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Eagle Collection

Background imageEagle Collection: White-tailed Eagle or Sea Eagle -Haliaeetus albicilla- about to grab for a fish

White-tailed Eagle or Sea Eagle -Haliaeetus albicilla- about to grab for a fish, Lauvsnes, Flatanger, Nord-Trondelag, Trondelag, Norway

Background imageEagle Collection: Callisto And Artemis

Callisto And Artemis
The nymph Callisto succumbs to the embraces of Zeus, who is disguised as the goddess Artemis

Background imageEagle Collection: Golden Eagle -Aquila chrysaetos- in flight

Golden Eagle -Aquila chrysaetos- in flight, landing at a bait place, Kainuu, Utajarvi, Nordfinnland, Finland

Background imageEagle Collection: Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) with ruffled feathers

Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) with ruffled feathers

Background imageEagle Collection: Greece, Third Wonder, seated statue of Greek God Zeus, located in ancient town of Olympia

Greece, Third Wonder, seated statue of Greek God Zeus, located in ancient town of Olympia

Background imageEagle Collection: Snowy Owl, Arctic Owl, Great White Owl

Snowy Owl, Arctic Owl, Great White Owl, Harfang (Bubo scandiacus) (Nyctea scandiaca), calling

Background imageEagle Collection: Illustration of Apollo Eagle Lunar module landing on the moon, 1969

Illustration of Apollo Eagle Lunar module landing on the moon, 1969

Background imageEagle Collection: Silhouette of a Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) flying through the tree tops

Silhouette of a Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) flying through the tree tops
Atlin, British Columbia, Canada

Background imageEagle Collection: Political Cartoon Depicting Foreign Affairs

Political Cartoon Depicting Foreign Affairs
(Original Caption) Circumstances Alter Cases! British Lion: "Well, I'll be blowed if that greedy Yankee Eagle hain't trying to spread himself all over Hamerica!"

Background imageEagle Collection: Weapons for Liberty Liberty Loan Poster by Joseph Christian Leyendecker

Weapons for Liberty Liberty Loan Poster by Joseph Christian Leyendecker
Advertisement for "USA Bonds-Third Liberty Loan Campaign Boy Scouts of America-Weapons for Liberty."

Background imageEagle Collection: Election Poster for Grover Cleveland

Election Poster for Grover Cleveland
A poster showing the Democratic ticket for 1884, Grover Cleveland and Thomas A. Hendricks

Background imageEagle Collection: National Recovery Administration Sticker

National Recovery Administration Sticker
A sticker for the New Deal National Recovery Administration shows the Blue Eagle symbol and the slogan, "We do our part."

Background imageEagle Collection: Print of the Statue Of Zeus; Wonder Of The World

Print of the Statue Of Zeus; Wonder Of The World
(Original Caption) Wonders of the World- Statue of Zeus by Phidia. BPA 2#5526

Background imageEagle Collection: Coat of Arms for a German State

Coat of Arms for a German State
German coat of arms with the eagle symbol of the Prussian royal family and topped by the German imperial crown of 1889

Background imageEagle Collection: Coat of Arms for a German State

Coat of Arms for a German State
The coat of arms for the royal family of a German State

Background imageEagle Collection: Civil War Poster Offering Draft Avoidian

Civil War Poster Offering Draft Avoidian
(Original Caption) Civil War poster offering chance to avoid the draft

Background imageEagle Collection: Engraving of the Seal of the United States

Engraving of the Seal of the United States
The Great Seal of the United States, original version; present seal reserve. Undated engraving

Background imageEagle Collection: Calvin Coolidge and Charles Dawes Election Poster

Calvin Coolidge and Charles Dawes Election Poster
(Original Caption) 1924-Election poster for Calvin Coolidge and Charles Dawes, 1924

Background imageEagle Collection: 'Living Blue Eagle' Formed by School Children

"Living Blue Eagle" Formed by School Children
A living "Blue Eagle" formed by several thousand school children of San Francisco

Background imageEagle Collection: National Recovery Act Logos Painted on Women's Backs

National Recovery Act Logos Painted on Women's Backs
(Original Caption) 9/14/1933-Miami

Background imageEagle Collection: Princess Hahaop Moraqua Displays NRA Basket

Princess Hahaop Moraqua Displays NRA Basket
Princess Hahaop Moraqua of the Klamath displays the basket she wove for President Franklin Roosevelt bearing the symbol of the National Recovery Administration

Background imageEagle Collection: Tailor Jacob Meged Standing in Store Window

Tailor Jacob Meged Standing in Store Window
(Original Caption) The NRA is O.K. with Jacob Maged, tailor, now. He's pictured putting up the Blue Eagle after Judge Robert V. Kinkead of Jersey City, N.J

Background imageEagle Collection: Victory, World War I Black Soldiers Memorial by Leonard Crunelle

Victory, World War I Black Soldiers Memorial by Leonard Crunelle
A crowd gathers for the unveiling of a memorial for African American solidiers killed during World War I on Chicago's South Side on Armistice Day, 1936. | Located in: Chicago

Background imageEagle Collection: Lee Iacocca Introduces 1988 Models

Lee Iacocca Introduces 1988 Models
(Original Caption) 9/23/1987- Detroit, MI- Chrysler Chairman Lee Iacocca introduces the company's new products for 1988 at their styling dome 9/23

Background imageEagle Collection: Close-Up Of The Essential Worker Pin

Close-Up Of The Essential Worker Pin
(Original Caption) With all hiring of workers being done through the U.S

Background imageEagle Collection: Close-Up Of Man's Hand Flipping Coin

Close-Up Of Man's Hand Flipping Coin
(Original Caption) Photo shows a close-up of a man's hand flipping a coin. Undated

Background imageEagle Collection: Crest of the Romanov Imperial House

Crest of the Romanov Imperial House
An illustration of the crest of the imperial family of Russia

Background imageEagle Collection: China And The Us Celebrating The 4Th

China And The Us Celebrating The 4Th
(Original Caption) Picture shows China and the United States happy to be celebrating the Fourth of July. Undated illustration

Background imageEagle Collection: Portrait Illustration of Peter the Great and Catherine I the Great

Portrait Illustration of Peter the Great and Catherine I the Great

Background imageEagle Collection: Sinbad Raised by an Eagle by Carl Offterdinger from The Arabian Nights

Sinbad Raised by an Eagle by Carl Offterdinger from The Arabian Nights
Color illustration from the Arabian Nights depicting Sinbad being carried aloft by an eagle

Background imageEagle Collection: Cigar Box Label 'La Divinidad' Cigars

Cigar Box Label "La Divinidad" Cigars
(Original Caption) "La Divinidad" cigar box label with an illustration depicting three women riding on the wings of a golden eagle. Undated color lithograph. Prices printed below

Background imageEagle Collection: Murad Cigarette Ad with Soldier and Eagle

Murad Cigarette Ad with Soldier and Eagle
(Original Caption) Advertisement for Murad Turkish cigarettes, with illustration of soldier and eagle. Undated color lithograph

Background imageEagle Collection: Engraving Of 4 Non-Zodiac Constellations

Engraving Of 4 Non-Zodiac Constellations
(Original Caption) Engraving of a View of the Heavens. This illustration shows the constellations Delphinus, Sagitta, Aquila, Antinous

Background imageEagle Collection: Cartoon On Natl. Recovery Act (N.R.A.)

Cartoon On Natl. Recovery Act (N.R.A.)
(Original Caption) Cartoon on the National Industrial Recovery Act (N.R.A.) by Marcy. Undated illustration

Background imageEagle Collection: Constellation Sagitta & Aquila--Illus

Constellation Sagitta & Aquila--Illus
(Original Caption) Illustration depicting the constellation Sagitta and Aquila. Engraving by Jacob de Gheyn, 1621

Background imageEagle Collection: Sinbad Raised by an Eagle by Carl Offterdinger from The Arabian Nights

Sinbad Raised by an Eagle by Carl Offterdinger from The Arabian Nights
Color illustration from the Arabian Nights depicting Sinbad being carried aloft by an eagle

Background imageEagle Collection: Symbols of Russo-Turkish War

Symbols of Russo-Turkish War
(Original Caption) 1877: An illustration entitled "The Situation on the Black Sea." A man wearing a crescent moon on his hat

Background imageEagle Collection: N.R.A. Poster From Fdr Administration

N.R.A. Poster From Fdr Administration
(Original Caption) N.R.A. poster from the Franklin D. Roosevelt Administration, with the slogan "WE DO OUR PART."

Background imageEagle Collection: Crown With Eagle On 'Habana' Cigar Box

Crown With Eagle On "Habana" Cigar Box
(Original Caption) A gold crown with an eagle perched on top on a cigar box cover. "Habana, " printed below portrait along with a list of prices

Background imageEagle Collection: Man Holding Wooden Eagle from America Yacht

Man Holding Wooden Eagle from America Yacht
A man holds up a wooden eagle which once graced the saloon of the America when that yacht won the America Cup in 1851

Background imageEagle Collection: Senator John F. Kennedy Making Acceptance Speech

Senator John F. Kennedy Making Acceptance Speech
Senator John Kennedy makes acceptance speech for Presidential nomination at Democratic National Convention of 1960

Background imageEagle Collection: Police Watching Activity Across Border

Police Watching Activity Across Border
(Original Caption) Berlin: Dwarfed by the statue atop the Brandenburg Gate, Communist police watch activity across border in West Berlin from roof observation post, August 26, 1961

Background imageEagle Collection: Portrait of President John F. Kennedy

Portrait of President John F. Kennedy
Pres. Kennedy tells a news conference that the U.S. plans to keep its combat units in Germany in strength, "as they are today." He added that the U.S

Background imageEagle Collection: Illustrative Depiction of Space Logo

Illustrative Depiction of Space Logo
(Original Caption) Houston, Texas: The Apollo 17 Mission emblem, designed by Robert T. McCall, in collaboration with Eugene Crenan, Ronald Evans, and Harrison Schmitt

Background imageEagle Collection: John Denver Talks To His Ca Golden Eagle

John Denver Talks To His Ca Golden Eagle
(Original Caption) HOLLYWOOD, CA: Folksinger John Denver talks to his California Golden Eagle "Shawani, " age 6

Background imageEagle Collection: Susan B. Anthony Dollar

Susan B. Anthony Dollar
(Original Caption) 2/2/1979-San Francisco, CA- The U.S. Mint 2/2 introduced the new Susan B. Anthony Dollar, which is just a little bigger than a quarter and has no silver in it

Background imageEagle Collection: The image describes a military procession in which the leading horseman or aquilifer carries one or an eagle (Aquila)

The image describes a military procession in which the leading horseman or aquilifer carries one or an eagle (Aquila)
17th-century, 4 people, animals, antica, aquila, attraction, attractions, aves, battles, birds, birds of prey, black, black-and-white, black-white, carry, central italy, contemporary, depiction

Background imageEagle Collection: La Fontaines Fables - Eagle and the Owl

La Fontaines Fables - Eagle and the Owl
Vintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Eagle and the Owl

Background imageEagle Collection: La Fontaines Fables - Eagle Wild Sow and Cat

La Fontaines Fables - Eagle Wild Sow and Cat
Vintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Eagle, The Wild Sow, and the Cat

Background imageEagle Collection: Eagle and the magpie

Eagle and the magpie
" The eagle and the magpie, a scene fram La Fontaine. Engraving from 1870. Engraving by Gustave Dore, Photo by D Walker."

Background imageEagle Collection: La Fontaines Fables - Eagle and the Magpie

La Fontaines Fables - Eagle and the Magpie
Vintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Eagle and the Magpie

Background imageEagle Collection: Dante and the Eagle

Dante and the Eagle
" Dante and the Eagle a scene from Dantes Inferno. Engraving from 1870. Engraving by Gustave Dore, Photo by D Walker."

Background imageEagle Collection: Inauguration of the New York Crystal Palace, Illustrated London News

Inauguration of the New York Crystal Palace, Illustrated London News
Scanned directly from The Illustrated London News, Saturday August 13, 1853

Background imageEagle Collection: A Stellers sea eagle fishing

A Stellers sea eagle fishing
A Stellers sea eagle (Haliaeetus pelagius) in flight catching a fish on the ocean surface, Raisa, Hokkaido, Japan

Background imageEagle Collection: A Stellers sea eaglein flight during a snow storm

A Stellers sea eaglein flight during a snow storm
A Stellers sea eagle (Haliaeetus pelagius) in flight, Raisa, Hokkaido, Japan

Background imageEagle Collection: A Stellers sea eagle landing in a snow storm

A Stellers sea eagle landing in a snow storm
A Stellers sea eagle (Haliaeetus pelagius) landing in a snow storm Raisa, Hokkaido, Japan

Background imageEagle Collection: Two Stellers sea eagles collide while an attempt fishing

Two Stellers sea eagles collide while an attempt fishing
Two Stellers sea eagles (Haliaeetus pelagius) collide in flight catching a fish on the ocean surface, Raisa, Hokkaido, Japan

Background imageEagle Collection: Emerald Bay Morning

Emerald Bay Morning
Image capured a brisk fall morning at Emerald Bay, Lake Tahoe. A few whispy morning clouds coveing the sky with the sun rising on the left side of the image

Background imageEagle Collection: Eagle and Banner

Eagle and Banner

Background imageEagle Collection: Eggs of European birds, lithograph, published in 1897

Eggs of European birds, lithograph, published in 1897
Eggs of European birds

Background imageEagle Collection: Illustration of German eagle crest

Illustration of German eagle crest

Background imageEagle Collection: Birds of prey, hand-colored lithograph, published in 1880

Birds of prey, hand-colored lithograph, published in 1880
1) Eurasian griffon (Gyps fulvus), 2) bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus), 3) eagle owl (Bubo), 4) osprey (Pandion haliaetus), 5) long-eared owl (Asio otus), 6) chicken hawk (UAccipiter gentilis)

Background imageEagle Collection: 16th century, antique, art, atlas, book, cherubs, columns, cover, eagle, engraving

16th century, antique, art, atlas, book, cherubs, columns, cover, eagle, engraving, et graeciae tabule geographice, figures, frontispiece, geography, gerard mercator, historic, history

Background imageEagle Collection: Illustration of Noah and his three sons Shem

Illustration of Noah and his three sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth constructing the Ark as his wife calls chosen animals using shofar

Background imageEagle Collection: Illustration of flag of Egypt, horizontal bands of red

Illustration of flag of Egypt, horizontal bands of red, white and black with yellow Eagle of Saladin in centre

Background imageEagle Collection: Digital illustration of Eagles soaring using columns of warm air known as thermal updraughts formed

Digital illustration of Eagles soaring using columns of warm air known as thermal updraughts formed

Background imageEagle Collection: Eagle Gate Arch, Kanab, Utah, USA, America

Eagle Gate Arch, Kanab, Utah, USA, America

Background imageEagle Collection: Lammergeier or Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus)

Lammergeier or Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus), Alpine Zoo Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria, Europe

Background imageEagle Collection: animal, avian, bird, buteo, day, eagle, hawk, head shot, looking away, nobody, outdoor

animal, avian, bird, buteo, day, eagle, hawk, head shot, looking away, nobody, outdoor, plumage, predator, proud, raptor, wildlife, Hemera, 87465563

Background imageEagle Collection: ave, avian, captive animals, eagle, haliaeetus leucocephalus, nobody, ornithology

ave, avian, captive animals, eagle, haliaeetus leucocephalus, nobody, ornithology
Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), captive

Background imageEagle Collection: Caernarfon Quayside

Caernarfon Quayside North Wales

Background imageEagle Collection: Caernarfon, castle

Caernarfon, castle
Caernarfon castle, at sunset with its fortress towers and stronghold, overlooking the river Seiont at low tide

Background imageEagle Collection: Eagle Pair

Eagle Pair
A pair of bald eagles perch themselves on a dead lodgepole pine in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming during a cold winters day

Background imageEagle Collection: Watch Tower

Watch Tower
Bald Eagle keeping an eye out for fish in the river below

Background imageEagle Collection: Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle
A bald eagle soars overhead during a sunny winters day in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

Background imageEagle Collection: Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle
A bald eagle sits on a log during a vibrant sunrise in Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska

Background imageEagle Collection: Stone eagle engraving 1892

Stone eagle engraving 1892
Die VAogel - Dr. Alfred Brehm, Leipzig und Wien 1892

Background imageEagle Collection: Snake eagle engraving 1892

Snake eagle engraving 1892
Die VAogel - Dr. Alfred Brehm, Leipzig und Wien 1892

Background imageEagle Collection: Martial eagle engraving 1892

Martial eagle engraving 1892
Die VAogel - Dr. Alfred Brehm, Leipzig und Wien 1892

Background imageEagle Collection: Long Crested Eagle engraving 1892

Long Crested Eagle engraving 1892
Die VAogel - Dr. Alfred Brehm, Leipzig und Wien 1892

Background imageEagle Collection: Lesser spotted eagle engraving 1892

Lesser spotted eagle engraving 1892
Die VAogel - Dr. Alfred Brehm, Leipzig und Wien 1892

Background imageEagle Collection: Harpy eagle engraving 1892

Harpy eagle engraving 1892
Die VAogel - Dr. Alfred Brehm, Leipzig und Wien 1892

Background imageEagle Collection: Crested eagle engraving 1892

Crested eagle engraving 1892
Brehms Thierleben (Tierleben). Allgemeine Kunde des Thierreichs. Zweite Abtheilung - VAogel. by A. Brehm, 1892

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