Two Marbled White Butterflies -Melanargia galathea- on Brownray Knapweed -Centaurea jacea-, North Hesse, Hesse, Germany
Marbled White -Melanargia galathea-, Germany
Mountain Knapweed, Perennial Cornflower or Bachelors Button -Centaurea montana-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
Cornflower and wheat composition 19 century illustrationA digitally restored image of an original antique litho by Julius Hoeppner (1839-1893) from Schule der Blumenmalerei published in 1890
Centaurea or Knapweed Plant, Victorian Botanical IllustrationVery Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved Victorian Botanical Illustration of Centaurea or Knapweed Plant: Plate 56
Blue-violet flower of the Perennial Cornflower or Montane Knapweed -Centaurea montana L. -Blue-violet flower of the Perennial Cornflower or Montane Knapweed -Centaurea montana L.-
Grain field with flowering Poppies -Papaver rhoeas- and Cornflowers -Centaurea cyanus-, Rennsteig, Blankenstein, Thuringia, Germany
Field of mixed red and orange Cosmos -Cosmos-, yellow Zinnias -Zinnia- and Blue Knapweed -Centaurea- flowers in summer, Montreal Botanical Garden, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Tri-Colored and Cup-Shaped Ixia Victorian Botanical IllustrationExtremely Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Victorian Engraved Botanical Illustration of the Hand Colored Tri-Colored and Cup-Shaped Ixia, Corn Lily, from The American Flora
Centaurea cyanus, Cornflower
Colourful flower bed
Illustration of Centaurea cyanus (Cornflower) bearing blue flowers and buds with green leaves on long branched stems
Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) in barley field (Hordeum vulgare)
Cornflower oder Bluebottle (Centaurea cyanus), Groeblalm mountain pastures near Mittenwald, Karwendelgebirge mountains, Werdenfelser Land area, Upper Bavaria, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
Blue cornflowers growing in a cornfield
Bud of a Persian Cornflower -Centaurea dealbata-
Cornflower -Centaurea cyanus-
Summer meadow, Cornflower -Centaurea cyanus-, Yarrow -Achillea-, Mallow -Malva-, Yellow Daisies -Leucanthemum-, Poppy -Papaver rhoeas-
Carnolian honey bee -Apis mellifera var carnica-, on blue flower of mountain knapweed or cornflower -Centaurea montana L.-
Common Poppyor Corn Poppy -Papaver rhoeas- and Cornflowers -Centaurea cyanus-, flowering in a field, Thuringia, Germany
Corn poppy -Papaver rhoeas- and Cornflowers -Centaurea cyanus- in a corn field
Corn field with Corn Poppies -Papaver rhoeas- and Cornflowers -Centaurea cyanus- during a thunderstorm
Grain field with poppy flowers in front of an approaching thunderstorm, Rennsteig, Blankenstein, Thuringia, Germany
Marbled White Butterfly -melanargia galathea- pair mating on Brown Knapweed -Centaurea jacea-, North Hesse, Hesse, Germany
Field of cornflowers, -Centaurea cyanus-, sunset, Baltic Seaside Resort Sellin, Rugen, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany
Western Clubtail -gomphus pulchellus- perched on Brown Knapweed -Centaurea jacea-, North Hesse, Hesse, Germany
Cornflower -Centaurea cyanus-, flower
Centaurea or Knapweed Plant, Victorian Botanical IllustrationVery Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved Victorian Botanical Illustration of Centaurea or Knapweed Plant: Plate 55