African Elephant, back, extreme left, Moenitherium, Woolly Mammoth, Platybelodon and Trilophodon
Elephant rock art paintings near Stadsaal CavesThe elephant paintings rock art site at the Stadsaal caves is estimated to be at least 1000 years old and created by San people to depict elephants and three groups of people
African Elephant (Loxodonta africana), side view
Selection of animals found in Africa
Two African Elephants, Loxodonta africana, interlocking trunks, side view
Three African Elephants, Loxodonta african, playing in water, one squirting water out of trunk, front view
Two Asian Elephants, Elephas maximus, side view
Elephas maximus, Indian Elephant
Illustration, Elephant standing with its tail flipped up, side view
Illustration, pair of Elephants, trunks touching, side view
African Bush Elephant or Savanna Elephant (Loxodonta africana) walking in the dry Ugab river, Damaraland, Namibia, Africa
Two elephants in front of a temple at sunset, silhouette, 3D graphics
Mahout cutting an elephants toenails with a curved knife, Chitwan National Park, Nepal, Asia
Stone engravings in the Libyan stone desert, elephants, Tassili Maridet, Libya, Sahara, North Africa