Single leaf of Monstera deliciosa palm plant on pink backgroundMonstera deliciosa, the Hurricane or Swiss Cheese Plant. Big palm leaf on pink background
Fly on a cactus in the botanical garden in Valencia, Spain, Europe
Sugar cane, 18th century illustrationIllustration of sugar cane from the book The beauties of the creation, or, a new moral system of natural history: in five volumes: consisting of quadrupeds, birds, fishes and reptiles
Vines on white background Isolates
Banana leaves Green leaves set on white isolated background
Monstera leaves leaves with Isolate on white background Leaves on white
Drawing of Flowers and Diagrams by Leonardo da Vinci(Original Caption) Leonardo Da Vinci's handstudy drawing of plants in Paris is shown. This is an undated illustration
German Illustration of FungiAn illustration published in Meyers Konversations-Lexikon Encyclopedia, 1897
German Illustration of Poisonous FungiAn illustration published in Meyers Konversations-Lexikon Encyclopedia, 1897
German Illustration of Edible FungiAn illustration published in Meyers Konversations-Lexikon Encyclopedia, 1897
Peaches and Apricots Illustration from the Meyers Konversation-Lexikon Encyclopedia, 1897Illustration of Peaches and Apricots from the Meyers Konversation-Lexikon Encyclopedia, 1897
Cowslip yellow wildflower Victorian botanical print by Anne PrattCowslip (Primula veris) is a common yellow wildflower of the spring season. Anne Pratt (1806 - 1893) was a self-taught botanical and ornithological illustrator and author from Strood, Kent
Pink purple field madder wildflower Victorian botanical illustration by Anne PrattPink / purple wildflower. Field madder, Sherardia arvensis. Field madder is a small prostrate annual often plentiful on cultivated land especially on sandy, loamy and calcareous soils
Yellow wildflower common avens Victorian botanical illustration by Anne PrattYellow wildflower common avens, Geum urbanum. The botanical name, Geum, originated from the Greek geno, to yield an agreeable fragrance, because, when freshly dug up, the root has a clove-like aroma
Prayer Plant Leaf on a white background isolated
cactus isolated on white background
tropical leaf collection water paint on paper surface on white background
Purple Siberian Iris Neon AbstractPurple Siberian Iris Flower in bloom neon abstract
Rose Flower AbstractRose Flower in full bloom red peach yellow color abstract
Butterfly on a white background isolate
Butterfly white white background isolated
Yellow rattle wildflower Victorian botanical illustration by Anne PrattCommon yellow rattle (Rhinanthus minor) is also known as little yellow rattle, hayrattle or cockscomb
Common cow wheat Victorian botanical print by Anne PrattCommon Cow-wheat (Melampyrum pratense) is a delicate yellow wildflower that brightens up the edges of acid woodland and heaths with deep golden flowers in the summer
Wild yellow primrose Victorian botanical print by Anne PrattYellow primrose (Primula vulgaris), also called common primrose and English primrose. Anne Pratt (1806 - 1893) was a self-taught botanical and ornithological illustrator and author from Strood, Kent
Common sow thistle Victorian botanical illustration by Anne PrattBotanical illustration of common sow thistle / sowthistle, Sonchus oleraceus
Yellow water lily Victorian botanical print by Anne PrattYellow water lily (Nuphar lutea), also known as brandy-bottle, is an aquatic plant of the family Nymphaeaceae
Yellow wild flower carline thistle Victorian botanical print by Anne PrattYellow wildflower carline thistle (Carlina vulgaris) is particularly attractive to butterflies, including the large blue
Yellow wild flower sea cabbage Victorian botanical print by Anne PrattYellow wildflower sea cabbage (Brassica oleracea) is also known as wild cabbage. Anne Pratt (1806 - 1893) was a self-taught botanical and ornithological illustrator and author from Strood, Kent
Yellow wild flower wallflower Victorian botanical print by Anne PrattYellow wildflower wallflower or common wallflower (Erysimum cheiri syn. Cheiranthus cheiri)
Yellow wild flower common gromwell Victorian botanical print by Anne PrattYellow wildflower common gromwell (Lithospermum officinale) is also known as European stoneseed
Yellow wild flower kidney vetch Victorian botanical print by Anne PrattYellow wildflower kidney vetch (Anthyllis vulneraria), also known as woundwort, so clearly used for medicinal purposes in the past
Yellow wild flower silver weed Victorian botanical print by Anne PrattYellow wildflower silver weed or silverweed (Argentina anserina) is a flower of marchy ground and is similar to Potentilla wildflowers
Pink tuberous bitter vetch wildflower Victorian botanical illustration by Anne PrattPink wildflower. Tuberous bitter vetch, Lathyrus linifolius. Also known as heath pea. Bitter vetchs tubers are sweet and nutty-tasting, but should be boiled first as the plant is mildly toxic
Pink hemp agrimony wildflower Victorian botanical illustration by Anne PrattPink wildflower. Hemp agrimony, Eupatorium Cannabinum, belongs to the great Composite order of plants
Pink water plantain wildflower Victorian botanical illustration by Anne PrattPink wildflower. Water plantain, Alisma plantago-aquatica, has many alternative names, among them Alisma plantain d Eau, Alismatis plantago, Alisma plantago-aquatica, American water plantain
Pink Deptford pink Dianthus armeria wildflower Victorian botanical print by Anne PrattWildflower Deptford pink, Dianthus armeria. The pretty Deptford Pink is a very rare flower that is vulnerable to the loss traditional grassland and farmland habitats
Red pink lesser dodder wildflower Victorian botanical illustration by Anne PrattRed / pink wildflower. Lesser dodder, Cuscuta epithymum, is the species of dodder that was much used medicinally, and which is the commonest
Pink red ragged robin wildflower Victorian botanical illustration by Anne PrattPink / red wildflower. Ragged robin, Lychnis flos-cuculi, spread with agriculture to grow near people
Pink early purple orchid wildflower Victorian botanical illustration by Anne PrattPink / purple wildflower. Early purple orchid (early purple orchis), Orchis mascula
Purple pink sage wildflower Victorian botanical illustration by Anne PrattPurple pink wildflower / herb. Wild English clary, or sage, Salvia verbenaca, Wild Clary is also known as wild sage
Pink field gentian wildflower Victorian botanical illustration by Anne PrattPink wildflower. Field gentian, Gentianella campestris, is a rare and beautiful wildflower
Pink water violet wildflower Victorian botanical print by Anne PrattWater violet, Hottonia palustris, also known as featherfoil, is an aquatic plant / wildflower in the family Primulaceae
Pink common marjoram wildflower Victorian botanical illustration by Anne PrattPink wildflower. Common marjoram, Origanum majorana, is an aromatic herb in the mint family which originated in Egypt and Arabia. It is also widely referred to as oregano
Purple self-heal wildflower Victorian botanical illustration by Anne PrattPurple wildflower. Self-heal, Prunella vulgaris. belongs to a genus of herbaceous plants in the family Lamiaceae, also known as self-heals, heal-all, or allheal for their use in herbal medicine
Knot grass red wildflower Victorian botanical illustration by Anne PrattRed wildflower. Knot grass. Anne Pratt (1806 - 1893) was a self-taught botanical and ornithological illustrator and author from Strood, Kent
Yellow wildflower yellow goatsbeard Victorian botanical illustration by Anne PrattYellow wildflower yellow goats beard, Tragopogon pratensis. Common names include Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon, meadow salsify, showy goat s-beard and meadow goat s-beard
Red purple wildflower common sorrel Victorian botanical illustration by Anne PrattRed purple wildflower common sorrel. Also known as garden sorrel, Rumex acetosa, and often simply called sorrel. This is a perennial herb in the family Polygonaceae
Purple wildflower greater knapweed Victorian botanical illustration by Anne PrattPurple wildflower greater knapweed, Centaurea scabiosa. Greater knapweed is found growing in dry grasslands, hedgerows and cliffs on lime-rich soil
Yellow wildflower common tormentil Victorian botanical illustration by Anne PrattYellow wildflower common tormentil, Potentilla erecta. Also Tormentilla erecta, Potentilla laeta, Potentilla tormentilla, and septfoil, erect cinquefoil
Purple wildflower knotted figwort Victorian botanical illustration by Anne PrattKnotted fig wort or knotted figwort, Scrophularia nodosa, is also known as figwort, woodland figwort, and common figwort
Purple wildflower common burdock Victorian botanical illustration by Anne PrattPurple wildflower common bur dock (burdock), Arctium minus. Also known as lesser burdock, little burdock, louse-bur, common burdock, button-bur, cuckoo-button, or wild rhubarb
Wildflower spiked purple loosestrife Victorian botanical illustration by Anne PrattPurple wildflower spiked purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria. Purple loosestrife belongs to the plant family Lythraceae
Yellow wildflower sweet milk vetch Victorian botanical illustration by Anne PrattYellow wildflower sweet milk vetch - Astragalus glycyphyllos. Also known as liquorice milkvetch, wild liquorice and wild licorice
Purple wildflower wood betony Victorian botanical illustration by Anne PrattRed purple wildflower wood betony. Also known as purple betony, betony, bishopwort, or bishops wort. The French common name is betoine, and Betonie in German. It is a perennial grassland herb