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Dictator Collection

Background imageDictator Collection: Italian Dictator

Italian Dictator
November 1923: Italian dictator Benito Mussolini (1883 - 1945), wearing a national malitia uniform. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)

Background imageDictator Collection: Benito Mussolini Portrait 1925

Benito Mussolini Portrait 1925
12th November 1925: Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini (1883 - 1945). (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)

Background imageDictator Collection: Engraving of emperor Napolean Bonaparte from 1882

Engraving of emperor Napolean Bonaparte from 1882
" Regency Style, Dictator, European Culture, Military Uniform, 19th C, Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 1821), 184605427

Background imageDictator Collection: Political Cartoon of Andrew Jackson as Absolute Monarch

Political Cartoon of Andrew Jackson as Absolute Monarch
A political cartoon made during Andrew Jackson's presidency depicts Jackson as an absolute monarch who abuses his veto power and tramples on the Constitution

Background imageDictator Collection: Jean Claude and Nicole Duvalier

Jean Claude and Nicole Duvalier
(Original Caption) 1964-Port-au-Prince, Haiti-Jean Claude Duvalier with his sister, Nicole, at the the inauguration of their father, Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier as President for Life

Background imageDictator Collection: Mussolini Walks Down Stairs W/ Officers

Mussolini Walks Down Stairs W/ Officers
(Original Caption) Mussolini in the mid-1930's surrounded by his corps of officers. Photograph

Background imageDictator Collection: Juan Domingo Peron Agentinian Dictator

Juan Domingo Peron Agentinian Dictator
(Original Caption) Juan Domingo Peron: (Born 1895) South American Dictator in his office. (Original Caption)

Background imageDictator Collection: Jose Santos Zelaya Standing Full-Length

Jose Santos Zelaya Standing Full-Length
(Original Caption) Portrait of Nicaraguan politician and dictator Jose Santos Zelaya (1853-1919). He is shown full-length, aboard a ship, wearing a hat and overcoat. Undated photograph

Background imageDictator Collection: Dominican Republic President Rafael Trujillo

Dominican Republic President Rafael Trujillo
President Rafael L. Trujillo, President of Dominican Republic (1930-1961), is shown

Background imageDictator Collection: Cartoon Branding Andrew Jackson As King

Cartoon Branding Andrew Jackson As King
(Original Caption) Cartoon branding Andrew Jackson as a dictator. "King Andrew I."

Background imageDictator Collection: Portrait of Simon Bolivar by M. N. Bate

Portrait of Simon Bolivar by M. N. Bate
(Original Caption) Portrait of Bolivian liberator Simon Bolivar. From an engraving by M. N. Bate. Under the Superintendance of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge

Background imageDictator Collection: Detail from Portrait of Simon Bolivar by M.N. Bate

Detail from Portrait of Simon Bolivar by M.N. Bate

Background imageDictator Collection: Portrait Painting of Simon Bolivar

Portrait Painting of Simon Bolivar
(Original Caption) Portrait of Simon Bolivar (1785-1830). South American Soldier, Statesman and revolutionary leader. Painting, NYC Art Commission. BPA2# 2826

Background imageDictator Collection: Mao Zedong

Mao Zedong as a fairly young man in the Communist "Base Area" in Yanan, in the northern part of Shaanxi Province. China, 1937

Background imageDictator Collection: Benito Mussolini And Baron Russo

Benito Mussolini And Baron Russo
(Original Caption) 11/29/1922: Portarait of Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) Prime Minister and Dictator of Italy (1922-43) with his Chief of Cabinet, Baron Russo

Background imageDictator Collection: President Ataturk Surrounded by Guards

President Ataturk Surrounded by Guards
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (1881 - 1938), founder of the Turkish Republic, with army officers, 3/6/1923. This photo was taken very shortly after his wedding in Smyrna (Izmir)

Background imageDictator Collection: Turkish President Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

Turkish President Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (1881 - 1938), at his villa in Izmir during his wedding to Latife Kemal

Background imageDictator Collection: Mustafa Kemal & Officers On Stairs

Mustafa Kemal & Officers On Stairs
(Original Caption) 3/6/1923-Turkey: Photo shows his excellency Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and his officers, Smyrna (now Izmir)

Background imageDictator Collection: Mustafa Kemal & Officers At Doorway

Mustafa Kemal & Officers At Doorway
(Original Caption) 3/6/1923-Turkey: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (1881 - 1938, centre, left), founder and President of the Turkish Republic, and officers on outdoor staircase, Smyrna (now Izmir)

Background imageDictator Collection: Benito Mussolini

Benito Mussolini
Italian premier Benito Mussolini arrives in Genoa for a visit

Background imageDictator Collection: Machado Rides In Car/Inaug. Parade/Cuba

Machado Rides In Car/Inaug. Parade/Cuba
(Original Caption) 5/27/1929-Havana, Cuba-: CUBA ACCLAIMS ITS NEW PRESIDENT. Havana, Cuba, donned its holiday raiment for the inauguration of Gen

Background imageDictator Collection: President Trujillo Molina in Uniform

President Trujillo Molina in Uniform
(Original Caption) President Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina of the Dominican Republic in military uniform. Undated photograph

Background imageDictator Collection: Stalin, Kalinin, and Ordshonikidze

Stalin, Kalinin, and Ordshonikidze
(Original Caption) 7/22/1930-Moscow, Russia: Joseph Stalin, Soviet Dictator, Oroschlouikidse, and Kalinin, l to r, who hold the balance of power in present day Russia

Background imageDictator Collection: Stalin with Two Pairs of Men

Stalin with Two Pairs of Men
The top photo shows Stalin sitting between the writer Maxim Gorky and A.S. Yenukidze on the steps of the Lenin Mausoleum

Background imageDictator Collection: Publicity Still for Duck Soup

Publicity Still for Duck Soup
The Marx Brothers assume their roles from the movie Duck Soup. Clockwise from top left are: Zeppo Marx as Lt. Bob Roland, Groucho Marx as Rufus T

Background imageDictator Collection: General Pilsudski and General Schindler

General Pilsudski and General Schindler
(Original Caption) 5/23/1933 In view of the present strained relations between Germany and Poland, Marshall Pilsudski, Polish Dictator, accorded an audience to General Schindler

Background imageDictator Collection: Fulgencio Batista in Colonel's Uniform

Fulgencio Batista in Colonel's Uniform
(Original Caption) 9/1933-Rumor is ripe in Havana that Colonel Fulgencio Batista, who is commanding the Cuban Army, will become the dictator of Cuba

Background imageDictator Collection: Eleanor Roosevelt and Rafael and Hilda Trujillo Pose

Eleanor Roosevelt and Rafael and Hilda Trujillo Pose
(Original Caption) 3/9/1934-San Pedro Des Macoris, Dominican Republic-Our First Lady, Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, is pictured above with President Rafael Trujillo and Mme

Background imageDictator Collection: Ataturk And Reza Shah Meeting

Ataturk And Reza Shah Meeting
(Original Caption) 6/27/1934-Ankara, Turkey- The two most powerful rulers in the Near East, Turkish President Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (1881 - 1938, left), and Reza Shah (1879 - 1944), Shah of Persia

Background imageDictator Collection: Fulgencio Batista Gives Radio Address

Fulgencio Batista Gives Radio Address
(Original Caption) 9/6/1934-Camp Columbia, Cuba-The first anniversary of the army coup that turned the Cespedes government out of office was marked with speeches and fireworks by happy celebrants

Background imageDictator Collection: Reading of Ibarra Presidential Message

Reading of Ibarra Presidential Message
(Original Caption) 9/12/1935-Quito, Equador-Interior of the Palace of Congress in Quito, during the reading of the Ibarra presidential message

Background imageDictator Collection: Mussolini in Dress Uniform

Mussolini in Dress Uniform
(Original Caption) 10/15/1935-Rome, Italy- The leader and inspiration of the cause of Italy in Africa, Il Duce Benito Mussolini, is shown in this new character-portrait in full Fascist uniform

Background imageDictator Collection: Benito Mussolini

Benito Mussolini
Italian dictator Benito Mussolini and fellow Fascists dedicate a university in Rome

Background imageDictator Collection: Laughing Mussolini Slaps Man On Shoulder

Laughing Mussolini Slaps Man On Shoulder
(Original Caption) 6/2/36-Rome, Italy- Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) gives a hearty guffaw as he slaps an officer on the shoulder at a rally of 4000 Piedmontese Fascists

Background imageDictator Collection: Mussolini Reviewing Blackshirt Militia

Mussolini Reviewing Blackshirt Militia
(Original Caption) 11/5/36-Rome, Italy: A big review of blackshirt militia by Signor Mussolini, on the Viale Romania in Rome

Background imageDictator Collection: Stalin Speaking at Congress

Stalin Speaking at Congress
Joseph Stalin speaks at a Congress of Soviets, delivering the draft of the USSR's latest constitution, in the Kremlin. Moscow, December 1936

Background imageDictator Collection: Joseph Stalin Delivering a Speech

Joseph Stalin Delivering a Speech
Dictator of Soviet Russia, Joseph Stalin, addresses voters, of the Stalin election district in Moscow, on the even of the election in which Russians voted for the first time under the new constitution

Background imageDictator Collection: Joseph Stalin Casting His Ballot

Joseph Stalin Casting His Ballot
(Original Caption) 12/30/37-Moscow, USSR: Joseph Stalin, dictator of Soviet Russia, pictured as he cast his ballot in the Lenin election district of Moscow during the recent election in the USSR

Background imageDictator Collection: General Franco In War For Spain

General Franco In War For Spain
(Original Caption) 5/2/1938- Saragossa, Spain: Time out from war for parade

Background imageDictator Collection: Benito Mussolini Standing on a Tank

Benito Mussolini Standing on a Tank
Il Duce stands on a tank to address troops during World War II

Background imageDictator Collection: Portrait of Jorge Ubico

Portrait of Jorge Ubico
(Original Caption) 2/23/1939-: Portrait of General Jorge Ubico, President of Guatemala -- called "the most efficient executive in the world." He is Latin America's best dictator

Background imageDictator Collection: Francisco Franco Salutes

Francisco Franco Salutes
(Original Caption) 9/6/39- General Francisco Franco, leader of the fascist troops during the Spanish Civil War, and future dictator of Spain, giving the fascist salute and wearing a beret

Background imageDictator Collection: Fulgencio Batista with Military Aides

Fulgencio Batista with Military Aides
(Original Caption) 10/11/1940-Havana, Cuba- Colonel Fulgencio Batista (C) poses with his military aides at Havana, after being sworn in as Cuban President

Background imageDictator Collection: Portrait of Higinio Morinigo in Uniform

Portrait of Higinio Morinigo in Uniform
(Original Caption) 12/13/1940-Asuncion, Paraguay-A photograph of Provisional President Higinio Morinigo of Paraguay, former Minister of War and Navy

Background imageDictator Collection: Premier Tojo's Cabinet

Premier Tojo's Cabinet
The cabinet of Tojo Hideki (front and center), effective military dictator of Japan, shortly after the bombing of Pearl Harbor

Background imageDictator Collection: Churchill, Harriman, and Stalin

Churchill, Harriman, and Stalin
(Original Caption) Winston Churchill, W. Averell Harriman, Joseph Stalin, and V.M. Molotov (left to right, seated), at the Kremlin during Churchill's visit in August of 1942

Background imageDictator Collection: Chiang Kai-Shek, Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill

Chiang Kai-Shek, Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill
Original caption: ca. 1943-Cairo, Egypt- This photo, just released in Washington, shows (left to right): Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek; President Franklin D

Background imageDictator Collection: Benito Mussolini Ousted

Benito Mussolini Ousted
(Original Caption) 7/25/1943- Rome, Italy: The Fascist Rabble Marches: followed by his Black shirted fascists-- 40, 000 strong -- Benito Mussolini marches on Rome on Ocotber 29th, 1922

Background imageDictator Collection: General Penaranda and Brother Arrive in Chile

General Penaranda and Brother Arrive in Chile
(Original Caption) 1/12/1944-Arica, Chile-Deposed by leaders of the revolutionary coup that overthrew his government, ex-President of Bolivia, General Enrique Penaranda (second from right)

Background imageDictator Collection: Enver Hoxha Addressing Rally

Enver Hoxha Addressing Rally
(Original Caption) 1945-Albania- Gen. Enver Hoxha shown addressing a rally. (On July 24, 1953, Hoxha, Albania's Red dictator, hatchet-man, was stripped of some of his powers)

Background imageDictator Collection: Crowd of Juan Peron Supporters

Crowd of Juan Peron Supporters
(Original Caption) 1/23/1945-Buenos Aires, Argentina-Enthusiastic supporters of Colonel Juan Peron, former Argentine vice-president

Background imageDictator Collection: Prime Minister Churchill and Marshal Stalin During Meeting at Yalta

Prime Minister Churchill and Marshal Stalin During Meeting at Yalta
(Original Caption) President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill and Marshal Stalin met at Yalta in the Crimea

Background imageDictator Collection: Joseph Stalin at Yalta Conference

Joseph Stalin at Yalta Conference
(Original Caption) Stalin conferring with foreign minister, V.M. Molotov, during Yalta Conference. February 1945

Background imageDictator Collection: Leaders at Yalta Conference

Leaders at Yalta Conference
On the grounds of Livadio Palace during the Yalta Conference, Soviet Premier Stalin is seated with Winston Churchill and President Roosevelt

Background imageDictator Collection: Yalta Conference

Yalta Conference
Delegates to the Yalta Conference included the "Big Three", Churchill (in foreground and out of focus, in profile), Roosevelt (center right) and Stalin (far center left)

Background imageDictator Collection: Three-Way Handshake Highlights Meeting

Three-Way Handshake Highlights Meeting
(Original Caption) 1945-Potsdam, Germany: Three-way handshake highlighted the 1945 meeting of the Big Three at Potsdam, Germany

Background imageDictator Collection: Attlee, Truman, and Stalin

Attlee, Truman, and Stalin
The "Big Three" posing for photographers just before the final conference meeting at Potsdam. Left to right, seated: Prime Minister Clement Attlee of Great Britain; President Harry S

Background imageDictator Collection: Big Three Leaders Standing Together

Big Three Leaders Standing Together
Soviet leader, Joseph Stalin, US President Harry Truman, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill before starting sessions of their history-making Big Three meeting at Berlin's Potsdam suburb

Background imageDictator Collection: Big Three Conferees Posing for Portrait

Big Three Conferees Posing for Portrait
(Original Caption) Scene in the Palace Garden at Potsdam as the Big Three posed for photographers just before the final conference meeting

Background imageDictator Collection: The Big Three Posing for Camera

The Big Three Posing for Camera
(Original Caption) "The Big Three, " left to right, Marshal Josef Stalin, President Harry Truman, and Prime Minister Winston Churchill

Background imageDictator Collection: Joseph Stalin at Potsdam

Joseph Stalin at Potsdam
(Original Caption) 07/30/1945-Potsdam, Germany: Generalissimo Josef Stalin raises a hand to acknowledge the salute of the guard

Background imageDictator Collection: Potsdam Conference

Potsdam Conference
(Original Caption) Peace Conferences. Potsdam, Germany: Scene in the Palace Garden at Potsdam as the Big Three posed for photographers just before the final conference meeting

Background imageDictator Collection: Crowd Gathered in Opposition to Juan Peron 1945

Crowd Gathered in Opposition to Juan Peron 1945

Background imageDictator Collection: Protesters Carry Anti-Government Poster

Protesters Carry Anti-Government Poster
(Original Caption) 9/19/1945-Buenos Aires, Argentina-The people of Argentina -- 500, 000 strong -- march through the streets of Buenos Aires, repudiating their government and Juan Peron

Background imageDictator Collection: Joseph Stalin

Joseph Stalin
Portrait of Joseph Stalin, Premier of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in military uniform

Background imageDictator Collection: Eva Peron Speaking in Madrid

Eva Peron Speaking in Madrid
Argentinean first lady Eva Peron speaks at the celebrations of the festival of the Virgin of Paloma during her first visit to Madrid | Location: Madrid, Spain

Background imageDictator Collection: Koreans Prepare Stalin Portrait Outside

Koreans Prepare Stalin Portrait Outside
(Original Caption) 7/24/1947-Pyongyang, Korea-This Russian-occupied city in northern Korea was recently visited by a Joint Comission and the populace, completely under Russian domination

Background imageDictator Collection: Francisco Franco in Dress Uniform

Francisco Franco in Dress Uniform
(Original Caption) 10/6/1948: Standing portrait of Spanish general and dictator Francisco Franco in uniform

Background imageDictator Collection: Juan Peron Gives Salute

Juan Peron Gives Salute
(Original Caption) 12/1948- Buenos Aires, Argentina: President Juan Peron pictured during his visit aboard the US cruiser Huntington in Buenos Aires, in full military uniform giving the salute

Background imageDictator Collection: Eva Peron Playing The Piano

Eva Peron Playing The Piano
(Original Caption) Eva Peron, motion picture actress, wife of Argentine dictator, is shown playing her piano in her home. Undated b/w photo

Background imageDictator Collection: Portrait of Joseph Stalin

Portrait of Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin (1879-1953), Soviet political leader. For years this was the official portrait of Stalin

Background imageDictator Collection: Former Central African Emperor

Former Central African Emperor
The former dictator and self-proclaimed Emperor of Central African Republic, Jean-Bedel Bokassa speaks during a interview in France

Background imageDictator Collection: Crowd Celebrating Duvalier's Exile

Crowd Celebrating Duvalier's Exile
(Original Caption) 2/7/1986-Port-au-Prince, Haiti- Haitians jump and dance for joy on the street in front of the National Palace, in celebration of Jean-Claude Duvalier's flight into exile

Background imageDictator Collection: Crowd Celebrating Duvalier's Exile

Crowd Celebrating Duvalier's Exile
(Original Caption) 2/7/1986-Port-au-Prince, Haiti- Haitians jump and dance for joy on the street in front of the National Palace, in celebration of Jean-Claude Duvalier's flight into exile

Background imageDictator Collection: Manuel Noriega Mug Shot

Manuel Noriega Mug Shot
(Original Caption) 1/04/1990-Miami, FL- Ousted Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega is shown in this Justice Department mug shot released by the U.S. Attorney's office in Miami

Background imageDictator Collection: Portrait of Gerardo Machado y Morales

Portrait of Gerardo Machado y Morales
(Original Caption) Portrait of Gerardo Machado y Morales (1871-1939), Cuban politician and liberal party leader, who became president of Cuba from 1925 to 1933. Photograph dated 1926

Background imageDictator Collection: Rafael Trujillo Molina

Rafael Trujillo Molina
(Original Caption) Portrait of Rafael Trujillo Molina (1891-1961), Dominican army officer and dictator. Undated photograph

Background imageDictator Collection: Benito Mussolini Entertains Ministers

Benito Mussolini Entertains Ministers
(Original Caption) Benito Mussolini, "Il Duce, " (1883-1945), Entertains the English Ministers, Chaimberlain and Halifax, and his son in law, Ciano, at Rome Opera. Photograph

Background imageDictator Collection: Benito Mussolini Playing Fiddle

Benito Mussolini Playing Fiddle
(Original Caption) Benito Mussolini (1883-1945), at one of his favorate diversions: fiddling while Rome burns. Undated photograph

Background imageDictator Collection: Aquatint Portrait of Simon Bolivar

Aquatint Portrait of Simon Bolivar
(Original Caption) 1826-Copy of a portrait of Simon Bolivar, liberator of Colombia, as well as several other South American countries. The copy was made in Lima, Peru

Background imageDictator Collection: Eva Peron During Formal Reception

Eva Peron During Formal Reception
(Original Caption) 1951-Eva Peron, wife of the Argentine dictator, during formal reception. Photo, 1951

Background imageDictator Collection: Eva and Juan Peron Waving

Eva and Juan Peron Waving
(Original Caption) 8/28/1951-Argentina: President Juan Peron and his wife Eva smile as Argentinian workers demand that they run for re-election

Background imageDictator Collection: Joseph Stalin

Joseph Stalin, Premier of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in military uniform

Background imageDictator Collection: President Batista Addressing Crowd from Podium

President Batista Addressing Crowd from Podium
(Original Caption) 9/8/1952-Camp Columbia, Cuba-President Fulgencio Batista of Cuba addresses troops at Camp Columbia, during the celebration of Sergeants Revolt Day

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