Sunset BoulevardGloria Swanson (1897 - 1983) and Erich Von Stroheim (1885 - 1957) star in Sunset Blvd, Miss Swanson's last film in which she plays a parody of herself
Norma Talmadgecirca 1919: Norma Talmadge (1893 - 1957), the American silent screen heroine who was contracted to United Artists, applying lipstick with particular care at her dressing table at the studio
The Mummy1932: Boris Karloff (1887 - 1969) plays the evil mummy encased in his sarcophagus in the film The Mummy, (aka Cagliostro, Im-Ho-Tep or King of the Dead)
Clown Smile1924: American actor Lon Chaney (1883 - 1930) dressed as a clown for his role in the film He Who Gets Slapped, directed by Victor Sjostrom for MGM. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Cinema Clowncirca 1929: Actress Clara Bow photographed in the film Dangerous Curves, in which she plays a circus acrobat. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
The Mad MonsterGlenn Strange (1899 - 1973) as the werewolf attacks Anne Nagel (1912 - 1966) as the daughter of his creator in a scene from The Mad Monster, 1942. (Photo by Archive Photos/Getty Images)
Make-Up Artistecirca 1928: A make-up artiste at work on a model of a head. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)
Applying Make-Upcirca 1928: A make-up artiste applying make-up to a film actress face. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)
Making Up Actorcirca 1928: A make-up artiste applying make-up to a film actors face. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)
Making Up Actresscirca 1928: A make-up artiste applying make-up to a film actress face. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)