Canterbury Tales - The FriarThe Friar, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The KnightThe Knight, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The MerchantThe Merchant, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The ClerkThe Clerk, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The Wife of BathThe Wife of Bath, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The MillerThe Miller, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The ParsonThe Parson, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The Sergeant-at-LawThe Sergeant-at-Law, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The FranklinThe Franklin, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The ShipmanThe Shipman, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The PardonerThe Pardoner, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The PrioressThe Prioress, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The MancipleThe Manciple, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The Nuns PriestThe Nuns Priest, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The SquireThe Squire, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The SummonerThe Summoner - who appears to be delivering a summons from an ecclesiastical court - a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The ReeveThe Reeve, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - Geoffrey Chaucer as a pilgrim on horsebackGeoffrey Chaucer depicted as a pilgrim on horseback
Canterbury Tales - The Monk and his GreyhoundsThe Monk (with his greyhounds), a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The Canons YeomanThe Canons Yeoman, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The Second NunThe Second Nun, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - Geoffrey ChaucerGeoffrey Chaucer, writer of " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The CookThe Cook, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Geoffrey ChaucerEngraving from 1894 showing the author Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer And Pilgrims From The Canterbury TalesEngraving from 1894 showing the pilgrims and Chaucer from the Canterbury Tales
The Canterbury TalesVintage engraving of an Illustration and passage from The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer