Dulux Dog Drunk22nd August 1972: Dash, the famous old English sheep dog who has starred in the Dulux paint commercials for 12 years at the reception held in honour of his retirement
Thomas Edison In His Laboratory(Original Caption) Thomas A. Edison in his laboratory. Photographed in 1905. (Photo by VCG Wilson/Bettmann Archive)
Wheelbarrow filled with ice and drinks in bottles and cans
Milky Monkey23rd March 1959: Congo, a chimpanzee at London Zoo, likes his milk and whenever possible upturns a bottle and drains it dry. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Tall pink spray can
Drunken DogA dog wearing a party hat slumped in a corner next to a bottle of champagne. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Let It Lie22nd December 1962: Bart, a young Boston Terrier, asleep in his owners bed, after spending six months in quarantine. Bart was brought into the country from Canada by RSPCA officer, Mr Whitaker
Man thinking of the food he will eat at ChristmasA gluttonous man thinking about the food and drink he will consume at Christmas
Union Officers in Camp(Original Caption) 3/21/1942-Union officers and Camp servants during the Civil War
Victorian Lady Preparing Her BathThis photograph from the late nineteenth century showing a lady preparing for a bath represents some of the most daring and risque photography of the time
Speedboat Seized With 2, 000 Bottels Rum(Original Caption) A three hour early morning chase through the tangled waterways of Newark Bay ended when rum runners beached their speedboat in the Rahway river with its cargo of almost 2
Earthenware Inkwell from Appomatox(Original Caption) Inkwell from Appomatox, made of natural color earthenware. Pen in foreground is dubious. Undated photograph. BPA2# 1095
Lab Assistant Filling Specimen Bottles(Original Caption) Woman assistant of Ivan Petrovich Pavlov filling bottles with sterilized gastric juice, at the Pavlov Institute in Leningrad. Undated photograph
Interior of Stabler- Leadbeater Apothecary ShopThe Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary, now a museum in Alexandria, Virginia, opened in 1792 and operated continuously until 1933
Dean Martin W/Brand of Liquor(Original Caption) Hollywood, CA- Dean Martin, reputedly one of movieland's biggest imbibers, is going into the liquor business
Kitten Sits W/Bottle Of Milk And Straw(Original Caption) A baby kitten sits beside a large bottle of milk. A drop of the liquid has fallen from a straw onto the table in front of him. Undated photograph
Oil And Vinegar Serving Set(Original Caption) Oil and vinegar serving set. Undated engraving. BPA2# 1241
Decorative Atomizer(Original Caption) Decorative Atomizer. Undated engraving. BPA2# 3624
Bottling Lager In A Beer Factory(Original Caption) "Bottling the Lager" in a beer factory. Undated engraving
Advertisement For French Coca Wine(Original Caption) Advertisement: Vin Mariani - The original French coca wine. 1893 Harper's Weekly
Thomas Edison in his Laboratory(Original Caption) Thomas Alva Edison in his laboratory, East Orange, New Jersey. Photograph, 1901
Woman Placing Milk In Old Refrigerator(Original Caption) Woman placing milk bottle in modern refrigerator. Undated photograph
Girl Reaches For Medicine Shelve(Original Caption) 1915-"I feel like having a nice long drink." Girl reaches for medicine shelve. Photograph, 1915
Immigrant Children Sitting on Window LedgeImmigrant children sit side by side on a window ledge at the overcrowded immigration station at Ellis Island
Behind the Scenes with Bootleggers2/24/26-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Behind the scenes with Bootleggers, SOMEWHERE IN AMERICA-International news reel was given privilege to take this photo
Prohibition Agents Inspecting Bootleggers Truck(Original Caption) 10/23/1926-What appeared to be an innocent truckload of lumber
Mother With Her Children On Fire Escape(Original Caption) 7/14/27-New York: This photo is eloquent of the torrid wave that is holding New York City and environs in its gripping
Officials Examine Seized Liquor(Original Caption) 3/3/1929-New York, NY: Two rum chasers collided while pursuing rum runner in the harbor of the dry port of New York, March 3. One sank and the runner escaped
Interior Of Edison'S Rebuilt Lab(Original Caption) 9/25/1929- Dearborn, MI - Ford Museum to be Opened With Picturesque Ceremonies. Photo shows an interior of the Edison Laboratory, now rebuilt at the Dearborn Museum
Woman Seated on Fence with Bottle of Soda(Original Caption) Photo shows a woman sitting on a fence smiling, with a bottle of soda pop in her hand. Model: Patricia Garfield. Ca. 1930s-1940s
Police Raid Man's Home For Alcohol(Original Caption) 1/26/30-New York: In the first of series of promised raids, the new Chief of Police, Morris Grossman, left, started cleaning up Long Beach, Long Island, January 26th. With Capt
Men Trying Drink; Bottles On Bar(Original Caption) 3/5/1930-Paris, France: L to r Harry of Harry's New York bar in Paris initiating Sam Schulman, International News Photos cameraman in Paris
Christening Of Yacht;Woman W/ Champagne(Original Caption) 3/30/1931-London, England: Distinguished visitors at the christening of the new yacht "Sonia II" which was recently built for Miss Betty Carstairs
Milk Bottle Manufacturing(Original Caption) 8/23/31-Los Angeles, CA- There are all kinds of detectives in the world, the kind who track criminals, the correspondence school typ, etc
Man With Bottle In Door Of Malemute Salo(Original Caption) 3/13/1932-Los Angeles, CA: The "Malemute Saloon" is once more open and doing a rushing and roaring business! Above, J.M
Kitten Licking Milk from a Bottle(Original Caption) 6/20/1933- Picture shows a kitten licking milk from a bottle outside on a front step of a house
Cat Drinking from Milk Delivery Bottle(Original Caption) 6/20/1933-New York, New York- Picture shows a cat drinking from a milk delivery bottle on a step
Striking Milk Workers Break Bottles of Milk(Original Caption) 1/6/1934-WI-FEAR MILK FAMINE AS PICKETERS BAR HIGHWAYS
Mascots Of The 26Th Infantry Get Bottle(Original Caption) 8/14/35-Pine Camp, New York: Tiny (left) and General, the mascots of the 26th Infantry are getting their bottle (beer) from Private Al Zeppiere of Co. D
Coca Cola Scene(Original Caption) 4/6/1938- Pop and Ernie's club- convivial scene with coke bottles. A group of men and women finishing off a series of bottle of America's most popular soda
First Lady at Ship LaunchingEleanor Roosevelt breaks a bottle of champagne on the bow of the S.S. America at its launch
First Lady at Ship LaunchingPictured just before the launching of the United States Lines Liner America, largest and most costly vessel passenger ship ever built in America, are (left to right): Mrs. Emory S
Girls Drinking Chocolate Milk(Original Caption) Sally Ogilvie and Jean Quinn sip chocolate milk at school cafeteria. They are shown seated and sitting on the same side of the table and both girls are in dresses. Ca 1940s
Woman Christening Battleship(Original Caption) 6/13/1940- New York, NY: New battleships christened. Miss Isabel Hoey, daughter of Governor Clyde R
Actor Melvyn Douglas with Son and Daughter(Original Caption) USA: Pop And Soda Pop. Melvyn Douglas, suave leading man, is a willing accessory to his daughter, Mary Helen's breach of etiquette--drinking directly from the bottle
Ruins of Nightclub After Fire(Original Caption) 11/29/42-Boston, Massachusetts- Whoopee juice was flowing plentifully across this bar when a screaming chorus girl
Bottle Full Of Penicillin Culture(Original Caption) 7/30/1943-Here is a closeup of the growing mold that produces penicillin. It isn't very pretty, but it will save many lives
Bottles Of Penicillin Culture(Original Caption) 1/30/1944- View of the third and final phase in the manufacture of penicillin. At this stage, the process leaves a clear penicillin broth, which is extracted with organic solvents
Jack Frazer Interviews Soldier(Original Caption) 3/15/44-Italy: Jack Frazer, Blue Network correspondent, gets a real front line story as he interviews Pvt. Joe Thompson, of Philadelphia, Pa
Soldiers Gulp Down Coca Cola(Original Caption) 3/16/1944-Cassino Front, Italy: Distribution of the first bottles of Coca Cola to reach our fighting men in Italy calls for celebration
Woman Growing Penicillin(Original Caption) 5/13/1944-Kimberton, PA: Shown here is a vital step in the production of penicillin, the germ-killer that has saved thousands of soldier lives on the battle fronts of the world
Wounded Treated Aboard Hospital Ship(Original Caption) 6/10/1944-France- Scene aboard a hospital ship as medical officer directs his assistant who is holding plasma bottle
Stacks of Culture Flasks for Penicillin(Original Caption) 5/13/1945: During the seven to ten days it takes for the molds to produce the drug penicillin, culture flasks are stacked in tiers in the incubator room
People Drinking Champagne at New Year CelebrationA man pours champagne for two women seated on the bar at the Diamond Horseshoe during a New Year celebration
Guard Sits On Cases Of Whiskey(Original Caption) 5/29/1947-Brooklyn, NY Whiskey arrives on S.S. Egedia, Pier 6, Bush Terminal Docks, Brooklyn: men check on some of the whiskey in hatch of ship, 2, 500, 000 bottles arrived
George Villemain, Champagne Cellar(Original Caption) 11/18/1948- Epernay, France: Veteran cellarman George Villemain, 85, inspects bottles of 1911 vintage Champagne
Santa Claus Pours Champagne for Women(Original Caption) 1949-Bal de tete: Santa Claus Albert Bergh pouring champagne for (L to r) Countess Spalletti and Mrs. Mario Pansa
Woodland Violet Bottle, Perfume(Original Caption) Woodland Violet Bottle. Perfumed ammonia for the bath and toilet. Undated engraving. BPA2# 3631
Man Leaning On Sculture; 10-Foot Goat(Original Caption) 4/21/1990-Chicago, IL- To focus attention on the twentieth anniversary of Earth Day
Champagne Inspector in a MaskAmy Peterson wears a mask made of steel mesh. It protects her from injury while she inspects champagne bottles. 1933
Pharmacist At Prescription Counter(Original Caption) A pharmacist stands at the prescription counter pouring liquid into a bottle. Undated photograph
Cartoon of Alexander III Writing Letter by Frederick Burr OpperThis political cartoon depicts Alexander III writing a letter of condolence to President Garfield inside a prison cell
Prohibition Agents Capture Liquor Stash(Original Caption) Captured cache. Prohibition agents examine some of the 3, 000 bags of liquor hidden in a coal steamer in New York Harbor. Undated Photograph
Man Working In Dairy Farm(Original Caption) Photo shows a man working in a dairy farm. Model: Howard O. Shedrick Ca. 1940s
Bottles & Legs Seen From Under Bleachers(Original Caption) 10/6/1946-St. Louis, MO: There was standing room only for these spectators and their empty bottles at the World Series opener at Sportsman's Park
British Chemist Michael Faraday in His Physics Laboratory(Original Caption) England: Faraday's laboratory at the Royal Institute, 1870
Which is the Worst, Deliver or Die! Deliver and Die! Illustration from Police Gazette(Original Caption) Which is the Worst, Deliver or Die! Deliver and Die! Man, dying, killed by holdup man, man dying from overindulgence in drink
Illustration Depicting Alice Holding the Bottle Labelled "Drink Me" after John Tenniel(Original Caption) Alice In Wonderland. Alice In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Alice with the magic bottle. "I must be shutting up like a telescope." After a drawing by Tenniel
Wine Bottle In Bucket(Original Caption) Wine bottle in cooler. Undated line drawing. BPA2# 1152
X-Ray Detects Bottle Under Woman'S Skirt(Original Caption) Illustration depicting a smuggler detected by X-rays, 1897
Satirical Illustration Of The Quack(Original Caption) Satire. The Quack, Dr. Eisenbart. Undated lithograph. BPA2# 3935
Emil Jannings And Fay Wray in The Street of Sin(Original Caption) Emil Jannings and Fay Wray in a scene from the 1928 movie "The Street of Sin." Undated movie still
Perfumed Ad For Hoyt'S German Cologne(Original Caption) Perfumed advertising card for Hoyt's German Cologne. Color lithograph shows a bottle of 10-cent cologne surrounded by a cluster of flowers. Late 19th century illustration
Illustration Depicting Alice Holding the Bottle Labelled "Drink Me" by John Tenniel(Original Caption) Illustration to Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by John Tenniel
Automatic Bottle Washing Machine Illus(Original Caption) Engraving depicting the automatic bottle washing machine at Marguery Restaurant in Paris. Undated illustration
Vintage photograph showing milkman at work(Original Caption) 4/22/1949-Comes the dawn and also the milkman. He may bring you wakeful moments but he brings milk, cream, butter, eggs or cheese, too
Containers of Ammonia, Milk of Magnesia, and Lye(Original Caption) 8/23/1949-Photo shows a bottle of ammonia, a bottle of Milk of Magnesia and a can of lye. Undated
Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift in A Place in the Sun(Original Caption) Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift in a scene from the 1951 movie, "A Place in the Sun." They are shown standing at a bar; he is using the telephone
Woman Cristens Submarine With Bottle(Original Caption) 3/2/1951-Groton, CT: Widow of the commander of the submarine Pompano in World War II, Mrs
Head Waiter on Train with Wine Bottle(Original Caption) 4/9/1951-Paris, France- Photo shows Eugene Monnier, Head Waiter, famous for his ability to chose wine
Railside Vendors Meet Train At Station(Original Caption) 5/4/51-Milan, Italy: Railside vendors meet the famous train at every station. Here, in Milan, a passenger amkes an out-of-the window purchase of a flask of Italian wine