Egyptian God Osirisillustration of a Egyptian God osiis
Egyptian godsIllustration of a Egyptian gods
Egyptian God Sobekillustration of a Egyptian God Sobek
Papyrus Depicting Horus and Queen NefertitiEgyptian papyrus depicting Horus and Queen Nefertiti
Calcite Perfume Jar from the First Outermost Shrine in the Tomb of Tutankhamun(Original Caption) An ancient Egyptian, elaborately carved pefume jar made of calcite. It was found in 1922 by Howard Carter in the tomb of Tutankhamen, in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt
Osiris, Egyptian god of the afterlife, wood engraving, published 1878Osiris - the Egyptian god of the afterlife, death, life, and resurrection. Woodcut engraving, published in 1878
Egyptian God Raillustration of a Egyptian God Ra
carving of the Egyptian God Horusbeautiful carving of the Egyptian God Horus on a wall at the Temple of Philae, Lake Nasser
Thutmose III and Ramesses IIVintage engraving from 1864 of the Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Thutmose III and Ramesses II
Anubis and ThothVintage engraving from 1864 of Anubis and Thoth. Anubis is jackal-headed god associated with mummification and the afterlife in ancient Egyptian religion
Bastet and Amen RaVintage engraving from 1864 of Bastet and Amen Ra. Bastet is a feline goddess of ancient Egyptian religion. Amun (also Amon, Amen) was a local deity of Thebes
Capital from the Hathor temple in DenderaIllustration of a Capital from the Hathor temple in Dendera
Egyptian God Thothillustration of a Egyptian God Thoth
Egyptian God Khnumillustration of a Egyptian God Khnum
Egyptian God Horusillustration of a Egyptian God Horus
Egyptian God Tefnutillustration of a Egyptian God Tefnut
Egyptian God Amunillustration of a Egyptian God Amun, Amon, Amen
Pharaoh in the templeIllustration of a Pharaoh in the temple
The entombment of an Egyptian kingIllustration of The entombment of an Egyptian king
Egyptian God Nephthysillustration of a Egyptian God Nephthys
Egyptian God Isisillustration of a Egyptian God Isis
Sacrificing priests in ancient EgyptIllustration of a Sacrificing priests in ancient Egypt
Egyptian God Ptahillustration of a Egyptian God Ptah
Egyptian pylon fronting the Temple of Isis at Philae on Lake NasserTemple of Isis, the beautiful Ptolemaic/Roman centerpiece of Philae fronted by an Egyptian pylon
Relief of Isis and her son Horus at Temple of Isis in PhilaeWell-preserved carved relief of Isis and her son Horus at Temple of Isis in Philae
Entrance to the Temple of Isis with two stone lions, the centerpiece of Philae
The picturesque Shallal village on Lake Nasser, which is where the boats to Philae depart from
Courtyard flanked by colonnades at the Temple of Isis in PhilaeEntrance and courtyard flanked by well-preserved colonnades at the Temple of Isis in Philae
Well-preserved carved relief of the pylon at the Temple of Isis in Philae
Fine reliefs at the Temple of Isis in PhilaeFine wall reliefs at the Temple of Isis in Philae
The Kiosk of Trajan on the island of Philae served as the royal landing for the temple