Ocean diver in colourful underwater landscape, passenger boat passing by overhead
Golden Tubastrea (Tubastrea aurea), bright colored orange coral
Three-dimensional segmented model of coral reef and surrounding landscape
Three scuba divers swimming away form coral reef
Scuba diver, young woman, swimming in front of coral reef, orange fish in foreground
Four scuba divers swimming near coral reef, boat visible above waters surface
Lionfish on colourful coral reef, scuba diver in background, underwater
Coral reef, underwater
Four scuba divers swimming above coral reef, sun shining through surface of water, low angle view
Illustration of Painted Prawn (Alope spinifrons) carrying piece of starfish, Cowrie (Cypraea) snail on harp coral
Illustration of Wentletrap (Epitonium), predatory snails and Pink Sea Fan (Eunicella verrucosa) coral living on seabed below ocean tideline
Digital illustration of coral polyp showing nutrients diffused through gastrodermis into tissue, and single digestive opening used as mouth and anus
Illustration of yellow and blue Tube Coral (Tubastraea)
Illustration of coral island known as an atoll
Anatomical illustration of a coral
Illustration of sea life including octopus, shoal of fish, coral, and shipwreck in background
Cross section illustration of scuba diver swimming near coral reef, and tropical in waters off island
Caribbean Sea, Cayman Islands, Little Cayman Island, Bloody Bay Wall, scuba diver swimming near coral reef
Woman with hairstyle and make-up against yellow background
Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park, Utah, USA, America
Fire corals (Millepora) with anthias (Anthiinae), Red Sea, Sudan
Caribbean coral reef, Caribbean Sea, Belize, Caribbean
Coral reef, Caribbean Sea, Bonaire, Caribbean
Diver swimming above brain coral, Cuba, Caribbean Sea
Caribbean coral reef, Cuba, Caribbean Sea
Divers swimming above coral reef, Cuba, Caribbean Sea
Coral reef, Cuba, Caribbean Sea
Princess Parrotfish (Scarus taeniopterus) swimming in between Smallmouth Grunts (Haemulon chryargyreum), Cuba, Caribbean Sea
Big Brain Corals (Madreporaria), Tobago, Caribbean Sea
Coral reef, Tobago, Caribbean Sea
Corals on sandy ground, Tobago, Caribbean Sea
Caribbean coral reef, Tobago, Caribbean Sea
Blue Striped Grunt (Haemulon sciurus) with sponge, Trinidad, Caribbean Sea
Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), Trinidad, Caribbean Sea
Schoolmaster Snapper (Lutjanus apodus) on the reef, Trinidad, Caribbean Sea
Yellowtail Snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus) on the reef, Trinidad, Caribbean Sea
Coral reef with French Angelfish (Pomacanthus paru), Trinidad, Caribbean Sea
Corals on sandy ground, Trinidad, Caribbean Sea
Caribbean coral reef, Trinidad, Caribbean Sea
Maldives anemonefish (Amphiprion nigripes) in Magnificent Sea Anemone (Heteractis magnifica), Maldives, Indian Ocean
Reef with Elkhorn Corals and Table Corals (Acropora), Maldives, Indian Ocean
Maldive Crinoid (Dichrometra flagellata) and coral reef, Indian Ocean, Maldives
Green Chromis (Chromis viridis) on the coral reef, Indian Ocean, Maldives
Pinecone soldierfish (Myripristis murdjan) under Table Coral, Indian Ocean, Maldives
Red-knobbed star (Fromia elegans) on Pore Coral, Indian Ocean, Maldives
Coral reef with Red Soft Coral, Indian Ocean, Maldives
Diver and Blackfinned anemonefish or Maldives anemonefish (Amphiprion nigripes), Indian Ocean, Maldives
Diver and Fluted Giant Clam (Tridacna squamosa), Indian Ocean, Maldives
Diver and Table Coral with Green Chromis (Chromis viridis), Indian Ocean, Maldives
Lettuce coral (Turbinaria mesenterina) and diver, Indian Ocean, Maldives
Coral reef with lettuce coral (Turbinaria mesenterina), Indian Ocean, Maldives
Pacific Longnose Parrotfish swimming over Giant Table Coral (Acropora Hyacinthus), Marsa Alam, Red Sea, Egypt, Africa
Corals in the Red Sea, Egypt, Africa
Kaffirboom coral (Erythrina caffra Thunb. ) flowersKaffirboom coral (Erythrina caffra Thunb.) flowers
Coral sand, Mannin Bay, Ballyconneely, Connemara, County Galway, Republic of Ireland, Europe
Reef with sunlight, Kailua-Kona Coast, Big Island of Hawaii, USA
Scuba diver with coral, near Fahal, Oman
Coral breeding cone, near Fahal, Oman
Scuba diver swimming over a reef, Gulf of Oman, Oman
Scuba diver and Soft Coral -Alcyonacea-, Gulf of Oman, Oman
Bubble Coral -Plerogyra sinuosa-, Makadi Bay, Red Sea, Hurghada, Egypt
Christmas tree worm -Spirobranchus giganteus- on Acropora-stone coral -Acropora sp.-, Makadi Bay, Red Sea, Hurghada, Egypt
Soft Coral -Alcyonacea-, Red Sea, Egypt
Giant Moray -Gymnothorax javanicus-, Red Sea, Egypt
Island in the coral reef of Grande Terre, New Caledonia
Barrier of the coral reef of Grande Terre, New Caledonia
Sea Strawberry -Gersemia rubiformis-, soft coral, White Sea, Karelia, Russia
Large blocks of Stone corals -Seriatopora spec.- in the coral reef, Northern Bali, Bali, Indonesia
Whitetip reef shark -Triaenodon obesus- over coral reef, Embudu channel, Indian Ocean, Tilla, South Male Atoll, Maldives
Small coral reef with Tubastrea micranthus sun coral -Tubastrea micranthus-, and Dendrophyllia gracilis coral -Dendrophyllia gracilis-, stony corals, Embudu channel, Indian Ocean, Tilla
Loggerhead sea turtle -Caretta caretta- in front of coral block, Embudu channel, Indian Ocean, Tilla, South Male Atoll, Maldives
French Angelfish -Pomacanthus paru- above coral reef, Little Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago
Two French Angelfishes -Pomacanthus paru- above coral reef, Little Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago
Shell Collectioncirca 1855: A still life of sea shells, with mother of pearl and coral. (Photo by William Grundy/London Stereoscopic Company/Getty Images)
Fluorescent coral (Acropora sp. ), underwater viewThis natural fluorescence was captured by using a special ultraviolet light-blocking filter, Rock Islands, Palau, Micronesia
Aerial view of the Great Barrier Reef, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Queensland, Australia