Dereliction8th January 1955: The derelict buildings and discarded machinery of a worked-out coal mine near Wigan, Lancashire. Original Publication: Picture Post - 7467 - Problem Of A Dying Coalfield - pub
Bull In A China Shop5th July 1950: An Ayrshire bull causing havoc in the midst of wrecked china for the filming of a scene on the China industry at Hayeswood Farm, Madresfield, Worcestershire
After The EarthquakeDecember 1908: Messina in Sicily after an earthquake that destroyed half the town and killed over 77, 000 people. (Photo by Rischgitz/Getty Images)
Bombed Londoncirca 1940: Bomb damage sustained by the City of London. Tower Bridge can be seen in the background. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
St Pauls Bomb Damage20th October 1940: St Pauls Cathedral after a direct hit during the blitz in London. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Aldo Moro Consoling Earthquake Victims(Original Caption) Italian Aldo Moro (left) flanked by an unidentified man wearing glasses, talks to Gibellina residents January 19th during a tour of earthquake-racked Sicily
Passaic River W/Debris On Its Bank;Pollu(Original Caption) Patterson, NJ: Water pollution, municipal, untreated. Debris in the Passaic River and on its banks in Patterson, New Jersey. Undated
Lithograph Depicting the Destruction of the James River FleetOn April 2, 1865, due to the advancing Northern army, James River Squadron Admiral Raphael Semmes was given the order to destroy the Confederate ironclad warships under his command
10th Street & 4th Avenue Subway Construction, 1929High angle view showing labourers at work during the construction of the Subway on the corner of 10th Street and 4th Avenue, looking towards 9th Street and 5th Avenue, in the borough of Brooklyn
Guernica Basque Holy City Laid Waste(Original Caption) 5/8/1937-Guernica, Northern Spain: As Basque "Holy City" was Laid Waste
Laurel and Hardy in Movie Car Wreck(Original Caption) Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy crashing through the wall in their automobile. Still from a 1938 movie
Janitor Sweeping Floor of the New York Stock Exchange(Original Caption) 9/28/1938-New York, NY: A porter sweeps up the debris from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange after a brisk day of trading. BPA2#4811
Berliners Shoveling Debris After BombingMen and boys shovel debris off a Berlin street after the British bombed the north end of the city in 1940
London Street, St. Pauls, After Air Raid(Original Caption) 2/2/1942-London, England: With historic St
Woman W/Bandaged Arm & Head Walking(Original Caption) 7/21/1944-Port Chicago, CA- Forehead bandaged, arm in a sling, Angelena Lombardi walks with her little niece, Ann Marie Rosenthal, through a debris-strewn street in Port Chicago
British Troops Clearing Up Debris on MaltaBomb Damage on Malta
British Soldiers Taking CoverBritish soldiers take cover from sniper fire during a battle in a key Dutch town
Tokyo Bombing Damage(Original Caption) 9/6/1945-Tokyo, Japan: This aerial view of the industrial section of Tokyo, along the Sumida River
American Troops Order Japanese To Work(Original Caption) 9/17/1945-Tokyo, Japan: This bombed out area in the heart of Tokyo, near the Imperial Palace, shows the devestating results of American fire bomb attacks
Street Damaged By Tidal Wave4/6/1946-Hilo, Hawaii-Main street of Hawaii is damaged beyond recognition after tidal wave swept in on 1st April 1946
Policeman Searching Through Debris in Mansion(Original Caption) Patrolman John McLaughlin checks through the mess of junk found inside the Collyer mansion at 128th Street and Fifth Avenue
Crashed Plane of Rick NelsonThe debris of a DC-3 plane, that crashed carrying Fifties music and sitcom star Rick Nelson, lays in a field at DeKalb, Texas
Debris from the Crashed United Airlines Flight 232An engine and debris sit in a corn field after United Airlines Flight 232 crashed and broke into pieces July 19, 1989, while attempting to make an emergency landing at the Sioux City Gateway Airport
Girl on Tricycle in Slum(Original Caption) New York, NY: Model Jennifer White. Debris strewn street in Bronx Slum district little girl on tricycle. Undated photo
Painting of U.S. Army Soldiers in Action near Mezy by Harry Everett Townsend(Original Caption) U.S. Army in action near Mezy (Marne River Area), France, July 1918, during World War I
Man Holding Onto Tree During Hurricane Carol(Original Caption) A passerby holds on to a tree for support as hurricane swept waves hammer the sea wall adjacent to the Belt Parkway near 72nd Street in Brooklyn
Port Said, Egypt, After Anglo-French Bombardment 1956
Smoldering Remains of Serial Killer Ed Gein's HomeSmoldering ruins is all that remains of the House of Horrors after a fire of undetermined cause destroyed the two story frame building on March 20, 1958
Moslem Women Walking Along Streets(Original Caption) Clad in flowing robes, two Moslem women walk amid the debris along a street in the Casbah following Moslem rioting here, Dec. 11th
B-52 Wreckage SiteRescue workers search over the wreckage site of a B-52 Stratofortress, which was carrying two unarmed nuclear weapons. Officials said there was no danger from the two unarmed nuclear devices
New York Airplane Crash SiteFire fighters and police officers search the debris of a crashed Eastern Airlines DC7B in 1962 at Idlewild Airport, New York City
Razed BostonFor the first time in many a year, a side of the Old State House gets some daylight as the leveling of the old office building on Washington and State Street nears its end
Crash During Formula One Auto Race(Original Caption) This is the 2nd half of a 4-way sequence of crashing race cars. The cars shown here continued to spin and crash into each other, throwing wheels and debris
Men Examining Debris on BoatA policemen and search and rescue volunteers on a police boat examine boat debris found three miles west of a point in Indiana Dunes State Park on July 7
Debris On Shores Of Arno River; Flooding(Original Caption) 11/17/1966-Florence
Littered Streets in Detroit after RiotsPedestrians pick their way along a street littered with debris from two days of race riots in Detroit, Michigan
National Guard in PittsburghA Pennsylvania National Guardsman patrols a street littered with wreckage from an afternoon of rioting
Parisians Inspect Riot Damage 1968
Rescue Workers at Airplane CrashFive rescue workers search the wreckage of a plane crash in Huntington, West Virginia. The plane carried the entire Marshall University Football team and all passengers were killed
South Vietnamese Soldier Takes CoverA South Vietnamese soldier takes cover behind some debris during fire from Communist 122 mm rockets. | Location: South of An Loc, Vietnam
Bombing Ruins In HanoiNorth Vietnamese rescue workers search the debris and rubble around the Cuban Embassy in Hanoi after a bombing by United States
Car Fires in BelfastYoung Belfast men gather around burning vehicles in a debris-strewn Belfast street. The fires were set as a harassment tactic against the British soldiers stationed in Belfast to restore order
Salvaging Tail of Crashed PlaneA crane lifts the tail section of an Air Florida jet that crashed into the Potomac River after take off from Washington D.C
Workers Load Toxic Debris In Temporary StorageWorkers in Times Beach, Missouri, load debris possibly contaminated by dioxin into tractor-trailers while a judge examines a temporary injunction
Ruined BusinessOctober 1927: A small shop front in an east London street destroyed by a runaway lorry. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Demolition CrewApril 1929: Workmen demolish an old London County Council building near Temple, London. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Chain Lightning1950: Humphrey Bogart (1899 - 1957) gets his girl at the scene of an aircrash in the airborne romance Chain Lightning, directed by Stuart Heisler for Warner Brothers
Downed ZeppelinA German L21 Zeppelin sinks off the coast of Yarmouth, Norfolk, after having been shot down. (Photo by Three Lions/Getty Images)
Great Eastern DamagedOctober 1859: A funnel lies shattered on the deck after a boiler explosion on the Great Eastern. Original Publication: Illustrated London News - Reparing the Accident on the Great Eastern - pub
Flood Damage2nd April 1864: Searching for the dead at Malin Bridge after the flood at Sheffield. Original Publication: Illustrated London News (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Temple Ruinscirca 1947: Pillars in the ruins of the Temple of Jupiter. In the background the Acropolis, Athens. (Photo by Evans/Three Lions/Getty Images)
San Juan Burnscirca 1950: The lava from Mount Par cutin, El Monstre, flowing into the burning church of the village of San Juan
Finishing The JobOctober 1927: High up above Londons traffic two men are working on the demolition of the Cornhill building after its partial collapse. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Allied ConvoyOctober 1943: The docks at Naples had been rendered useless by Allied bombing but, following clearing work by Allied engineers, the Bay of Naples is now open to convoys
Ruined InteriorAugust 1942: The ruined interior of the New Jerusalem monastery in Istra, Croatia, after a German attack. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)
Devastated TokyoAn aerial view of the industrial area of Tokyo, flattened by Allied saturation bombing. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)
Hiroshima6th August 1955: A view of bomb damaged areas of Hiroshima, ten years after the Atomic bomb was dropped on the city
Ancient Roman Pedestal, inscription Genio Coloniae Lepcis Magnae Crescentinae, Leptis Magna, Libya
Royal Box in the grandstand at Hurst Park Racecourse burnt down by Suffragettescirca 1910: The Royal Box in the grandstand at Hurst Park racecourse burnt down by suffragettes. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Heart Of London1941: A view from the roof of St Pauls Cathedral, which was itself damaged, showing the devastation in the heart of the City of London. The Old Bailey is seen in the centre distance
Damaged Landmarkcirca 1940: The famous dome of St Pauls Cathedral in London surrounded by debris from a World War II German bombing raid. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Atomic Damage14th October 1945: Atomic bomb damage in Hiroshima. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Haymarket Theatre Artwork 18221822: Exterior of the Haymarket Theatre prior to the demolition of the old part of the building. Original Artwork: Engraved by Dale after Schnebbelie (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Cartoon of purple Sea Urchin (Echinoidea) using shells and seaweed debris as camouflage it carries on back from predatory fish swimming above
A Rubber Glove And Debris That Has Washed Up On Ucluth Beach In The Wya Point Campground Near Ucluelet On Vancouver Island; British Columbia Canada
Head of Medusa, Severan Forum, Ruins of the Roman City Leptis Magna, Libya
Severan Basilica, Ruins of the Roman City Leptis Magna, Libya
Window, Ruins of the Roman City Leptis Magna, Libya
Lying and standing ancient columns with ionic capital, Ruins of the Roman City Leptis Magna, Libya
Columns, Severan basilica, Ruins of the Roman City Leptis Magna, Libya
A Rubber Glove And Debris That Has Washed Up On Ucluth Beach In The Wya Point Campground Near Ucluelet On VancouverBritish Columbia, Canada
Four Courts SiegePro-treaty Free State soldiers use British artillery to attack the anti-Treaty Republican army who established their headquarters in the Four Courts in Dublin during the Irish Civil War
Winning Picture4th July 1972: An abandoned car and a ruined piece of architecture stand as relics of the past in front of a modern skyscraper. An entry in the Society 72 photography exhibition in Cologne
Doomed Theatre4th August 1936: Construction workers continue their task of demolishing the Adelphi Theatre in London. (Photo by Reg Speller/Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Revolutionary Scenes1919: The damaged entrance to the Royal Palace in Berlin, after the Spartacist uprising which broke out following Germanys defeat in World War I. (Photo by Central Press/Getty Images)
Arras GrenadesMay 1917: British grenade explosions during the Battle of Arras on the Siegfried Line. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)
Hangar Demolishedcirca 1920: Zeppelin hangar under demolition. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)
Debris of a destroyed building
Snow-capped mountains in Jotunheimen National Park, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe
Demolition of a commercial building
Ruined Church1858: Graves in a ruined church. (Photo by William England/London Stereoscopic Company/Getty Images)
Toledo AlcazarThe ruins of the Toledo Alcazar following the famous siege during the Spanish Civil War, 1936. Here General Francos troops held out against the Republicans for 70 days until reinforcements arrived
Austrian Infantry passing through a burnt-out village. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)