Canterbury Tales - The FriarThe Friar, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The KnightThe Knight, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The MerchantThe Merchant, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The ClerkThe Clerk, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The Wife of BathThe Wife of Bath, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The MillerThe Miller, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The ParsonThe Parson, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The Sergeant-at-LawThe Sergeant-at-Law, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The FranklinThe Franklin, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The ShipmanThe Shipman, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The PardonerThe Pardoner, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The PrioressThe Prioress, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The MancipleThe Manciple, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The Nuns PriestThe Nuns Priest, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The SquireThe Squire, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The SummonerThe Summoner - who appears to be delivering a summons from an ecclesiastical court - a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The ReeveThe Reeve, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - Geoffrey Chaucer as a pilgrim on horsebackGeoffrey Chaucer depicted as a pilgrim on horseback
Canterbury Tales - The Monk and his GreyhoundsThe Monk (with his greyhounds), a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The Canons YeomanThe Canons Yeoman, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The Second NunThe Second Nun, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - Geoffrey ChaucerGeoffrey Chaucer, writer of " The Canterbury Tales"
Canterbury Tales - The CookThe Cook, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"