First Draft of "Battle Hymn of the Republic"(Original Caption) 1861- Washington, DC: Facsimile of the handwritten first draft of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic"
General Grant National Memorial, Riverside Park, New York City, USA, (B&W)
Naval Battle on the Mississippi, 1861 Civil War EngravingEngraving of the great Naval battle on the Mississippi, passage of the Second Division of the Federal Squadron past St
Battle of Gettysburg Map, July 3, 1863 Civil War EngravingEngraving of the Map of the Battle of Gettysburgs, Pennsylvania, July 3, 1863 Civil War Engraving from Famous Leaders and Battle Scenes of the Civil War, Published in 1864
Map of Pamlico and Albemarle SoundsVintage engraving from 1863 of a map of Map of Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds at the time of the American Civil War
Battle of PharsalusThe Battle of Pharsalus in Greece during Caesars Civil War, 9th August 48 BC. Julius Caesars troops were victorious over Pompey the Great, despite their vastly inferior numbers
North Carolina Politician Zebulon Bair Vance(Original Caption) Portrait photograph of Zebulon Baird Vance (1830-1894), North Carolina Representative, Governor, and Senator during the American Civil War and Reconstruction eras. Undated photo
American Senator Stephen A. Douglas(Original Caption) Full length portrait of statesman, Stephen Arnold Douglas, (1813-1861). He served as the senator of Illinois. Photograph by Matthew Brady. Undated photograph
Stonewall Jackson; Waist Up(Original Caption) 1852-Thomas Jonathan ("Stonewall") Jackson, as a lieutenant during the Mexican War. Half length photograph, 1852
Lithograph of Civil War General Robert E. Lee and His Men Gazing over Terrain(Original Caption) USA: Robert E. Lee at Fredricksburg. December 13, 1862
Abraham Lincoln(Original Caption) 1860-Rare full length portrait of Abraham Lincoln in the summer before he was elected President. He wears a suit and stands with his hand on a Bible that rests on a table
Confederate General Robert E. Lee(Original Caption) Robert E. Lee (1807-1870), Commander-in-Chief of the Confederate armies during the Civil War. Undated head and shoulders photograph
Ambrose Everett Burnside(Original Caption) Portrait of Ambrose Everett Burnside (1824-1881), American Army Officer for whom sideburns are named. Undated photograph by William Brady
Mary A. Ball Bickerdyke(Original Caption) Mary A. Ball Bickerdyke. Mother, was soldier's angel during Civil War. Sherman said "She outranks me." Undated photograph
General George CusterMajor General George A. Custer (1839-1876), American Army officer. Undated photograph by Mathew Brady
Hospital During the Civil war(Original Caption) Hospital During the Civil war
American Troops at Civil War Camp(Original Caption) USA: Regimental fife and Drum Corps in the field. Brady photograph
Mathew Brady Seated(Original Caption) Portrait of Matthew Brady (1823-1896) pioneer photographer
First Photo Of Union Army In Combat(Original Caption) First photo of Union Army in combat. Photograph by Mathew Brady, circa 1861
Union Soldiers Drilling(Original Caption) 1861- PA- The camp and regimental drill of the 96th Pennsylvania Infantry at Camp Northumberland
Civil War Engineers(Original Caption) Engineers of eigth New York State militia at Camp McDowell
Civil War Photographer Matthew Brady(Original Caption) 7/22/1861-Full length, profile portrait of famed photographer, Matthew Brady. He is most known for his effort to document the U.S. Civil War
Spy Rose O'Neal Greenhow with Her DaughterConfederate spy Rose O'Neal Greenhow with her daughter in the courtyard of the Old Capitol Prison in Washington, DC
Portrait of Confederate Spy Belle Boyd(Original Caption) Belle Boyd, confederate spy. 1862, photograph BPA 2# 708
Portrait of Civil War Soldier(Original Caption) Civil War Soldier, (Sergeant Dore), in battle dress
Youthful Union Infantry Private(Original Caption) Civil War: Youthful Union Infantry Private with musket, bayonet, 1862, single shot martial pistol (in belt) cartridge box, cap pouch and bayonet scabbard. Photograph
Surgeon At Work In Field During Civil Wa(Original Caption) 1862-The surgeon at work at the rear during an engagement in the Civil War. Engraving, 1862
Church and Street Guarded by Union Soldiers(Original Caption) 5/1862-Centreville, VA: Main street and church of Centreville, Virginia, guarded by Union soldiers. Photo by George Bernard and James Gibson, May, 1862
Engineer Corps Making Corduroy Roads(Original Caption) 6/1862- Richmond, VA: Photograph view along the Chickahominy River near Richmond, VA, showing the Engineer Corps making corduroy roads
Turret On The USS Monitor Battleship(Original Caption) 7/1862- Picture shows a close-up of the turret, on the USS Monitor, is seen as two military officers stand aboard looking at the cannon in the turret. BPA2# 716
African American Soldier Shooting Corner(Original Caption) Civil War: African American pickets on duty at Dutch Gap. Stereographic photo circa 1861-1865
Supplies Landing in Virginia Harbor(Original Caption) 1864-City Point, VA: Landing supplies at City Point, Virginia. General view of the harbor, circa 1864
Gunboat Doing Cannon Drill(Original Caption) Dahlgren gun crew drill aboard the U.S. gunboat "Mendota." Photograph, 1864
Union Soldiers Around Kitchen Cabin(Original Caption) Log hut used as company kitchen, 1864. (Photo by Bettmann via Getty Images)
Soldiers On Deck Of Ship(Original Caption) Religious services on the deck of the U.S. monitor "Passaic." Photograph by Samuel A. Cooley, 1864. Stereoscopic image. (Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Field Surgery, Christian Commission;Civil(Original Caption) Field Surgery: The Christian Commission in the field during the Civil War. Woodcut, 1864
Mathew B. Brady W/Civil War Battery(Original Caption) 6/21/1864-Petersburg, Virginia: Mathew B. Brady (in straw hat) under fire with a battery near Petersburg
Civil War Hospital Stewards Drinking(Original Caption) Civil War hospital stewards of the 2nd Division, 95th Army Corps, Virginia
Soldiers from Pennsylvania Infantry(Original Caption) 8/1864-Soldiers of Company F, 114th Pennsylvania Infantry, U.S.A. Petersberg, VA, August, 1864. The war between the states (Civil War)
Civil War Family From South On Porch(Original Caption) May 1865-City Point, VA: Civil war Family group: General R. ingolls on a step of house with members of his family
Stereopticon View Of Abraham Lincoln(Original Caption) 1865-Stereopticon view of Abraham Lincoln in 1865, showing him shortly before his assassination. Photograph. BPA2# 2855
Company E in Formation(Original Caption) 1865- Company E, Fourth Colored Infantry, at Fort Lincoln. Photograph by William Morris Smith
Civil War Ammunition Dump(Original Caption) Solid shot, mortar shells, and grape amidst the ruins of Tredegar Iron Works
Fort Fisher After Capture(Original Caption) 1/1865-Fort Fisher, NC: The "Pulpit" after capture, Fort Fisher, North Carolina. Photo by O'Sullivan, January, 1865
Civil War Hospital Operating Room(Original Caption) Military Medicine: Operating room in a Civil War Hospital tent. Woodcut, 1865
Christian Commission Office(Original Caption) 4/1865-Washington, DC- Civil War: Christian Commission office, Washington, DC. (Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Robert E. Lee(Original Caption) 1865-Robert E. Lee in his new uniform shortly before he met Grant at Appomattox
General Robert E. Lee on Porch(Original Caption) 4/1865- Richmond, VA: Robert E. Lee (1807-1870) after Appomattox on the porch of Richmond, Virginia House
Abraham Lincoln's Body on Display at New York City HallOfficial escorts stand alongside the body of Abraham Lincoln, which lays in an open coffin, on display for public viewing inside New York City Hall
General George Custer(Original Caption) This photo of General George Armstrong Custer, best known for his famous "last stand, " is one of a set of 44 original wet plate negatives by Mathew Brady
Custers Last Charge At Little Big Horn(Original Caption) "Custer's Last Charge". George Armstrong Custer (1839-1876) at the catastrophic Battle of the Little Bigh Horn, July 25, 1876
Before And After Civil War(Original Caption) The changing South; "Before the War and since the War." One side of the image shows slave supervisor with bloodhounds comandeering a band of negroes
"Michigan Bridget" Carrying The Flag(Original Caption) A Woman in Battle- "Michigan Bridget" carrying the flag
Captain Dodge's Troops to the RescueOne of four African American calvary regiments who fought with Apache Indians, circa 1890. (Original Caption) Capt. Dodge's colored troops to the rescue
Pedestrians and Wagon Travelers near Grant's Tomb(Original Caption) New York City: Riverside Drive in 1897 with Grant's Tomb in the background
Soldiers In Training(Original Caption) Yenan, China: BEFORE THEY FACE THE ALLIES: This is an authentic scene in Yenan of People's Guerilla Fighters in training
Woman In Civil War Period Dress(Original Caption) 1860-1870: Lady in elaborate head gear of Civil War Period. Photo by M. Brady
Civil War Surgeon At Work(Original Caption) One of the few existing photographs showing a Civil War surgeon at work. (John Joseph Craven: 1822-1893)
Political Cartoon of Jefferson Davis As a Donkey(Original Caption) Jefferson Davis: Jeff sees the elephant. North and South- Jefferson Davis with quizzing glass and donkeys (Confederate troops). Elephant carries cannons. Undated political cartoon
Troops Put Up Sandbags At Int. Settlemen(Original Caption) Shanghai, China: British troops protecting International Settlement at Shanghai. Undated photograph
Preparing Telegraph Message To Report(Original Caption) Civil War photo: Lowe (in foreground) preparing telegraph message to report aerial observations
Portrait Of Confederate Officer(Original Caption) Confederate Officer: Captain William C. Brown. Rough and Ready Guards. 14th N.C. Regiment. C.S.A. Ambrotype. Undated photograph
General Stonewall Jackson's Cook(Original Caption) General Stonewall Jackson's cook photographed with medals pinned to the front of his suit. Undated photograph. BPA2# 2006
Waist Up Photo Of Stephen J. Mallory(Original Caption) Stephen R. Mallory (1813?-1873). Secretary of the Confederate Navy
Union Cavalry Private Holding Gun(Original Caption) Civil War: Union Cavalry Private. Well equipped with a pair of Colt Model 1861 Navy revolvers and saber, holster, cap pouch and saber scabbard. Photograph
Matthew B. Brady(Original Caption) Portrait of Matthew B. Brady (1823-1896). Renowned Civil War photographer. Undated photograph
Pair Of Union Infantry Privates(Original Caption) Civil War: Pair of Union Infantry Privates with muskets, bayonets, cartridge boxes, etc...Photograph, tintype
Union Army Recuiting Poster(Original Caption) Union Army Draft Poster, 1862 at Philadelphia. "TO ARMS! RALLY FOR THE RIGHT! Recruits Wanted For THREE MONTHS SERVICE, IN COMPANY A GRAY RESERVES. CAPT. CHARLES S
Civil War Union Infantry Private(Original Caption) Civil War Union Infantry private (American Indian?) with musket and bayonet, cartridge box, cap pouch and bayonet scabbard. Undated photograph
Barnard'S Camp With Men, Photographic Exp(Original Caption) 1864-GA: Barnard's photographic equipment, southeast of Atlanta, Georgia. Photograph, 1864
Carl Schurz Full Length Holding Cane(Original Caption) Carl Schurz as an officer during the Civil War. Undated composite photograph. Depicted full length holding a cane
Well-Equipped Confederate Private(Original Caption) A well-equipped Confederate infantry private early in the war...musket, bayonet, cartridge box, cap pouch and bayonet scabbard. Tintype. Undated
Civil War Refugee Family W/Loaded Wagon(Original Caption) Wagon loaded with belongings of a Civil War refugee family. Undated photograph
General View Exterior of Slave Market(Original Caption) Atlanta, Georgia-The slave market in Atlanta, GA, during the Civil War. Ca. 1860-1865
Major Belle Reynolds & Husband On Horses(Original Caption) Major Belle Reynolds and husband, Adj. William S. Reynolds, 17th Ill. Infantry, USA. She is said to have been the only woman major in the army. Photograph, ca. 1860s
Employees Of A Civil War Repair Shop(Original Caption) washington, DC- Civil War: Ambulance shop and Government repair shop. Undated photograph
Portrait Of Union Officer A.Rupetti(Original Caption) Portrait of, Lt. Colonel A. Rupetti, an Officer of the Union Army during the Civil War: A member of the Garibaldi Gaurd, the 39th New York Infantry in a studio pose
Civil War Officers In Front Of Tent(Original Caption) Civil War Union officers General Krutz and Weitzel sit together at the entrance to a tent during the war. Undated photograph circa 1860
Portrait Of Army Surgeon Lavington Quick(Original Caption) Portrait of Union Army Surgeon Lavington Quick, the Medical Director of the 24th Army Corps, 1864-65. Undated photograph circa 1864
Lord Abinger And Officers Of Potomac(Original Caption) Falmouth, VA: Lord Abinger and a group of officers of the Army of the Potomac. Undated photograph circa 1860
Portrait Of Col. Elmer Elsworth(Original Caption) Full length portrait of Union Officer Col. Elmer E. Elsworth (1837-1861), the first Union officer to be killed in the Civil War. Undated photograph circa 1860
Civil War Recruiting Poster(Original Caption) Recruiting Poster. $300. Bounty offered to volunteers during the Civil War, New York
Family Opens Christmas Presents(Original Caption) Christmas presents shortly after the Civil War. Sketched and drawn by S. Eytinge, no date
Woodcut Of Andrew Johnsons Impeachment(Original Caption) The Impeachment of President Andrew Johnson (1808-1875 - 17th President of the U. S.) on February 24, 1868. Woodcut