Harry Truman Signing Bill(Original Caption) President Truman at desk in White House. Behind him are, left to right: Sen. Vandenberg, Rep. Chas Eaton, Sen. Connally, Oscar Cox, gen
Key Pittman and Senators(Original Caption) Agreement Reached on Neutrality Bill
Joseph P. Kennedy Meeting with House Foreign Affairs(Original Caption) Joseph P. Kennedy, former members of the house Foreign Affairs Committee are shown following his testimony before the Committee. Left to right are Joseph P. Kennedy, Rep
FDR Relaxes in Chair After Signing Declaration of WarPressive ceremonies were conducted
FDR Signs War DeclarationPresident Roosevelt signing document
Franklin D. Roosevelt Signing Bill(Original Caption) President Roosevelt signed the renewal of the Lend Lease Bill yesterday thereby extending it for another year
Roosevelt Signs Lend-Lease Extension(Original Caption) LEND-LEASE EXTENDED, Washington, D.C
Charles Eaton Conferring with Thomas Dewey(Original Caption) Confer in Albany. Albany, New York: Rep. Charles A Eaton (left), of Watchung, N.J. ranking member of the House Finance Committee, as he confers with Gov. Thomas E
President Truman Signing a Foreign Aid Bill(Original Caption) President Truman signed into law today the six-billion dollar foreign aid program
George C Marshall with Sol Bloom and Charles Eaton(Original Caption) Secretary of State George C