Muhammad Ali Boxing with Floyd Patterson(Original Caption) 9/20/1972-New York, NY-: Muhammad Ali (R) lands a punch right on the button during the sixth round of his bout with Floyd Patterson at Madison Square Garden
Wilfredo Gomez Dazed By Salvador Sanchez Punch(Original Caption) 8/21/1981-Las Vegas
George Foreman Wearing His Gold Medal(Original Caption) 10/31/68-Washington, D.C.- Olympic heavyweight boxing champion George Foreman, wearing his newly won gold medal, visits Job Corps headquarters
Joe Walcott W/Gloved Fists Outstretched(Original Caption) 5/1/1953-Atlantic City, NJ- Jersey Joe Walcott assumes a mystic pose to put the double-whammy on Champ Rocky Marciano, whose title he'll seek in Chicago on May 15th
Ingemar Johansson In Fighting Pose(Original Caption) 3/3/1961-New York, NY- Photo shows Ingemar Johansson in a full length fighting pose. He is in his boxing trunks and shorts
Trainer Talking to Sonny Liston after Boxing Victory(Original Caption) 12/4/1961-Philadelphia, PA- Heavyweight Sonny Liston stares blankly as his handler yells to him that the fight is over and "we won, " Dec. 4
Sylvester Stallone With Muhammad Ali(Original Caption) Actor Sylvester Stallone (R)
Dog, boxer, brown, portrait
Frank Sinatra in Boxing PoseThe young Frank Sinatra poses in boxing gloves for a publicity shot
John L. Sullivan in Fighting Stance(Original Caption) John L. Sullivan in fighting stance. Undated photograph. BPA2# 4754
General View Of Huge Crowd at Boxing Match(Original Caption) 7/8/1889-Richburg, Mississippi- Last bareknuckle fight, John L. Sullivan against Jack Kilrain, Richburg, MS, July 8th, 1889
Chuck Connors Talking with Friends in SaloonDuring the 1890s, Chuck Connors (wearing bowler hat) acted as an urban tour guide, taking middle class New Yorkers to see the seedy and exotic side of Chintown
James Corbett Shirtless with Crossed Arms(Original Caption) Portrait of heavyweight boxer James J. Corbett (1866-1933) in a pugilistic pose. Phototograph by Chickering, 1894
Boxer Corbett Given Ovation(Original Caption) Corbett; James. Corbett's victory creates wild enthusiasm. The conquereer of Mitchell is given an ovation in the club arena in Jacksonville, FL, 1894
Bob Fitzsimmons Bending Lion Cage(Original Caption) 1896-Engraving of Bob Fitzsimmon's attempting to take a lion out of its cage at Langtry, TX, after the fighter won a heavyweight championship against Peter Maher
Jim Corbett And McVey Sparring(Original Caption) Boxers Jim Corbett and McVey sparring. Photo dated 1897
Joe Louis Ready to BoxBoxing great Joe Louis, the "Brown Bomber", stands in a gymnasium boxing ring as if ready for a match
Jack Johnson Among Varied Boxing Promote(Original Caption) Manager George Little and Jack Johnson close deal for big fight with various promoters, managers and fighters. Jim Jeffries seated at right. Photograph
American Troops Marching in Forbidden City(Original Caption) Boxer Rebellion. American troops marching in the Temple of Agriculture grounds, Peking, China. Photo, 1900
The Boxer Rebellion. Boxers Imprisoned(Original Caption) The Boxer Rebellion. Imprisoned boxers in their compound after lifting the blockade by the expeditionary forces. Photograph ca. 1900
American Heavyweight Jack JohnsonJack Johnson (1878-1946), African-American heavyweight champion, being decorated with forget-me-nots, the chosen tag of the Music Hall Ladies Guild Orphanage. Undated photograph
DeMarco Wins Lightweight CrownPaddy DeMarco(left), known to ring enthusiasts as the "Billy Goat, " gives a demonstration of how he earned his nickname
Tony Zale, In Fighting Pose(Original Caption) Tony Zale, boxer in fighting pose. Undated UPI color slide
Rocky Marciano in Boxing Stance(Original Caption) Portrait of Rocky Marciano posing in boxing stance. Undated photograph, circa 1950's
Boxer Terry McGovern Wearing Championship Belt(Original Caption) Boxer Terry McGovern poses in the Police Gazette diamond-studded championship belt. Undated photograph, filed 1934
Joe Jeanette In Boxing Stance(Original Caption) Full length portrait of heavyweight boxer Joe Jeanette in fighting stance. Photograph circa 1924
Georges Carpentier & Jack Dempsey(Original Caption) French boxer Georges Carpentier (L) shaking hands with Jack Dempsey. Undated photograph
Max Schmeling Works Out With Punching Ba(Original Caption) Max Schmeling, German boxer "elected" heavyweight champion of the world (6/18/30) works out with punching bag before crowd. Photograph circa 1930's
Sugar Ray Robinson Trianing @ Speed Bag(Original Caption) Photo shows Sugar Ray Robinson training at a speed bag. Undated
Gene Tunney In Naval Uniform(Original caption) Gene Tunney in naval uniform WWII: 1897-1978. American boxer. Defeated Jack Dempsey for heavyweight championship 1926 and 1927. Undated photo
Joe Jeanette Strikes Fighting Pose(Original Caption) Joe Jeanette, Boxer. Undated photograph
Max Baer In Corner Of Ring (Movie Still)(Original Caption) Scene from a movie starring Max Baer. The actor/boxer is shown here standing in his corner during a fight. Undated movie still
Jeffries and Corbett Re-Enacting Fight(Original Caption) - Like all other heavyweight champions who met defeat, the late James J. Corbett thought he could come back
Wille Pep Greets Reporters In Locker Roo(Original Caption) After the fight: Willie Pep is shown greeting reporters in dressing room. Undated
Jess Willard & Floyd Johnson In Ring;Fig(Original Caption) New York, NY Milk Fund bouts at Yankee Stadium. Just before the big fight. Left to right: Floyd Johnson and Jess Willard
James J. Corbett In Boxing Pose(Original Caption) Portrait of professional American pugilist James J. Corbett (1866-1933), in boxing pose. Undated photograph
Jack Johnson Waist Up 3/4 Face Smiling(Original Caption) Portrait of Jack Johnson (1878-1946), the first African American boxer to hold the world heavyweight title
Full Length Photo Of Jack JohnsonJack Johnson, American heavyweight boxer in fighting stance with short trunks. Undated photograph. BPA2# 4759
Jack Dempsey And Wife; Waist Up(Original Caption) Photo shows Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dempsey. Undated photograph
Mrs. Jack Dempsey And Baby Daughter(Original Caption) Mrs. Jack Dempsey is shown with her baby daughter, Joan Hannah. Undated photograph
Joe Louis In Ring Knocking Out Opponent(Original Caption) Joe Louis in the ring knocking out opponent. Undated photograph
Gene Tunney In Boxing Pose; Full Length(Original Caption) Gene Tunney, American heavyweight champion, 1926-1928, in a fight pose. Undated photograph
Jack Sharkey In A Fighting Pose(Original Caption) Jack Sharkey in the boxing ring with a fighting pose. Undated Photo
Tony Zale, Portrait(Original Caption) Chicago, Il- Tony Zale, Middleweight Champion of the World. Undated Photograph
Boxer Stanley Ketchell(Original Caption) Here is a fight pose of Stanley Ketchel, famous old-time fighter. Undated photograph
Man Taping Eder Jofre'S Hand(Original Caption) Brazilian bantamweight boxer, Eder Jofre. Undated photograph
Stanley Ketchel Boxer In Leaning Pose(Original Caption) Stanley Ketchel (Kiecal) welterweight fighter. Filed 1948
Jose Torres Working Out W/Punching Bags(Original Caption) Jose Torres, boxer. Undated photograph
Joe Walcott in the Boxing Ring(Original Caption) Joe Walcott smiles in the ring while training, and expresses confidence that he'll still be smiling when he walks away from champ Joe Louis on June 23rd. Undated photograph
Full Length Portrait Jose Torres Fighter(Original Caption) 5/1966Jose Torres, light heavyweight champion
Boxer Adolf Wolgast W/ Belt;Arms Crosse(Original Caption) Adolf "Midget" Wolgast, flyweight champion of Penn. Won belt 5/28/1928. Undated
George Foreman Strikes Punching Bag(Original Caption) Boxer George Foreman. Shot taken from a low angle shows Foreman striking a workout bag. Undated photograph
James J. Corbett Standing In Tuxedo(Original Caption) Portrait of Boxer James J. Corbett (1866-1933) in formal attire. He is shown full-length, wearing a tuxedo. Photograph by chickering, 1894
Primo Carnera W/Bald Wrestler In Headloc(Original Caption) Richmond, CA- Former World Heavyweight Champ Primo Carnera has a good headlock on his opponent, Ed "Mr. Klean" Miller, in wrestling match here 2/6
Jack Dempsey - Head & Shoulders Portrait(Original Caption) Head and shoulders portrait of boxer Jack Dempsey wearing a suit, with his hair slicked back. Undated photograph
Jack Dempsey In "Dare Devil Jack, " 1920(Original Caption) Jack Dempsey in a scene from the 1920 silent movie "Dare Devil Jack."
Jack Dempsey Seated, Hands Bandaged(Original Caption) Jack Dempsey (1895-1983), American heavyweight fighter, seated with hands in boxing bandages. Undated photograph
Large Tv Set; Boxer Looking At Camera(Original Caption) Television set made by Stromberg Carlson ca. 1947. Undated photograph
Jack Dempsey In A Fighting Stance(Original Caption) Jack Dempsey in a fighting stance. Undated photograph
Publicity Handout Of Boxer Abe Attell(Original Caption) 2/13/1951-Publicity handout of boxer Abe Attell which is captioned, "Abe Attell-Former World's Featherweight Champion"
Joe Louis In Sparring Pose(Original Caption) Pompton Lakes, NJ: 3/4 length photograph of Joe Louis in training at Pompton Lakes, New Jersey
James Cagney Posing As A Boxer(Original Caption) Picture shows actor, James CAgney, posing in boxing trunks and standing in a boxing position with his fists in the air. Undated photo circa 1930s
Close-Up Of Jack Dempsey'S Fists(Original Caption) A close-up of the hard-hitting fists of Jack Dempsey. Ca. 1930-1940
Engraving Of Boxer John Sullivan(Original Caption) A striking likeness of the World's Champion Boxer, John L. Sullivan (1858-1918), in a typical pugalist pose. Engraving 1892
Willie Pep Has Hands Taped In Dressing R(Original Caption) In his dressing room, Willie Pep has hands taped by trainer Bill Gore as Fred Brown of Pep's training camp watches. Undated. (Photo by AS400 DB/Bettmann Archive)
Father Nevens Visits Willie Pep/Locker R(Original Caption) Father Nevens of Maryknoll visits Willie Pep before fight. Undated. (Photo by AS400 DB/Bettmann Archive)
Men In Locker Room Look @ Measuring Tape(Original Caption) Photo shows men in the locker room of Willie Pep looking at measuring tape before fight. Undated. (Photo by AS400 DB/Bettmann Archive)
Inspector Checking Willie Pep'S License(Original Caption) Willie Pep has boxing license checked before fight by Inspector Fred Muller. Undated (Photo by AS400 DB/Bettmann Archive)
Willie Pep Arriving At Ringside For Bout(Original Caption) Photo shows Willie Pep arriving at ringside for match. Undated. (Photo by AS400 DB/Bettmann Archive)
Bill Gore Massaged Willie Pep'S Shoulder(Original Caption) Photo shows Bill Gore massaging the shoulders of Willie Pep before the fight. Undated. (Photo by AS400 DB/Bettmann Archive)
Willie Pep, Manager & Boxing Commissioner(Original Caption) Photo shows, left to right: Willie Pep, his manager Lou Viscusi and Colonel Bill Eagan, boxing commissioner in his locker room before fight. Undated
Willie Pep Getting Lucky Water Bottle(Original Caption) Willie Pep gets his lucky water bottle out before the fight. Undated. (Photo by AS400 DB/Bettmann Archive)
Willie Pep W/Manager, Trainer In Dressing(Original Caption) Ray Arcelus, of Willie Pep's training camp, is shown with Pep and his trainer, Bill Gore, cutting tape in Pep's dressing room. Undated. (Photo by AS400 DB/Bettmann Archive)
Ray Arcel, Wille Pep & Inspector;Dressing(Original Caption) Ray Arcel, Willie Pep and Inspector LiFrieri are shown in his dressing room. Pep is shown wrapping tape on his wrist. Undated. (Photo by AS400 DB/Bettmann Archive)
Oscar Nelson Shakes Hands with Young Corbett(Original Caption) 11/24/1904-San Francisco, California"Battling" Nelson, the "Durable Dane" fought and knocked ou Young Corbett (r) in 10 rounds
Jack O'Brien Fights Bob Fitzsimmons(Original Caption) 12/20/1904--"Philadelphia Jack" O'Brien, won the light heavyweight championship from Bob Fitzsimmons in 13 rounds at San Francisco in 1904
Heavyweight Boxing Champion Jack JohnsonBoxer Jack Johnson (1878-1946) was the first African American to hold the title of heavyweight boxing champion of the world
Stanley Ketchel-Billy Papke Prize Fight11/26/1908 San Francisco, CA-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Stanley Ketchel (L) and Billy Papke (R) fought again at San Francisco. Pictures show men in mid ring just before knockout
Johnson and Jeffries Fight at Reno(Original Caption) 07/04/1910- Reno, NV - Johnson and Jeffries fight at Reno. Jeffries was beaten after 15 rounds
Johnson Weighing In(Original Caption) 4/9/1915- Havana, Cuba - Jack Johnson and Jess Willard Fight. Johnson just before weighing in. Photograph shows ring with scale in it and crowd
Abe Attell Showin In Suit; 3/4 Length(Original Caption) 8/3/1917-Abe Attell, boxer, shown in a suit
Abe Attell, Boxer, On Cushion On Beach(Original Caption) 2/9/1918-Palm Beach, FL-Abe Attell. He is shown seated on a cushion on the beach at Palm Beach
Jess Willard & Jack Dempsey Fight(Original Caption) Jess Willard and Jack Dempsey in the ring during their July 4th, 1919 fight. Photo shows the huge crowd of spectators gathered to watch the outdoor match
Dempsey Pummeling Jess Willard In RingJack Dempsey fights Jess Willard to eventually win the heavyweight title