Chicken poultry engraving 1895
Three French Hens
White leghorn chickenUNITED STATES - CIRCA 1940s: White leghorn chicken standing next to egg. (Photo by H. Armstrong Roberts/Retrofile/Getty Images)
Skeleton of a fowl lithograph 1897Diseases of Poultry by Leonard Pearson - Clarence M. Busch, State Printer of Pennsylvania 1897
Illustration of Lonely Rooster, representing Chinese Year Of The Rooster
Funny Egg IllustrationThree funny coloured eggs in row
The Golden Eggs HenThe Hen with the Golden Eggs engraving by Gustave Dore
Various birds feetAntique illustration of a Various birds feet
Illustration of yoke sac and amniotic membrane surrounding chicken embryo
Illustration of Rooster in the Cage, representing Chinese Year Of The Rooster
Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus), Wyandotte Bantam cockerel
Pheasant -Phasianus colchicus-, hen standing on a tree stump, Lower Austria, Austria
Black Grouse or Blackgame -Lyrurus tetrix, Tetrao tetrix-, Sweden, Scandinavia, Europe
Female Willow Grouse or Willow Ptarmigan -Lagopus lagopus-, in winter plumage, Haines Pass, British Columbia, B, C. Canada
Poultry Hens Rooster engraving 1882
Chicken and Rooster engraving 1882Poultry Hens Rooster engraving 1882
Cartoon of dead Shield bug on plate and chicken grimacing as it spits out a leg of the insect which produces a disgusting tasting liquid and unpleasant smell
Domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) with chick on dunghill, Allgaeu, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
Helmeted guinea-fowl -Numida meleagris-, Wilderness National Park, South Africa
Helmeted guineafowl -Numida meleagris-, Etosha National Park, Namibia, Africa
Antique illustration of woman with baby riding a donkeyAntique illustration of a young woman, a farmer or a shepherd, with a baby on her lap, riding a donkey that carries a big load (including a chicken and a sheep)
Thai ChickenTonnaja Travel Photography, 561500239
Poultry engravings 1899Poultry engraving (chicken, roster, ducks, geese, turkey, quail) - In German Language
Cock and Hen engraving 1844The Cultivator, A Monthly Journal devoted to Agriculture
American farm yard engraving 1873Facts for Farmers - Materials fror Land-owners about Domestic Animals, Gardens and Vineyards, Edited by Solon Robinson in Two Volumens New York, A.J.Johnson 1873
Wild turkey and hen lithograph 1897Diseases of Poultry by Leonard Pearson - Clarence M. Busch, State Printer of Pennsylvania 1897
Daker hen engraving 1812RURAL SPORTS by the Reverend William Barker Daniel
Hen harrier (Circus cyaneus)Antique illustration of hen harrier (Circus cyaneus)
egg, ellipsoidEngraving of egg, ellipsoid shape
Hazel Grouse or Hazel Hen - Tetrastes bonasiaIllustration of a Hazel Grouse or Hazel Hen - Tetrastes bonasia
Cross-section of a Chicken EggIllustration of a Cross-section of a Chicken Egg
AvicultureAntique illustration of a various birds heads
PoultryIllustration of a poultry
Chicken run, group of hens with rooster pecking grains, enclosed by hedges and fences, with eggs laid in nesting boxes, fresh water tub supplied through pipe, view from above
Illustration, Domestic Chicken (Gallus gallus) standing, side view
Three hens side by side on a hen perch, straw underneath
Rooster on gate post, in front of farm building and rising sun
Rooster crowing
Illustration of Singing Rooster, representing Chinese Year Of The Rooster
Illustration of Rooster in the Hen Roost, representing Chinese Year Of The Rooster
Black and white digital illustration of domestic Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus)
Black and white digital illustration of two chickens, one standing and the other sitting on nest
Digital illustration of a brightly coloured blue and red cockerel
Illustration of Plymouth Rock chicken also known as Barred Rocks
Illustration of Ancona Bantam, Light Sussex, Isa Brown, and Rhode Island Red chickens
Illustration of cow emerging from a barn and people running away
Hen with comb
Fighting cocks statues Wat Phukhao Thong temple Ayutthaya ThailandFighting cocks statues at Wat Phukhao Thong temple (Unesco World Heritage Site), Ayutthaya, Thailand, Asia
Common Pheasant -Phasianus colchicus-, male, Burgenland, Austria, Europe
Common Pheasant -Phasianus colchicus-, Island of Spiekeroog, East Frisian Islands, Germany, Europe
Domestic chicken -Gallus gallus domesticus-, rooster standing in cabbage patch, Baltic island of Fehmarn, East Holstein, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, europe
Partridge -Perdix perdix-, standing in a field, Lower Austria, Austria, Europe
Common pheasant -Phasianus colchicus-, male, standing in a meadow, Lake Neusiedl, Burgenland, Austria, Europe
Hen with chicks, Kauai, Hawaii, United States
Rooster at the beach, Kauai, Hawaii, United States
Domestic Fowl -Gallus domesticus-, portrait
Appenzeller Barthuhn chicken, Appenzell, Switzerland, Europe
Young Appenzeller cock, Appenzell, Switzerland, Europe
Appenzeller chicken mating, Appenzell, Switzerland, Europe
Domestic fowl, rooster, Tyrol, Austria
Chickens on old brick pavingsTwo chickens on old brick pavings
A Crooked HouseApril 1907: The Glynne Arms pub, a crooked house in Staffordshire. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Rooster crowingUNITED STATES - CIRCA 1950s: Rooster standing on rock, crowing. (Photo by H. Armstrong Roberts/Retrofile/Getty Images)
Antique illustration of man riding horse at the coaching houseAntique illustration of man about to dismount the horse at a farm
Antique illustration of milkwoman giving milk to kidsAntique illustration of a milkwoman in a stable. Behind her a cow and a sheep she likely takes the milk