Fetish of Belgian Congo PeoplesTribespeople from the Belgian Congo believe this fetish wards off illnesses
Ronald Reagan and Mobutu Seko Shaking Hands(Original Caption) Washington: President Reagan bids farewell to President of Zaire, Mobutu Sese Seko as he departs concluding talks at the White House
Dikembe Mutombo Blocking Marques Bragg(Original Caption) Marques Bragg of the Providence Friars has no where to go as 7'2" Dikembe Mutombo of Georgetown covers him during first half action at Madison Square Garden 3/9
Villagers Sit Together in Front of HomesThis group of Congolese villagers lives on the shores of Lac Leopold II, which would later become known as Lac Mai-Ndombe. | Location: Beligan Congo
African Tribesmen with Ritual ScarsFrench Congo, Africa: Four Tang men from the French Congo stand side-by-side. They wear only loincloths and their chests and stomachs bear ceremonial scars. Ca. 1900
Tribal Chieftain Giving a Goat to Audrey Hepburn(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Congo Parliament Cheering(Original Caption) 6/21/1960-Leopoldville, The Congo- New Congo Premier Patrice Lumumba, (center, white suit)
Prime Minister Lumumba and Premier Eyskens Signing Act of Independence(Original Caption) 6/30/1960-Leopoldville, Congo-Mr. Patrice Lumumba, the Congolese Prime Minister, and Mr
Patrice Lumumba Points During Speech(Original Caption) 7/20/1960-Leopoldville, The Congo- Congo Premier Patrice Lumumba gestures with his hand during a press conference at the former Belgian Governor's house
Lumumba and Bunche at Press ConferenceCongo Premier Patrice Lumumba listens as United Nations representative Dr. Ralph Bunche answers a reporter's question during a press conference at the Premier's residence here, July 20th
Patrice Lumumba At United Nations(Original Caption) 7/24/1960- New York: Congo Premier Ptrice Lumumba (Left) stands with United Nations secretary General Dag Hammarskjold at U.N. July 24th
Premier Patrice Lumumba Smiling In Auto(Original Caption) 7/24/1960-New York: Seated in a car Congolese Premier Patrice Lumumba flashes a big smile and waves as he leaves Idlewild Airport for Manhattan
Prime Minister Lumumba Acknowledging Support of Senate(Original Caption) Wave of Confidence. Leopoldville, Congo: Flushed with victory, Congolese Premier Patrice Lumumba waves as he leaves the National Senate, Sept. 8th
Premier Patrice Lumumba Addressing Press(Original Caption) 9/13/1960-Leopoldville, Congo: Congo Premier Patrice Lumumba addressing a press confrernce Sept. 10th
Patrice Lumumba Arrested In Army Truck(Original Caption) 12/4/1960-Leopoldville, The Congo-Premier Patrice Lumumba crosses the city in a Congolese Army truck after his arrest and return to the captial
Nun Treating Young Child with Smallpox(Original Caption) Smallpox Victim in Congo. Leopoldville, The Congo: Another tragedy is leaving its mark on the Congo's crisis-weary population...a tragedy with no political or military aspects
Rebel Leader Has a PlanCongolese rebel leader, Christophe Gbanye, outlines a 6-point plan for peace in the troubled Congo at a news conference here January 30th
Boxer Muhammad Ali with Promotor Don KingBoxer Muhammad Ali and fight promoter Don King in Ali's villa with a portrait of Mobutu on the wall behind them
Mobutu and Ali Talking(Original Caption) Zaire President Joseph Mobuto (right)
African Native People, lithograph, published in 1897African Native People
African ethnicity chromolithograph 1895Meyers Konversations-Lexikon. Ein Nachschlagewerk des allgemeinen Wissens, 5th edition 17 volumes Bibliographisches Institut - Leipzig 1895-1897