Queen of Spades
Coat of Arms of Portugal, 1898
Coat of Arms of Austria, 1898. Showing a doble headed imperial eagle hold a sword and orb
Coat of Arms of Hungary, 1898
Golden crown
King of Diamonds
Tooth anatomy, illustrationCross-section of a molar tooth, illustration
Heraldry - Heraldic crown and shield insigniaVintage engraving showing a Heraldic crown and shield insignia, with quartered, Castle, Eagle and Lion symbols, coat of arms.
Old Castle, the last stronghold
Charlemagne or Charles the Greatadvent season, aged, arts, big, black, black-and-white, black-white, carolus magnus, catholic, character, charlemagne, charles i, charles the great, christian, christmas season, christmas seasons
Cross section illustration of the statue of liberty which is hollow inside with spiral stairway leading to the crown
Miss Oregon in 1890Young Miss Oregon stands in the costume of Miss Liberty in 1890 in Moro, Oregon
Advertisement Golden Crown Cigars(Original Caption) 1899-Advertising photograph for Golden Crown Cigars. An angelic figure wearing a robe and a laurel wreath places a royal crown over the box of cigars sitting open on a pedestal
Crown Prince Rudolf Waist Up Photo(Original Caption) Rudolph: 1858-1889. Crown Prince of Austraia. Son of Francis Joseph. Committed suicide in hunting lodge of Mayerling, near Vienna
Studio shot of woman in elegant dress
Weapons for Liberty Liberty Loan Poster by Joseph Christian LeyendeckerAdvertisement for "USA Bonds-Third Liberty Loan Campaign Boy Scouts of America-Weapons for Liberty."
Portrat Of Emperor Maximilian I(Original Caption) Portrait of Emperor Maximilian I (1459-1519) a Holy Roman Emperor. Painting from the School of Lucas Crancah. Undatedate
Aerial of Statue Of LibertyAn aerial view of the Statue of Liberty from just above its head
Engr. Maria Theresa, Duchess And Queen(Original Caption) Maria Theresa (1717-1780), Holy Roman Empress, Archduchess of Austria, and Queen of Hungary and Bohemia. Undated engraving
Imerial State Crown Made For Victoria(Original Caption) Imperial State Crown, made especially for Queen Victoria of England. Undated photograph
Bacchus by Caravaggio1589. Oil on canvas, 95 x 85 cm. Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy
Portrait of Henri Christophe, King of Haiti by Richard EvansPortrait of Henri Christophe (1767-1820), king of Haiti. Painting by Richard Evans, Birmingham Art Gallery. Undated. (Photo by Bettmann/Getty Images)
Sagittarius & Other Constellations(Original Caption) Engraving of A View of the Heavens showing the constellations Sagittarius, Corona Australis, Microscopium, and Telescopium
Engraving Of Cepheus Constellation(Original Caption) Engraving of A View of the Heavens showing the constellation Cepheus, the king. He is drawn seated, wearing a turban and crown, and holding a staff. Undated
Gothic Art Influence Saint Denis(Original Caption) Picture shows Saint Denis (1081-1151), A French statesman and churchman. HE bacame abbe of Saint Denis in 1122 and introduced gothic art and architechture to Western Europe
Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I(Original Caption) Picture shows Maximilian I (1459-1519), Emperor of Germany. Holy Roman Emperor (1486-1515). He was considered "The Last of the Knights."
Louis Iv, King Of France/Illus(Original Caption) Louis IV (921-954), King of France, 936-954. Undated lithograph
Louis Iv, King Of France/Engraving(Original Caption) Louis IV (921-954), King of France, 936-954. Undated engraving
Portrait Of Josephine De Beauharnais(Original Caption) Portrait of Josephine, nee Marie-Josephe-Rose Tacher de la Pagerie. Born in Martinique, June 23rd, 1763; traveled to France and married Viscount de Beauharnais in 1779
Clovis - King Of The Salian Franks(Original Caption) Picture shows Clovis (466-511), King of the Salian Franks
King James the Ist EngravingORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Picture shows King James I (1566-1625), son of Mary Queen of Scots. Undated engraving
Portrait Of King Henry Iii Of England(Original Caption) Portrait of King Henry III of England (b.10/1/1207- d.11/16/1272). Undated engraving of Henry III, in royal robes and crown, inside an oval frame
Alfred The Great King Of Wessex(Original Caption) Picture shows Alfred the Great (849-899), King of Wessex. Rulled all English lands not controlled by the Danish
Engraving of Alfredus Magnus, King of Wessex by Caronni LonghiORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Picture shows Alfredus Magnus (849-899), King of Wessex. He put the Angles and Saxons under submission, and ruled all of England which was not under Danish control
Portrait Of William I Of England(Original Caption) Portrait of William I of England (C.1028-1087), called the Conqueror. Shown waist-up wearing a crown and holding a sceptor. Undated engraving
Charles Iii King Of Spain(Original Caption) Picture shows Charles III (1716-1788), King of Spain (1759-1788). Undated engraving
St Gregory By Artist Lubin Baugin(Original Caption) Picture shows the painting, ST. GREGORY (C. 1020-1085), by artist Lubin Baugin. BPA2# 3744
Drawing of Hades and Cerberus(Original Caption) Line drawings of Gods and Goddesses. Shown are Hades and Cerberus
Chinese Men Seated On Ground(Original Caption) Hong Kong (China), British Crown Colony. Coolies. Undated photograph. (ORIGINAL CAPTION)
Portrait of Babe Ruth(Original Caption) Babe Ruth crowned Sultan of Swat by New York fans after last game of the World Series. The crown, properly engraved, was purchased by his admirers
Margret Gorman Receives the KeyMayor Edward L. Bader hands the key to the city to the first crowned Miss America, Margaret Gorman, in Atlantic City
Japanese Crowd of Children with Flags(Original Caption) 2/20/1924-Tokyo, Japan-THE IMPERIAL JAPANESE WEDDING, TOKYO
Woman With Crowning Braid And Curls(Original Caption) Simplicity is the keynote of Edna May's coiffure
Iranian Officials with Crown at Coronation(Original Caption) 4/25/1926-Teheran, Iran-: A view of the new crown which is surrounded by Persian officials of the court in charge of the crown jewels
Crown Prince Of Persia W/Young Guards(Original Caption) 6/2/1926-Persia-: Photo shows, in the foreground, the young Crown Prince of Persia, Mohammed Reza Pahlevi
Man in Statue of Liberty with Microphone(Original Caption) 3/27/1931-New York, NY: In one of the most unique broadcasts yet recorded, Hellmut H
Featherweight Boxer in Stance(Original Caption) 1/6/1932-Hartford, CT - Although he weighed 140 pounds ten days ago, Bat Battalino, rugged world's featherweight champion, is now down to 128 pounds
Heavyweight Champ Max Baer Wears Crown(Original Caption) 6/15/1934-New York, NY- Sass "King Max, " new overlord of fistiana, "the guy who first declared uneasy lies the head that wears the crown
Queen Mary of England(Original Caption
Jazz Musician Earl Hines Crowning Boxer Joe Louis(Original Caption) 8/8/1935-Chicago, IL- This is about the nearest sphinx-like Joe Louis ever comes to a smile
Boxing Action; H. Armstrong, Arizmendi8/7/1936-Los Angeles, CA:- Action picture during the featherweight title bout between Henry Armstrong, and Baby Arizmendi, defending champion, at Wrigley Field here
Royal Family After Coronation of George VIThe newly coronated King George VI and his family greet their subjects from a balcony of Buckingham Palace
King George and Queen Elizabeth in Ottawa(Original Caption) 5/20/1939-King George and Queen Elizabeth Ottawa. King wears uniform of Field Marshal of the British Army
Mickey Rooney And Bette DavisActor Mickey Rooney plants a kiss on the cheek of actress Bette Davis after they were crowned the King and Queen of the Movies in a nationwide poll conducted by newspapers
Benny Goodman Crowns Queen at Dance(Original Caption) 5/31/1941-New York, NY- Madison Square Garden, scene of past "crownings" -- in more ways than one -- of the champions of sport, is the scene of another crowning
Marble Shooting ChampionFourteen year old Gerald Robinson shoots marbles and wears a crown after he won the National Marbles Tournament championship
Chief Iginianere of Western Ubhobo(Original Caption) 1943-Ibadan, Nigeria- With bone strung from his neck and huge bracelets covering each wrist
Miss America Winner Bess Myerson(Original Caption) Atlantic City, New Jersey: Tops In The Land
Child Waving Flag from the Crown of the Statue of LibertyA child waves the United States flag from the crown of Liberty Enlightening the World, less formally known as The Statue of Liberty, on Liberty Island in New York Harbor
Visitors in the Statue of Liberty's Crown(Original Caption) 3/1947-New York, NY: Statue of Liberty. Some people are shown in the crown and a flag is being waved from it. Undated UPI color slide
Marcel Cerdan in Crown(Original Caption) 9/22/1948-New York, NY- Marcel Cerdan, who last night took the world's middleweight crown from Tony Zale with a twelfth round knockout
Dalai Lama Wearing State Crown(Original Caption) Natives of East Tibet have rebelled against Communist Chinese occupation forces reports reaching India's border said on 9/18
Miss Universe Enjoying Breakfast in BedMiss New Zealand Lorraine Downes enjoys her first day as Miss Universe after winning the crowning ceremonies on July 11. Miss Downes was served a champagne breakfast in bed on July 12
Vanessa Williams Winning Miss AmericaVanessa Williams grabs her crown as she walks on runway after winning the Miss America 1984 pageant in Atlantic City. Williams was the first African American woman crowned Miss America
Crowning Vanessa Williams Miss AmericaMiss America 1983 Debra Maffett crowns Vanessa Williams as Miss America 1984 at the pageant in Atlantic City. Williams was the first African American woman crowned Miss America
Christy Fichtner Winning Miss AmericaChristy Fichtner of Texas steadies her crown after being chosen 1986 Miss America
Mike Tyson in Cape and Crown, Holding Scepter(Original Caption) 8/4/1987-Mike Tyson, world heavyweight boxing champ in cape and crown, holding scepter
Formal Portrait Of Queen Maud Of Norway(Original Caption) Formal portrait of the Princess of Denmark, later Queen Maud of Norway, consort ot King Haakon VII. Undated photograph
Full Length Portrait Of Queen Victoria(Original Caption) Portrait of Queen Victoria of England (1819-1901), standing alone, in full length, wearing royal robes, with crown and scepter. Undated illustratoion
Portrait Of Charles I, King of England(Original Caption) Portrait of Charles I (1600-1649), King of England from 1625 to 1649. undated engraving
Engraving of King Edward II of EnglandKING EDWARD II OF ENGLAND (1284-1327).UNDATED ENGRAVING
Russian Experts Seated Appraising Jewels(Original Caption) Undated photo- Soviet experts appraising the confiscated Russian crown jewels
Coat Of Arms From Medieval German Empire(Original Caption) A Medieval German coat of arms of an unnamed empire. It shows a bird with a crest of the same bird across its chest. A crown is over the head of the bird. Undated image
Coat Of Arms For Medieval German Emperor(Original Caption) A Medieval German coat of arms for the emperor of an unnamed empire. It shows two men standing by a shield decorated with a bird and crown. Undated image
Illustration Depicting Lysander and Hermia from A Midsummer Night's DreamA fairy scene showing a cherub picking up a donkey's head, from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act IV, Scene I
Illustration Depicting Lysander, Hermia and Fairies from A Midsummer Night's DreamScene from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
Political Cartoon Of 1871 Russia And Usa(Original Caption) Political cartoon: ABear Faced transaction-Uncle Sam to Rushin Duke: "Glad to see you. Give us your paw, but don't be too friendly
Illustration Showing the Emperor Nero Giving the "Thumbs Down" Signal"Thumbs down": Nero in the arena dooming a gladiator who has to re-enter the fight. BPA2# 4513
Illus/The Queen of Sheba(Original Caption) Illustration of the Queen of Sheba, 3/4 length, holding a fan
Oberon, Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing by William BlakeFairies dance in the forest while Puck taunts Oberon and Titania in William Blake's illustration of a scene from William Shakepeare's play, A Midsummer Night's Dream
Print After a Drawing of Five Characters in a Comic Scene by Leonardo da VinciSketch of five grotesque heads, by Leonardo da Vinci. Undated illustration
Portrait Of Hortense Beauharnais(Original Caption) Portrait of Hortense Beauharnais (1783-1837), wife of Louis Bonaparte and mother of Napoleon III. She was exhiled from France in 1815. Undated illustration
Illustrated Portrait Of Xerxes I(Original Caption) Engraved profile portrait of Xerxes (c. 519-465 B.C.), King of Persia, son of Darius I and Atossa. Undated illustration
John of Gaunt Portrait(Original Caption) Engraved portrait of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster (1340-1399), English prince and fourth son of Edward II