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Candidate Collection

Background imageCandidate Collection: Cigar Box Label, 'Cleveland & Stevenson'

Cigar Box Label, "Cleveland & Stevenson"
(Original Caption) Cigar box label endorsing "Cleveland and Stevenson" for Grover Cleveland and Adlai Stevenson, lithograph

Background imageCandidate Collection: William Jennings Bryan, Wife On Train

William Jennings Bryan, Wife On Train
(Original Caption) William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925), Democratic contender for the Presidency on his campaign train with Mrs. Bryan, leaving Galion, Ohio, for New York. Undated photo, probably ca

Background imageCandidate Collection: Alfred Mossman Landon Sitting At Desk

Alfred Mossman Landon Sitting At Desk
(Original Caption) Close-up of Alfred Mossman Landon (1887-1987) American bussinessman and politician who served as Governor of Kansas (1933-1937)

Background imageCandidate Collection: William Taft Standing On Platform

William Taft Standing On Platform
(Original Caption) William Howard Taft stands on a platform addressing a crowd during a campaign rally for his Republican presidential candidacy. Undated photograph circa 1908

Background imageCandidate Collection: Harold Washington at his Election Headquarters

Harold Washington at his Election Headquarters
(Original Caption) Harold Washington is seen here with his hands raised to supporters

Background imageCandidate Collection: Political Cartoon Of Stevenson-Cleveland

Political Cartoon Of Stevenson-Cleveland
(Original Caption) Political cartoon about the Grover Cleveland-Adlai Stevenson Presidency campaign

Background imageCandidate Collection: Election Poster for Grover Cleveland

Election Poster for Grover Cleveland
A poster showing the Democratic ticket for 1884, Grover Cleveland and Thomas A. Hendricks

Background imageCandidate Collection: Caricature Of Candidate William Bryan

Caricature Of Candidate William Bryan
(Original Caption) Caricature of William Bryan (1860-1925), Presidential Candidate, populist in a "mighty risky experiment"

Background imageCandidate Collection: Cigar Box Label Of 'Harrison & Reid'

Cigar Box Label Of "Harrison & Reid"
(Original Caption) Cigar box label marked "Harrison and Reid" for Benjamin Harrison and Whitelaw Reid, presidential and vice presidential candidates in 1892, lithograph

Background imageCandidate Collection: Oscar Nominee Josef von Sternberg

Oscar Nominee Josef von Sternberg
(Original Caption) Josef Von Sternberg, one of the five nominees for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences award for the best direction 1930-31. Mr

Background imageCandidate Collection: Presidential Candidate Alton B. Parker

Presidential Candidate Alton B. Parker
(Original Caption) Judge Alton B. Parker (1852-1926) candidate for President, accepting the nomination at Rosemount, Espopus. Photograph, 1904

Background imageCandidate Collection: William Randolph Hearst Campaigning For Mayor

William Randolph Hearst Campaigning For Mayor
(Original Caption) 1909-New York, NY-: William Randolph Hearst (1863-1951) during his campaign for Mayor of New York City

Background imageCandidate Collection: Woodrow Wilson Giving Speech

Woodrow Wilson Giving Speech
(Original Caption) Woodrow Wilson is shown delivering an address when he was running for Democratic candidate for Governor of New Jersey

Background imageCandidate Collection: William Jennings Bryan and Brother Listening to Radio

William Jennings Bryan and Brother Listening to Radio
(Original Caption) 6/22/1924-New York, NY: Left to right, seated - William Jennings Bryant, delegate from Florida with brother Charles W

Background imageCandidate Collection: John Davis Being Congratulated By Man

John Davis Being Congratulated By Man
(Original Caption) 7/9/1924-John W. Davis congratulated after nomination by Frank L. Polk, at whose home he has been staying during the convention

Background imageCandidate Collection: New Jersey Governor Candidate A. Harry Moore

New Jersey Governor Candidate A. Harry Moore
A. Harry Moore, the Democratic candidate for the Governorship of New Jersey, sits in his office during the casting of the votes

Background imageCandidate Collection: Franklin Roosevelt as Gubernatorial Candidate

Franklin Roosevelt as Gubernatorial Candidate
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Franklin Delano Roosevelt casts his ballot during the 1927 elections

Background imageCandidate Collection: Alfred E. Smith Campaigning

Alfred E. Smith Campaigning
(Original Caption) 1928- MT: Alfred E. Smith campaigning in Montana, 1928

Background imageCandidate Collection: Ruth Pratt, Candidate for Congress, at Voting Machine

Ruth Pratt, Candidate for Congress, at Voting Machine
(Original Caption) 10/9/1928- New York, NY- Women Candidate for Congress Shows How to Use the Voting Machine

Background imageCandidate Collection: Women Cheering for Mexican Presidential Candidate

Women Cheering for Mexican Presidential Candidate
(Original Caption) 7/9/1929-Mexico City, Mexico-Members of the fair sex in this city heartily approve of Jose Vasconcelos selection

Background imageCandidate Collection: Jose Vasconcelos Taking Oath

Jose Vasconcelos Taking Oath
(Original Caption) 7/9/1929-Mexico City, Mexico-Jose Vasconcelos is shown taking oath as the Presidential candidate under the banner of the National Re-Electionist political party

Background imageCandidate Collection: James Roosevelt Speaking at Microphone

James Roosevelt Speaking at Microphone
(Original Caption) 4/26/1932-Boston, MA: James Roosevelt pictured during his last speech on behalf of his father, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, for Democratic nomination for President

Background imageCandidate Collection: Communist Candidates for President and Vice President

Communist Candidates for President and Vice President
(Original Caption) 5/28/1932- According to party leaders, William Z

Background imageCandidate Collection: William Donovan with Wife Ruth

William Donovan with Wife Ruth
William J. Donovan, who is leading in the race for nomination as the Republican candidate for Governor of New York, is shown with his wife, Ruth, at their Buffalo, New York, residence

Background imageCandidate Collection: William Donovan with Wife Ruth

William Donovan with Wife Ruth
William J. Donovan, who is leading in the race for nomination as the Republican candidate for Governor of New York, is shown with his wife, Ruth, at their Buffalo, New York, residence

Background imageCandidate Collection: William Donovan Speaking at Rally

William Donovan Speaking at Rally
(Original Caption) G.O.P Candidate for Governor Speaks at Rally. A general view of the crowd that gathered at the Central Opera House in New York, for a Republican rally. Colonel William J

Background imageCandidate Collection: Franklin Roosevelt on Campaign Train

Franklin Roosevelt on Campaign Train
(Original Caption) 10/25/1932- Washington, DC- Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt, Governor Albert C. Ritchie of Maryland and John N

Background imageCandidate Collection: Morris Hillquit Addressing Rally

Morris Hillquit Addressing Rally
(Original Caption) Socialists in rally at Madison Square Garden

Background imageCandidate Collection: Upton Sinclair Registering As Democrat

Upton Sinclair Registering As Democrat
(Original Caption) 9/16/1933-Upton Sinclair, noted writer and Socialist leader, divided California Democrats into three camps today, Sept

Background imageCandidate Collection: Upton Sinclair Runs For Governor

Upton Sinclair Runs For Governor
(Original Caption) 9/7/1934-Washington, DC: Sinclair declares spirit of New Deal "epic

Background imageCandidate Collection: Upton Sinclair Typing

Upton Sinclair Typing
Novelist Upton Sinclair looks to the side as he types on his typewriter on September 17, 1934. He is preparing his Epic newspaper, after meeting with President Roosevelt

Background imageCandidate Collection: Fake 'Sinclair' Dollars

Fake "Sinclair" Dollars
(Original Caption) 11/4/1934- "Money" talks against Sinclair's candidacy

Background imageCandidate Collection: Demonstrators Protesting Senator William Borah

Demonstrators Protesting Senator William Borah
Protesting Senator William Borah's stand against anti-lynching legislation, a group of demonstrators gather outside the Kismet Temple

Background imageCandidate Collection: National Communist Convention

National Communist Convention
(Original Caption) 6/24/1936-New York, NY- A general view of the National Communist Convention now in session at Manhattan Open House in New York

Background imageCandidate Collection: Frank Knox Seated on Steps Smoking Pipe

Frank Knox Seated on Steps Smoking Pipe
(Original Caption) 6/24/1936-Manchester, NH- Publisher Frank Knox, Republican Vice-Presidential nominee, is shown seated on the front steps of his home in Manchester, New Hampshire

Background imageCandidate Collection: Alfred M. Landon Kissing Baby at Rally

Alfred M. Landon Kissing Baby at Rally
(Original Caption) 8/29/1936- St. Louis, MO- When the train bearing Governor Alfred M. Landon back to Kansas at the conclusion of his Eastern campaign tour stopped at St

Background imageCandidate Collection: Frank Knox with Wife on Train

Frank Knox with Wife on Train
(Original Caption) 10/13/1936-Washington, DC- Photo shows Colonel Frank Knox (left), Republican candidate for Vice-President, Mrs. Knox, and Henry A. Wise, Republican leader from Virginia

Background imageCandidate Collection: Alfred Smith Speaking at Primary Rally

Alfred Smith Speaking at Primary Rally
(Original Caption) Al Smith, erstwhile Happy Warrior, returned to the political wars when he made an address on behalf of Senator Royal S.Copeland

Background imageCandidate Collection: Fiorello H. Laguardia Voting in Election

Fiorello H. Laguardia Voting in Election
(Original Caption) 11/2/1937- New York, NY- Up bright and early, and apparently in need of a shave, Mayor Fiorello H

Background imageCandidate Collection: 'Hobo' Candidate Ernest Albright Arriving on Train

"Hobo" Candidate Ernest Albright Arriving on Train
"Hobo" candidate for the 1938 senate elections, Earnest C. Albright rides a freight car into Washington, D.C

Background imageCandidate Collection: Wendell Willkie Campaign Sticker

Wendell Willkie Campaign Sticker
(Original Caption) 1940- Automobile sticker supporting Republican Wendell Willkie's presidential campaign

Background imageCandidate Collection: Doris Duke and Frank Murphy At Dinner; Standing, Smiling

Doris Duke and Frank Murphy At Dinner; Standing, Smiling
(Original Caption) 1/9/1940-Washington, DC: Supreme Court Justice Nominee Frank Murphy and Doris Duke Cromwell, whose husband, James H.R. Cromwell, was recently named U.S

Background imageCandidate Collection: Monkey Campaigning for Willkie

Monkey Campaigning for Willkie
(Original Caption) 6/25/1940- Philadelphia, PA- "Marie" the monkey

Background imageCandidate Collection: Wendell L. Willkie During Interview

Wendell L. Willkie During Interview
(Original Caption) 6/25/1940- Philadelphia, PA: Republican candidate for president, Wendell L

Background imageCandidate Collection: Wendell Willkie on Campaign Trail

Wendell Willkie on Campaign Trail
(Original Caption) 9/14/1940-Chicago, IL- With arms outstretched in an all-embracing gesture, Wendell Willkie, G.O.P

Background imageCandidate Collection: Wendell Willkie, Presidental Candidate

Wendell Willkie, Presidental Candidate
(Original Caption) 9/20/1940-Chicago, IL- Wendell Willkie's expansive informality, epitomized in this picture

Background imageCandidate Collection: Wendell Wilkie Addressing Gathering

Wendell Wilkie Addressing Gathering
(Original Caption) 9/22/40-California: Wendell L. Wilkie Republican presidential nominee pictured as he addressed a gathering of well wishers from the rear of the train during a stop at Modesto

Background imageCandidate Collection: Lyndon Johnson, Representative

Lyndon Johnson, Representative
(Original Caption) 10/7/1940-Washington, DC: Rep. Lyndon Johnson (above), of Texas, is a leading candidate for the post of Secretary of the Democratic National Committee, to succeed L.W

Background imageCandidate Collection: Lyndon Johnson Headshot

Lyndon Johnson Headshot
(Original Caption) 10/7/1940-Washington, DC: Rep. Lyndon Johnson, of Texas, is a leading candidate for the post of Secretary of the Democratic National Committee to succeed L.W

Background imageCandidate Collection: Wendell Willkie on Campaign Trail

Wendell Willkie on Campaign Trail
(Original Caption) 10/7/1940- Jersey City, NJ- The only sour note to this rousing reception given Wendell L

Background imageCandidate Collection: Candidate Listening to Election Returns

Candidate Listening to Election Returns
Senate candidate Bruce Barton listens to election returns with his wife and son in their living room

Background imageCandidate Collection: Orson Welles in Citizen Kane, 1941

Orson Welles in Citizen Kane, 1941
Charles Foster Kane (Orson Welles) makes a stirring campaign speech before a larger-than-life portrait of himself in a scene from Citizen Kane

Background imageCandidate Collection: Crowd Rallies for Juan Peron

Crowd Rallies for Juan Peron
(Original Caption) 2/17/1946-Buenos Aires, Argentina-Three Days after the Union Democratica party held a rally for its candidates

Background imageCandidate Collection: Lilienthal Testifying On Atomic Energy

Lilienthal Testifying On Atomic Energy
(Original Caption) 2/4/1947-Washington, DC: David E

Background imageCandidate Collection: Frederick March Holds Cardboard Oscar

Frederick March Holds Cardboard Oscar
(Original Caption) 3/14/1947-New York, NY:Absent from the scene af Academy Award presentations in Hollywood

Background imageCandidate Collection: Lyndon Johnson Campaigning for the Senate

Lyndon Johnson Campaigning for the Senate
Lyndon Johnson shakes the hands of two boys while campaigning for the Senate in 1948. Both boys wear shirts reading, "Lyndon Johnson is the Little Fellows Friend"

Background imageCandidate Collection: Woman Wears Tie with Taft Written on It

Woman Wears Tie with Taft Written on It
(Original Caption) 5/27/1948-Washington, D.C.- Ann Hoehler of Jefferson City, MO, leaves no doubt as to whom she'd like to see in the White House next year. His name is Taft, Robert A

Background imageCandidate Collection: Thomas Dewey Waving from Train

Thomas Dewey Waving from Train
(Original Caption) 6/8/1948- New York, NY- A smiling, confident Governor Thomas E. Dewey waves a cheerful hand as he leaves from Penn Station here for a tour of Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina

Background imageCandidate Collection: Thomas Dewey and Earl Warren on Dairy Farm

Thomas Dewey and Earl Warren on Dairy Farm
(Original Caption) 6/29/1948-Pawling, NY- Governor Thomas E

Background imageCandidate Collection: Henry Wallace, Glen Taylor, Son; Hands Raised

Henry Wallace, Glen Taylor, Son; Hands Raised
(Original Caption) 7/24/1948-Philadelphia, PA:Henry A. Wallace and his running mate, Sen

Background imageCandidate Collection: Half Million Throng Cheers Juan Peron

Half Million Throng Cheers Juan Peron
(Original Caption) 10/29/48-Buenos Aires, Argentina: Shown is the tremendous throng, estimated at half a million people

Background imageCandidate Collection: Shirley Maclaine And Kennedy At A Rally

Shirley Maclaine And Kennedy At A Rally
(Original Caption) Los Angeles:Actress Shirley MacLaine introduces Sen. Robert Kennedy at a mass Hollywood-style rally and show at the Sports Arena 5/24

Background imageCandidate Collection: Jose Napoleon Duarte Voting in Elections

Jose Napoleon Duarte Voting in Elections
(Original Caption) 3/25/1984-San Salvador, El Salvador-Candidate Jose Napoleon Duarte marks his ballot in the 5/25 Salvadorean elections in San Salvador

Background imageCandidate Collection: Jose Napoleon Duarte Speaks in Campaign

Jose Napoleon Duarte Speaks in Campaign
(Original Caption) 5/2/1984-Santa Ana, El Salvador-Jose Napoleon Duarte, presidential candidate for the Christian Democrat Party, told a crowd of thousands that if elected

Background imageCandidate Collection: Jimmy Carter with Arm Around Jesse Jackson

Jimmy Carter with Arm Around Jesse Jackson
(Original Caption) 7/15/1984-San Francisco, CA- Democratic presidential candidate Rev

Background imageCandidate Collection: Supporters of Geraldine Ferraro

Supporters of Geraldine Ferraro
Delegates at the 1984 Democratic National Convention hold placards supporting vice presidential nominee Geraldine Ferraro

Background imageCandidate Collection: Reagan and Walter Mondale Shaking Hands

Reagan and Walter Mondale Shaking Hands
(Original Caption) 10/7/1984-Louisville, KY- President Reagan and Democratic candidate for President, Walter Mondale

Background imageCandidate Collection: Ed Koch with Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro

Ed Koch with Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro
(Original Caption) 10/8/1984-New York

Background imageCandidate Collection: Cuomo, Mondale, Koch and Ferraro in Parade

Cuomo, Mondale, Koch and Ferraro in Parade
(Original Caption) 10/8/1984-New York, NY: Walking up Fifth Avenue 10/8 in the Columbus Day Parade are (left to right): Governor Mario Cuomo, Democratic Presidential Candidate Walter Mondale (c)

Background imageCandidate Collection: Ronald Reagan on Whistle Stop Tour

Ronald Reagan on Whistle Stop Tour
(Original Caption) 10/12/1984-Ottawa, OH: President Ronald Reagan campaigns on a whistle-stop train tour. He is shown here standing on the back platform of a train

Background imageCandidate Collection: Daniel Ortega Gestures at Press Conference

Daniel Ortega Gestures at Press Conference
(Original Caption) 11/2/1984-Managua, Nicaragua-Nicaraguan Presidential candidate Daniel Ortega at a press conference

Background imageCandidate Collection: Joseph Kennedy II Announcing Congressional Candidacy

Joseph Kennedy II Announcing Congressional Candidacy
(Original Caption) 12/4/85-Boston, Massachusetts: Joseph P

Background imageCandidate Collection: Joe Kennedy In Washington

Joe Kennedy In Washington
Joseph P. Kennedy II campaigns for a seat in the House of Representatives

Background imageCandidate Collection: Tom Bradley and Wife Ethel Raising Hands

Tom Bradley and Wife Ethel Raising Hands
(Original Caption) 6/3/1986- Los Angeles

Background imageCandidate Collection: Martin Luther King Iii Gestures In Offic

Martin Luther King Iii Gestures In Offic
(Original Caption) 7/28/1986-Atlanta, GA: Martin Luther King III, who goes by the name Marty, gestures in his sparsely furnished campaign office during an interview

Background imageCandidate Collection: William Rehnquist Being Sworn In

William Rehnquist Being Sworn In
(Original Caption) 7/29/1986- Washington, DC: Chief Justice nominee William Rehnquist is sworn in to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee

Background imageCandidate Collection: Antonin Scalia Gesturing

Antonin Scalia Gesturing
(Original Caption) 8/5/1986-Washington, DC: Supreme Court Justice nominee Antonin Scalia expresses mood at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee 8/5

Background imageCandidate Collection: Pat Robertson

Pat Robertson
(Original Caption) 1986-Washington, DC: Pat Robertson at press conf in DC; headshoulders and headshot. PH: Vince Mannino

Background imageCandidate Collection: Pat Robertson Talks To Supporters

Pat Robertson Talks To Supporters
(Original Caption) 9/17/86-Washington

Background imageCandidate Collection: Gary Hart at Press Conference on Iran-Contra Affair

Gary Hart at Press Conference on Iran-Contra Affair
(Original Caption) 1/19/1987- Manchester, NH- Former Colorado Senator Gary Hart, (R), raises his hands as he holds, 1/19, news conference

Background imageCandidate Collection: Gary Hart Campaigning in New Hampshire

Gary Hart Campaigning in New Hampshire
(Original Caption) 1/19/1987- Manchester, NH- Former Senator Gary Hart smiles when asked if he was happy to be back in New Hampshire and on the campaign trail again

Background imageCandidate Collection: Portrait of Mayor Andrew Young

Portrait of Mayor Andrew Young
Mayor Andy Young (1932- ) campaigns for the governorship of Georgia. Young served as ambassador to the UN during the late 1970s

Background imageCandidate Collection: Jesse Jackson and Bill Cosby

Jesse Jackson and Bill Cosby
(Original Caption) 8/31/1987-New York, NY-Reverend Jesse Jackson stands with comedian Bill Cosby on stage at the Apollo Theater in Harlem, during a benefit salute to Jackson

Background imageCandidate Collection: George Bush Names Dan Quayle as Running Mate

George Bush Names Dan Quayle as Running Mate
(Original Caption) 8/16/1988- New Orleans, LA- Vice President George Bush and Senator Dan Quayle of Indiana raise their arms together after Bush named him to be his vice presidential running mate 8/16

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