Bank Employee Distributing Bags of Money to Wealthy Client(Original Caption) New York: Paying out a ton of gold in the old Clearing House on Broadway. Banking Scene In The 1860's
Passengers Being Cautious of Burning Stove(Original Caption) Railroad Stove-The Demon Threatening Passengers
Cartoon Warning Against Chinese Labor(Original Caption) Cartoon warning cigar makers not to use Chinese labor
Scene from Uncle Tom's Cabin(Original Caption) Uncle tom's Cabin: Scene showing little Eva putting flower garland around Uncle Tom's neck. H. B. Stowe book
William Tell Aiming a RifleWilliam Tells tries to shoot an apple off atop at young boy's head
Nobleman Taking Sons from MotherEdward V (1470-1483), King of England from April to June 1483, and his younger brother, Richard, Duke of York, were murdered in the Tower of London by their uncle, the Duke of Gloucester
Cartoon Showing the Evils of AbsintheA cartoon depicts insanity, murder and suicide as dangers associated with drinking absinthe
Locomotive on a Levee(Original Caption) Sandbags Saved the Day. A scene in Louisiana where the only strip of land showing is the VS & P Railroad track which runs for quite a distance
Canadian Mountie Lecturing CitizenCanadian Mounted Policeman
Women Using Pole for SupportDue to a severe storm, these two women, clad in winter coats and gloves, stand on the sidewalk clutching a pole
Young Female Acrobat Balancing Herself on a Tightrope(Original Caption) On A Tightrope
Referee Separates MudwrestlersThe referee intervenes between two mudwrestlers at Chippendales in Los Angeles
Efrem Zimbalist Jr. Pointing a Gun(Original Caption) Publicity handout from the television show The FBI, starring Efrem Zimbalist Jr. as inspector Leurs Erskine
Martin Landau in Mission ImpossibleMission Impossible television series ran from 1966 to 1973
Scene from Mission ImpossibleMission Impossible television series ran from 1966 to 1973
Painting Depicting Human Dissection(Original Caption) Vesalius dissecting in Bologna
Men Playing Poker(Original Caption) Two men eyeing each other suspiciously as one raises the other's bid during a two-handed poker game
14th Century Painting of Italian Woman(Original Caption) A portrait of Laura (1308?-1348), the subject of Petrarch's love poems. She is traditionally identified as Laure de Noves, wife of Hugues de Sade, of Avignon
Soldiers in Mock Cemetery(Original Caption) Grim Reminder for Officers-to-Be
Scene from My Sister EileenMorris Carnovsky, as the landlord, shows an apartment to Shirley Booth and Jo Ann Sayers in the Broadway production of My Sister Eileen
Button Your Lip! Poster(Original Caption) "Loose Talk" Posters to Save Lives
Film Stars with Tall Cactus(Original Caption) Here's One Thing Doug Couldn't Climb
Woman Standing Along RoadAttractive young woman standing next to a "Slow- Dangerous Curves" traffic sign
Construction Worker Atop SkyscraperNew York: Construction worker on top of building in New York City, 1906
Aviator Louis Bleriot Checking His Airplane Before Flight(Original Caption) Louis Bleriot (1872-1936), French aviator, inspecting plane before departure
Roller Coaster Ride at Palisades Park(Original Caption) Palisades, CA.: The roller coaster at Palisades Amusement Park run by electricity
Glenn L. Martin Refueling His Airplane After Avalon Peninsula Flight(Original Caption) Canada: Glenn L. Martin gassing up his airplane after the historic Balboa to Avalon over-ocean flight on May 10, 1912
Women Working in War Factory(Original Caption) USA: Soon in the United States, as in France, women took over unusual tasks. World War I photograph
German Soldiers Taking Cover for Battle(Original Caption) Germans defending a fence position on the Polish front during World War I
Soldiers Utilizing Machine Gun(Original Caption) Germany: Machine gun at work before Rheims. German soldiers in World War I
Soldiers Firing Smoking Canon(Original Caption) Near Antwerp: British gun firing salvo near Antwerp, 1914
Ernest G. Draper Climbing Ladder(Original Caption) Mrs. Ernest G. Draper climbing the side of the Vaterland to meet her mother, Mrs. William Hamlin Childs
Charlie Chaplin in Police Uniform(Original Caption) Guaranteed Pictures Co. Inc. presents The Charlie Chaplin Festival. (Scene from Easy Street.) 1917
Elegant Ladies Visiting BoutiqueTwo women, visiting a dress salon, donning styles of the late 1900s, including broad-brimmed, ribboned hats, fur trimmed cloaks over ankle-length, slim-lined, hobble-skirt dresses
Russian Soldiers Traveling Atop TrainRussia: Scene from the Russian Revolution of 1917
Canadian Liberal Party Leader William Lyon Mackenzie KingMackenzie King in 1919, is pictured, at the age of 44. Mackenzie was a Canadian statesman and Prime Minister (1921-6, 1926--30, 1935--48)
Black and Tans Guarding Dublin Street(Original Caption) Dublin, Republic of Ireland; Black & Tans guarding Dublin street after a shooting on Gloucester Road. These are RIC cadets with Lewis machineguns
Lion Tamer Posing with His Lions(Original Caption) Circus And Menageries. Lion tamer surrounded by five lions
Maurice and Georgette Maeterlinch Pausing on Steps(Original Caption) Belgium: Maurice Maeterlinch (1862-1949), Belgian poet and essayist, with his wife, Georgette Le Blanc, involved in Peliase and Melisande scandal
Bull Fighter Tempting His Subject in the Ring(Original Caption) Spain: Inside Spain. The Man Who Wants To Be Master. You just spread out your cape. You just call the bull. You move the cape gently past you and hope the bull follows it
Physician Using Early Technique to Examine Female's Eyes(Original Caption) USA: Old-fashioned G. P. examines eye of girl patient
Man Crossing Bridge on MotorcycleActor Charles Hutchison confronts a broken bridge while riding a motorcycle in the 1920 Pathe film, Double Adventure
Actress Greta Garbo in Outdoor Scene
World War I Pilots(Original Caption) Tense moment for two post-World War I pilots. 1920s. (Photo by VCG Wilson/Bettmann Archive)
Crowded Street in Ireland(Original Caption) Irish War Scenes in Limerick
Babe Ruth Receiving Silver Bat(Original Caption) Harry Weber, Babe Ruth's manager, presents him with a silver bat and T.H
Socialite Walking Dog(Original Caption) Newport, R. I.: Society Folk Migrate With Children Into The Country. Master Hubert Phipps, son of Mr. & Mrs. John's Phipps on their estate at Westbury
Man Aiming Gun in Parlor(Original Caption) New York: Wyoming giant Is well "Heeled" Against N. Y. Bandits. C. F
Boy Aiming a Revolver(Original Caption) Fourth of July "Don'ts." Don't celebrate the Fourth of July with a revolver
Boy Throwing Firecracker at Playmates(Original Caption) Fourth of July "Don'ts." Don't throw fireworks at playmates. Many terrible burns and accidents have resulted from such thoughtless tricks as this
Boy Holding a Firecracker(Original Caption) Fourth of July "Don'ts." Don't hold fireworks in your hands after touching them off
Girl Holding a Firecracker(Original Caption) Fourth of July "Don'ts." Don't hold your face over fireworks which you think have gone out after once being lit
Boy Lighting Firecracker Behind Girl(Original Caption) Fourth of July "Don'ts." Don't try to scare people by lighting fireworks close up behind them. Terrible injuries have resulted in such pranks
Workman Painting Flagpole(Original Caption) "Nonchalant?" -- Rather. Manhattan, New York, New York: Willie Smith painting the flag pole, protruding over Wall St. from the 19th floor of the Bankers Trust building
Workman Hanging from Flagpole(Original Caption) "Nonchalant?" -- Rather. Manhattan, New York, New York: Willie Smith painting the flag pole, protruding over Wall St. from the 19th floor of the Bankers Trust building
People Standing in Busy Street(Original Caption) July 21, 1922. Safety First. New safety curve lines painted on the streets of Washington by the Electric Railway Co. to prevent accidents where traffic is dense, etc
Motorless Glider in Flight(Original Caption) August 23, 1922. Starting of the Puy De Combegrasse By the Aeronautique Engineering Society (Motorless gliders in France.) Pilot Douchy on a Potez plane (French.)
British Border Patrols in Ireland(Original Caption) August 25, 1922. With the British Army in Ireland on the Ulster Free State Border
Woman Pruning ShrubsWoman in pearls and pinafore trimming bush with pruning shears in scene from silent film, circa 1925
Workers Building High Rise(Original Caption) Photo shows the men perched on a girder twenty stories in the air and enjoying their lunch, unconcerned about the twenty story drop below
Man Leading Prize Bull(Original Caption) Billy Sunday Exhibits Prize Bull at Coast Livestock Exhibition
Bobby Jones Climbing Aboard Ship(Original Caption) Bobby Jones climbing down the ladder from the S.S. Acquitania to the Macon on arrival in New York from england, in 1926, where he copped the British open
Babe Ruth Wrapped in Blanket(Original Caption) "Babe" Ruth Aboard "Hot Water Wagon." New York, New York: Babe Ruth is now on the hot water wagon, according to an official of a New York gym
Parachutist Corporal Harry Myer After Landing Safely(Original Caption) New York: Photo shows Corp. Harry Myer of Mitchell Field landing from a parachute jump at Mitchell Field today
Peggy Keene Balancing Herself(Original Caption) Peggy Keene sitting on top of the world
Woman in Safari Costume(Original Caption) Simba with Martin and Osa Johnson
Dorothy Gulliver on Roller Skates(Original Caption) Dorothy Gulliver in Universal Collegian Comedies. December 13, 1928
Man Trying to Hypnotize LionLos Angeles psychologist and neurologist John Mand attempts to hypnotize Numa the lion at Gay's Lion Farm in El Monte. Mand is attempting to determine if other animals are affected by hypnosis
Architectural Worker on Skyscraper Beam(Original Caption) New York: Twenty-seven years of skyscraper building have made Michael Borsh contemptuous of great heights
Architectural Worker on Skyscraper Beam(Original Caption) New York: William Ragen on top of new Bank of Manhattan building showing Woolworth building in background
Stop SignView of a stop sign along the side of the street. Undated photograph. BPA2#3830
Mr. and Mrs. Ogden H. Hammond Posing in Outerwear(Original Caption) Sailing On The Leviathan. Ogden H. Hammond, United States Ambassador to Spain, and his wife, are pictured above, as they sailed on the S. S. Leviathan, for Europe, where Mr
Norwegian Royals Watching Ski Event(Original Caption) Norwegian Royal Family Attend International Ski Races
Ogden L. MillsOgden Livingston Mills (1884-1937), former candidate for Governor of New York, as Secretary of the Treasury in Los Angeles
Policemen Observing Hunger Marchers for Action(Original Caption) Washington, D. C.: Marchers Line Up
Air Steward Offering Milk to BabyAir Steward Offers Milk to Toddler
Brokerage Bomber Harvey Hall(Original Caption) Wrecks Brokerage Office with Bomb
Roscoe Turner Preparing for Takeoff(Original Caption) Colonel Roscoe Turner, getting ready to hop off from Floyd Bennett Field in attempt to break Cross-county record
Roscoe Turner and Kenneth Behr Shaking Hands(Original Caption) Ready for New Round Trip Transcontinental Flight. New York: Col. Roscoe Turner, noted long distance flyer, is bid bon voyage and happy landings by Kenneth P
Rodeo Rider Falling from Horse(Original Caption) Los Angeles: Cowboy Takes Spill. Roping, steer riding, and rodeo were on the card of entertainment at the Rodeo and Live Stock Show now in the Los Angeles Union Stockyards
Workers Sharing Cigarettes on Skyscraper Beam(Original Caption) New York City: Lighting Up Way Up
Frank Hawks Inspecting Airplane(Original Caption) Hawks Inspects Plane. "The Hawk" Inspects His New Speed Plane. Los Angeles, Calif.: Lieut
Man Preparing an Early Bicycle for Bridge Crossing(Original Caption) The Old Meets the New. Equipped with a 45-year-old bicycle, Robert Morrison, 63, of Jersey City, N.J
Police Rounding up Suspects(Original Caption) During Spain's General Strike