis 11, Tower of Babel

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Job 1, Jobs family feasting at his brothers house

Illustration of a bible scene, Job 1, Jobs family feasting at his brothers house

Background imageBiblical Event Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Luke 2, the shepherds travel to Bethlehem to see baby Jesus

Illustration of a bible scene, Luke 2, the shepherds travel to Bethlehem to see baby Jesus

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