Ibex, Capra ibex, gran paradiso national, park, italy
ibexs, wild animal, alpine ibexes, fauna, nobody, caprids, mammalians, caprid, wildlife photography, natural environment, natural habitat, mammalian, habitat, park, ibexes, wildlife
Ibexes in Hagenbeck Zoo, Hamburg
accurate, animal park, arts, bovid, bovids, caprid, caprinae, card, cards, congratulation, congratulations, congratulations card, congratulations note card, copy, date, dates, depiction, depictions
Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria and Rudolf
1900s, 19th-century, 4 people, accurate, alpine animal, alpine animals, alps, animals, archive, austrian, black, black-and-white, black-white, bovid, bovids, caprid, caprinae, chamois, chamoises
The young goatherd returns from the mountain pasture to the stable with his goats in the evening
1900s, 19th-century, 2 people, alm, alp, alpine farming, alpine meadow, alpine pasture, alpine pasture farming, alpine pastures, animal breed, animal breeds, animal child, animal husbandries
Two Men on a Game Hunt, 1881, Bavaria
1900s, 19th-century, 2, 2 people, alpine animal, alpine animals, animals, arts, bayern, bovid, bovids, caprid, caprinae, chamois, chamoises, countryside, creep, creeping, depiction, depictions