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Disease Collection

Background imageDisease Collection: Mosquito (Culicidae), female, internal anatomy, and sucking blood from skin, cross-section

Mosquito (Culicidae), female, internal anatomy, and sucking blood from skin, cross-section

Background imageDisease Collection: Tsetse fly

Tsetse fly
african trypanosomiases, close-up view, disease, fly, front view, glossinidae, illustration, insect, magnification, other background, proboscis, realistic, trypanosomiasis, tsetse fly, with skin

Background imageDisease Collection: Osteoporosis

bmd, bone, bone disease, bone loss, bone mineral density, bone structure, canaliculi, disease, illustration, magnification, osteoporosis, other background, realistic, skeletal disorder, trabeculae

Background imageDisease Collection: Mosquito bite

Mosquito bite
bites, black background, deet, dengue fever, disease, front view, glow, illustration, insect, magnification, malaria, mosquito, mosquito bite, parasite, parasites, proboscis, protozoan parasite

Background imageDisease Collection: Total knee replacement, X-rays

Total knee replacement, X-rays
Total knee replacement. Coloured frontal (left) and profile (right) X-rays of the right knee of a 69 year old patient after total knee replacement surgery

Background imageDisease Collection: Man with Elephantaisis

Man with Elephantaisis
(Original Caption) Elephantiasis: Man with greatly enlarged and misformed legs and feet, typical of this affliction. Photo ca. 1880. BPA2 #1872

Background imageDisease Collection: Lou Gehrig, Of The Ny Yankees; Waist Up

Lou Gehrig, Of The Ny Yankees; Waist Up
(Original Caption) Photograph of Lou Gehrig, baseball star of the New York Yankees

Background imageDisease Collection: Drawing of Two Figures Warding off Death

Drawing of Two Figures Warding off Death
(Original Caption) 19th century drawing of a physician holding death at bay

Background imageDisease Collection: Microscopic Picture Of Sickle Cells

Microscopic Picture Of Sickle Cells
(Original Caption) Sickle Cell- deoxygenated cells (S/S) untreated. Undated

Background imageDisease Collection: Blood Cells - Normal And Sickle

Blood Cells - Normal And Sickle
(Original Caption) Boston, MA- Sickle cell anemia, a disease primarily affecting the Black communtity, has been much in the news lately, but much of the information has been misleading

Background imageDisease Collection: Cells Deformed by Sickle Cell Anemia

Cells Deformed by Sickle Cell Anemia
(Original Caption) Berkeley, CA- Both normal red blood cells (center foreground and upper right) and deformed cells can be seen in this sample of blood taken from a person with sickle cell anemia

Background imageDisease Collection: Drawing of The Gout, ca. 1799

Drawing of The Gout, ca. 1799
(Original Caption) Picture shows "The Gout, " by James Gillray on 5/14/1799. BPA2# 3528

Background imageDisease Collection: Portrait Of Man W/ Nose Disease And Son

Portrait Of Man W/ Nose Disease And Son
(Original Caption) Ghirllandaja, Domenico: Portrait of Count Sassetti (Original shows man with son not shown). Nose shows Rhinophyma. Undated. BPA2# 3354

Background imageDisease Collection: Joseph Lister

Joseph Lister
(Original Caption) Joseph Lister (1827-1912), English surgeon who used Carbolic spray to prevent septis. Developed antiseptic surgery which led to modern Asepsis. Undated photograph. BPA2# 6477

Background imageDisease Collection: Czarevitch Alexis After His Recovery

Czarevitch Alexis After His Recovery
(Original Caption) The Czarevitch Alexis, after his recovery from an attack of hemophilia that nearly ended his life. This photograph was taken in 1916 when he was almost twelve

Background imageDisease Collection: Court in Open Air During Epidemic

Court in Open Air During Epidemic
(Original Caption) 1918-Influenza Epidemic; court is held in open air in San Francisco

Background imageDisease Collection: Lou Gehrig Batting

Lou Gehrig Batting
Lou Gehrig batting, Williams catching. Undated photograph

Background imageDisease Collection: Dog Team Comes With Diphtheria Antitoxin

Dog Team Comes With Diphtheria Antitoxin
(Original Caption) 3/18/25-Alaska: This photo shows the arrival of the first dog team, driven by the famous Alaskan Musher, Kasson

Background imageDisease Collection: Men, Woman Seated;Investigating Gauley Br

Men, Woman Seated;Investigating Gauley Br
(Original Caption) 1/6/1936-Committee investigating silicosis at Gauley Bridge, W. VA. Left to right: Miss Phillipps Allen, Rep. Glenn Griswold, Rep. Vito Marcontonio and Rep. jennings Randolph

Background imageDisease Collection: Lou Gehrig Looking Out Of Dugout

Lou Gehrig Looking Out Of Dugout
(Original Caption) 5/3/1939-Detroit, MA: Lou Gehrig, iron man of the New York Yankees

Background imageDisease Collection: Lou Gehrig

Lou Gehrig
(Original Caption) 6/21/1939-New York, NY: Only empty seats and the X diamond where his power was feared by a countless parade of pitchers are in this photograph with Lou Gehrig

Background imageDisease Collection: Lou Gehrig In Dugout W/Yankee Teammates

Lou Gehrig In Dugout W/Yankee Teammates
(Original Caption) 6/21/1939-New York, NY: Lou Gehrig, "Iron Horse" first baseman of the New York Yankees, who has been ruled off the diamond by physicians of the Mayo Clinic

Background imageDisease Collection: Lou Gehrig Day at Yankee Stadium

Lou Gehrig Day at Yankee Stadium
(Original Caption) 7/4/1939- New York, NY: Gehrig honored at Yankee Stadium Double Party- Lou Gehrig, the "Iron Man" for the New York Yankees

Background imageDisease Collection: Lou Gehrig in Tears After Ovation

Lou Gehrig in Tears After Ovation
(Original Caption) 7/4/39-New York: Lou Gehrig, the "Iron Horse" of baseball, who was forced to the bency by amyotrophic lateral scherosis after playing 2, 130 consecutive games

Background imageDisease Collection: La Guardia Speaking at Yankee Stadium

La Guardia Speaking at Yankee Stadium
(Original Caption) 7/4/1939-New York, NY: Mayor LaGuardia at microphone speaking as Lou Gehrig listens with bowed head at Yankee Stadium, July 4th- Lou Gehrig Day

Background imageDisease Collection: Lou Gehrig In Yankees Dugout Watching

Lou Gehrig In Yankees Dugout Watching
(Original Caption) 10/4/39-New York: Lou Gehrig

Background imageDisease Collection: Shirtless Man Looking Into Microscope

Shirtless Man Looking Into Microscope
(Original Caption) 1943-Guadalcanal: Mosquitos cause malaria and on Guadalcanal they get just as much attention as the Japs. Commissioned by entomologist Dr. James R

Background imageDisease Collection: Pharmacist Placing Sign in Store

Pharmacist Placing Sign in Store
(Original Caption) 3/16/45 NEW YORK: Manager Dave Tarlow of Whalen's Drug Store, 55 E

Background imageDisease Collection: Bhopal Residents at Union Carbide Gate

Bhopal Residents at Union Carbide Gate
Residents of Bhopal stand outside the gate of the Union Carbide factory where, earlier in the month, a chemical leak killed thousands and blinded many others. India

Background imageDisease Collection: Marc Christian and Marvin Mitchelson Announcing Lawsuit

Marc Christian and Marvin Mitchelson Announcing Lawsuit
Attorney Marvin Mitchelson speaks at a press conference in which he announced that his client, Marc Christian, would be suing the estate of Rock Hudson

Background imageDisease Collection: James Lind Giving Citrus Fruits to Sailors with Scurvy

James Lind Giving Citrus Fruits to Sailors with Scurvy
(Original Caption) James Lind (1716-1794)

Background imageDisease Collection: Ronald Reagan Cuts Birthday Cake

Ronald Reagan Cuts Birthday Cake
(Original Caption) CANDID HOLLYWOOD- Ronald Reagan gets a buzz and a "happy birthday" from his lovely wife

Background imageDisease Collection: Lou Gehrig Retires in Yankee Stadium

Lou Gehrig Retires in Yankee Stadium
Original caption: 7/4/39-New York: Lou Gehrig, the "Iron Horse" of baseball, who was forced to the bench by amyotrophic lateral scherosis after playing 2, 130 consecutive games

Background imageDisease Collection: Illustration of Diseased Cow Being Milked

Illustration of Diseased Cow Being Milked
Illustration from Frank Leslie's Illustrated News of a diseased cow, unable to stand on its own, pulled up to be milked by an unscrupulous owner

Background imageDisease Collection: Advertisment for Warner's Safe Cure Almanac for 1890

Advertisment for Warner's Safe Cure Almanac for 1890
(Original Caption) Ad for Warner's "Safe Cure Almanac" of 1890, with an illustration depicting a man hanging poster advertisements for various Warner's treatments

Background imageDisease Collection: Octopus W/Scenes Of Sickness & Death

Octopus W/Scenes Of Sickness & Death
(Original Caption) Illustration criticizing the pollution of New York's air by the Standard Oil plant in the Bronx

Background imageDisease Collection: Book Illustration of Paracelsus

Book Illustration of Paracelsus
Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus: (1493?-1541) Alchemist and physician in Germany and Switzerland. He taught that diseases are specific entities and can be cured by specific remedies

Background imageDisease Collection: Illustration of the 'Crib' Used To Restrain Mental Patients

Illustration of the "Crib" Used To Restrain Mental Patients
(Original Caption) 1882-Treatment of mental disease in 19TH century. The "crib" a device to restrain unmanageable cases in a New York Institution. Woodcut, 1882.BPA2# 3929

Background imageDisease Collection: Terminal Roy Morris Enjoying a Soda

Terminal Roy Morris Enjoying a Soda
(Original Caption) 11/10/1950- New York, NY- In approximately two months, this blue-eyed Georgia boy, Roy Morris

Background imageDisease Collection: Heart attack and ECG trace

Heart attack and ECG trace
Heart attack, conceptual computer artwork showing an ECG (electrocardiogram) trace from an unhealthy human heart

Background imageDisease Collection: Dr. Leon Lapeyssonie Performs Puncture

Dr. Leon Lapeyssonie Performs Puncture
Dr. Leon Lapeyssonie, World Health Organization consultant, performs a lumbar puncture to help him make his diagnosis. Dr. Lapeyssonie was on a campaign against cerebrospinal meningitis

Background imageDisease Collection: Line Of Blind Africans Walking W/Canes

Line Of Blind Africans Walking W/Canes
(Original Caption) 10/15/1972-Chad, Central Africa- Clutching walking sticks, blind and near-blind natives of Chad walk in their village heavily infected with onchocerciasis, or river blindness

Background imageDisease Collection: Boy Living in Bubble

Boy Living in Bubble
David the Bubble Boy plays in the enclosed plastic environment at the Texas Children's Hospital

Background imageDisease Collection: Coal Miners Strike in Front of White House

Coal Miners Strike in Front of White House
(Original Caption) 3/9/1981-Washington

Background imageDisease Collection: Advertisement for Migranin for headaches and migraines by Farbwerke Hoechst

Advertisement for Migranin for headaches and migraines by Farbwerke Hoechst
1 person, 1900s, 19th-century, accurate, advertising, announcement, announcements, archive, black, black-and-white, black-white, commerce, contemporary, copy, depiction, depictions, digital

Background imageDisease Collection: A consultation hour in the Sebastianeum

A consultation hour in the Sebastianeum
1900s, 19th-century, bayern, black, black-and-white, black-white, building, buildings, complaint, complaints, consultation, consultations, depiction, depictions, digital, digitally, disease

Background imageDisease Collection: The spa doctor receives his patients in Thuringia

The spa doctor receives his patients in Thuringia
1900s, 19th-century, art work, arts, artwork, artworks, black, black-and-white, black-white, cure, depiction, depictions, digital, digitally, disease, diseased, diseases, drawing, drawings, drawn

Background imageDisease Collection: At the Sickbed, Mother Watching at the Bedside of the Sick Child

At the Sickbed, Mother Watching at the Bedside of the Sick Child
1900s, 19th-century, arts, bed, beds, building, buildings, children, clinic, clinical centre, complaint, complaints, depiction, depictions, digital, digitally, disease, diseased, diseases

Background imageDisease Collection: Bei der Dorfsybille, Prophetin

Bei der Dorfsybille, Prophetin
1900s, 19th-century, 3 people, america, american, complaint, complaints, digital, digitally, disease, diseased, diseases, ecological, ecologically, ecology, environmental, europe's, female

Background imageDisease Collection: Caring for a casualty at a main ambulance station in Berlin

Caring for a casualty at a main ambulance station in Berlin
1900s, 19th-century, animals, bed, beds, black, black-and-white, black-white, cadaver, carcass, carcasses, clinic, clinical centre, consultation, consultations, depiction, depictions, diagnose

Background imageDisease Collection: Exercise for rescuing fire patients in a Berlin hospital

Exercise for rescuing fire patients in a Berlin hospital
1900s, 19th-century, action, activities, activity, aid organisation, aid organisations, aid organization, art work, arts, artwork, artworks, athletic, black, black-and-white, black-white, burn

Background imageDisease Collection: Symbolic photo for Ash Wednesday

Symbolic photo for Ash Wednesday
1900s, 19th-century, 2 people, adults, art work, arts, artwork, artworks, black, black-and-white, black-white, concept, concept image, depiction, depictions, digital, digitally, disease, diseased

Background imageDisease Collection: A group of black slaves dancing in the Dou

A group of black slaves dancing in the Dou
1900s, 19th-century, 38, ache, african, african ethnie, africans, america, appliances, black, black-and-white, black-white, bunch of, characteristic, colored, colorful, colorfully, coloured

Background imageDisease Collection: Sale of a black slave and her child

Sale of a black slave and her child
1900s, 19th-century, 5 people, ache, african, african ethnie, africans, america, black, black-and-white, black-white, characteristic, children, colored, colorful, colorfully, coloured, colourful

Background imageDisease Collection: Slave auction, local farmer buys slaves from slave trader

Slave auction, local farmer buys slaves from slave trader
1900s, 19th-century, ache, african, african ethnie, africans, agrarian, agricultural, agriculturally, black, black-and-white, black-white, buy, characteristic, colored, colorful, colorfully

Background imageDisease Collection: Five Christian Slaves Fleeing Algiers by Rowboat

Five Christian Slaves Fleeing Algiers by Rowboat
1900s, 19th-century, 3 people, 5, ache, african, african ethnie, africans, algerian, algier, black, black-and-white, black-white, boat, boats, characteristic, christian, colored, colorful

Background imageDisease Collection: Dutch Merchant with Slaves, c. 1700

Dutch Merchant with Slaves, c. 1700
1900s, 19th-century, ache, african, african ethnie, africans, black, black-and-white, black-white, characteristic, colored, colorful, colorfully, coloured, colourful, colourfully, concern, copy

Background imageDisease Collection: Slaves harvesting cinnamon near Colombo

Slaves harvesting cinnamon near Colombo
1900s, 19th-century, 5 people, ache, african, african ethnie, africans, black, black-and-white, black-white, capital, capital city, capitals, characteristic, cinnamomum, cities, colored, colorful

Background imageDisease Collection: Male and female Ethiopian slaves resting

Male and female Ethiopian slaves resting
1900s, 19th-century, ache, african, african ethnie, africans, black, black-and-white, black-white, break, characteristic, colored, colorful, colorfully, coloured, colourful, colourfully, concern

Background imageDisease Collection: European men inspecting slaves in the slave market of Rio de Janeiro

European men inspecting slaves in the slave market of Rio de Janeiro
1900s, 19th-century, ache, african, african ethnie, africans, altertum, america, ancient civilizations, ancient times, ancient world, antiquity, augustus, black, black-and-white, black-white

Background imageDisease Collection: The Slave Market in Cairo, c. 1850

The Slave Market in Cairo, c. 1850
1900s, 19th-century, ache, african, african ethnie, africans, black, black-and-white, black-white, characteristic, colored, colorful, colorfully, coloured, colourful, colourfully, concern, copy

Background imageDisease Collection: Habesh or Abyssinian Slave, Characters

Habesh or Abyssinian Slave, Characters
1900s, 19th-century, 3 people, ache, african, african ethnie, africans, black, black-and-white, black-white, body of water, character, characteristic, colored, colorful, colorfully, coloured

Background imageDisease Collection: Various forms of mutilation and torture

Various forms of mutilation and torture
1900s, 19th-century, ache, assorted, black, black-and-white, black-white, books, brutal, brutalities, brutality, burnings, copy, crime fiction, crime story, crimes, criminality, cut off, cutting off

Background imageDisease Collection: Torture, the barricade, stripped civilians placed in front of military troops as a shield

Torture, the barricade, stripped civilians placed in front of military troops as a shield
1900s, 1914-1918, 19th-century, 1th world war, ache, barricades, belgian, belgien, benelux countries, black, black-and-white, black-white, brutal, brutalities, brutality, copy, crime fiction

Background imageDisease Collection: Persecutions of Christians by Emperor Diocletian

Persecutions of Christians by Emperor Diocletian
1900s, 19th-century, ache, attraction, attractions, black, black-and-white, black-white, brutal, brutalities, brutality, building, buildings, central italy, copy, crime fiction, crime story, crimes

Background imageDisease Collection: Torture, The beating of three saints with their backs tied together

Torture, The beating of three saints with their backs tied together
1900s, 19th-century, 3, 3 people, ache, backs, beat, black, black-and-white, black-white, brutal, brutalities, brutality, bump, bunch of, copy, crime fiction, crime story, crimes, criminality

Background imageDisease Collection: St. Rosalie in Intercession for the Plague Sufferers of Palermo

St. Rosalie in Intercession for the Plague Sufferers of Palermo
1900s, 19th-century, angel figure, angel figures, angels, artists, arts, belief, believer, believers, black, black-and-white, black-white, body of water, character, complaint, complaints, contagious

Background imageDisease Collection: Cholera in Palermo, 1835. Men in uniform pick up a corpse in the street and place it on a cart

Cholera in Palermo, 1835. Men in uniform pick up a corpse in the street and place it on a cart
1900s, 19th-century, 5 people, black, black-and-white, black-white, body of water, center, centers, centre, cities, city center, city centre, complaint, complaints, contagious, contemporary, copy

Background imageDisease Collection: The Flagellation of Jesus Christ by the Florentine painter Bacchiacca

The Flagellation of Jesus Christ by the Florentine painter Bacchiacca
1900s, 19th-century, 4 people, ache, art work, artistic, artistically, arts, artwork, artworks, belief, bible stories, biblical, biblical figure, biblical figures, black, black-and-white

Background imageDisease Collection: Iron Maiden torture instrument

Iron Maiden torture instrument
1900s, 19th-century, 2 people, ache, appliances, attraction, attractions, bayern, black, black-and-white, black-white, building, buildings, castell, castelo, castles, construction, contemporary

Background imageDisease Collection: Heart bypass graft, artwork

Heart bypass graft, artwork
Heart bypass graft. Computer artwork of a heart that has had a blockage of the coronary arteries treated by coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery

Background imageDisease Collection: Angioplasty, artwork

Angioplasty, artwork
Balloon angioplasty. Computer artwork of a stent being placed in a narrowed blood vessel

Background imageDisease Collection: Human heart attack, illustration

Human heart attack, illustration
Human heart attack, computer illustration

Background imageDisease Collection: Stent inside of an artery, illustration

Stent inside of an artery, illustration

Background imageDisease Collection: Alien wearing a face mask, illustration

Alien wearing a face mask, illustration

Background imageDisease Collection: Person Smoking Snakes

Person Smoking Snakes

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