Two cowpats on meadow
PeristalsisIllustration showing the process of Peristalsis. Peristalsis is the process of involuntary wave-like successive muscular contractions by which food is moved through the digestive tract
Democritus Treats Patient;Illust.;Hippoc(Original Caption) Democritus, Greek philosopher, searching for the seat of the bile. Hippocrates is shown visiting the "Laughing Philosopher." Undated copper engraving
Illustration of Dr. William Beaumont Inserting Tube In Alexis St. Martin's Torso(Original Caption) Illustration depicting Dr. William Beaumont (1785-1853) experimenting with digestive juice by tapping a fistule into the stomach of Alexis St. Martin. Undated colored drawing
Human digestive system, illustration
Diagram showing human liver, stomach, gallbladder and pancreas
Great White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus) with cross-section revealing internal organs of digestive system, side view
Common sundew, Round-leaved sundew -Drosera rotundifolia-, glandular tentacles
Cross section of human stomach
Cross section biomedical illustration of chemical breakdown in the digestive system
Burchells Zebra -Equus burchellii-, dung, Etosha National Park, Namibia
cowpat on meadow