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Cabinet Collection

Background imageCabinet Collection: Row of metal filing cabinets on casters, man standing at end of row, with drawer open

Row of metal filing cabinets on casters, man standing at end of row, with drawer open
UNITED STATES - CIRCA 1970s: Row of metal filing cabinets on casters, man standing at end of row, with drawer open

Background imageCabinet Collection: Martin Van Buren And Andrew Jackson With Cabinet Officers

Martin Van Buren And Andrew Jackson With Cabinet Officers
A woman called Celeste dances before a group of men, including Martin Van Buren; Andrew Jackson; Jimmy O'Neal; Amos Kendall; and Levi Woodbury

Background imageCabinet Collection: Cabinet Of President James Buchanan

Cabinet Of President James Buchanan
(Original Caption) Cabinet of President J. Buchanan (center) Standing at left to right: Lewis Cass (Sect. of State), Buchanan, Howell Cobb (Sect. of Treasury) Hos Holt (Postmaster General)

Background imageCabinet Collection: Old Patent Office in Washington, DC

Old Patent Office in Washington, DC
The Old Patent Office Building in Washington, DC, is now a part of the Smithsonian Institute and houses the National Portrait Gallery and the American Art Museum

Background imageCabinet Collection: Interior of Russian Pharmacy

Interior of Russian Pharmacy
(Original Caption) 1885-A Russian pharmacy in Nerchinsko. Photograph by A.K. Kutznetov. Note the elaborate woodwork on top of the cabinets expressing Russian folk motifs

Background imageCabinet Collection: President Calvin Coolidge And Cabinet

President Calvin Coolidge And Cabinet
(Original Caption) President Coolidge and his cabinet: Charles Evans Hughes, Secretary of Interior at his right; Andrew Mellon, Secretary of Treasury at his left; Vice President Hoover in back

Background imageCabinet Collection: Portrait of George Washington with his Cabinet

Portrait of George Washington with his Cabinet
(Original Caption) U.S. President George Washington and his Cabinet

Background imageCabinet Collection: Cabinet Console Tv Showing Football Game

Cabinet Console Tv Showing Football Game
(Original Caption) View of a Stromberg Carlson "Chinese Modern" cabinet console television with door open to reveal an image of a football game on the screen. Photograph, 1948

Background imageCabinet Collection: Abraham Lincoln And His Cabinet

Abraham Lincoln And His Cabinet
(Original Caption) Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) and his cabinet, in council, Sept. 22, 1862, adopting the Emancipation Proclamation issued January 1, 1863. Undated lithograph by Courier and Ives

Background imageCabinet Collection: African Americans Making Furniture in Workshop

African Americans Making Furniture in Workshop
(Original Caption) Tuskegee Institute: Workshop for apprentice cabinet makers. Ca. 1910, at the African American university. Photograph. BPA2# 1294 ORIGINAL CAPTION

Background imageCabinet Collection: Young Woman Filing

Young Woman Filing
(Original Caption) Office scene ca. 1910. Girl filing at file cabinets. Photograph undated. BPA2 #3393

Background imageCabinet Collection: Girl Reaches For Medicine Shelve

Girl Reaches For Medicine Shelve
(Original Caption) 1915-"I feel like having a nice long drink." Girl reaches for medicine shelve. Photograph, 1915

Background imageCabinet Collection: Russian Duma In Session; Chamber

Russian Duma In Session; Chamber
(Original Caption) 3/17/1917-Russian Duma in session, March 17, 1917. This body overthrew the Russian government. Photograph

Background imageCabinet Collection: Philip Scheidemann, Headshoulders

Philip Scheidemann, Headshoulders
(Original Caption) 7/12/1917-Noted German Socialist who may aid in reconsrtucting German cabinet- Philip Scheidemann

Background imageCabinet Collection: Portrait Of Anarchists Party Members

Portrait Of Anarchists Party Members
(Original Caption) 1918- Picture shows a full length shot of political activists in the Anarchist movement

Background imageCabinet Collection: Looking at Record of Suffrage Votes

Looking at Record of Suffrage Votes
(Original Caption) Office workers with files of records of members of Congress showing how they voted on suffrage, ca 1920

Background imageCabinet Collection: Sir John Anderson

Sir John Anderson
(Original Caption) 7/20/1920- HIS JOB IS NOT ENVIED. Photo shows Sir John Anderson, who holds the difficult position of under-secretary for Ireland in the British cabinet

Background imageCabinet Collection: Benito Mussolini And Baron Russo

Benito Mussolini And Baron Russo
(Original Caption) 11/29/1922: Portarait of Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) Prime Minister and Dictator of Italy (1922-43) with his Chief of Cabinet, Baron Russo

Background imageCabinet Collection: Drug Addicts in Chinatown Opium Den

Drug Addicts in Chinatown Opium Den
(Original Caption) 1925-New York, NY: Chinatown opium den

Background imageCabinet Collection: Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon Leaving White House

Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon Leaving White House
(Original Caption) 3/2/1929- Washington, DC- The photograph of Andrew Mellon, Secretary of Treasury, was taken on March 1st, as he left the White House in Washington, DC

Background imageCabinet Collection: Interior of Lascoff Pharmacy

Interior of Lascoff Pharmacy
(Original Caption) Lascoff Pharmacy, 82nd Street and Lexington Avenue, New York City. Interior

Background imageCabinet Collection: Actress Anita Louise in Bedroom

Actress Anita Louise in Bedroom
(Original Caption) Anita Louise, young Warner Bros

Background imageCabinet Collection: Luis Sanchez Cerro Stands with His Cabinet

Luis Sanchez Cerro Stands with His Cabinet
(Original Caption) 9/6/1930-Lima, Peru- Colonel Luis M. Sanchez Cerro (center), surrounded by members of the Cabinet he formed following the ousting of President Augusto Leguia

Background imageCabinet Collection: New Spanish Cabinet

New Spanish Cabinet
(Original Caption) 6/23/1933-Spain- The crisis in the Spanish Government was recently brought to an end when President Zamora invited Senor Azana, whose resignation had precipitated the crisis

Background imageCabinet Collection: Musicians and Representative at Table Talking

Musicians and Representative at Table Talking
(Original Caption) 6/6/1935-Washington

Background imageCabinet Collection: Fernand Bouisson Speaking with Edouard Herriot

Fernand Bouisson Speaking with Edouard Herriot
(Original Caption) 6/6/1935-Premier Fernand Bouisson speaking with Herriot and other ministers

Background imageCabinet Collection: Premier Deladier Leaving The Elysee

Premier Deladier Leaving The Elysee
(Original Caption) 3/20/40-Paris

Background imageCabinet Collection: Duff Cooper, New Minister Of Information

Duff Cooper, New Minister Of Information
(Original Caption) 5/13/1940-Mr. Duff Cooper, the new Minister of Information. Photo shows Mr

Background imageCabinet Collection: Japanese Cabinet During Ww Ii

Japanese Cabinet During Ww Ii
(Original Caption) 10/2/1941-Japan: The third cabinet of Primier Prince Fuminaro Konoye pictured after they had officialy been placed in command of Japans Destinies by Emporror Hirohito

Background imageCabinet Collection: Anne Shirley Modeling an Evening Gown

Anne Shirley Modeling an Evening Gown
Actress Anne Shirley models an evening gown from the movie Lady Bodyguard

Background imageCabinet Collection: Secretary Filing

Secretary Filing
(Original Caption) Secretary in front of filing cabinet, filing letters. Photograph ca. 1945. BPA2# 3383

Background imageCabinet Collection: Sec.Of War Henry Stimson Arrives

Sec.Of War Henry Stimson Arrives
(Original Caption) 04/13/1945-Washington, D.C.: CALLED TO THE WHITE HOUSE BY FDR'S DEATH. Secretary of War Henry L

Background imageCabinet Collection: Winston Churchill Addresses Huge Crowd

Winston Churchill Addresses Huge Crowd
From a balcony in the Ministry of Health Building in Whitehall, Mr. Churchill addresses a huge crowd, 8th May 1945. Members of the cabinet were with him on the balcony

Background imageCabinet Collection: Shigeru Yoshida in Chair in Office

Shigeru Yoshida in Chair in Office
(Original Caption) 11/6/1945-Japan-Shigeru Yoshida, Foreign Minister in the new Jap Cabinet

Background imageCabinet Collection: Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi
(Original Caption) 4/28/1946-New Delhi, India-Mahatma Gandhi shown as he left the Cabinet Minister's residence in New Delhi April 28 after a British Mission Conference on Indian independence

Background imageCabinet Collection: Members Of New Japanese Cabinet

Members Of New Japanese Cabinet
(Original Caption) 5/31/46-Tokyo, Japan: Members of the new Japanese cabinet formed recently by Prime Minister Yoshida, pose for their first photo

Background imageCabinet Collection: Harold Wilson M.P. Seated at Desk

Harold Wilson M.P. Seated at Desk

Background imageCabinet Collection: South African Cabinet Takes Office

South African Cabinet Takes Office
The tenth Union Cabinet poses for a portrait after they are sworn into office

Background imageCabinet Collection: Charles Brannan, Cabinet Member

Charles Brannan, Cabinet Member
(Original Caption) 2/25/1949- Cabinet members- Charles Brannan, Secretary of Agriculture

Background imageCabinet Collection: Eduard Benes Reads List of New Cabinet Members

Eduard Benes Reads List of New Cabinet Members
(Original Caption) 3/3/48-Prague, Czechoslovakia: Faced by Communist Premier Klement Gottwald, President Eduard Benes (left) of Czechoslovakia

Background imageCabinet Collection: David Ben-Gurion Reading a Declaration of Independence

David Ben-Gurion Reading a Declaration of Independence
(Original Caption) 5/14/1948-Tel Aviv

Background imageCabinet Collection: Ronald Reagan Meets with Cabinet

Ronald Reagan Meets with Cabinet
(Original Caption) 1/4/1984-Washington, DC: President Ronald Reagan meets with members of his cabinet and Congressional leaders

Background imageCabinet Collection: George Shultz Adresses Cabinet with President

George Shultz Adresses Cabinet with President
(Original Caption) 12/20/1984- Washington, DC: Secretary of State George Shultz stands up to address a meeting of the cabinet and congressional leaders

Background imageCabinet Collection: George Bush Laughing at Cabinet Meeting

George Bush Laughing at Cabinet Meeting
(Original Caption) 11/10/1988- Washington, DC- President-elect George Bush cracks up while attending a cabinet meeting 11/10. Also laughing is Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady

Background imageCabinet Collection: 1950s Modern Kitchen

1950s Modern Kitchen
Photograph of kitchen set up. ca. 1952

Background imageCabinet Collection: FBI Records Department in Washington

FBI Records Department in Washington
(Original Caption) Washington, DC: FBI Records Department. Undated photo

Background imageCabinet Collection: King Looking Ar X-Ray Patient Behind Wal

King Looking Ar X-Ray Patient Behind Wal
(Original Caption) 1910- X-Rays: The Cabinet that saves the operator from the evils of x-rays. The King looks at a patient under the x-rays at London Hospital. 1910. Illustration

Background imageCabinet Collection: Illustration of Abraham Lincoln Reading the Emancipation Proclamation Before His Cabinet Members

Illustration of Abraham Lincoln Reading the Emancipation Proclamation Before His Cabinet Members
Abraham Lincoln reading the Emancipation Proclamation before his cabinet. From an engraving by Alexander Hay Ritchie after a painting by Francis Carpenter

Background imageCabinet Collection: Ad For Columbia Cabinet Phonograph

Ad For Columbia Cabinet Phonograph
(Original Caption) Advertisement for the Columbia Grafonola "Nonpareil" cabinet phonograph. Undated illustration

Background imageCabinet Collection: President Grant In Session with His Cabinet

President Grant In Session with His Cabinet
(Original Caption) Cabinet of President Ulysses S. Grant in session. Depicted (L-R) are: Jacob D. Cox; Hamilton Fish; John A. Rawlins; John A.J. Cresswell; President Grant; George S

Background imageCabinet Collection: Illustration of Lincoln Reading the Emancipation Proclamation to His Cabinet

Illustration of Lincoln Reading the Emancipation Proclamation to His Cabinet
(Original Caption) Illustration depicting Abraham Lincoln reading the draft of the Emancipation Proclamation to his cabinet on July 22, 1862. Undated

Background imageCabinet Collection: Illustration of Automated Chess Player or Robot

Illustration of Automated Chess Player or Robot
(Original Caption) "L'automate de Robert-Houdin." An automated chess player with the mechanical workings exposed in the cabinet underneath. An early automaton or chess playing robot

Background imageCabinet Collection: Harold Wilson Outside 10 Downing Street

Harold Wilson Outside 10 Downing Street
(Original Caption) 8/29/1949-London, England: The Prime Minister broke his stay at Portsmouth today to attend the first Cabinet meeting since July 29th

Background imageCabinet Collection: Klement Gottwald with Cabinet at Parade

Klement Gottwald with Cabinet at Parade
(Original Caption) 11/2/1949-Prague, Czechoslovakia-President Klement Gottwald, in front of the microphone

Background imageCabinet Collection: 1950s Kitchen Interior

1950s Kitchen Interior
(Original Caption) Unidentified model displaying a kitchen interior, photo 1950's. Color Slide. BPA2# 5930

Background imageCabinet Collection: Cabinet with Mechanical Heart and Lung

Cabinet with Mechanical Heart and Lung
(Original Caption) 11/6/1950-Philadelphia, PA-This portable cabinet contains the entire mechanism for mechanical heart and lung.The shiny cylinder in left rear is the oxygenator (lung)

Background imageCabinet Collection: Outside President Weizman'S House

Outside President Weizman'S House
(Original Caption) 11/7/50-Tel-Aviv, Israel: Outside Mr. Weizman's house: left to right: J. Geri, Minister of Trade and Industry. D. Shitreet, Minister of Police; P

Background imageCabinet Collection: Missing Person Files

Missing Person Files
(Original Caption) 1/12/1951-Berlin, Germany- RIAS - Berlin's Voice of Freedom

Background imageCabinet Collection: Mohammed Mossadegh at Table with Cabinet

Mohammed Mossadegh at Table with Cabinet
(Original Caption) /16/1951-Tehran, Iran- Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh (5th from R) addresses, at an Iranian Cabinet meeting, the nationalization of the country's oil industry

Background imageCabinet Collection: Shigeru Yoshida Posing with Cabinet

Shigeru Yoshida Posing with Cabinet
(Original Caption) 11/4/1952-Tokyo, Japan-Members of the newly-formed

Background imageCabinet Collection: Herbert Brownell Jr. Seated In Home

Herbert Brownell Jr. Seated In Home
(Original Caption) 11/21/1952-New York, NY: Herbert Brownell, Jr

Background imageCabinet Collection: Prime Minister Jagan with Ousted Ministers

Prime Minister Jagan with Ousted Ministers
(Original Caption) 10/11/1953-Georgetown, British Guiana-Appearing at a People's Progressive Party rally during the March, 1953 election campaign are Prime Minister Dr

Background imageCabinet Collection: Policeman Searching Littered Kitchen of Ed Gein

Policeman Searching Littered Kitchen of Ed Gein
Unidentified police officer examines the junk-littered kitchen in the farm home of Edward Gein, where authorities found human skulls and other parts of human bodies

Background imageCabinet Collection: Futuristic Stereo Prototype

Futuristic Stereo Prototype
(Original Caption) 10/16/1959-New York, NY- Not the latest satellite, this may be the stereophonic high fidelity system of the future, according to its designer, Lester Beall

Background imageCabinet Collection: Ugandan Cabinet Members

Ugandan Cabinet Members
(Original Caption) 5/8/1962-Kampala, Uganda- Pictured here are the members of the new Uganda cabinet (L-R): J.W. Lwamafa; J.T. Simpson; Dr. E.B.S. Lumu, Minister of Health; A.M

Background imageCabinet Collection: President Kennedy Meeting With Cabinet Officers

President Kennedy Meeting With Cabinet Officers
President Kennedy meets with his cabinet officers and advisers in October 1962 about the Cuban missile crisis

Background imageCabinet Collection: R.C Weaver First Negro Cabinet Member

R.C Weaver First Negro Cabinet Member
(Original Caption) 1/18/1966-Washington, DC: Robert C. Weaver was sworn in today as the Nation's first Negro Cabinet Member

Background imageCabinet Collection: First Indonesian Cabinet Meeting

First Indonesian Cabinet Meeting
(Original Caption) 8/4/1966-Jakarta, Indonesia- Members of the new Indonesian cabinet, formed July 25th, await the start of their first meeting at Freedom Palace

Background imageCabinet Collection: King Faisal Makes Sits in Holy Mosque

King Faisal Makes Sits in Holy Mosque
(Original Caption) 2/11/1967- Mecca, Saudi Arabia- His Royal Highness King Faisal (center), ruler of 6, 300, 000 subjects, dresses as other pilgrims do when he visits Mecca

Background imageCabinet Collection: First Female Cabinet Member Margret Thatcher

First Female Cabinet Member Margret Thatcher
(Original Caption) 6/26/1970-London, England- Mrs. Margaret Thatcher, shown at her desk in her office, is the only female member of Britain's new cabinet

Background imageCabinet Collection: Antique Mira Music Box

Antique Mira Music Box
(Original Caption) 8/4/1972-New York, NY-It's not stereo or hi-fi but you might impress company with a sound investment like this

Background imageCabinet Collection: Gerald Ford and President Nixon

Gerald Ford and President Nixon
Vice President Gerald Ford sits across the table from President Nixon during cabinet meeting at the White House Aug 6th

Background imageCabinet Collection: Nixon And Family Say Farewell To Staff

Nixon And Family Say Farewell To Staff
(Original Caption) Washington: Pres. Nixon says an emotional farewell to members of his cabinet and staff in the East room of the White House 8/9 before his departure for California

Background imageCabinet Collection: Jimmy Carter Meeting with His Cabinet

Jimmy Carter Meeting with His Cabinet
(Original Caption) 1/31/1977-Washinton, DC- President Carter holds a cabinet meeting to continue discussions of the nation's national gas shortage due to an unusually cold winter

Background imageCabinet Collection: Fernand Bouisson and Ministers Walking

Fernand Bouisson and Ministers Walking
(Original Caption) 6/6/1935- Group of new ministers inthe 3-day Cabinet of Fernad Bouisson. On the extreme right is picure is Pierre Laval

Background imageCabinet Collection: Tightening central screw in a hinge with a screw driver, close up

Tightening central screw in a hinge with a screw driver, close up

Background imageCabinet Collection: Black and white illustration of brick built barbecue with grill and storage cupboards

Black and white illustration of brick built barbecue with grill and storage cupboards

Background imageCabinet Collection: Black and white illustration of plastic waste bin mounted on the inside of a cupboard door

Black and white illustration of plastic waste bin mounted on the inside of a cupboard door, with a pulley system to open the lid

Background imageCabinet Collection: Young Boy Operating a Radio in His Living Room

Young Boy Operating a Radio in His Living Room

Background imageCabinet Collection: Parliamentary Smoke

Parliamentary Smoke
November 1919: Members cigar and cigarette cabinet at the House of Commons in London. (Photo by A. R. Coster/Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)

Background imageCabinet Collection: Black and white illustration of dried flowers stored in a cupboard

Black and white illustration of dried flowers stored in a cupboard

Background imageCabinet Collection: Ancient Egyptian boxes and pottery

Ancient Egyptian boxes and pottery

Background imageCabinet Collection: Longfellows Home At Cambridge

Longfellows Home At Cambridge
Exterior view of the home of American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1860s

Background imageCabinet Collection: Illustration in light blue, kitchen arranged around right angle

Illustration in light blue, kitchen arranged around right angle, including cooker with oven, pans dangling from cooker hood, glass cupboards on wall, and plants

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