New Greyhound Bus and Driver(Original Caption) 3/1948- Chicago, IL- The new Greyhound "Highway Travele, " which seats fifty passengers through use of seats in three sectional compartments
Bus and Streetcar Named DesireBus driver Robert Cassagne tips his hat to the New Orleans streetcar named "Desire" before starting the route on one of the new buses that bears the same name
School Bus Driver and High School Student(Original Caption) 04/08/1949. THE SCHOOL BUS. Rebecca Johnson, 18, who is a junior at Garner High School, is one of the student drivers
Student-Driver Rebecca Johnson in High School(Original Caption) The School Bus (Fourth of Twelve) Rebecca Johnson, 18, who is a junior in the Garner High School, is one of the student-drivers
Marilyn Monroe in Bus StopBo Decker (Don Murray) is confronted by Carl the bus driver (Robert Bray) in his attempted abduction of Cherie (Marilyn Monroe) in Bus Stop
Rosa Parks Sits At the Front of A Bus in Alabama12/21/1956-Montgomery, AL-Rosa Parks, 43, sits in the front of a city bus here, December 21, as a Supreme Court ruling, which banned segregation on the city's public transit vehicles took effect
Racecar Driver in Racecar
Racecar Driver at the Pit Stop