Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. at His Desk(Original Caption) Oliver Wendell Holmes (1841-1935), Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, is shown seated at his desk. Photograph
Shozo Otsuka In Front Of His Rice Field(Original Caption) Seventy-three year old Shozo Otsuka of Kanagawa prefecture, adjoining Tokyo prefecture, the first tenant farmer in all Japan to buy land under the Japanese Land Reform Law
Hermann HesseGerman writer and Nobel Prize winner Hermann Hesse
Pituitary tumour, CT scanPituitary tumour. Coloured computed tomography (CT) scan of a section through the brain of an 84-year-old male patient with a tumour (round, centre) affecting the pituitary gland
Political Cartoon of Andrew Jackson as Absolute MonarchA political cartoon made during Andrew Jackson's presidency depicts Jackson as an absolute monarch who abuses his veto power and tramples on the Constitution
Child Murderer Albert Fish(Original Caption) 2/20/1935-East View, NY: Is Albert Fish Sane
Mathematician Charles Babbage(Original Caption) Charles Babbage (1792-1871). English mathematician and mechanical genius. Undated photograph
Shoshoni Dancers at Fort WashakieA group Shoshoni dance at the Fort Washakie reservation in Wyoming. Standing at far left, with his arm outstretched, is Chief Washakie
Portrait of John Adams by Thomas Spear after Gilbert Stuart(Original Caption) John Adams (1735-1826), second President of the United States
Russian PeasantsA group of Russian peasants visit town in pre-Revolutionary days
Engraving of George PeabodyGeorge Peabody was an American merchant and philanthropist who endowed many institutes and museums
Leo Tolstoy(Original Caption) Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy (1828-1910), Russian novelist, social and moral philosopher. Undated photograph
Seated Photo Of John Quincy Adams(Original Caption) John Quincy Adams (1767-1848), sixth President of the U. S. after a contemporary photograph
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(Original Caption) American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1802-1882). Seated portrait of the poet as a bearded older man. Undated photograph
Sam Houston, Governor of Texas(Original Caption) Sam Houston: (1793-1863) Governor of Texas. 3/4 length
Abolitionist Lucretia Mott(Original Caption) Lucretia Mott (1793-1880). Quaker minister and abolitionist who led in women's suffrage movement. Undated photograph
Sir Richard Owen was the founding father of paleontology and the first to use the term "dinosaur"
Ferdinand De Lesseps/Headshoulders PhotoFerdinand Marie, Vicomte de Lesseps, was the French engineer and diplomat responsible for overseeing the building of the Suez Canal
Richard OwenBritish paleontologist and anatomist Richard Owen, who contributed to the study of fossils and opposed the views of Charles Darwin
Jesse and Frank James with Their MotherJesse (left) and Frank James, backed by their mother, Zerelda Samuel, formerly the Widow James
1873 Stereoscope of Paiutes in HeaddressesA group of Paiutes in feather headdresses sit among the rocks on the Kaibab Plateau, Arizona
German Political Philosopher Karl Marx Sitting(Original Caption) Marx, Carl: 1818-1883. German Political Philosopher
Carl Zeiss(Original Caption) Carl Zeiss (1816-1888), German manufacturer of optical instruments. Undated photograph. BPA2# 5738
New Arrivals Line Up For Paper Signing(Original Caption) Ellis Island: New arrivals line up to have their papers examined. Undated photograph. BPA2# 2515
Elizabeth Stanton Reading at Table(Original Caption) Portrait of Elizabeth Stanton (1815-1902). American woman suffrage leader. Undated photograph
Christopher Latham Sholes Sitting at TypewriterChristopher Sholes sits before his invention, the typewriter
Composer Franz Liszt(Original Caption) Liszt, Franz Von. Composer and piano virtuoso (1811-1886). Photo ca. 1880. BPA 2 #767
Family at Brighton Beach(Original Caption) Family group in boat at Brighton Beach, ca. 1880
Three Generations of Family in Garden(Original Caption) Prosperous Victorian Family; Three generations united in a garden setting Photograph, ca. 1880
Elderly Couple Stand In Front Of Home(Original Caption) 1881-Fine old couple in front of their house. New Jersey, 1881
Charles DarwinPortrait of Charles Robert Darwin, the great naturalist, in his middle age. Photo circa 1854
Mark Twain(Original Caption) Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) 1885-1910, lecturer and author of great literature. In this 3/4 length photograph he's seated holding a cigar, in a white suit. Undated
Grant Writing MemoirsCivil War general and former president Ulysses S. Grant, wrapped in warm clothing, writes part of his Personal Memoirs on the porch of his home. Grant died in 1885, just after finishing the work
Zulus Warriors In War DressA group of Zulu warriors wear traditional dress and carry shields
Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923). Photograph taken at the time of the completion of the Eiffel Tower, 1889
Walt Whitman Seated; White Beard; Photo(Original Caption) Walt Whitman (1819-1892). Photograph taken in 1889
Anton Bruckner by Jerry BrantonAnton Bruckner in advanced age. Painting by Jerry Branton, 1889
Chinese Man Being Served(Original Caption) Ya-Chow, China: Natives of the Ya-Chow region (presently Ya-an) in South China. Shown in the undated photograph is Chinese Literati seated, being served a bowl
Group Listens to Juke BoxFor a nickel apiece a thrilled group in Salina, Kansas tunes in on a screechy juke box of 1890s
Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady StantonAmerican women's rights pioneers, Susan B. Anthony, standing, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, seated, read a letter, circa 1890. (Photo by Bettmann via Getty Images)
African American Family(Original Caption) African-American family representing four generations, all born on the plantation of J. J. Smith, Beaufort, South Carolina. Photo by T. H. O'Sullivan, circa 1890
Entomologist Jean Henri Fabre In His Study(Original Caption) Jules Henri Fabre, "The Homer of Insects, " in his study (1823-1915). From an undated photograph
Pawnee Bill, Buffalo Bill, and Buffalo JonesGordon W. Lillie, aka Pawnee Bill, "Buffalo" Bill Cody, and Charles Jones, aka "Buffalo Jones", sit for a portrait
American Family Pouring Liquor at Independence Day Party(Original Caption) 1894- A party in a middle class home. Plenty of drinks in evidence. The flags point to a 4th of July celebration. SEE NOTE
Portrait Of Otto Von Bismark 1894(Original Caption) 1894-Otto Von Bismark (1818-1898) in the uniform of the regiment of Cuirassier named afetr him "Bismark-Cuirassiers"
Andrew Carnegie(Original Caption) Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919), industrialist and humanitarian. Head and shoudlers photograph of him aboard ship
Men Riding in Street Car(Original Caption) Oldtime Washington, DC street car. Photo, ca. 1895
Andrew Carnigie(Original Caption) Andrew Carnegie. 3/4 length photograph, 1896
Thomas A. Edison with Henry Ford and Harvey FirestoneEdison-Ford-Firestone. Crucial men in the energy and transportation fields
Portrait of Artist Claude Monet(Original Caption) 1898-Portrait of Claude Monet (1840-1926), French Impressionist painter. Photographer by Nadar
Carry Nation(Original Caption) Carrie Nation, the gal who knocked off the saloons. Filed: 7/57
You - Still Not a Member of the Cooperative(Original Caption) Poster from the Russian Revolution: "You- Still Not a Member of the Cooperative, Sign Up Immediately!" Undated color slide
Portrait Of An Older Robert Browning(Original Caption) Photographic portrait of an elderly Robert Browning, Esq. Filed 11/29/27
John D. Rockefeller on his 83rd Birthday(Original Caption) John D. Rockefeller, Sr. on his 83rd birthday. Photograph, 3/4 length
Agatha Christie SeatedDevon: Agatha Christie corrects proofs of her latest book/devonshire. Jan. 1946
Stereoscope View Of Black Woman VendorA Black woman vendor. Stereoscopic view. (Photo by Bettmann/Getty Images)
Elderly Woman Washing Clothes On Board(Original Caption) Elderly woman washing clothes on scrubboard. Photograph, 1930's
New York Tribune Founder Horace Greeley(Original Caption) Horace Greeley. Undated Photograph. BPA2# 2703
George Bernard Shaw(Original Caption) Photographic portrait of George Bernard Shaw. Filed 11/29/27
Portrait of Andre Gide(Original Caption) Portrait of Andre Gide (1869-1951), writer son of Jean Paul. Undated photograph
Karen Horney with Pet Dog(Original Caption) Karen Horney: (1885-1952) eminent psychiatrist and professor, seated with her pet dog. Photograph
Sir Edward Elgar British Composer(Original Caption) Sir Edward Elger: British Composer (1857-1934) in his work room during his later years. Undated photo
Portrait Of Count Leo Tolstoy(Original Caption) Count Leo Tolstoi (1828-1910) Russian novelist and social and moral philosopher. Undated photograph
French Peasant Woman Doing Her Laundry(Original Caption) French peasant woman doing her laundry in the village pond. Undated photograph
Charles Duryea Automotive Pioneer(Original Caption) Newport, RI: Charles Duryea, Automotive pioneer at tiller of his automobile, leaving garage
Rabbi Reading the Talmud(Original Caption) Rabbi reading the Talmud. Undated photograph
General Stonewall Jackson's Cook(Original Caption) General Stonewall Jackson's cook photographed with medals pinned to the front of his suit. Undated photograph. BPA2# 2006
Elderly Woman Holds Banner During Wwi(Original Caption) Elderly woman during World War I holding banner. Photograph
Noah Building The Ark(Original Caption) 1493-Noah building the ark. Titlepage from Hartman Schedel's Liber Chronicarum Seu Chronicon Nurembergensis. Designed by Michael Wolgemut and W. Pleydenwirf, and printed by A
Placer Mining Near Humboldt(Original Caption) Placer mining near Humboldt, Arizona. Undated photograph
Cartoon of Uncle Sam on Bicycle Illustrating Gold vs. Silver Standard by J.A. Wales(Original Caption) Silver Standard vs. Gold Standard controversy is seen here in this cartoon representing Uncle Sam as he is bicycling to national bankruptcy on an enormous silverite dollar
Color Print of Mahatma GandhiMOHANDAS GANDHI (1869-1948)
The Duckingstool by Charles Stanley ReinhartAn accused witch going through the judgement trial, where she is dunked in water to prove her guilt of practicing witchcraft
Print of Pasteur Performing Rabies Treatment on Patient(Original Caption) Louis Pasteur performing an inoculation for Hydrophobia
Editorial Cartoon Drawing of Uncle Sam Looking at Haiti by Cuthbert Rigby(Original Caption) "WILL HE FIGHT?" - Uncle Sam sizes up puny Haitian Republic during Haitian troubles of 1888
The Master Builder by SnappAuthor Henrik Ibsen holding hat and baton
Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr(Original Caption) Picture shows Oliver Wendell Holmes (1841-1935), Justice of the US Supreme Court (1902-1932)
Carl Gustav Jung, Swiss Psychiartrist(Original Caption) Photograph of Carl Gustav Jung, Swiss Psychiatrist, taken at the age of 79
Mahatma Gandhi with Granddaughter Before Assassination(Original Caption) Mahatma Gandhi and his granddaughter on whose hands he fell unconscious when shot
Couple in Front of Fireplace(Original Caption) 1900-African American couple is shown in front of the fireplace of their log cabin
Men On Strike W/Signs/Larger Pensions(Original Caption) Men on strike with pickets asking for larger pensions. Ca. 1910s-1920s
Humor/Young Man Talks To Deaf Old Farmer(Original Caption) TN: Humorous farm situation. Young man talks to old farmer, obviously hard of hearing. Photograph, ca. 1900. Tennessee
President Franklin D. Roosevelt Signing ResolutionPresident Roosevelt signs the declaration of war against Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor
Howard Hughes as an Adult and an Elderly Man?Reclusive billionaire industrialist Howard Hughes in a 1947 photo (left) and in 1972 (right) The 1972 photo was taken in Vancouver