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Fire Collection

Background imageFire Collection: Victorian church warden lighting fire on Christmas Eve

Victorian church warden lighting fire on Christmas Eve
Vintage engraving of from the childrens story of The Robins Christmas Eve, 19th Century

Background imageFire Collection: Great Fire Map

Great Fire Map
A map of the City of London by Wenceslas Hollar, with the light area north of the Thames showing the extent of the area destroyed in the Great Fire of London, 1666

Background imageFire Collection: City of Truro green steam engine

City of Truro green steam engine

Background imageFire Collection: Benares, Vishnu Pud Temple and other temples near the burning ghat

Benares, Vishnu Pud Temple and other temples near the burning ghat
arts, bathing area, bathing areas, bathing place, bathing spot, benares, black, black-and-white, black-white, body of water, book covers, building, buildings, burn, construction, contemporary

Background imageFire Collection: Cross section illustration of oval house made from animal skins with fire below ground and smoke rising above

Cross section illustration of oval house made from animal skins with fire below ground and smoke rising above, Nabta Playa, Egypt

Background imageFire Collection: Chicago Fire

Chicago Fire
9th October 1871: Firemen at the scene of a blaze during the Chicago Fire of 1871, which resulted in 250 deaths and losses of $196 million. (Photo by Three Lions/Getty Images)

Background imageFire Collection: Family together at the fire place in the mountain hut

Family together at the fire place in the mountain hut
5 people, aged, alpine hut, arts, bayern, black, black-and-white, black-white, building, buildings, burn, cabin, cabins, character, construction, cooks, copy, countryside, depiction, depictions

Background imageFire Collection: Crew Members Fleeing from Burning Hindenburg Airship

Crew Members Fleeing from Burning Hindenburg Airship
(Original Caption) As Flaming Zep Settled to Earth

Background imageFire Collection: Hindenburg Explosion

Hindenburg Explosion
The airship Hindenburg explodes into a huge ball of fire as it comes in for a landing at Lakehurst, New Jersey. Miraculously, many of the passengers and crew aboard managed to escape unharmed

Background imageFire Collection: Hindenburg Explosion

Hindenburg Explosion
The German airship Hindenburg explodes on its landing approach to the Lakehurst Naval Air Station. Thirty-six of the 97 people aboard were killed

Background imageFire Collection: Hindenburg Disaster

Hindenburg Disaster
Smoke and flames rise from the Hindenburg, a German airship which exploded on mooring at a naval air station on May 6, 1937, killing 36 people and ending an era of transatlantic travel by airship

Background imageFire Collection: 19th-Century Print Showing Rear Admiral Porter's Flotilla Arriving at Vicksburg

19th-Century Print Showing Rear Admiral Porter's Flotilla Arriving at Vicksburg
04/16/1863-Vicksberg: Rear admital David Dixon ex porter's flotilla arriving below Vicksberg the night of April 16, 1863

Background imageFire Collection: Afro-American Murderers Being Burned

Afro-American Murderers Being Burned
(Original Caption) "A frightful scene near Omega Landing, Miss.- Negro murderers burned at the stake by a mob of their own race." Woodcut, 1868

Background imageFire Collection: Chicago Fire Of 1871

Chicago Fire Of 1871
(Original Caption) Chicago, IL: Ruins of the famous fire of 1871. A lone smokestack stands out in the ruins, disgorging smoke while all else in ruins

Background imageFire Collection: Making Apple Whiskey at a Still in Rockland County, New York Woodcut

Making Apple Whiskey at a Still in Rockland County, New York Woodcut

Background imageFire Collection: San Diego Mission After Fire

San Diego Mission After Fire
(Original Caption) 1886-San Diego, CA- Picture shows the San Diego Mission after a fire

Background imageFire Collection: Women Making Offering at Roman Altar

Women Making Offering at Roman Altar
Scarifice to Demeter, Goddess of fertility and the harvest festival in Greece. First fruit of the toil were offered to this goddess in the fire. Undated Colored lithograph

Background imageFire Collection: Burning of 600 Freight Cars on Panhandle

Burning of 600 Freight Cars on Panhandle
(Original Caption) 7/6/1894-Chicago, IL- Picture shows the burning of 600 freight cars on the Panhandle Railroad, south of 50th Street

Background imageFire Collection: Fire and Police Forces Training for Air Raids

Fire and Police Forces Training for Air Raids
Policemen and firefighters from New Jersey train with gas masks during a practice fire. They are training to fight fires caused by possible Axis air raids

Background imageFire Collection: Asch Building

Asch Building
On March 25, 1911, a fire started in the Triangle Shirtwaist Company in the Asch Building near Washington Square. In the end, the death toll was 146

Background imageFire Collection: The Fall of Richmond by Currier and Ives

The Fall of Richmond by Currier and Ives

Background imageFire Collection: Fire Alarm On Street Corner

Fire Alarm On Street Corner
(Original Caption) Photo shows a fire alarm on a post on a street corner. Undated

Background imageFire Collection: Horse-Drawn Engines Leaving Fire Station

Horse-Drawn Engines Leaving Fire Station
(Original Caption) Exterior view of a fire station, showing horse-drawn engines emerging from arched doorways. Undated photograph

Background imageFire Collection: Fireman Sliding Down Fire Station Chute

Fireman Sliding Down Fire Station Chute
(Original Caption) Interior view of a fire station, showing a firefighters responding to an alarm. Fireman in foreground is sliding down the chute. Undated photograph

Background imageFire Collection: Close Up Fire Alarm Box

Close Up Fire Alarm Box
(Original Caption) Close-up photograph of a fire alarm box with instructions reading: "Break glass, strike with hand." Undated photograph

Background imageFire Collection: 'Buy That Invasion Bond!' Poster by R. Moore

"Buy That Invasion Bond!" Poster by R. Moore
(Original Caption) World War II Poster: Soldiers landing. "Buy That Invasion Bond."

Background imageFire Collection: Portrait of Robert Fulton After a Painting by Benjamin West

Portrait of Robert Fulton After a Painting by Benjamin West

Background imageFire Collection: Ye Firemen of 1776

Ye Firemen of 1776

Background imageFire Collection: Frontiersman Reading By Fire; Drawing

Frontiersman Reading By Fire; Drawing
(Original Caption) Literate Frontiersman: A reading in the Western woods. Drawing by W. Small

Background imageFire Collection: Long Live the Vanguard of the Revolution, the Red Navy Russian Revolutionary Era Poster

Long Live the Vanguard of the Revolution, the Red Navy Russian Revolutionary Era Poster

Background imageFire Collection: Engraving of Fire Wheel Torture

Engraving of Fire Wheel Torture
(Original Caption) Inquisition: Fire torture on the wheel. Undated engraving. BPA2# 2598

Background imageFire Collection: Seller Of Tinderbox, Wafer; Woodcut

Seller Of Tinderbox, Wafer; Woodcut
(Original Caption) Sellers of Tinder Boxes and wafers. 16th century woodcut. BPA2# 3585

Background imageFire Collection: Hauling In The Yule Log

Hauling In The Yule Log
(Original Caption) Hauling in the yule log. Engraving by H. M. Paget. BPA2# 2875

Background imageFire Collection: Large Blgs In Flames Panicked People

Large Blgs In Flames Panicked People
(Original Caption) Engraving of Cour des Comptes and Legion d'Honneur on fire, Paris, evening of May 23, 1871. Engraving shows large buildings with flames shooting from the windows

Background imageFire Collection: Engraving Genview Hotel De Ville Burning

Engraving Genview Hotel De Ville Burning
(Original Caption) Engraving of the Hotel de Ville burning, Paris, France 1871

Background imageFire Collection: Woodcut Of Horse-Drawn Fire Engine

Woodcut Of Horse-Drawn Fire Engine
(Original Caption) Steam Fire Engine, Excelsior. Woodcut, ca. 1850

Background imageFire Collection: Candle Lit In Engraving

Candle Lit In Engraving
(Original Caption) "The Flame": Close up of the lit end of a candle undated engraving BPA2# 2495

Background imageFire Collection: Fire-Breathing Dragon in 1736 Engraving

Fire-Breathing Dragon in 1736 Engraving
(Original Caption) 1736-Fire Breathing Dragon, border engraving

Background imageFire Collection: First Building Built After Great Fire

First Building Built After Great Fire
(Original Caption) History of Chicago: First building erected after the Great Fire of 1871. Undated woodcut; Blomgren Bros

Background imageFire Collection: Cathedral During the Chicago Fire of 1871

Cathedral During the Chicago Fire of 1871
(Original Caption) Chicago, IL: The famous Chicago fire of 1871. Photo shows a view of a church that appears to have been rebuilt

Background imageFire Collection: Lithograph Depicting the Destruction of the James River Fleet

Lithograph Depicting the Destruction of the James River Fleet
On April 2, 1865, due to the advancing Northern army, James River Squadron Admiral Raphael Semmes was given the order to destroy the Confederate ironclad warships under his command

Background imageFire Collection: Mr. W. O'Brien, M.P. Addressing the Midnight Meeting at Woodford Engraving

Mr. W. O'Brien, M.P. Addressing the Midnight Meeting at Woodford Engraving
Fenians: Mr. W. O'Brien, M.P. addressing the midnight meeting at Woodford: Burning the government proclamation. Engraving, 1887

Background imageFire Collection: Hand Holding Burning Match

Hand Holding Burning Match
(Original Caption) Photo shows a hand holding a lit match on a black background. Undated

Background imageFire Collection: Bust Of Roman Emperor Nero

Bust Of Roman Emperor Nero
(Original Caption) Bust of the Roman Emperor Nero (37-68 A.D.). The bust is in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence. Undated

Background imageFire Collection: Color Engraving of the Siege of the Bastille

Color Engraving of the Siege of the Bastille
The siege of the Bastille. Colored engraving

Background imageFire Collection: Anneken Hendriks Being Hoisted to the Fire by Jan Luyken

Anneken Hendriks Being Hoisted to the Fire by Jan Luyken
(Original Caption) The Anabaptist martyr Anneken Hendriks tied to a ladder being hoisted toward the fire in 16th century Holland. Undated copper engraving by Tieleman Janszoon van Braght (1625-1664)

Background imageFire Collection: Frankenstein in Chains

Frankenstein in Chains
(Original Caption) Frankenstein in chains, hunchback approaches with fire. Undated photo

Background imageFire Collection: The Four Elements Copper Engraving

The Four Elements Copper Engraving
(Original Caption) The Four Elements- Earth, water, air, fire. From James Thaler's "Symbols of the Four Elements" Copper Engraving, 17TH Century. BPA2# 633

Background imageFire Collection: Matthias Gruether Doctor Healing Fantasy

Matthias Gruether Doctor Healing Fantasy
(Original Caption) Matthias Gruether: Doctor healing fantasy by heat treatment, ca. 1600. copper engraving. BPA2# 3926

Background imageFire Collection: Fire at Goodyear Rubber Plant

Fire at Goodyear Rubber Plant
(Original Caption) 111l River, MA- Picture shows a fire at the Goodyear Rubber Plant

Background imageFire Collection: Humphrey Bogart In Movie/Ad For Lighter

Humphrey Bogart In Movie/Ad For Lighter
(Original Caption) Humphrey Bogart in Warner Brother's "Two Against the World", ad for flameless Lektrolite. Undated photograph

Background imageFire Collection: Great Fire at Boston

Great Fire at Boston
A large wall of fire sweeps up a hill as the flames engulf Boston. People watch the destruction from all sorts of ships and boats

Background imageFire Collection: Fire Eater Breathing Flames

Fire Eater Breathing Flames
Maurice Navarre spits flame from his mouth on the set of the movie Nightmare Alley. He learned to be a fire eater while operating a flame thrower with the Third Army

Background imageFire Collection: Fire on the General Slocum in New York Harbor

Fire on the General Slocum in New York Harbor
Firefighters spray water on the smoldering skeleton of the General Slocum to fight a fire which killed 1, 021 people in New York Harbor. New York City, New York

Background imageFire Collection: Ruins After Fire

Ruins After Fire
(Original Caption) Baltimore, MD-Baltimore fire of 1904. Ruins of the Continental Trust Building. Undated photograph

Background imageFire Collection: Remains After the Baltimore Fire of 1904

Remains After the Baltimore Fire of 1904
(Original Caption) 2/1904-Baltimore, MD: Picture shows the remains from the Baltimore Fire of 1904. Firemen and engines are shown in front of the National Exchange Bank

Background imageFire Collection: Horse Drawn Fire Engine Running to Fire

Horse Drawn Fire Engine Running to Fire
(Original Caption) Horse-drawn fire engine rushing to scene of conflagration

Background imageFire Collection: Electrical Fire Eater

Electrical Fire Eater
(Original Caption) Electrical fire eater. Photgraph 1905. BPA 2 #1447

Background imageFire Collection: Refugees Watching Fire From A Hill

Refugees Watching Fire From A Hill
(Original Caption) San Francisco earthquake: Refugees watching the fire from a hill surrounded by their few remaining posessions. Photograph, 1906

Background imageFire Collection: Chavez's Hole at Ludlow Tent Colony

Chavez's Hole at Ludlow Tent Colony
This hole was dug under one of the tents as a shelter from the Colorado State Militia machine guns

Background imageFire Collection: Fire in Oil Plant in Mexico

Fire in Oil Plant in Mexico
(Original Caption) 1916-Goatzacoalcos, Mexico- AMERICAN JACKIES FIGHT MEXICAN FLAMES. Fire in an enormous oil plant in Goatzacoalcos, Mexico, resulting in $1, 500, 000 loss. The crew of the U.S.S

Background imageFire Collection: Largescale Train Yard Fire

Largescale Train Yard Fire
(Original Caption) 7/1916- Picture shows a masive train fire in a train yard

Background imageFire Collection: Russian Revolution Propaganda Poster

Russian Revolution Propaganda Poster
(Original Caption) Propaganda poster used during the Russian Revolution, 1917-1918

Background imageFire Collection: East St. Louis After Race Riot

East St. Louis After Race Riot
People crowd to look at homes and buildings on Walnut Street which were burned during a race riot on July 2 in East St. Louis. Troops from the Illinois National Guard can be seen in the street

Background imageFire Collection: Men Performing Ax Throwing Stunt

Men Performing Ax Throwing Stunt
(Original Caption) Lupino Lane standing against door of fire station while his brother, Wallace Lupino, surrounds him with hatchets he is throwing. B/W movie still photograph

Background imageFire Collection: Smoke Rising from Custom House

Smoke Rising from Custom House
(Original Caption) 6/5/1921-Dublin, Ireland Armed rebels destroyed dublin Custom House yesterday-the finest public building in the United Kingdom

Background imageFire Collection: Charred Buildings Following Civic Fire

Charred Buildings Following Civic Fire
Charred chimneys are mostly what remain of buildings lining Market Street in Pocomoke City, Maryland, following a fire. (Photo by © Bettmann/CORBIS/Bettmann Archive)

Background imageFire Collection: Crowd Watching the Burning of Four Courts Building

Crowd Watching the Burning of Four Courts Building
The Four Courts in Dublin burn after Irish Free State troops fired upon it to drive out Irish Republican rebels, who occupied it in protest over the treaty with the United Kingdom

Background imageFire Collection: Woman Lighting Fire with German Money

Woman Lighting Fire with German Money
(Original Caption) 1923-Berlin, Germany- A German housewife is shown in the act of lighting the fire for the breakfast meal with several million German marks

Background imageFire Collection: Tokyo Earthquake Survivors Crowd City Park 1923

Tokyo Earthquake Survivors Crowd City Park 1923

Background imageFire Collection: Quarantined Smallpox House Being Burned

Quarantined Smallpox House Being Burned
(Original Caption) Washington health officers and fire department officials are shown watching the home of Eph De Voe go up in flames. It was located on Hickey Lane

Background imageFire Collection: Fireman Outside Exploded Building

Fireman Outside Exploded Building
(Original Caption) 1/12/1926: New York, NY: Photo shows the exterior of 52 Clay St. Brooklyn where Wiedro Kamyck's 50 gallon still exploded, endangering him, his wife and seven children

Background imageFire Collection: Fire Burning @ Oil Well; Flames, Smoke

Fire Burning @ Oil Well; Flames, Smoke
(Original Caption) 11/7/1926-Spindle Top, TX - Photo shows oil well here with flames shooting 150 feet in the air. The fire burned 16 hours doing $100, 000 damages. The heat melted steel derricks

Background imageFire Collection: Woman Pulls On Cigarette Holder/Bed;Tube

Woman Pulls On Cigarette Holder/Bed;Tube
(Original Caption) 9/9/1927-Phyllis Soule just returned from Paris with a novel cigarette holder which keeps the bedding from catching fire if the smoker falls asleep while smoking

Background imageFire Collection: Nine Perish in Movie Studio Fire

Nine Perish in Movie Studio Fire
Fed by films and papier mache used in making sets, a spectacular fire the swept the Pathe and Manhattan studios at 133rd Street and Park Avenue, New York City, after a series of explosions on Dec

Background imageFire Collection: Lighted Candle and Christmas Tree

Lighted Candle and Christmas Tree
(Original Caption) Close-up of a burning candle with a decorated Christmas tree in the background. Undated photograph

Background imageFire Collection: Oil Derrick with Smoke and Oil Shooting Upwards

Oil Derrick with Smoke and Oil Shooting Upwards
(Original Caption) 11/1/30-Oklahoma City, Oklahoma- Spouting out approximately $50, 000 of oil daily, this wild gusher near Oklahoma City appeared certain to burst into flames late Nov.1

Background imageFire Collection: Prohibition Rum Runner

Prohibition Rum Runner
(Original Caption) 11/4/1930- New York, NY: Rum schooner gives up it cargo. Seized off Fire Island, the fishing schooner Clinton is shown at barge office, yielding 800 cases of rum

Background imageFire Collection: Construction Workers Cooking Lunch over Fire

Construction Workers Cooking Lunch over Fire
(Original Caption) Noon hour on the top of the mooring mast and tower of the gigantic Empire State Building, rising on the site of the old Waldorf

Background imageFire Collection: Night Scene Showing Blazing Ruins

Night Scene Showing Blazing Ruins
(Original Caption) Washington D.C. A night scene showing the fiercely blazing ruins of Bonus encampments, with the Washington Monument loooming up in the background

Background imageFire Collection: Japanese Soldiers Set Fire To Shack

Japanese Soldiers Set Fire To Shack
(Original Caption) Filed 3/18/1932-Burning out the Chinese Snipers

Background imageFire Collection: Fire at Coney Island

Fire at Coney Island
(Original Caption) 7/13/1932-New York, NY- Five alarms, followed by a borough call were sounded here when fire late today swept along the boardwalk at Coney Island, popular seaside resort

Background imageFire Collection: Bonus Army Camp

Bonus Army Camp
(Original Caption) 8/9/1932-Washington, D.C

Background imageFire Collection: Group Huddled Around a Fire

Group Huddled Around a Fire
Original caption: 2/9/1934- New York, NY: The official and unofficial cold weather records for more than a century in New York City have been shattered Feb

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