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Blessing Collection

Background imageBlessing Collection: Resurrected Jesus

Resurrected Jesus

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus Comforting Children

Jesus Comforting Children

Background imageBlessing Collection: Isaac blessing Jacob (Genesis 27)

Isaac blessing Jacob (Genesis 27)
Illustration of a Isaac blessing Jacob (Genesis 27)

Background imageBlessing Collection: Mother Mary with Jesus and angels

Mother Mary with Jesus and angels

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus with a Flock of Sheep

Jesus with a Flock of Sheep

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus blessing the Little Children

Jesus blessing the Little Children
Vintage colour lithograph from 1882 of Jesus blessing the Little Children

Background imageBlessing Collection: Canterbury Tales - The Prioress

Canterbury Tales - The Prioress
The Prioress, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"

Background imageBlessing Collection: Print of Palestrina Showing Pope Julian III His New Mass

Print of Palestrina Showing Pope Julian III His New Mass

Background imageBlessing Collection: Pope John XXIII as Cardinal

Pope John XXIII as Cardinal
(Original Caption) Pope John XXIII raises his hand in benediction in this official Vatican photo made before he was elevated to the Papal throne in 1958

Background imageBlessing Collection: Saint Germain of Auxerre Blessing a Young Girl near Nanterre

Saint Germain of Auxerre Blessing a Young Girl near Nanterre

Background imageBlessing Collection: Woodcut of The Blessings of the Constitution

Woodcut of The Blessings of the Constitution
(Original Caption) Symbolical woodcut of the blessings of the Constitution. Living under the Law

Background imageBlessing Collection: Bishop Blessing British Troops in London

Bishop Blessing British Troops in London
Bishops bless members of the British armed forces on the steps of St. Paul's Cathedral in London

Background imageBlessing Collection: Bishop Receiving Cross From Swimmer

Bishop Receiving Cross From Swimmer
Bishop Andrey Velichky of the Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Church receives a cross from a swimmer as part of the ancient blessing of the water ceremony. Santa Monica, January 21, 1939

Background imageBlessing Collection: First Indian Priest Giving Blessings

First Indian Priest Giving Blessings
(Original Caption) 6/21/1948-Missoula, MT: Father John J

Background imageBlessing Collection: Pope John Paul II Blesses Crowd

Pope John Paul II Blesses Crowd
Pope John Paul II blesses the crowd in St. Peter's Square on Christmas day

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jewish Leader Blesses Family Wedding Ceremony

Jewish Leader Blesses Family Wedding Ceremony
Seventy year old Rebbe Moses Teitelbaum, spiritual leader of the Satmar Hassidic, blesses the marriage of his grandson

Background imageBlessing Collection: Blessing Of Remains Of Napoleon

Blessing Of Remains Of Napoleon
(Original Caption) Blessing of Napoleon's remains at St. Helena before the return to France. Painting by N. Maurier. Undated illustration

Background imageBlessing Collection: Pope Pius XI Giving Gesture/Hands

Pope Pius XI Giving Gesture/Hands
(Original Caption) Illustration shows Pope Pius IX standing in front of his throne, giving a blessing-like gesture with his fingers. Undated

Background imageBlessing Collection: The Resurrected Christ by Sandro Botticelli

The Resurrected Christ by Sandro Botticelli
(Original Caption) Painting of the Resurrected Christ

Background imageBlessing Collection: Woman Blesses Candles, Man Talks To Chil

Woman Blesses Candles, Man Talks To Chil
(Original Caption) 10/14/1951-Esther Zolkowitz, 93, blesses the candles as 80 yr

Background imageBlessing Collection: Pope Blesses a Young Patient

Pope Blesses a Young Patient
During a visit to Bambin Gesu children's hospital here Dec. 25th, Christmas day, Pope John XXIII blesses a little boy patient. During the day, the Pope took the role of a parish priest

Background imageBlessing Collection: Blessings for the Pope

Blessings for the Pope
Eugene Cardinal Tisserant (center) blesses the supine form of Pope Pius XII shortly after the Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church died at the papal villa here early October 9th

Background imageBlessing Collection: Pope John XXIII Gives Benediction Blessing

Pope John XXIII Gives Benediction Blessing
Pope John XXIII gives his blessing of benediction

Background imageBlessing Collection: Reverend Blessing Waters in Ceremony

Reverend Blessing Waters in Ceremony
(Original Caption) 8/16/1960-Salisbury Beach, MA - Right, Rev. Charles E. Flanigan, Headmaster of St. Sebastian's Country Day School, is shown blessing the waters at Salisbury Beach

Background imageBlessing Collection: Pope John XXIII Giving Blessing on Feast Day

Pope John XXIII Giving Blessing on Feast Day
(Original Caption) 12/9/1961- Rome, Italy: Pope in Piazza Di Spagna: Standing in his convertible limousine

Background imageBlessing Collection: Cardinal Cushing Imparting Blessing over JFK's Coffin

Cardinal Cushing Imparting Blessing over JFK's Coffin
11/25/1963- Washington, DC: The assassination of John. F. Kennedy, Cardinal Cushing imparting a blessing over his coffin as Mrs

Background imageBlessing Collection: Funeral for President John F. Kennedy

Funeral for President John F. Kennedy
Archbishop Richard Cushing blesses the coffin containing the remains of President John F. Kennedy outside St. Matthew's Cathedral

Background imageBlessing Collection: Cardinal Jean Villot Chamberlain Blessing Cardinals

Cardinal Jean Villot Chamberlain Blessing Cardinals
French Cardinal Jean Villot Chamberlain of the Holy See (2nd R) blesses cardinals at St

Background imageBlessing Collection: Pope John Paul II Delivering Mass in Italy

Pope John Paul II Delivering Mass in Italy
9/15/1979-Nettuno, Italy-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: The Pope, shown here during mass at Nettuno, Italy, is expected to make two entries into the UN building, to deliver his address around noon

Background imageBlessing Collection: Pope John Paul II Gesturing Before Crowd

Pope John Paul II Gesturing Before Crowd
(Original Caption) 10/4/1979-Des Moines, IA: Pope John Paul II gives a papal blessing at the Living Farm, where an outdoor mass was celebrated and attended by some 200, 000 persons

Background imageBlessing Collection: Pope John Paul II Blesses Crowd In Nigeria

Pope John Paul II Blesses Crowd In Nigeria
(Original Caption) 2/14/1982- Lagos, Nigeria: Pope John Paul II bids farewell to crowd at airport early 2/14 as he departs for Kaduna

Background imageBlessing Collection: Pope John Paul II Blesses the Crowd in Argentina

Pope John Paul II Blesses the Crowd in Argentina
(Original Caption) 6/12/1982- Buenos Aires, Argentina: Pope John Paul II blesses a crowd estimated at moer than one million person attending an outdoor mass in Buenos Aires at Palermo Park 6/12

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus and the little children

Jesus and the little children
Vintage engraving of showing a scene from the New Testament, Jesus and the little children. 1846

Background imageBlessing Collection: Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday
Engraving by Gustave Dore (1832 - 1883)

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus Blessing People in the World

Jesus Blessing People in the World

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus Drives Out a Demon

Jesus Drives Out a Demon
Engraving by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (March 26, 1794 - May 24, 1872)

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus Christ blessing the Little Children

Jesus Christ blessing the Little Children
Vintage colour lithograph from 1880 of Jesus Christ blessing the Little Children

Background imageBlessing Collection: Praying hands

Praying hands

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus and the dove

Jesus and the dove

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus and Lamb

Jesus and Lamb

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ

Background imageBlessing Collection: Palm Sunday Entry by Jesus

Palm Sunday Entry by Jesus
Engraving by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (March 26, 1794 - May 24, 1872)

Background imageBlessing Collection: Blessing hand, blessing, holy figure

Blessing hand, blessing, holy figure
1 person, apulia, basilica of saint nicholas, basilicas, basilika, bless, blessing, blessings, building, buildings, church building, churches, cities, close up, close ups, closeup, detail

Background imageBlessing Collection: Pope in Siberia blesses and comforts the family

Pope in Siberia blesses and comforts the family
1900s, 19th-century, 3 people, adult male, animal child, animal families, animals, art work, arts, artwork, artworks, black, black-and-white, black-white, bless, blessing, bunch of, characteristic

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus blessing the children engraving 1870

Jesus blessing the children engraving 1870
The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870

Background imageBlessing Collection: Singing of the Blessed

Singing of the Blessed
" Singing of the Blessed, a scene from Dantes Paradiso. Engraving from 1870. Engraving by Gustave Dore, Photo by D Walker."

Background imageBlessing Collection: The baptism of Jesus

The baptism of Jesus

Background imageBlessing Collection: Deborah sings the blessings on Jael

Deborah sings the blessings on Jael

Background imageBlessing Collection: ascension


Background imageBlessing Collection: Samuel Blessing Saul

Samuel Blessing Saul
Vintage engraving from the 1870 of a sdcene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Samuel Blessing Saul

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus


Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus Preaching to People

Jesus Preaching to People

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

Background imageBlessing Collection: Praying Girl Kneeling

Praying Girl Kneeling

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus calming the waves

Jesus calming the waves

Background imageBlessing Collection: Guardian Angel Watching Over Boy and Girl

Guardian Angel Watching Over Boy and Girl

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus Paint By Number

Jesus Paint By Number

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus With Followers

Jesus With Followers

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus With Halo

Jesus With Halo

Background imageBlessing Collection: Praying Girl Kneeling in Flames

Praying Girl Kneeling in Flames

Background imageBlessing Collection: Mosaic Angel With Horn

Mosaic Angel With Horn

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus Helping Woman

Jesus Helping Woman

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus Looking at Two Praying Children

Jesus Looking at Two Praying Children

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus Raising His Arms

Jesus Raising His Arms

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus With Green Background

Jesus With Green Background

Background imageBlessing Collection: Virgin Mary Paint By Number

Virgin Mary Paint By Number

Background imageBlessing Collection: Group of Angels Praying

Group of Angels Praying

Background imageBlessing Collection: Wisemen With Baby Jesus

Wisemen With Baby Jesus

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus With Two Lambs

Jesus With Two Lambs

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus

Mary and Joseph

Background imageBlessing Collection: Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus and Mary on Yellow Background

Jesus and Mary on Yellow Background

Background imageBlessing Collection: The Last Supper

The Last Supper

Background imageBlessing Collection: Mary With Baby Jesus

Mary With Baby Jesus

Background imageBlessing Collection: Preacher


Background imageBlessing Collection: Princess Angel Singing

Princess Angel Singing

Background imageBlessing Collection: Mary and Jesus

Mary and Jesus

Background imageBlessing Collection: Mary Holding Baby Jesus

Mary Holding Baby Jesus

Background imageBlessing Collection: Jesus Giving a Blessing

Jesus Giving a Blessing

Background imageBlessing Collection: Flying Angel

Flying Angel

Background imageBlessing Collection: Four Angels Singing

Four Angels Singing

Background imageBlessing Collection: Man Praying

Man Praying

Background imageBlessing Collection: Person With Arms Raised

Person With Arms Raised

Background imageBlessing Collection: Saint Holding Sheep

Saint Holding Sheep

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