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Fixdate Collection

Background imageFixdate Collection: Jesus Healing The Sick

Jesus Healing The Sick
Colorized print shows Jesus as he heals a sick child held in the arms of a woman as others, in varying degrees of distress, await their turn

Background imageFixdate Collection: The Code of Hammurabi

The Code of Hammurabi
A view of part of the code of Hammurabi, one of the earliest systems of law. It was named after the ruler of Babylon who reigned from 1795 - 1750 BCE. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Mayan Pottery With Engraved Jaguar

Mayan Pottery With Engraved Jaguar
An ancient Mayan pottery beaker engraved with a jaguar design, from the Yucatan, Mexico. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Medieval Arms And Armor

Medieval Arms And Armor
Engraving shows two examples of medieval armor, on the left is a specimen from the late 13th and early 14th Century as depicted on the arms of Hugh of Chatillon which includes a broigne

Background imageFixdate Collection: Harvesting Tobacco In Early Virginia

Harvesting Tobacco In Early Virginia
Painting of three farm workers harvesting tobacco leaves on a Virginia plantation with farm buildings visible as a sailing ship lies anchored on the river behind them, circa 1612

Background imageFixdate Collection: Leviathan

The destruction of Leviathan by Gustave Dore. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Romeo And Juliet Balcony Scene

Romeo And Juliet Balcony Scene
Illustration of Juliet embracing Romeo on her balcony in Act II, Scene 2 of William Shakespeares play Romeo and Juliet. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Jesus Casting Out Demons

Jesus Casting Out Demons
Biblical engraving shows Jesus as he casts out demons from a possessed man who writhes on the ground, his arms held out from his body by some of the gathered onlookers

Background imageFixdate Collection: Circle Of Serpents

Circle Of Serpents
The other two looked on, exclaiming Ah! How does thou change, Agnello!. An engraving by Gustave Dore, illustrating Canto XXV of Dantes Inferno, written circa 1310

Background imageFixdate Collection: Darley Arabian

Darley Arabian
The Darley Arabian, one of three horses from whom all modern thoroughbred racehorses are descended, circa 1720. From the painting by J N Sartorius. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Pottery Vase From Mayan Burial Tomb

Pottery Vase From Mayan Burial Tomb
View of a pottery vase from a Mayan burial tomb, circa 600-700 A.D. excavated from the Tikal site in northern Guatemala, 1966. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Engraving Of Falstaff In King Henry Play

Engraving Of Falstaff In King Henry Play
Falstaff sits with a woman, holding a tankard, in an illustrated scene from the Shakespeare play, King Henry IV, Act II, Scene IV. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Cast Of Mayan Relief Sculpture

Cast Of Mayan Relief Sculpture
Plaster cast of a Mayan relief sculpture with hieroglyphic inscriptions, discovered near Copan, Honduras, circa 731 A.D. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Balcony Scene

Balcony Scene
Illustration of the balcony scene from William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet shows the two title characters as they lean in for a kiss while Romeo stands on a rope ladder

Background imageFixdate Collection: Battle Of Lepanto

Battle Of Lepanto
The allied Papal, Spanish, Venetian and Genoese fleets, under Don John of Austria, stand victorious over the Turks at the Battle of Lepanto (Navpaktos) on the 7th October, 1571

Background imageFixdate Collection: Viking Longship On The Water

Viking Longship On The Water
Viking sailors make the long voyage across the Atlantic between Europe and America, in order to bring back timber, circa 1350

Background imageFixdate Collection: Tartarus

The three most famous inhabitants of Tartarus, the ancient Greek equivalent of Hell, circa 1500 BC

Background imageFixdate Collection: Hideous Harpies

Hideous Harpies
Virgil leads the author through a wood filled with Harpies and miserable souls transformed into trees. An engraving by Gustave Dore, illustrating Canto XIII of Dantes Inferno, written circa 1310

Background imageFixdate Collection: Godolphin Arabian

Godolphin Arabian
The Godolphin Arabian, property of The Earl of Godolphin, one of three horses from whom all modern thoroughbred racehorses are descended, circa 1740

Background imageFixdate Collection: Engraving Of Medieval Weapons

Engraving Of Medieval Weapons
Engraved illustration of a medieval crossbow and a quiver with arrows. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Illustration Of Susquehanna Indian Woman

Illustration Of Susquehanna Indian Woman
Illustration of American Indian woman from the Susquehanna tribe in Delaware, holding a club and a bow and arrow, 19th century. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: First Thanksgiving Dinner Illustration 1621

First Thanksgiving Dinner Illustration 1621
Illustration depicting the Pilgrims serving food to American Indians at the first Thanksgiving dinner in 1621. (Photo by American Stock/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Illustration Of Mayan Altar In Yucatan

Illustration Of Mayan Altar In Yucatan
Illustration of a Mayan altar in the Yucatan, Mexico, (Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Mayan Figures From Oaxaca, Mexico

Mayan Figures From Oaxaca, Mexico
Illustrations of ancient Mayan figures from Quiotepec, Oaxaca, Mexico (Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Illustration Of Soldiers In Armor

Illustration Of Soldiers In Armor
Illustration of soldiers wearing British armor from the period of 1066 to 1200. (Photo by Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Cabral Taking Possession Of Brazil

Cabral Taking Possession Of Brazil
An engraving of Portuguese navigator and explorer Pedro Alvares Cabral (1467 -1526) landing at Terra da Vera Cruz, Brazil and coming ashore to claim it for Portugal, April 23, 1500

Background imageFixdate Collection: Jesuit Missionaries Among Indians

Jesuit Missionaries Among Indians
Illustration of Jesuit religious missionaries preaching to American Indian tribal members around a campfire, drawing by Wm. L. Shepard, circa 1650. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Illustration Of Mayan Ruin In Yucatan

Illustration Of Mayan Ruin In Yucatan
Illustration of a Mayan ruin in the Yucatan, Mexico. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Mayan Figure From Yucatan, Mexico

Mayan Figure From Yucatan, Mexico
Illustration of a Mayan figure, a Yucatese Idol from the Yucatan, Mexico. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Mayan Figure From Oaxaca, Mexico

Mayan Figure From Oaxaca, Mexico
Ancient Mayan figure from Quiotepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Portrait Of Wampanoag Leader

Portrait Of Wampanoag Leader
Engraved portrait of a Wampanoag Indian leader resting in a forest, late 17th Century. (Engraving by Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Last Passover In Egypt

Last Passover In Egypt
This print shows people as they gather around a table for the last Passover meal before the Jewish exodus out of Egypt, 1440 BCE. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Building The Pyramids

Building The Pyramids
A pharaoh oversees the construction of a pyramid from atop a litter carried by slaves, Egypt, 640 AD. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Workers Pull A Cart

Workers Pull A Cart
A group of workers pull a wheeled cart towards a stone staircase while an ibis watches. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Moving A Stone Lion

Moving A Stone Lion
Engraving shows Israelite slaves dragging a stone lion to adorn a temple, after Israel in Egypt, an 1867 painting by Sir Edward Poynter. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Egyptian Slaves

Egyptian Slaves
Israelite slaves carry stones and buckets during a construction project near pyramids, Egypt. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Drawing Bad Blood

Drawing Bad Blood
A doctor draws blood from a wealth patients arm, 17th century

Background imageFixdate Collection: Hun Troops In Battle At Chalons

Hun Troops In Battle At Chalons
Huns, under the command of Attila (406 - 453), ride into battle armed with fierce expressions backed by spears and maces, Chalons, France, 451

Background imageFixdate Collection: Victorious Hun Forces

Victorious Hun Forces
Following a battle victory, Hun troops, under the command of Attila (406 - 453), ride across a plain with female captives and decapitated male heads on their spears, 440s

Background imageFixdate Collection: Over The Edge Of The World

Over The Edge Of The World
A gigantic sea monster waits with raised arms at the bottom of a waterfall while another one drags a galleon over the edge. Note the image of the grim reaper in the clouds, upper left

Background imageFixdate Collection: Comparing Weapons

Comparing Weapons
Two men, one with a bow and arrows, the other with an ax and spear, compare weapons while a third man bandages the leg on one of them. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Making Flints

Making Flints
During the Stone Age, a group of men hammer at rock in order to manufacture flints, Stone Age. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: The First Potter

The First Potter
A man sculpts a pot while nearby teo boys gather twigs for the fire, Bronze Age. The original caption reads The First Potter. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Burning Deerfield

Burning Deerfield
Engraving shows Native Americans settin fire to the town of Deerfield in Franklin County, Massachusetts, 1680s. (Photo by Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Battle Of the Sexes

Battle Of the Sexes
A female Amazon warrior atop a horse swings her battleaxe to strike the shield of an enemy male warrior on foot who attempts to seize the bridle of her horse in a 19th Century illustration by T

Background imageFixdate Collection: Hunting A Wild Boar

Hunting A Wild Boar
Illustration shows a young man, with a spear held high, prepares to stab a wild boar

Background imageFixdate Collection: The Unmerciful Servant

The Unmerciful Servant
Print shows an illustration of the biblical parable The Unmerciful Servant, and depicts a servant who begs for forgiveness from his debt after being brought bound and on his kness before his king

Background imageFixdate Collection: Consultation

Two people consulting with an oracle in ancient Greece, circa 600 BC. The priestess (right) is predicting the future while in a state of trance. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Prediction By Chicken

Prediction By Chicken
A cage containing two chickens, circa 600 BC. In ancient Greece, the birds were thought to predict the future according to the manner of their feeding

Background imageFixdate Collection: Varieties Of Rosemary

Varieties Of Rosemary
A botanical plate distinguishing the wild rosemary (right) from garden rosemary. Original publication: The Third Book of the History of Plants by John Gerarde, published 1633

Background imageFixdate Collection: Tuscan Masks

Tuscan Masks
A set of five theatrical masks from Tuscany made circa 500BC. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: St Swithin

St Swithin, Bishop of Winchester, who died in 862, pictured circa 860. An illustration from the Benedictional of St Ethelwold, an example of the Winchester School of Illumination

Background imageFixdate Collection: Isaacs Apple

Isaacs Apple
English mathematician and physicist Sir Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727) contemplates the force of gravity, as the famous story goes, on seeing an apple fall in his orchard, circa 1665

Background imageFixdate Collection: Dutch Ships

Dutch Ships
The Sampson, Salvadore and St George, three Dutch ships sailing under Spanish colours, captured in 1652

Background imageFixdate Collection: Coriandrum Sativum

Coriandrum Sativum
A botanical plate showing the common coriander plant (Coriandrum sativum). Original publication: Medical Botany by William Woodville, published 1793. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: View Of Colonial Lower Manhattan

View Of Colonial Lower Manhattan
Partially colored engraving from 1853 shows the southern end of Manhattan Island from across the East River as a thriving port city and commercial hub of the colony of New York

Background imageFixdate Collection: Colonial New York

Colonial New York
View of the settlement and harbor of New York shows docks and ships along the bustling waterfront three years after it was acquired by the English from the Dutch, 1667

Background imageFixdate Collection: Early View Of Colonial New York

Early View Of Colonial New York
Engraving shows the earliest view of what will someday be Lower Manhattan in New York City and includes several groups of Indians paddling canoes, Dutch sailing ships and rowboats, a fort

Background imageFixdate Collection: Oracle Of Apollo

Oracle Of Apollo
A father and his two sons consulting the oracles of Apollo at Delphi in ancient Greece, circa 600 BC. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Evil Brood

Evil Brood
E en in like manner Adams evil brood cast themselves, one by one, down from the shore. Charon the ferryman beats the stragglers on the shores of Acheron

Background imageFixdate Collection: Dantes Vision

Dantes Vision
Now seest thou, son! The souls of those whom anger overcame. Virgil leads the author past souls writing in torment in the River Styx

Background imageFixdate Collection: Mutilated Shades

Mutilated Shades
Virgil leads the author past a group of wretched souls contemplating their missing limbs and heads. An engraving by Gustave Dore, illustrating Canto XXIX of Dantes Inferno, written circa 1310

Background imageFixdate Collection: Raising Of The Daughter Of Jairus

Raising Of The Daughter Of Jairus
Engraving shows Jesus as he returns the daughter of Jairus to life as her family watches with concern. The engraving is based on a painting by Guftav Richter. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Weavers And Spinners

Weavers And Spinners
Weaving and spinning - an illustration from the book Orbis Pictus (the world in pictures) by Johannes Amos Comenius. Published in 1657, it is considered the first childrens book

Background imageFixdate Collection: Ancient Battle

Ancient Battle
A chain stretched across the mouth of a harbour prevents a warship from entering, circa 1400. Meanwhile soldiers in eastern dress fire arrows at the vessel. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Old London Bridge

Old London Bridge
A detail from Vischers Panorama of London (1616), showing London Bridge. The north bank of the river is in the background, and Southwark in the foreground. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageFixdate Collection: Plan Of St Paul s

Plan Of St Paul s
A cross-sectional plan of St Pauls Cathedral in London, by Sir Christopher Wren, circa 1673. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

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