The Burial of Walter von der Vogelweide in Wuerzburg
1900s, 19th-century, accurate, art print, art prints, arts, arts and crafts, bayern, black, black-and-white, black-white, burial, contemporary history, copy, crafting, date, dates, depiction
The burial of the Visigoth king Alaric
black, black-and-white, black-white, body of water, burial, contemporary, copy, countryside, course of a river, depiction, depictions, deserted, digital, digitally, drawing, drawings, drawn
At the mountain church, Biserica din Deal
architectural photograph, architectural view, attraction, attractions, balkan, balkan peninsula, belief, believer, believers, building, buildings, burial, burial ground, burial site, burial sites
Burial of the victims at the Segengottesschacht of Burgk
1900s, 19th-century, accurate, art print, art prints, arts, bunch of, burial, characteristic, close, close up, colliery, copy, crowd, crowds of people, culture, custom, depiction, depictions
Gypsy Burial in Transylvania, Romania
1900s, 19th-century, accurate, alpine landscape, arts, arts and crafts, balkan, balkan peninsula, black, black-and-white, black-white, bunch of, burial, copy, countryside, crafting, deaths
Old Germanic burial, earth burial with jewellery
1900s, 19th-century, accurate, against white background, archive, background light, background light-colored, background plain, background plain-colored, background plain-coloured, background white
The Funeral of King Ludwig in Munich
1900s, 19th-century, accurate, archive, bavarian, bayern, black, black-and-white, black-white, burial, contemporary, copy, depiction, depictions, digital, digitally, disappointed, disappoints
The Siemen Oven for the Cremation of Corpses
1900s, 19th-century, adopted, animals, art work, arts, artwork, artworks, black, black-and-white, black-white, bodysuits, building, buildings, burial, burnings, cadaver, carcass, carcasses
archival, black & white, burial, burial ground, c, cemetery, death, fence, grave yard
archival, black & white, burial, burial ground, c, cemetery, death, fen, Vintage Black & White, 86481737