MinosIn Greek mythology, Minos was a mythical king of Crete, son of Zeus and Europa. After his death, Minos became a judge of the dead in Hades. Engraving from 1870
Vision of the Empyrean" The vision of the Empyrean, a scene from Dantes Paradiso. Engraving from 1870. Engraving by Gustave Dore, Photo by D Walker."
La Fontaines Fables - Sculptor and the Statue of JupiterVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Sculptor and the Statue of Jupiter
La Fontaines Fables - JupiterVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. Jupiter or Jove, the king of the gods and the god of sky and thunder
La Fontaines Fables - Jupiter and the ThunderboltsVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. Jupiter and the Thunderbolts
La Fontaines Fables - The WalletVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Wallet, Jupiter
Apollo and DianaVintage engraving by Albrech Durer, showing Apollo and Diana, c.1502
Abduction of Proserpine on a UnicornVintage engraving by Albrech Durer, showing Abduction of Proserpine on a Unicorn, 1516
Satyr FamilyVintage engraving by Albrech Durer, showing Satyr Family, 1505
Zeus King of the godsIllustration of a Zeus King of the gods
JupiterAntique illustration of a roman god -Jupiter
Mars and CupidAntique illustration of a Mars and Cupid
OdinBengt Erland Fogelberg, Odin, Stockholm