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Computer Collection

Background imageComputer Collection: Fractal graphics, abstract

Fractal graphics, abstract

Background imageComputer Collection: At sign on a computer keyboard, symbolic image for the internet

At sign on a computer keyboard, symbolic image for the internet

Background imageComputer Collection: Young man with laptop sitting on steps

Young man with laptop sitting on steps

Background imageComputer Collection: Colored art of a man seated at an old fashioned computer

Colored art of a man seated at an old fashioned computer

Background imageComputer Collection: Portion of the Difference Engine No. 1

Portion of the Difference Engine No. 1
(Original Caption) 1889- Picture shows an impression from a woocut of a small portion of Mr. Babbage's Difference Engine, No

Background imageComputer Collection: ENIAC First Electronic Computer, 1946

ENIAC First Electronic Computer, 1946
(Original Caption) ENIAC-First electronic computer developed in 1946. Undated photo

Background imageComputer Collection: Diagram of Electronic Interceptor System

Diagram of Electronic Interceptor System
(Original Caption) Interceptors Fly Automatically on Electronics

Background imageComputer Collection: Employees Working in Computer Room

Employees Working in Computer Room
(Original Caption) Flanked by a display console with an array of indicator lights and switches, a NASA operator uses a TV-like screen to monitor the work stream of the fastest

Background imageComputer Collection: View of Workers and Computers in Electricity Control Center

View of Workers and Computers in Electricity Control Center
(Original Caption) New York Power Pool staff members utilize complex communications and computer equipment to provide a minute by minute picture of statewide electric operations

Background imageComputer Collection: People Using IBM 370115 Computer

People Using IBM 370115 Computer

Background imageComputer Collection: Technician Working @ Circuits Of Compute

Technician Working @ Circuits Of Compute
(Original Caption) : BRAIN... Muscles of the magic brain are contained in these components, here being checked out

Background imageComputer Collection: Early IBM Mechanical Keypunch

Early IBM Mechanical Keypunch
Photograph of the first keypunch manufactured by IBM in 1901

Background imageComputer Collection: Early Computer; For Census Calculations

Early Computer; For Census Calculations
(Original Caption) Early computer as developed by and used by the U.S. Government in census calculations. Photograph

Background imageComputer Collection: Man Operates Part of ENIAC

Man Operates Part of ENIAC
(Original Caption) 4/46--: Initiating and cyclihng units of ENIAC, April 1946

Background imageComputer Collection: IBM Mark I Calculator

IBM Mark I Calculator
(Original Caption) Laboratory containing an IBM Mark I, also known as an automated sequence controlled calculator. Undated photograph

Background imageComputer Collection: Man Using Calculating Machine

Man Using Calculating Machine
(Original Caption) Ca. 1895-Photograph of a calculating machine invented by M. Thomas DeColmar in ca. 1820. A man is shown using the machine

Background imageComputer Collection: Man Next To Huge Eniac Computer W/Cords

Man Next To Huge Eniac Computer W/Cords
(Original Caption) ENIAC computer. A rear view of two accumulators of the ENIAC showing the tubes, plug-in chassis and transformers. Undated photograph

Background imageComputer Collection: People Work With Giant Ibm Computer Syst

People Work With Giant Ibm Computer Syst
(Original Caption) Arlington, VA- Shown above, a portion of the IBM 704 Electronic Data Processing System of the Council on Economic and Industry Research, Inc

Background imageComputer Collection: Difference Engine No. 1, by Charles Babbage

Difference Engine No. 1, by Charles Babbage
(Original Caption) Part of a differential calculating machine on which Charles Babbage, English mathematician, worked for 37 years, only to find it rejected for a patent by the government

Background imageComputer Collection: Architect Studying Structure

Architect Studying Structure
(Original Caption) Architect seated at computer working on structure of a house

Background imageComputer Collection: Man Standing by UNIVAC 1832 Multiprocessor

Man Standing by UNIVAC 1832 Multiprocessor
(Original Caption

Background imageComputer Collection: Swiss Robot

Swiss Robot
(Original Caption) Robot built by Swiss engineer Paul Waltensperger. Does everything except make love. His foot is 32" in length. Cost 15, 000

Background imageComputer Collection: Men Working On Early Ibm Computer

Men Working On Early Ibm Computer
(Original Caption) Men working on an early IBM computer. Undated photograph

Background imageComputer Collection: Men Work In Room W/Computer Controls

Men Work In Room W/Computer Controls
(Original Caption) Men work with computer. There are round tapes in the room in which they work that hold computer data. Undated photograph

Background imageComputer Collection: Man Operating Ferranti Mark I Computer

Man Operating Ferranti Mark I Computer
(Original Caption) General view of a FERRANTI MARK I COMPUTER at a Government Research Establishment in the United Kingdom

Background imageComputer Collection: Woman Works with Computer & 5 1/4' Diskette

Woman Works with Computer & 5 1/4" Diskette
(Original Caption) Widespread compatibility- Eastman Kodak Company's new Kodak diskettes are available for use in small computers commonly used in business, industry and the public sector

Background imageComputer Collection: At&T Personal Computer; Graph On Screen

At&T Personal Computer; Graph On Screen
(Original Caption) The AT&T 6300 WorkGroup System, the newest addition to AT&T's personal computer family, processes information at least 25 percent faster than competing products

Background imageComputer Collection: Men Work @ Huge Computer Operating Syste

Men Work @ Huge Computer Operating Syste
(Original Caption) : Computer Operating Controls. This console contains the controls for operating the computer

Background imageComputer Collection: Western Union's Automated Electronic Telegraph

Western Union's Automated Electronic Telegraph
(Original Caption) Electronic Telegraphic "Brain"...This electronic "brain" in a Western Union high-speed message center performs the work formerly done manually by operators

Background imageComputer Collection: Men at Desks with Calculating Machines

Men at Desks with Calculating Machines
(Original Caption) 7/3/20--: A Swiss invention of the calculating machine, made in 1896

Background imageComputer Collection: Man Operates Computer Controls

Man Operates Computer Controls
(Original Caption) 3/6/1935-Professor Charles D. Fawcett of the Moore School, operating the "integration" or one-half of the mechanical brains

Background imageComputer Collection: Eugene L. Vidal Demonstrating Blind Flying

Eugene L. Vidal Demonstrating Blind Flying
Eugene L. Vidal (seated in cockpit), Director of Air Commerce, Department of Commerce

Background imageComputer Collection: Grace Hopper Using Early Computer

Grace Hopper Using Early Computer
Lieutenant Grace Hopper codes problems onto punch tape for feeding into a new calculating machine invented by Commander Howard H. Aiken, USNR

Background imageComputer Collection: Early IBM Computer

Early IBM Computer
Computer operators work on an early computer created by Howard Aiken for IBM. IBM presented the computer to Harvard University to be used by the US Navy during WWII

Background imageComputer Collection: Inventor of Calculator Tweaking Computer

Inventor of Calculator Tweaking Computer
(Original Caption) 8/4/1944-Cambridge, MA- This machine, the world's greatest calculating machine will be presented to Harvard University today. Commander Howard H

Background imageComputer Collection: Durand White with Early IBM Computer

Durand White with Early IBM Computer
(Original Caption) 8/4/1944-Cambridge, MA- The invention of Commander Howard H

Background imageComputer Collection: Mathematician Howard Aiken with his Early Computer

Mathematician Howard Aiken with his Early Computer
Howard Aiken's early computer, created for IBM, is presented to Harvard University to be used by the US Navy during WWII

Background imageComputer Collection: Grace Hopper with Early Computer

Grace Hopper with Early Computer
Computer scientist Grace Hopper works on a manual tape punch, an early computer

Background imageComputer Collection: Computer Operators Work on the ENIAC

Computer Operators Work on the ENIAC
(Original Caption) 1946--: General view of "Eniac" the first general purpose electronic calculator

Background imageComputer Collection: ENIAC and it's Inventors

ENIAC and it's Inventors
Inventors J. Presper Eckert and J.W

Background imageComputer Collection: The Eniac's Tabulator And Printer, 1946

The Eniac's Tabulator And Printer, 1946
(Original Caption) 02/02/46-Philadelphia, PA: The ENIAC, the first computer adding-machine demonstration

Background imageComputer Collection: Eniac Early Adding Machine

Eniac Early Adding Machine
(Original Caption) 2/2/1946-Philadelphia, PA: Scientist holding a control board for the earliest adding machine ENIAC

Background imageComputer Collection: Vacuum Tubes of ENIAC

Vacuum Tubes of ENIAC
The nearly 18, 000 vacuum tubes and 6, 000 switches of the ENIAC, the first electronic computer

Background imageComputer Collection: The Eniac's Tabulator And Printer, 1946

The Eniac's Tabulator And Printer, 1946
(Original Caption) 02/02/46-Philadelphia, PA: The ENIAC, the first computer adding-machine demonstration

Background imageComputer Collection: The Eniac Card Punch Connection, 1946

The Eniac Card Punch Connection, 1946
(Original Caption) 02/02/46-Philadelphia, PA: The ENIAC, the first computer adding-machine demostration

Background imageComputer Collection: Mauchly Demonstrating ENIAC

Mauchly Demonstrating ENIAC
J.W. Mauchly, chief engineer of the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) - the first general-purpose electronic digital computer - prepares the device for a demonstration, February 2

Background imageComputer Collection: J.W. Mauchly with Early Computer

J.W. Mauchly with Early Computer
Dr. J.W. Mauchly with the electronic computing machine known as the ENIAC. (Photo by © Bettmann/CORBIS/Bettmann Archive)

Background imageComputer Collection: Inventor J.W. Mauchly with Electronic Computer

Inventor J.W. Mauchly with Electronic Computer
Dr. J.W. Mauchly prepares the ENIAC electronic calculating machine to solve a mathematical problem

Background imageComputer Collection: Technical Director Demonstrating EDVAC Computer Components

Technical Director Demonstrating EDVAC Computer Components
On location at the University of Pennsylvania's Moore School of Electrical Engineering, T

Background imageComputer Collection: Computer Wiz Kid Speaking into Microphone

Computer Wiz Kid Speaking into Microphone
9/2/1983- Milwaukee, WI: Close-up of computer "whiz-kid" Neal Patrick, seated and speaking into a microphone

Background imageComputer Collection: Man with Personal Computer

Man with Personal Computer
The inventor of the first personal computer, Dr. Adam Osborne, who filed for bankruptcy, with one of his models

Background imageComputer Collection: John Atanasoff at a Press Conference

John Atanasoff at a Press Conference
John Vincent Atanasoff at a press conference to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the court decision that officially recognized him as the developer of the first electronic digital computer

Background imageComputer Collection: Apple Computer President and Co-Founders

Apple Computer President and Co-Founders
John Sculley, President of Apple Computer, talks with Apple co-founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak as they introduce the new Apple Iic computer at a conference at Moscone Center in San Francisco

Background imageComputer Collection: George Lucas and Steven Spielberg

George Lucas and Steven Spielberg
(Original Caption) Hollywood, California: George Lucas (right) and Steven Spielberg, the two men responsible for the six most popular films of all time

Background imageComputer Collection: Artist Using Computerized Paintbrush

Artist Using Computerized Paintbrush
(Original Caption) New York:The computer is the newest wrinkle in makeup analysis. Seen here at Shiseido, is the Japanese-owned company's "simulator." Video camera projects two images

Background imageComputer Collection: Man Cuddling 'Friendly' Computer

Man Cuddling "Friendly" Computer
(Original Caption) 9/24/1985-Miami, FL- The age of space-age miracles and high technology is upon us and it is producing a brave new world of basket cases

Background imageComputer Collection: Portrait of Meteorologists Chris Velden and Neil Frank Observing Weather

Portrait of Meteorologists Chris Velden and Neil Frank Observing Weather
(Original Caption) Miami: Metereologist Chris Velden (L) and National Hurricane Center director Dr

Background imageComputer Collection: Students On Ibm Computers In Classroom

Students On Ibm Computers In Classroom
(Original Caption) Students using the IBM Classroom LAN Administration System and the IBM Personal System/2 (TM) Model 25 Educational Computer Network. Undated photograph from UPI, circa 1987

Background imageComputer Collection: IBM Personal System 2 Computer

IBM Personal System 2 Computer
(Original Caption) 1987-IBM Personal System 2 model 25 Computer. Publicity handout. Photo

Background imageComputer Collection: Bob Dole Reading Report

Bob Dole Reading Report
(Original Caption) Washington, DC: Senate Republican leader Robert Dole looks over a copy of the Tower Commission report on the Iran-Contra Affair after its release, February 26

Background imageComputer Collection: John Sculley with Apple Computer

John Sculley with Apple Computer
(Original Caption) 3/2/1987-Los Angeles, CA- John Sculley, Apple chairman and chief executive officer, poses with the new Macintosh II computer at a press conference 3/2

Background imageComputer Collection: IRS Worker Checks Through Pile Of Forms

IRS Worker Checks Through Pile Of Forms
An IRS worker checks through a pile of 1040 tax forms and compares them with her computer program as she

Background imageComputer Collection: Garold Warner Holding Print Match

Garold Warner Holding Print Match
(Original Caption) Fairview Heights, Ill.: A $20 million Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) that Illinois State Police expect to be ready for day-to-day use in May

Background imageComputer Collection: Numbered Rolls of Computer Tape

Numbered Rolls of Computer Tape
Photograph displaying long, numbered rolls of computer tape used in early computers. Undated photograph

Background imageComputer Collection: Replica Of Control Room Of Nuclear Plant

Replica Of Control Room Of Nuclear Plant
(Original Caption) Palo Verde, AZ- Every switch, indicator light and instrument in the control room simulator here is identical to the control room in each of the Palo Verde's three plants

Background imageComputer Collection: Richard Guarnieri Holding Chip

Richard Guarnieri Holding Chip
(Original Caption) IBM researcher Richard Guarnieri examines a ceramic computer chip carrier coated with a high-temperature superconductive film

Background imageComputer Collection: Univac Remington Rand Computer and Operators

Univac Remington Rand Computer and Operators
The Remington Rand computer is made of multiple components and requires two computer operators

Background imageComputer Collection: Large Computers Occupying Room

Large Computers Occupying Room
(Original Caption) -: I.B.M. computers and attendants. Undated photograph

Background imageComputer Collection: Man Punches Cards Into Tabulating Machin

Man Punches Cards Into Tabulating Machin
(Original Caption) Illustration of a man punching cards by means of an attachment operated by storage batteries, and used during the U.S. Census in 1890

Background imageComputer Collection: Illustration of the Difference Engine

Illustration of the Difference Engine
Charles Babbage's Difference Engine, a mechanical digital calculator designed to solve the differences between variables in equations for life expectancy tables

Background imageComputer Collection: Scientists Work on Computer

Scientists Work on Computer
(Original Caption) 8/21/49-Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: J. Presper Eckert, Jr. co-designer and James R

Background imageComputer Collection: J.Presper Eckert Demonstrates the UNIVAC

J.Presper Eckert Demonstrates the UNIVAC
J. Presper Eckert is shown demonstrating the UNIVAC mainframe computer that he helped design. The computer will be used by the United States Census Bureau

Background imageComputer Collection: Computer of 1950s

Computer of 1950s
(Original Caption) Puts Numbers to Work

Background imageComputer Collection: Oppenheimer and von Neumann with Early Computer

Oppenheimer and von Neumann with Early Computer
(Original Caption) 6/10/1952: Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer (L) and Dr

Background imageComputer Collection: Man Loading Tape Into Early Computer

Man Loading Tape Into Early Computer
(Original Caption) 1954: View of the Remington-Rand calculating machine "UNIVAC" (Universal Automatic Computer), an early computer originally developed for the U.S. Census Bureau

Background imageComputer Collection: UNIVAC Mainframe

UNIVAC Mainframe
Preparations are made for a demonstration of the UNIVAC mainframe which consists of (left to right) an oscilloscope, the supervisory control panel

Background imageComputer Collection: UNIVAC

(Original Caption) 1954: View of the Remington-Rand calculating machine "UNIVAC" (Universal Automatic Computer), an early computer originally developed for the U.S. Census Bureau

Background imageComputer Collection: Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin in Pajamas

Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin in Pajamas
(Original Caption) Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis got up at 4:30 A.M. PST, after working on their TV rehearsals until 3 a.m

Background imageComputer Collection: Children Operating a Flight Simulator

Children Operating a Flight Simulator
(Original Caption) Space Pilots

Background imageComputer Collection: Computer Brain, Staged Trays with Tubes

Computer Brain, Staged Trays with Tubes
(Original Caption) 6/12/1954-Paris, France-This French-built apparatus is an electronic brain, capable of 5, 800 diverse operations per second.A sum can be calculated in 1/170, 000

Background imageComputer Collection: New and Old Electronic Components

New and Old Electronic Components
(Original Caption) Increased compactness plus extreme ruggedness are major advantages of the "stacked tube in its white ceramic shield

Background imageComputer Collection: People Working at the Tridac Control Panel

People Working at the Tridac Control Panel
(Original Caption) The tridac control panel for the gigantic calculating machine which has been installed by the British Ministry of Supply at the Royal Aircraft Establishment in Farnborough

Background imageComputer Collection: Interior View of a Control Room

Interior View of a Control Room
(Original Caption) A view of the control room of the new, giant calculating machine which has been installed by the British Ministry of Supply at the Royal Aircraft Establishment in Farnborough

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