Indian Delegation to Washington(Original Caption) 1874-Mandan and Arikara delegation to Washington. Six Indians with three escorts. Photograph, 1874. BPA2# 5170
Homestead Strike(Original Caption) 1892-The homestead strike, 1892. Pinkertons leaving the barges after surrendering, escorted by armed Union men. Engraving by W.P. Snyder, after photograph by Dabbs, 7/16/1892
National Guardsmen Escorting ManTwo National Guard soldiers escort a black man around the time of a race riot in east St. Louis
Mounted Police Escorting Man on StreetMounted police round up African Americans and escort them to a safety zone during the Chicago Race Riot of 1919
Bathers Being Escorted from Beach(Original Caption) 4/1922-Chicago, Illinois: Two of the bathers being escorted off the beach by a police woman. The bathers were breaking a law banning abbreviated bathing suits. BPA2#460
Portrait of the American Women's Golf TeamAmerican women's golf team poses for picture on SS Mauretania upon their return to New York from English tournaments
Erwin Gelsy And Bette Davis At Awards(Original Caption) 3/3/1935-Hollywood, CA: Erwin Gelsey. writer, escorts Bette Davis to the Academy Awards
Dishevelled Charlie Chaplin Escorted/The(Original Caption) 10/16/1940:New York, NY: Actor-producer Charlie Chaplin
Policemen Arresting Looters after Riot(Original Caption) 1943-New York, NY: Harlem riots- arrests of looters
Women in Fur Coats in Police Van(Original Caption) 3/17/1943-New York, New York-Nothing less than minks and silver fox in this police wagon. Luxury-coated women were rounded up on vice charges in a swanky Midtown apartment
Policeman Poses Taking In Fur-Clad Women(Original Caption) 3/17/1943-New York, New York-Nothing less than minks and silver fox in this police wagon. Luxury-coated women were rounded up on vice charges n a swanky Midtown apartment
Black Riot Suspects Headed to JailSuspects in a Harlem race riot are herded to the front of a truck by police as they are driven to jail
Movie Stars Arriving At Movie Premiere(Original Caption) 4/12/46-Hollywood, California: Gala opening nights, so popular with the Hollywood celebrities before the war have returned after years of curtailment
Ronald Reagan with Patti Davis at Wedding(Original Caption) 8/14/1984: President Ronald Reagan escorts his daughter, the soon to be Patti Davis, in her wedding dress, outside
Brooke Shields With Prince Karil(Original Caption) 10/28/87-New York: Actress Brooke Shields, along with her escort Prince Karil of Bulgaria
John Gotti Being Escorted Through Crowd(Original Caption) Reputed Mafia boss John Gotti is escorted by an unidentified man through the crowds outside court here 2/9 during a lunch break in his assault trial
Paul McCartney Squeezing Through CrowdPolicemen aid Paul McCartney through a crowd of enthusiastic fans as The Beatles arrive at Skyways Hotel in London, England
Illustration of Mary Dyer Being Led to Execution(Original Caption) Puritans: Mary Dyer, Quaker martyr, being led to execution, 1660
Military Escorting Arrested Claimjumpers(Original Caption) The occupation of Oklahoma - The military escorting arrested claim-jumpers across the border. Illustration, 1889
Illuminated Image Of Two-Faced Devil(Original Caption) Illustration of a two-faced devil (in the guise of Hermes Psycho-pompous) guiding a woman out of hell. From a 14th century illuminated manuscript
Police Escort Humphrey Bogart Past Crowd(Original Caption) 11/30/1949-New York, NY: Humphrey Bogart is convoyed by police past crowds outside mid-Manhattan court where he won dismissal of assault charges
Marshal Escorting Engineer To Court(Original Caption) 3/6/1951-New York, NY: U.S. Deputy Marshal Eugene Fitzgerald escorts electronics engineer Morton Sobell (l) from City Prison to Federal Court March 6. Sobel and Mr. and Mrs
Police Help Liz Taylor Through Crowd(Original Caption) 2/22/1952-London, England- London bobbies help screen star Elizabeth Taylor to her car through a howling mob of about 3, 000 movie fans
Two Destroyer Escorts Given To France(Original Caption) 3/29/1952-New York, NY: Photograph shows the two destroyer escorts, formerly the USS Clarence E
Policemen Escorting Lauren Bacall(Original Caption) 11/9/1953-New York, NY- Escorted by some of New York's luckiest cops, lovely Lauren Bacall is on hand for the world premiere of her latest film
Marilyn Monroe Holding Her Award(Original Caption) 3/8/54-Hollywood, California: Marilyn Monroe holds her award presented by Photoplay Magazine for most popular film actress of 1953
Dwight Eisenhower Waving to Supporters(Original Caption) Ike on way to address lawyers...President Eisenhower waves to cheering crowds as he rides down Chestnut Street in Philadelphia towards Independence Hall for a speech, August 24th
Duchess Of Windsor In O'Hara Hall(Original Caption) 11/11/55-Great Neck, New York: Duchess of Windsor with escort, Milton Holden (R) and Mr. and Mrs. William Paley in O'Hara Hall of King's Point Academy
Grace Kelly With Designer Oleg Cassini(Original Caption) 1/11/56-Hollywood, California: At the premiere of "Rear Window" in 1954, Grace Kelly was escorted by Oleg Cassini, famed fashion designer
Bank Robbers Being Escorted from Court(Original Caption) 1/12/1956-Bostob, MAFBI agents (right) escort Vincent James Costa (center) and Michael Vincent Geegan (left) from Federal Court 1/12
Harry Truman Escorts Daughter Margaret on Wedding Day(Original Caption) 4/22/56-Independence, Missouri: Former President Harry S
Hysterical Girl at Elvis Concert(Original Caption) 4/1/1957-Chicago, IL- This hysterical girl, decorated with a huge Elvis button
Gangster with Head Injury Escorted by Police Detective(Original Caption) New York, New York: Gambler Frank Costello, head bandaged and blood on his coat, as he was escorted by detectives from Roosevelt Hospital
African American Student Followed by Crowd After School EnrolmentCharlotte, North Carolina: Dorothy Geraldine Counts, 15 (left) is followed by a crowd of jeering teenagers as she leaves Harding high school with her escort, Dr R.A. Hawkins, 4th September 1957
Students Escorted into SchoolAfrican American students are escorted by soldiers into Little Rock's Central High School on the first full day of integration
Army Jeeps Escort Station Wagon with African American Students(Original Caption) 9/26/1957-Little Rock AR: Jeeps front and back of Army Station wagon convoy nine Negro students down West 28th St. here Sept. 26th to classes at Central High School
Young African American Women Escorted by Federal TroopsFederal troops escort African American Students to Central High School in Little Rock after Federal courts ordered the enforcement of desegregation laws
Troops Guarding Students at School(Original Caption) 9/26/1957-Little Rock
African American Students Enter High School with Military EscortAfrican American students who had previously been banned from Little Rock Central High School were provided with portal-to-portal protection to enter the school in September of 1957 during
National Guardsmen Escort Black Students to School(Original Caption) 10/3/1957-Little Rock
Black Students With Soldiers Escorting(Original Caption) 10/11/1957-Little Rock, AR: The grim face of the soldier who guards her forms a strange contrast to the smiling face of this Negro girl
Serial Killer Ed Gein in HandcuffsSerial killer Ed Gein is escorted from the Wisconsin State Crime Laboratory to the county jail after confessing to two murders
Cheryl Crane Being Escorted from Jail(Original Caption) 4/5/58-Beverly Hills, California: Cheryl Crane (left), daughter of Steve Crane and actress Lana Turner
Murder Suspect Charles Starkweather Led to Courtroom(Original Caption) 5/8/58-Lincoln, Nebraska: Charles Starkweather, 19, admitted mass-slayer
Students Shown at White House(Original Caption) 8/26/1958-Washington
John F. Kennedy with FansPresidential candidate John F. Kennedy manages a broad grin as he is mobbed by admirers on arrival at the Time-Life Building for conference with Henry Luce, Editor In Chief
Brigitte Leaves ClinicBoth her wrists heavily bandaged, French actress Brigitte Bardot is escorted from the Saint Francois clinic. Miss Bardot has been confined at the clinic since her suicide attempt, September 28th
Marshals Escort Girls from School(Original Caption) 11/15/1960-New Orleans, LA- Three Negro girls leave the previously all-white McDonogh elementary school after spending their second day in the integrated school
US President Kennedy and Nigerian Prime MinisterUS President John F. Kennedy escorts Nigerian Prime Minister Abubkar Tafawa Balewa from the White House. Prime Minister Balewa carries a bust of Abraham Lincoln presented to him by the President
Armed Entrance to East BerlinThree jeeps with armed U.S. military police escort an American automobile into East Berlin at the Friedrich-Strasse checkpoint October 25th
Secret Service Escorting President John F. KennedyPresident John F. Kennedy is surrounded by tourists as he walks with Secret Service agents from his automobile to St. Mary hospital
President John F. Kennedy Escorting First Lady onto PlanePresident John F. Kennedy escorts First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy aboard the presidential plane Caroline as she leaves for the first leg of her good will trip to India and Pakistan
Brigitte Bardot with Escort(Original Caption) 3/9/1962-Paris, France- A radiant Brigitte Bardot, wearing a pearl-decorated white empire gown, is escorted to her seat in Paris Cirque d'Hiver
Jack Ruby Shooting Lee Harvey OswaldJack Ruby walks up to accused presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald and shoots him as he is escorted into a police station in Dallas
Jack Ruby Being Transferred to JailPolice escort Jack Ruby, killer of accused presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, from the Dallas city jail to a county facility. It was during just such a transfer that Ruby shot Oswald
U.S.S. C. Turner Joy Cruising OceanThe U.S.S. C. Turner Joy (DD-951) warship cruises an ocean
Malcolm X Leaving Radio Station(Original Caption) 12/30/1964-Philadelphia, PA: Shotgun armed police protect Malcolm X (left) as he leaves a radio station after a report that an attempt was to be made on his life late 12/29
Rock Hudson and Claudia Cardinale at the Academy Awards(Original Caption) 4/7/65-Santa Monica, California: Actor Rock Hudson escorted actress Claudia Cardinale to the gala presnetations of the highest artistic honor in the film industry
Martin Luther King Escorting ChildrenDr. Martin Luther King is shown leading a group of black children to their newly integrated school in Grenada, Mississippi, escorted by folk singer Joan Baez and two aides
Nico, Mary Woronov, Andy Warhol, and Susan BottomlyAndy Warhol escorts his female entourage to the Manhattan premiere of Blowup on December 19, 1966
Police Escorting Albert DeSalvoConfessed Boston Strangler Albert DeSalvo (c) is led from a press conference at the Lynn police station after his capture in a West Lynn uniform store
Albert de Salvo Escorted into Court(Original Caption) 1/31/1968- Cambridge, MA- Albert H. De Salvo (left), self-professed "Boston Strangler, " is escorted into Middlesex County Superior Court Jan
Audrey Hepburn and Ben Gazzara Arriving at Academy Awards(Original Caption) Audrey Hepburn is shown at the Academy Awards presentations
Audrey Hepburn and Ben Gazzara Being Interviewed(Original Caption) Audrey Hepburn is shown at the Academy Awards presentations with host Ben Gazzara
Police Escort Arrested Demonstrator(Original Caption) 8/28/1968-Mexico City, Mexico-A young demonstrator screams in pain as a policman keeps a firm grip on his finger
Police Escort Barechested Jerry Rubin(Original Caption) 10/1/1968-Washington, D.C.- Jerry Rubin, a leader of the Youth International Party, (Yippie)
Queen Elizabeth Sailing Through New York Harbor(Original Caption) October 30, 1968 - New York: With a tugboat escort, the Queen Elizabeth steams out of New York Harbor for the last time, October 30, 1968
Audrey Hepburn Just MarriedAudrey Hepburn and her new husband Italian psychiatrist Dr. Andrea Dotti face reporters after their wedding at the townhall in Morges, Switzerland
James E. Ray Being Escorted by Officers(Original Caption) 5/23/1969-Nashville, TN- Manacled, Jame Earl Ray is escorted from the Tennessee State Prison by Maj. Mickey McGuire of the Tennessee State Highway Patrol 5/22
Escort Boats Follow Thor Heyerdahl on the RaSAFI, MOROCCO: Flanked by escorting rowboats, Thor Heyerdahl and members of his six-man international crew hoist the sail of their papyrus boat, "Ra
President Richard Nixon in Motorcade in Philippines(Original Caption) MANILA-7/26/69-: Surrounded by flag-waving crowd, Pres. Richard Nixon (L) and Philippines Pres. Ferdinand E
James E. Ray Being Escorted by Guards(Original Caption) 12/29/1969-Nashville, TN-: James Earl Ray, convicted slayer of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. leaves the Tennessee State Prison under heavy guard for a trip to Federal Court 12/29
Policemen Escorting Mick Jagger and GirlfriendOriginal caption: LONDON: Policemen escort Rolling Stones lead performer Mick Jagger and his former girlfriend, Marianne Faithfull from court Jan
Jacqueline Kennedy with Roswell Gilpatric(Original Caption) 3/10/1970-Palenque, Mexico- Jacqueline Kennedy is escorted by former Kennedy Administration Deputy Secretary of Defense Roswell Gilpatric, as she leaves a church in Palenque
Charles Manson Leaving Court with AttorneyHippie chieftain Charles Manson speaks with reporters as he is escorted by a deputy sheriff and his lawyer, Irving Kanarek
Gov Reagan With Daughter And Escort(Original Caption) 12/22/70- BEVERLY HILLS: Gov. Ronald Reagan {l} greets his daughter Patricia Reagan with escort George W. Vaughan Jr. at the Las Madriines, Beverly Hilton Hotel
Charles Manson Being Escorted by Police(Original Caption) January 16, 1971-Los Angeles: Charles Manson, hippie cult leader
Deputies Escorting Murderer Charles MansonSeven deputies escort Charles Manson from the courtroom after he and three followers were found guilty of seven murders in the Tate-LaBianca slayings
Richard Nixon Escorting Daughter Tricia at Wedding Ceremony(Original Caption) Washington, DC.: President Richard M. Nixon escorts his daughter Tricia from the White House to the rose garden for her marriage to Edward Finch Cox, June 12th
Parade for Apollo 15 AstronautsApollo 15 Astronauts Alfred Worden, David R. Scott and James Irwin on their way to receive the New York City gold medal at City Hall
Baseball Game RiotCleveland Indians relief pitcher Tom Hilgendorf, holding his head after being struck by a flying object, is helped off the field following a near-riot in 9th inning in game with Texas Rangers
Motorcycle Police Escort School Bus(Original Caption) 9/13/1974-Boston, MA- Helmeted police protect route as school buses carrying black students receive a motorcycle escort upon arrival at South Boston high school
Policeman Escorting Shouting Youth(Original Caption) 9/16/1974-Boston, MA: Helmeted police officer with shouting youth under arrest walks past onlookers during a protest of South Boston school bussing incidents
Bused Students with Heavy Police Escort(Original Caption) 9/20/1974-Boston