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Campaigning Collection

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Theodore Roosevelt Pointing

Theodore Roosevelt Pointing
(Original Caption) Theodore Roosevelt in a typical oratorial gesture addressing a campaign rally

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Harold Washington at his Election Headquarters

Harold Washington at his Election Headquarters
(Original Caption) Harold Washington is seen here with his hands raised to supporters

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Large Crowd at a Theodore Roosevelt Rally

Large Crowd at a Theodore Roosevelt Rally
(Original Caption) USA: Theodore Roosevelt addressing a vast campaign rally

Background imageCampaigning Collection: FDR Campaigning for New York State Senate

FDR Campaigning for New York State Senate
Franklin Delano Roosevelt stands on a podium and addresses his supporters as he runs for New York Senate in 1910

Background imageCampaigning Collection: William Taft Campaigns from a Train

William Taft Campaigns from a Train
(Original Caption) William Howard Taft making a campaign speech from a train platform. He served as President from 1909 to 1913. Ca. 1908-1912

Background imageCampaigning Collection: FDR Campaigning for New York State Senate

FDR Campaigning for New York State Senate
Franklin Delano Roosevelt stands on a podium and addresses his supporters as he runs for New York Senate in 1910

Background imageCampaigning Collection: William Jennings Bryan Giving Speech

William Jennings Bryan Giving Speech
(Original Caption) William Jennings Bryan; (1860-1925) Democratic Presidential nominee, well-known for his eloquent political oratory, delivering a campaign speech. Photograph, ca. 1910. BPA2# 3511

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Theodore Roosevelt Giving Campaign Speech

Theodore Roosevelt Giving Campaign Speech

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Charles Evans Hughes

Charles Evans Hughes campaigning for William Howard Taft at the Republican Convention held at the Hotel Astor in New York City

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Women Trumpeters;'Wilson For President'

Women Trumpeters;"Wilson For President"
(Original Caption) 10/12/1916-Women trumpeters on "Wilson for President" auto. Photo October 12, 1916

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Woodrow Wilson Campaign Van

Woodrow Wilson Campaign Van
(Original Caption) A campaign van decorated with posters supporting Woodrow Wilson's bid for presidency

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Eugene Debs Delivering Speech

Eugene Debs Delivering Speech
(Original Caption) 6/16/1918-Canton, Ohio: Eugene Debs delivers an anti-war speech. He is shown on a small platform, surrounded by seated men, women and children. A flag-banner hangs in the background

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Cox and Roosevelt in Motorcade

Cox and Roosevelt in Motorcade
Democratic Presidential candidate James Cox and his running mate Franklin Roosevelt pass through a crowd of cheering onlookers during their campaign

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Cox and Roosevelt Campaigning

Cox and Roosevelt Campaigning
Democratic presidential candidate James Cox and his running mate Franklin Roosevelt campaign in a parade

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Franklin D. Roosevelt Campaigning with James M. Cox

Franklin D. Roosevelt Campaigning with James M. Cox
Vice presidential candidate Franklin D. Roosevelt and presidential candidate, James M. Cox, Governor of Ohio, lead the Ohio Democratic Notification Parade in Dayton, Ohio, in 1920

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Franklin D. Roosevelt Dictating to His Secretary Louis Howe

Franklin D. Roosevelt Dictating to His Secretary Louis Howe
Franklin D. Roosevelt, former Assistant Secretary of the Navy, has been named to manage the pre-convention campaign for Governor Alfred E. Smith

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Presidential Candidate William Z. Foster and Benjamin Gitlow

Presidential Candidate William Z. Foster and Benjamin Gitlow
(Original Caption) Photo shows left to right William Z. Foster, presidential candidate and Benjamin Gitlow, Vice presidential candidate of the Workers Party, on the speakers platform

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Eleanor Roosevelt Making Campaign Speech

Eleanor Roosevelt Making Campaign Speech
Elenor Roosevelt campaigns for her husband Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Orange County, New York

Background imageCampaigning Collection: John Garner and FDR Campaigning

John Garner and FDR Campaigning
Vice presidential candidate John Nance Garner stands at the back of a special campaign train with presidential candidate Franklin Delano Roosevelt during a stop in Topeka, Kansas

Background imageCampaigning Collection: FDR at Campaign Rally

FDR at Campaign Rally
10/28/1940-New York-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: James Farley former Postmaster General in President D

Background imageCampaigning Collection: James Roosevelt Speaking at Microphone

James Roosevelt Speaking at Microphone
(Original Caption) 4/26/1932-Boston, MA: James Roosevelt pictured during his last speech on behalf of his father, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, for Democratic nomination for President

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Roosevelt Speaking at Democratic National Convention

Roosevelt Speaking at Democratic National Convention in Chicago

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Roosevelt Campaigning with Family

Roosevelt Campaigning with Family
7/02/1932-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Photo shows Governor Roosevelt, Mrs.Roosevelt, John and Elliot about to enter plane to fly to Chicago. The Governor's nephew hands him a telegram

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Senator Huey Long Speaking at Campaign Event

Senator Huey Long Speaking at Campaign Event
Senator Huey P. Long speaks to a crowd at a campaign event for fellow Senator Hattie Caraway

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Roosevelt Campaigning for President

Roosevelt Campaigning for President
New York Governor Franklin Roosevelt campaigns for president for the first time. With him are (from left to right): Maurice E. Harrison, Director of the Democratic State Campaign; William G

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Roosevelt Speaking from Train

Roosevelt Speaking from Train
(Original Caption) Roosevelt Campaigns in California. Glendale, California: Franklin D

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Roosevelt Speaking to Crowd

Roosevelt Speaking to Crowd
(Original Caption) Detroit, Michigan: Governor Roosevelt speaking in Detroit

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Miner Shakes Hands with Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt

Miner Shakes Hands with Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Franklin Delano Roosevelt
(Original Caption) Various views of Governor Franklin Delano Roosevelt, speaking at the arena, in Boston, during his campaign tour

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Morris Hillquit Addressing Rally

Morris Hillquit Addressing Rally
(Original Caption) Socialists in rally at Madison Square Garden

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Franklin Delano Roosevelt
(Original Caption) Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Newark, New Jersey

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Franklin Roosevelt Waving

Franklin Roosevelt Waving
(Original Caption) Motorcyclists Pledge Their Support to Roosevelt

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Franklin Delano Roosevelt Campaign Speech

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Campaign Speech
Roosevelt giving a speech on the campaign trail to a large crowd

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Demonstrators Protesting Senator William Borah

Demonstrators Protesting Senator William Borah
Protesting Senator William Borah's stand against anti-lynching legislation, a group of demonstrators gather outside the Kismet Temple

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Joseph T. Robinson Addressing Nation on the Radio

Joseph T. Robinson Addressing Nation on the Radio
Senate Majority Leader Joseph T. Robinson (D-AR) addresses the nation on CBS radio. The senator is answering a scathing attack by Alfred E.Smith on President Roosevelt's New Deal plan

Background imageCampaigning Collection: President Roosevelt Waving After Speech

President Roosevelt Waving After Speech
President Franklin Roosevelt waves with his supporters after making the final address of his campaign for re-election

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Roosevelt Making Final Campaign Speech

Roosevelt Making Final Campaign Speech
(Original Caption) 10/31/1936-New York, NY- With this declaration serving as the keynote of his speech

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Roosevelt Broadcasting Campaign Speech

Roosevelt Broadcasting Campaign Speech
President Roosevelt broadcasts his final campaign speech over the radio. | Location: Hyde Park, New York, USA

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Joseph Stalin Delivering a Speech

Joseph Stalin Delivering a Speech
Dictator of Soviet Russia, Joseph Stalin, addresses voters, of the Stalin election district in Moscow, on the even of the election in which Russians voted for the first time under the new constitution

Background imageCampaigning Collection: President Roosevelt Campaigning

President Roosevelt Campaigning
President Roosevelt campaigns for re-election and stops to greet a crowd of supporters and onlookers

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Frank Sinatra, Moss Hart, and Ethel Merman Singing

Frank Sinatra, Moss Hart, and Ethel Merman Singing
(Original Caption) Frank Sinatra, Moss Hart and Ethel Merman harmonizing a little ditty while campaigning for the re-election of President Roosevelt. Undated Photo

Background imageCampaigning Collection: First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt Addressing the 1940 Democratic National Convention

First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt Addressing the 1940 Democratic National Convention
Eleanor Roosevelt flies from New York to Chicago to attend the 1940 Democratic National Convention. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt is shown beginning her speech

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Wendell L. Wilkie Campaigning under Roosevelt's Banner

Wendell L. Wilkie Campaigning under Roosevelt's Banner
(Original Caption) Wilkie Campaigns under Democratic Banner. Jersey City, New Jersey: The constant threat to his election as president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, hangs over Wendell L

Background imageCampaigning Collection: FDR at Campaign Rally

FDR at Campaign Rally
Franklin Roosevelt, running for a third term, appears at a campaign rally with (left) Jack Dempsy, New York Governor Herbert Lehman, his son Franklin Roosevelt, Jr. and, to the right, James Farley

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Orson Welles in Citizen Kane, 1941

Orson Welles in Citizen Kane, 1941
Charles Foster Kane (Orson Welles) makes a stirring campaign speech before a larger-than-life portrait of himself in a scene from Citizen Kane

Background imageCampaigning Collection: President Roosevelt Campaigning

President Roosevelt Campaigning
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt campaigns for re-election along with Connecticut gubernatorial candidate Robert A. Hurley (right), and Margaret Connors (left)

Background imageCampaigning Collection: President Roosevelt Campaigning

President Roosevelt Campaigning
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt campaigns for re-election along with Connecticut gubernatorial candidate Robert A. Hurley (right), and Margaret Connors (left)

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Crowd Surrounding President Roosevelt

Crowd Surrounding President Roosevelt
Crowds of political supporters and onlookers surround the campaigning President Roosevelt. Accompanying the President is Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau Jr. who is seated in the car

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Harry S. Truman Greeting American Children in Brazil

Harry S. Truman Greeting American Children in Brazil
(Original Caption) 9/11/1947-Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: If the kids had any voting power, President Harry Truman would win his re-election by a juvenile landslide

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Lyndon Johnson Campaigning for the Senate

Lyndon Johnson Campaigning for the Senate
Lyndon Johnson shakes the hands of two boys while campaigning for the Senate in 1948. Both boys wear shirts reading, "Lyndon Johnson is the Little Fellows Friend"

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Thomas E Dewey During Campaign Tour

Thomas E Dewey During Campaign Tour
Thomas Dewey speaks from the rear of a train on the campaign trail

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Presidential Candidate Henry A. Wallace at Chrysler Picket Lines

Presidential Candidate Henry A. Wallace at Chrysler Picket Lines
(Original Caption) Detroit: Wallace Stumps The Picket Line. Surrounded by striking Chrysler auto workers, third party Presidential candidate Henry A

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Truman Shaking Hands with Navajo Chief

Truman Shaking Hands with Navajo Chief
Aboard his homeward-bound train during the 1948 presidential campaign

Background imageCampaigning Collection: President Truman Examining Liberty Bell

President Truman Examining Liberty Bell
President Harry Truman examining the historic Liberty Bell in Independence Hall

Background imageCampaigning Collection: President Campaigns In Harlem

President Campaigns In Harlem
This is part of the large crowd which heard an address by President Truman as he campaigned in Harlem, the predominantly negro section of New York city

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Walter Mondale

Walter Mondale
Former Vice-President Walter Mondale, campaigning in New Hampshire for the Democratic presidential nomination

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Jesse Jackson Giving Thumbs Up

Jesse Jackson Giving Thumbs Up
(Original Caption) 10/10/1987-Raleigh

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Loretta Lynn and George Bush Waving

Loretta Lynn and George Bush Waving
(Original Caption) Normal, Ill.: Vice President George Bush along with country music star Loretta Lynn wave to a morning rally on the campus of Illinois State University

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Dan Quayle Speaking to High School Students

Dan Quayle Speaking to High School Students
At a campaign stop in Woodstock, Georgia, Dan Quayle speaks to students at Etowah High School. The students to his rear hold signs spelling out "We're Behind You, Dan"

Background imageCampaigning Collection: George Bush Waves To Audience at Debate

George Bush Waves To Audience at Debate
Vice President George Bush waves to the audience at the Presidential debate in Los Angeles

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Theodore Roosevelt Giving Campaign Speech

Theodore Roosevelt Giving Campaign Speech
(Original Caption) Theodore Roosevelt standing on a podium pointing into the crowd during a campaign rally speech. Ca. 1900s

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Theodore Roosevelt Speaking at Campaign Rally

Theodore Roosevelt Speaking at Campaign Rally
Theodore Roosevelt in a typical oratorial gesture addressing a campaign rally. Ca. 1900s

Background imageCampaigning Collection: William Howard Taft Campaigning

William Howard Taft Campaigning
(Original Caption) William Howard Taft (1857-1930), twenty-seventh President of the United States, from 1909-1913, is seen here making a campaign address. Undated, ca. 1910s

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Theodore Roosevelt Speaking to Crowd Outdoors

Theodore Roosevelt Speaking to Crowd Outdoors
(Original Caption) Theodore Roosevelt speaking to an audience during the campaign of 1900

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Illustration of Grover Cleveland Making Friends with Citizen

Illustration of Grover Cleveland Making Friends with Citizen
(Original Caption) This is an undated political cartoon showing President Grover Cleveland, (1837-1908), shaking hands with "The Independent Voter" on the campaign trail

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Illustration Women Seated on Windowsills Show Campaign Signs for Garfield and Hancock

Illustration Women Seated on Windowsills Show Campaign Signs for Garfield and Hancock
(Original Caption) Elections: Strange election propagnda. Two fast young ladies take advantage of a political procession to advertise their preference and charms. Illustration

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Woodrow Wilson Campaign Poster American First -- Wilson, That's All!

Woodrow Wilson Campaign Poster American First -- Wilson, That's All!
(Original Caption) Woodrow Wilson Campaign poster, with the slogan "AMERICA FIRST -- Wilson, That's All!" Undated color slide

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Eisenhower Campaigning with Nixon

Eisenhower Campaigning with Nixon
(Original Caption) 1952-Dwight D. Eisenhower campaigning with Vice-Presidential candidate Richard Nixon. "Ike" raises his arms in the two-arm salute that was his trademark. Photograph, 1952

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Bonzo the Chimp Campaigning

Bonzo the Chimp Campaigning
Bonzo, chimpanzee star for Universal International Pictures, campaigns for office from a podium

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Bonzo the Chimp Campaigning

Bonzo the Chimp Campaigning
Bonzo the chimp, star for Universal International Pictures, is dressed-up like a campaigning politician

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Henry Ford II Waving Campaign Poster

Henry Ford II Waving Campaign Poster
(Original Caption) He likes "Everybody"...Chicago: Automotive magnate Henry Ford, Jr

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Vice Presidential Candidate Richard Nixon Campaigning in Illinois

Vice Presidential Candidate Richard Nixon Campaigning in Illinois
(Original Caption) Nixon Speaks in Illinois. Springfield, Ill.: Senator Richard Nixon of California, Republican Vice Presidential candidate, addresses a crowd in Springfield, Aug

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Adlai Stevenson During Campaign Address

Adlai Stevenson During Campaign Address
Illinois governor Adlai Stevenson wipes his brow during a campaign address in Worcester, Massachusetts. A group of school cheerleaders provide support by spelling out his run for the presidency

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Vice President Richard Nixon Wearing Beanie Hat

Vice President Richard Nixon Wearing Beanie Hat
(Original Caption) Lowell, Massachusetts. Vice President Richard E

Background imageCampaigning Collection: View of P.H. Shinicky Giving Speech

View of P.H. Shinicky Giving Speech
(Original Caption) These photographs were made on May 3rd at Seoul as P.H

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Hubert Humphrey Waves to Campaign Crowd

Hubert Humphrey Waves to Campaign Crowd
(Original Caption) 8/9/1956-Chicago, IL- Senator Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota (C), seeking the Democratic vice-presidential nomination, acknowledges cheers of support as he arrives at his campaign

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Eleanor Roosevelt Speaking at the 1956 Democratic National Convention

Eleanor Roosevelt Speaking at the 1956 Democratic National Convention
Eleanor Roosevelt, widow of the late President Franklin D. Roosevelt, is shown as she addresses delegates to the 1956 Democratic National Convention. The 71-year-old Mrs

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Adlai Stevenson Addressing Crowd

Adlai Stevenson Addressing Crowd
(Original Caption) In his first major farm address of the campaign

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Nixon Campaigning on Train

Nixon Campaigning on Train
Nixon speaking from campaign train in Saginaw, Michigan

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Runner Jesse Owens Meeting Vice President Richard Nixon

Runner Jesse Owens Meeting Vice President Richard Nixon
(Original Caption) 10/14/58-Chicago, Illinois: Vice President Richard Nixon met with Illinois Republicans here 10/14 to open a 6-day campaign tour in behald of GOP congressional candidates

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Presidential Candidate John F. Kennedy Campaigning

Presidential Candidate John F. Kennedy Campaigning
(Original Caption) Presidential Campaign of john F. Kennedy, at the podium addressing the crowd

Background imageCampaigning Collection: Kennedy Shakes Hand in Campaign

Kennedy Shakes Hand in Campaign
(Original Caption) 1960-: John Fitzgerald Kennedy reaches down and shakes the hand of a well wisher shortly after he boarded a special train en route to a whistle-stop tour of California

Background imageCampaigning Collection: John Kennedy Greeting People

John Kennedy Greeting People
(Original Caption) Milwaukee: Democratic Presidential candidate John F. Kennedy is surrounded by Saturday afternoon shoppers as he walked down Milwaukee's main street

Background imageCampaigning Collection: John F. Kennedy with Large Crowd

John F. Kennedy with Large Crowd
A large crowd gathers around John F. Kennedy as he walks to a rally in Milwaukee

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