Farrier shoeing horse drinking water from trough near open stable doors, rear view
Farmer Visiting Blacksmith Shop(Original Caption) The Huber Annual, 1867. The Farmers Friend
Blacksmith Changes Horseshoe In Shop;Ill(Original Caption) Interior of a blacksmith's shop. Lithograph ca. 1840 by Felgner
Blacksmith Angry over Legal Writ(Original Caption) Shay's Rebellion, 1786-87: Blacksmith expressing anger over legal writ foreclosing his shop. Woodcut, undated
Kids Watch Blacksmith Shoeing A Horse(Original Caption) 1901-Watching the blacksmith shoe a horse. Photograph, 1901
Blacksmith Shoeing A Horse In A Stable(Original Caption) 1937-New England blacksmith shoeing a horse. Photographed by Rothstein, 1937
Village Blacksmith Shop(Original Caption) The Village Smithy. Photograph shows two men, one front and one profile, standing around the tools of the trade. One man is holding a hammer against an anvil
Blacksmith Hammers;Horshoes, Tools, Access(Original Caption) Vermont blacksmith shop with all the appurtenances of the trade. Photograph, ca. 1940
Bearded Blacksmith Hammering Metal/Anvil(Original Caption) Bearded blacksmith. Undated photograph
Exterior View Of Paul Revere'S House(Original Caption) Exterior view of Paul Revere's house in Boston, Massachusetts. Undated photograph
Blacksmith Shop; Horseshoe Repairing(Original Caption) Ca. 1905-Minneapolis, MN: Blacksmith shop
Blacksmith Lights Cigar W/Hot Horseshoe(Original Caption) Blacksmith lighting his cigar with red-hot horshoe. Photograph, ca. 1900
Blacksmith Putting Horse Shoes On Horse(Original Caption) Blacksmith shoeing a horse. Undated photograph
Blacksmith In Metal Shop; Hammer, Anvil(Original Caption) Blacksmith shop, photograph, ca. 1900
Engraving After The Village Blacksmith by R. ElmoreEngraving entitled "THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH, " from a painting by R. Elmore. Undated illustration. BPA2# 3072
Illus. Entitled "Native Blacksmiths"(Original Caption) Undated illustration entitled "NATIVE BLACKSMITHS, " depicting men outside a hut forging metal over an open furnace
Lithograph Of A Blacksmith, 1874(Original Caption) 1874-Trade and occupations. The Blacksmith. Lithograph, 1874
Prehistoric Man Forging Iron On An Anvil(Original Caption) The first blacksmiths. Prehistoric man forging iron on an anvil. Engraving, undated. BPA2# 3073
Illus.; Blacksmith At Work, Hammer, Anvil(Original Caption) A blacksmith at work using different tools. Undated illustration
Illustration of an American Blacksmith at Anvil(Original Caption) Illustration depicting an American blacksmith at the anvil. Early 19th century woodcut
Woodcut; Weapon-Smith At Work(Original Caption) A weapon-smith at work in the 15th century. Undated woodcut
Victorian Blacksmith FarriersVintage 19th century engraving showing two boys playing in a blacksmiths (Farriers) forge while the blacksmith looks on
Musee Nat. des Arts et Traditions Populaires, Paris, FranceA Farrier shoeing a Horse (oil on canvas) (Photo by Art Images via Getty Images)
In he goes! with a frightful shoutVintage engraving from 1870 showing a scene from a poem by Thomas Hood. In he goes! with a frightful shout
Antique illustration of scientific discoveries: Steam power, Marquis de Jouffroy
Antique illustration of blacksmith
Illus.;Blacksmith Forging Hot Metal(Original Caption) Blacksmith forging hot metal. Undated illustration
Old Forgecirca 1857: A blacksmith at work on an anvil outside his forge. William Grundys English Views (Photo by William Grundy/London Stereoscopic Company/Getty Images)
Street in the souk of blacksmiths in Marrakech
Armourycirca 1860: A smith hammers out a hunk of metal in his workshop, watched by an anxious woman. Beside him stands a finished breastplate. (Photo by Rischgitz/Getty Images)
Army Forge1st February 1901: Shoeing smiths at work in a cavalry camp during the Boer War. (Photo by Reinhold Thiele/Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Toledo, An old frontdoorSpain, Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo. An old wood frontdoor with a small window and rusty nails on it