common morel, morel, yellow morel, true morel, morel mushroom, sponge morelAntique illustration of a Medicinal and Herbal Plants
Sugar cane, 18th century illustrationIllustration of sugar cane from the book The beauties of the creation, or, a new moral system of natural history: in five volumes: consisting of quadrupeds, birds, fishes and reptiles
Vines on white background Isolates
Prayer Plant Leaf on a white background isolated
cactus isolated on white background
Hand painted botanical printHand painted botanical study of a Costus villosissimus flower and leaf anatomy from Fragmenta Botanica by Nikolaus Joseph Freiherr von Jacquin or Baron Nikolaus von Jacquin (printed in Vienna in 1809)
LanternsA stem of Physalis Franchetii pods also known as Chinese lanterns
Dicentra stemA stem of Dicentra flowers on a white background
Dicentra flowers and leaf on a white background
Dicentra SpectabilisMacro capture of Dicentra flowers
Lagurus Ovatus grassA single stem of Lagurus ovatus grass, also commonly known as hare's tail or rabbit's tail grass
Lagurus Ovatus grassesLagurus ovatus grass, also commonly known as hare's tail or rabbit's tail grass
Botanical illustration by Jacquin 1778hand painted Botanical illustration of flower details leafs and plant from Miscellanea austriaca ad botanicam, chemiam, et historiam naturalem spectantia, cum figuris partim coloratis. Vol
Botanical illustration by Jacquin 1781hand painted Botanical illustration of flower details leafs and plant from Miscellanea austriaca ad botanicam, chemiam, et historiam naturalem spectantia, cum figuris partim coloratis. Vol
PoppiesA spray of Poppies
sainfoinAntique illustration of a Medicinal and Herbal Plants
Singapore Botanic GardensOne of the ponds at the Singapore Botanic Gardens
pink sweet pea on white background
Lamium Maculatumsalvia on white background
sweet pea on white background
tiger lilyAntique illustration of a Medicinal and Herbal Plants
flax, fiefAntique illustration of a Medicinal and Herbal Plants
cloverAntique illustration of a Medicinal and Herbal Plants
grass family, cereal grain, grainAntique illustration of a Medicinal and Herbal Plants
cornAntique illustration of a Medicinal and Herbal Plants
bread wheatAntique illustration of a Medicinal and Herbal Plants
kidney beanAntique illustration of a Medicinal and Herbal Plants
amanitaAntique illustration of a Medicinal and Herbal Plants
champignonAntique illustration of a Medicinal and Herbal Plants
ChanterelleAntique illustration of a Medicinal and Herbal Plants
saffron milk cap, red pine mushroomAntique illustration of a Medicinal and Herbal Plants
truffleAntique illustration of a Medicinal and Herbal Plants
mushroomsAntique illustration of a Medicinal and Herbal Plants
Lung lichen (Sticta pulmonacea) or lung lichen or Lobaria pulmonaria or lungwort lichen or oak lungwort or lung moss vintage engraved illustration
Sea pink flower (Armeria maritima)
Rubber plant (Siphonia elastica)Illustration of a rubber plant (Siphonia elastica)
The Gazebo at the Singapore Botanic Gardens, a World UNESCO site
studio shot of blue flowers
columbine flowers
close up of orchid
close-up of blue columbine