Martin Luther King Leading Civil Rights MarchDr. Martin Luther King, Jr. marches with civl rights activists in a Open Housing demonstration through the pouring rain in the South Deering neighborhood of Chicago
Tarring and Feathering an English Dandie(Original Caption) "A new method of making Macarony making in Boston..." Revolutionary Cartoon: Litho by D.C. Johnston copied from 1774 British print showing two American Revolutionists
Women Picket ERAUnemployed, single women protesting the job placement of married women before themselves at the Emergency Relief Administration headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts
Blind City Workers Strike in New YorkA group of blind city workers picket against low pay and discrimination in front of New York City Hall
Paul Robeson, Others Protest At White Hou(Original Caption) 8/4/1940-Washington
Marchers Passing Confederate Flag Wavers(Original Caption) 4/4/1987-Colonial Heights, VA- About 450 marchers walk past Confederate flag-waving onlookers, as they make their way down the main street of Colonial Heights
Illustration Depicting Equal RightsCartoon on equal rights for all citizens shows Lady Liberty stirring a bowl of Citizenship filled with people with her spoon of Equal Rights. by C.J. Taylor. Undated illustration
Jews Condemned To Burn At The Stake(Original Caption) Jews condemned to be burned at the stake. Undated engraving
Joe Louis Golfing with Bill Spiller(Original Caption) 4/27/1952 Phoenix, AZ- Joe Louis, retired World Heavyweight champion
Paul Robeson with his AttorneySinger Paul Robeson and his attorney meet with State Department officials in order to obtain permission to travel abroad
Dependent in Court Case Against University of AlabamaDependent Polly Ann Hudson, who has entered into a court case against the University of Alabama for refusing her admission on moral grounds because of her pending divorce
President Kennedy with Committee on Equal Employment OpportunityPresident John F. Kennedy (center) meets with his Committee for Equal Employment Opportunity at the White House
President Kennedy With Civil Rights CommissionPresident Kennedy speaks with members of the United States Commission on Civil Rights on November 22, 1961
CORE Demonstrators Sit Outside Restaurant(Original Caption) 7/7/1963-Bronx, NY: Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) demonstrators sit outside a White Castle restaurant during night-long picketing
Police Remove Black Demonstrators From C(Original Caption) 7/31/1963-New York
Police Struggle With Black Man On Ground(Original Caption) 8/22/1963-New York, NY: Three patrolmen were injured and nine persons were taken into custody after a melee between police and Civil Rights demonstrators on the steps of City Hall
Police Scuffling with Chained Protesters(Original Caption) 8/23/1963-New York
March on Washington Participants at Lincoln MemorialMarch on Washington participants, marching from the Washington Monument, gather in front of the Lincoln Memorial to protest race discrimination
Crowd At Rally To Protest Murder Of Blac(Original Caption) 9/22/1963-New York, NY: Thousands gathered at a rally to protest murder of the children of Birmingham and to demand federal protection of negro people
Core Pickets Cambridge Restaurants(Original Caption) 7/10/1964- Cambridge, MA - A popular Cambridge resttaurant closed its doors
Politician Bella Abzug with Gloria Steinem and Jesse Jackson2/8/1972-Washington, D.C.-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Left to Right: Rep
Blacks Marching In Protest To Discrimina(Original Caption) 1/8/1965-Indianola, MS: Marching in double file, about 100 Negroes waved flags, chanted and carried signs stating "Uhuru, " an African word meaning "Freedom
Martin Luther King Assaulted During March(Original Caption) Chicago: Struck on the head by a rock thrown by a group of hecklers, Dr. Martin Luther King falls to one knee. Dr
Couple Suing for Racial Inequality(Original Caption) 12/4/1967-St. Louis, MO- The US Supreme Court announced it would hear a St. Louis case seeking to outlaw racial discrimination in housing by private developers. Mr. and Mrs
Soldiers at Civil Rights ProtestU.S. National Guard troops block off Beale Street as Civil Rights marchers wearing placards reading, "I AM A MAN" pass by on March 29, 1968
Group Standing Beneath Mexican Flag(Original Caption
Chicanos At Anti-Discrimination Rally(Original Caption) Sacramento: Chicanos held a rally at the state capitol to protest discrimination against Americans of Mexican descent
Chicana Woman at an Anti-Discrimination RallyThis young Chicana woman is one of a group which from Calexico, on the Mexican border, to Sacramento, a 600 mile journey nearly the length of California
Ken Brett Outside Demonstration(Original Caption) 7/23/1974-Pittsburgh, PA- While Pittsburgh civil rights groups picket the Hilton Hotel, All-Star game headquarters, pitcher Ken Brett of the Pirates signs autographs for kids
Allan BakkePortrait of Allan Bakke, who won the historic "reverse discrimination" case against the University of California
Fight National Oppression Sing Protest(Original Caption) 9/25/1978-Davis, CA- Protesters march outside the University of CA Davis medical school during the first day of classes as Allan Bakke
Allan Bakke's First Day of School(Original Caption) Allan Bakke (C)
South African Mining ConditionsMiners stand by two mine cars on their track at one of the De Beers mines, Kimberley, South Africa, early 20th Century. (Photo by FPG/Getty IMages)