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English Text Collection

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Joe Medwick Wearing Cardinals Uniform

Joe Medwick Wearing Cardinals Uniform

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Map of Cleveland's Torso Murders

Map of Cleveland's Torso Murders
Foreboding Kingsbury Run, shunned by the timid as the legend of its murders has grown, is indicated on this map by dots locating 10 of the 11 torso murders which have occurred there since Sept

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Wayne Gretzky Lifts the Stanley Cup Trophy

Wayne Gretzky Lifts the Stanley Cup Trophy
Edmonton Oilers team captain Wayne Gretzky lifts the Stanley Cup high over his head after the Oilers beat the New York Islanders, 5-2, to win the 1984 Stanley Cup series

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Daily News Headlines During 1987 Stock Market Crash

Daily News Headlines During 1987 Stock Market Crash
1987 Stock Market Crash. Headlines: New York Daily News. Tuesday Oct. 20, 1987. ***** EDITORIAL USE ONLY--WITH CAUTION ******

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: White Women Protesting Desegregation

White Women Protesting Desegregation
Mrs. Lee Hooks and other white housewives demonstrate against planned desegregation at William Franz Elementary School in New Orleans

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Marilyn Monroe Wearing a Potato Sack

Marilyn Monroe Wearing a Potato Sack
(Original Caption) The most torrid thing to hit Hollywood since the days of the first Blonde Bomshell Jean Harlow is the scintillating Marilyn Monroe

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Crowds of Demonstrators at Vietnam War Protest

Crowds of Demonstrators at Vietnam War Protest
Demonstrators carry banners and signs during a Vietnam War protest in New York's Central Park on April 15, 1967

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Standard Oil Monopoly Political Cartoon by C.J. Taylor

Standard Oil Monopoly Political Cartoon by C.J. Taylor
An editorial cartoon depicting Standard Oil president John D. Rockefeller as the "King of the World"

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Illustrated Political Cartoon: Corporate Greed as Octopus

Illustrated Political Cartoon: Corporate Greed as Octopus
(Original Caption) 6/27/1882 - Corporate greed octopus gobbles up freight for Great Railroad while unemployed handlers look on. Cartoon 1882

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: New York Times Headlines on Hindenburg Crash

New York Times Headlines on Hindenburg Crash
New York Times front page headlines the day after the Hindenburg disaster, May 7, 1937

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Portraits of Convicted Abraham Lincoln Assassination Conspirators

Portraits of Convicted Abraham Lincoln Assassination Conspirators
(Original Caption) The Principal Conspirators. Reproduction photos of eight of Lincoln's conspirators

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Standard Oil Horse Drawn Wagon On Old St

Standard Oil Horse Drawn Wagon On Old St
One of Standard Oil Company's (later Amoco Corporation) first tank wagons

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: The Betsy Ross House

The Betsy Ross House
(Original Caption) Exterior view of Betsy Ross's house in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Undated photograph

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Early Locomotive

Early Locomotive
William Galloway Locomotive

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: This is the House that Polk Built Editorial Cartoon

This is the House that Polk Built Editorial Cartoon
Circa 1846 cartoon against the Mexican War and President James Polk

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Rally Spirits of 76 Handbill

Rally Spirits of 76 Handbill

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Title Page from the Origin of Species

Title Page from the Origin of Species
(Original Caption) 1859-Title page of Charles Darwin's revolutionary book, "The Origin of the Species, " published in 1859

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Louisa May Alcott

Louisa May Alcott
(Original Caption) Louisa May Alcott, ca. 1860

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Early Chatham Square Site

Early Chatham Square Site
(Original Caption) New York: Chatham Square, New York City

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Coffee Advertisement By Jenkins and Company

Coffee Advertisement By Jenkins and Company
(Original Caption) Advertisement for Akbar Coffee by Jenkins and Company. Ad shows clipper ship. BPA2# 11

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: W.G Taylors Patent Power Loom Calico Machine Engraving

W.G Taylors Patent Power Loom Calico Machine Engraving

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: 19th-Century Print of Rioters Attacking Brownstones

19th-Century Print of Rioters Attacking Brownstones
The event took place during the New York Draft Riots which happened in July of 1863

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Richard Owen

Richard Owen
British paleontologist and anatomist Richard Owen, who contributed to the study of fossils and opposed the views of Charles Darwin

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Handbill for Magnetic Oil

Handbill for Magnetic Oil
(Original Caption) Poster advertising rheumatic oil, ca. 1870

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Railroad Ticket Office

Railroad Ticket Office
The ticket office and ticket agents of the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad in a large unnamed Western City. After 1876 this railroad was reorganized as the subsidiary St

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: The Progress of the Century by Currier & Ives

The Progress of the Century by Currier & Ives
(Original Caption) "The progress of the century." Printing press, telegraph, railroad, steam engine. Lithograph by Currier and Ives, 1876

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: New York City Police

New York City Police officers pose in front of the 20th Precinct Station

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: 'Cap' Anson, Famed Baseball Player

"Cap" Anson, Famed Baseball Player
Adrian Constantine "Cap" Anson was known in later years as "Pop" Anson

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: George Eastman as Model for New Film

George Eastman as Model for New Film
(Original Caption) 1884- George Eastman was himself the model for tests of the experimental American film, and scrawled across it the identification and date 1884

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: A Monopoly that Requires Crushing by Grant Hamilton

A Monopoly that Requires Crushing by Grant Hamilton
Political Cartoon of Tidewater Pipe Line fighting with Standard Oil

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Lithograph of a A Colored Preacher by Charles Stanley Reinhart

Lithograph of a A Colored Preacher by Charles Stanley Reinhart
(Original Caption) 1889- "A Colored Preacher." Lithograph, 1889

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Sign of a Secondhand Store

Sign of a Secondhand Store
(Original Caption) Sign on a second handstore in Louisiana. Undated Photograph. BPA 2 #2339

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Ritter Painless Dental Offices

Ritter Painless Dental Offices
(Original Caption) New York, NY: The Ritter Painless Dental Company: Brooklyn dental parlour which doesn't hide its accomplishments. Photo, ca. 1890

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Poster Hanger Hanging Posters

Poster Hanger Hanging Posters
(Original Caption) Poster hanger in Chicago. Photographed by Krausz, 1891. BPA 2 #5

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi
Gandhi and his associates pose in front of his law offices in South Africa

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Indian Statue in Front of Cigar Store

Indian Statue in Front of Cigar Store
(Original Caption) Wooden Indian with hand in front of his eyes, frontal view, in front of University Cigar Emporium. Note luncheon menu with prices at right. Photo ca. 1895. BPA2# 5057

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Nose Art on Mr. Fala

Nose Art on Mr. Fala
On the side of the B-26 Marauder bomber Mr. Fala shows the President's Scottie running down Berlin's Wilhelmstrasse and encountering a fire hydrant with Hitler's head atop it. Lt

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Suffragist Parade in New York

Suffragist Parade in New York
Grand Marshall Inez Milholland leads a procession of 30, 000 marchers in New York during a suffragist parade

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Sears, Roebuck and Co. Catalog No.105

Sears, Roebuck and Co. Catalog No.105
Cover of a Sears Roebuck & Co. Consumer's Guide, Fall 1897

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: General View of a Prairie Schooner

General View of a Prairie Schooner
(Original Caption) "Prairie Schooner." Ashville, North Carolina. Undated stereoscope photograph

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: First Letter Carried by Pony Express

First Letter Carried by Pony Express
(Original Caption) Facsimile of the first letter carried over the plains by the Pony Express, bearing the news of the election of President Abraham Lincoln. November 8, 1860. BPA2# 5157

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: World War I Notice From German Embassy

World War I Notice From German Embassy
(Original Caption) WWI notice from the German embassy in Washington, DC advising that passage on the Atlantic on ships flying the British colors is to be undertaken at the travellers own risk

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Hand Shaped Sign Advertising for a Midwife

Hand Shaped Sign Advertising for a Midwife
(Original Caption) Finger pointing sign--Advertisement for midwife. BPA 2 #28

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Title Page of Poor Richard's Almanac

Title Page of Poor Richard's Almanac
(Original Caption) Poor Richard's Almanac, 1733. Titlepage. BPA2 #5408

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Early Version of a Vacuum Cleaner

Early Version of a Vacuum Cleaner
(Original Caption) Beginning of the vacuum cleaner. Movable gadget as wheeled up to house for a cleaning job, ca. 1900, photograph. BPA 2 #5184

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Texaco Service Station

Texaco Service Station
(Original Caption) New York, NY: A gas station in New York City when gas was 11 2/10 cents. Tremont Avenue and Dock Street in the Bronx. (Clear with Bernice Abbot.) Photograph

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Jesse James Wanted Poster Nailed to Tree Trunk

Jesse James Wanted Poster Nailed to Tree Trunk
A wanted poster offering a "$500 Reward For the Arrest and Conviction of Jesse James, St. Louis Midland Railroad"

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Dice and Chips on Craps Table

Dice and Chips on Craps Table
Close up view of dice and chips on craps table

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Psalm 95 Taking Form of Christmas Tree

Psalm 95 Taking Form of Christmas Tree
Psalm 95 written in the form of a tree. Undated illlustration

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Advertisement for Lucky Strike Cigarettes

Advertisement for Lucky Strike Cigarettes
(Original Caption) Be Happy-Go Lucky! enjoy Your Cigarette! If you're not happy with your present brand (and a 38-city survey shows that millions are not), smoke Luckies

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Lucky Strike Cigarette Advertisement Featuring Grading Leaf by Peter Hurd

Lucky Strike Cigarette Advertisement Featuring Grading Leaf by Peter Hurd
A 1944 advertisement for Lucky Strike cigarettes features a detail of Grading Leaf by Peter Hurd

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: President Grant and Logan Begging for Funds

President Grant and Logan Begging for Funds
Note in dog's mouth and offered to Lady Liberty states: "Logan's Bill to Place US Grant on the Retired Army List"

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Advertisement for Iowa and Nebraska Lands

Advertisement for Iowa and Nebraska Lands
Mid 19th Century advertisement for "Iowa and Nebraska Lands - for sale on 10 years credit by the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad Company."

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Advertisement for Saratoga Spa

Advertisement for Saratoga Spa

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Weapons for Liberty Liberty Loan Poster by Joseph Christian Leyendecker

Weapons for Liberty Liberty Loan Poster by Joseph Christian Leyendecker
Advertisement for "USA Bonds-Third Liberty Loan Campaign Boy Scouts of America-Weapons for Liberty."

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Armour's Veribest Canned Meats Advertisement

Armour's Veribest Canned Meats Advertisement
Chicago, IL: "Why not try Veribest you can buy

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Sears, Roebuck and Co. Catalog No.110

Sears, Roebuck and Co. Catalog No.110
Cover of a Sears Roebuck & Co. Consumer's Guide, Fall 1900

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Poster of Golfer in Miami

Poster of Golfer in Miami
A man in golf clothes, in mid-swing, appears in an advertisement for Miami's winter tourist season

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Take a Kodak with You Advertisement

Take a Kodak with You Advertisement
Advertisement for Kodak cameras featuring "The Kodak Girl" well dressed, and standing on a windswept cliff with camera in hand

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Walter A. Wood Single Apron Binder Advertisement

Walter A. Wood Single Apron Binder Advertisement
Late 19th Century advertisement

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Map of the United States of America

Map of the United States of America
(Original Caption) USA: Political map of the United States

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Map of America Showing Indian Tribes Location

Map of America Showing Indian Tribes Location
(Original Caption) Map of America labeled with indigenous Indian Tribes. The Iroquois-Tuscaroras of N.C. joined their kinsmen, the Iroquois or "Five Nations" of N.Y

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Trade Card

Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Trade Card

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Political Cartoon of Pollution Problems with Standard Oil Company as Octopus

Political Cartoon of Pollution Problems with Standard Oil Company as Octopus
(Original Caption) New York: STANDARDOILCO. - A Horrible Monster, Whose Tentacles Spread Poverty, Disease And Death, And Which Is The Primal Cause Of The Nuisances At Hunter's Point

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Movie Poster for Frankenstein Double Feature

Movie Poster for Frankenstein Double Feature

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Street in Greenwich Village

Street in Greenwich Village
(Original Caption) Greenwich village, west 8th street between 5th and 6th avenues looking west. New York City

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Advertisement for Wire Bustles

Advertisement for Wire Bustles
(Original Caption) Ad for wire bustles used by women in the 1880's

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: His Master's Voice Advertisement

His Master's Voice Advertisement
His Master's Voice" is one of the most iconic and recognizable trademarks in advertising history. The image originated from an 1898 painting by English artist Francis Barraud

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Vegetable Pill Advertisement for Headaches

Vegetable Pill Advertisement for Headaches
(Original Caption) Advertisement for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: London Horse Bus

London Horse Bus
The rear end of a horse-drawn bus in London

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Don't Tread on Me Flag

Don't Tread on Me Flag
Drawing of a flag with a coiled rattlesnake and the words Don't Tread on Me similar to the Gadsden Flag, which is believed to be the first flag of the Continental Navy of the American Revolution

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Election Slate of the Maryland Democratic Party

Election Slate of the Maryland Democratic Party
The slate of Democratic candidates in the state of Maryland, including the Presidential candidate, Samuel Tilden. Tilden's contest against Rutherford B

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Title Page to Gulliver's Travels

Title Page to Gulliver's Travels
(Original Caption) 1726- London, England: Title page from the first edition fo Jonathan Swift's Travels into Several Remote Natons of the World; In Four Parts, By Lemuel Gulliver

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: New York Times Press Room

New York Times Press Room
Press Room of the New York Times

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Title Page Of Journal Outlining Conspiracy

Title Page Of Journal Outlining Conspiracy
The title page of a journal detailing the proceedings related to the New York Conspiracy of 1741, printed by James Parker

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Title Page of the Freemason Constitution

Title Page of the Freemason Constitution
(Original Caption) Titlepage of "The Constitution of the Free-Masons." Philadelphia, 1734. Printed by Benjamin. First book on Free-Masonry printed in America

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Traffic on West 8th Street in Greenwich Village

Traffic on West 8th Street in Greenwich Village
A horse-drawn wagon mixes with auto traffic in 1940s Greenwich Village

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Joe DiMaggio Demonstrates on Swinging a Baseball Bat

Joe DiMaggio Demonstrates on Swinging a Baseball Bat
(Original Caption) What quality is it that lifts Joe DiMaggio, slugging Yankee outfielder, above the crowd? he leads in runs batted in, runs scored doubles and hits

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Feminist Marchers Going Through New York City

Feminist Marchers Going Through New York City
(Original Caption) Gloria Steinem (center), one of the more celebrated figures in the feminist movement, is among the more than 5, 000 participants in a march against pornography in New York

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Copy of Suicide Note to Jean Harlow

Copy of Suicide Note to Jean Harlow
(Original Caption) This is a facsimile of the suicide note left by Paul Bern to his platinum haired actress wife, Jean Harlow, before he committed suicide in Hollywood

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Posters Hanging in House of Trade Unions

Posters Hanging in House of Trade Unions
Communists gather for an important meeting in the House of Trade Unions in Moscow, with multilingual proclamations and banners of "fathers" of the Marxist state, during the Stalin era

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Auto Parts Store and Garage

Auto Parts Store and Garage
(Original Caption) Auto parts store and garage in Atlanta, Georgia. Photograph by Walker Evans. Undated

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Boy Selling Newspapers

Boy Selling Newspapers
(Original Caption) Alaska-Newsboy in Matanuska Junction, Undated Photograph. BPA2# 2708

Background imageEnglish Text Collection: Early Heinz Wagon with Advertising

Early Heinz Wagon with Advertising
(Original Caption) An early Heinz wagon reflects the interest of the company's founder, H. J. Heinz, in advertising

All products are expertly crafted, using premium materials, tailored to your specifications and promptly shipped